Underconstruction Theatre

About Underconstruction Theatre

Creating new theatre productions in Oxfordshire.



Life is a Circus Documentary on BBC4 - https://mailchi.mp/d…/6-women-premieres -in-two-weeks-1504753


Is there a piece of music which is significant for you?
"Pink Floyd’s Us and Them, their Vietnam song is probably my seminal track. (STARTS RECITING LYRICS) Us and them. And after all we’re only ordinary men. And who knows which is which and who is who. Up and Down. And in the end it’s only round and round."
Thea, played by Summer Luk
... 6 Women by Gaye Poole.
25 & 26 October at @artsattheoldfirestation. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at @EverymanTheatreCheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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From research interviews for http://www.6women.co.uk
Q:Who are your heroines and why?
“Mileva Einstein, for being brave to go against all stereotypes, to study maths when rarely any women did and to marry the genius Albert despite all pushbacks from his family and the society at the time.”... (44 year old)
6 Women by Gaye Poole. Cast: Anita Wright, Maggie Saunders, Tamsin Heatley, Amantha Edmead, Summer Luk, Caitlin Carrick-Varty
25 & 26 October at Arts at the Old Fire Station. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at Everyman Theatre - Cheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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From research interviews for http://www.6women.co.uk
“I would recommend anyone to go into therapy and not be afraid of it. You come out knowing yourself much better and I feel like I matured 11 years in the space of just 2.”

... 6 Women by Gaye Poole. Cast: Anita Wright, Maggie Saunders, Tamsin Heatley, Amantha Edmead, Summer Luk, Caitlin Carrick-Varty
25 & 26 October at Arts at the Old Fire Station. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at Everyman Theatre - Cheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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#6Women now sold out @ArtsatOFS You can still get tickets @Everymanchelt though, for matinee and evening show on 27th Oct http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl


From research interviews for http://www.6women.co.uk
Q: What are your hopes for any daughters or young women you know?
“That the internet breaks, and all social media collapses. I think that would alleviate some of the pressures upon girls and women today.”
... 6 Women by Gaye Poole. Cast: Anita Wright, Maggie Saunders, Tamsin Heatley, Amantha Edmead, Summer Luk, Caitlin Carrick-Varty
25 & 26 October at Arts at the Old Fire Station. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at Everyman Theatre - Cheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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From research interviews for http://www.6women.co.uk
Q: What has been your favourite age to be and why?
“My forties for gaining and seizing amazing opportunities that I never imagined would be possible for me and for having the ability to also share in my children’s and friends successes.”... (44 year old)
6 Women by Gaye Poole. Cast: Anita Wright, Maggie Saunders, Tamsin Heatley, Amantha Edmead, Summer Luk, Caitlin Carrick-Varty
25 & 26 October at Arts at the Old Fire Station. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at Everyman Theatre - Cheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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What did your parents want for you?
"Strangely mum always encouraged me to be more grown up than I was and now I’m far too grown as it were! I was allowed out to discos really young. I was the opposite with my two, not just umbrella parenting more like a bloody windbreak!"
Jo, played by Amantha Edmead
... 6 Women by Gaye Poole.
25 & 26 October at @artsattheoldfirestation. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at @EverymanTheatreCheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl "
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From research interviews for http://www.6women.co.uk
Q: What are your values? “Time is what I value now and the freedom that it brings and a sense of hope , without hope you have nothing.” (50 year old)
... 6 Women by Gaye Poole. Cast: Anita Wright, Maggie Saunders, Tamsin Heatley, Amantha Edmead, Summer Luk, Caitlin Carrick-Varty
25 & 26 October at Arts at the Old Fire Station. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa 27 October at Everyman Theatre - Cheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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From research interviews for http://www.6women.co.uk
Q:What are your hopes for any daughters or young women you know?
“That they have the opportunity to be and do whatever they want and live in a world that is kinder than the one we now inhabit”... (52 year old)
6 Women by Gaye Poole. Cast: Anita Wright, Maggie Saunders, Tamsin Heatley, Amantha Edmead, Summer Luk, Caitlin Carrick-Varty
25 & 26 October at @artsattheoldfirestation. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at @EverymanTheatreCheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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From research interviews for http://www.6women.co.uk
Q: What is your biggest achievement? “Being the parent of two wonderful adults. Not bad for a single teenage mum.” (44 year old)
... 6 Women by Gaye Poole. Cast: Anita Wright, Maggie Saunders, Tamsin Heatley, Amantha Edmead, Summer Luk, Caitlin Carrick-Varty
25 & 26 October at @artsattheoldfirestation. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at @EverymanTheatreCheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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From research interviews for http://www.6women.co.uk
“I think one of the most harmful things we can tell boys is ‘don’t cry’ as it potentially stops them from being able to honestly express their feelings.” (28 year old)
... 6 Women by Gaye Poole. Cast: Anita Wright, Maggie Saunders, Tamsin Heatley, Amantha Edmead, Summer Luk, Caitlin Carrick-Varty
25 & 26 October at @artsattheoldfirestation. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at @EverymanTheatreCheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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What's the bravest thing you've ever done?
“6years old at boarding school sending a note via an errand boy telling mum I wanted to come home…it didn’t have a stamp and never got there but if it did I would have had the slipper…..I was actually glad war broke out as I was sent home then”
May, played by Anita Wright
... 6 Women by Gaye Poole.
25 & 26 October at @artsattheoldfirestation. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at @EverymanTheatreCheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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From research interviews for http://www.6women.co.uk
Q: What are your hopes for any daughters or young women you know?
“That they should be able to think and behave exactly as they feel. That they should be free to express themselves and to follow their dreams and desires. That they should be safe and free from abusive or damaging relationships. That they should speak up for exactly what they need and not be silenced.”... (44 year old)
6 Women by Gaye Poole. Cast: Anita Wright, Maggie Saunders, Tamsin Heatley, Amantha Edmead, Summer Luk, Caitlin Carrick-Varty
25 & 26 October at @artsattheoldfirestation. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa 27 October at @EverymanTheatreCheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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A new show exploring what it is like to be a woman today and if age changes one's perspective, using real women's stories.
Coming to Arts at the Old Fire Station in Oxford 25-26 Oct Tickets/info https://oldfirestation.org.uk/whats-on/6- women/
... And Cheltenham Everyman 27 Oct Tickets/info https://www.everymantheatre.org.uk/m-show s/6-women/
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From research interviews for http://www.6women.co.uk “It’s not always good to take the safe option, that will grind you down, there is no adventure or control in one’s life when you do that.” (50 year old)
6 Women by Gaye Poole.... Cast: Anita Wright, Maggie Saunders, Tamsin Heatley, Amantha Edmead, Summer Luk, Caitlin Carrick-Varty
25 & 26 October at @artsattheoldfirestation. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at @EverymanTheatreCheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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6 Women premieres in two weeks time - https://mailchi.mp/b604caa22…/6-women-p remieres-in-two-weeks


Our Artistic Director Lizzy McBain & a participant from the #6Women project talking about what inspired the show & portraying trans stories on stage on BBC Radio Oxford yesterday. https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/play/p06m109k … 2 hours and 8 mins in to the programme @ArtsatOFS 25&26 Oct Tickets http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa 27 Oct @Everymanchelt Tickets http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl


From research interviews for http://www.6women.co.uk
“I would recommend anyone to go into therapy and not be afraid of it. You come out knowing yourself much better and I feel like I matured 11 years in the space of just 2.”

... 6 Women by Gaye Poole. Cast: Anita Wright, Maggie Saunders, Tamsin Heatley, Amantha Edmead, Summer Luk, Caitlin Carrick-Varty
25 & 26 October at Arts at the Old Fire Station. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2xNsfJa
27 October at Everyman Theatre - Cheltenham. Tickets and info http://bit.ly/2IeyYkl
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