Understand Animals

About Understand Animals

Understand Animals was set up in 2007 by vet and behaviourist Amber Batson to help animal owners learn more about their pets.



Currently in Taiwan (Taipei city) about to start module 2 of the Aggression in dogs for professionals course tomorrow. We have travelled over as a family as this is a longer trip to undertake module 3 also. Travelling with a 2.5 year old human has been fascinating from a behaviour perspective, and a stark reminder of how overwhelming new situations and experiences can be for young, developing brains. Our little boy has needed extra reassurance, far more “doing very little” ...time than normal, and far more sleep (yes jet lag will be a factor too but we ve normalised his sleep patterns quickly and yet he is sleeping far more and in different circumstances, some of which may be a coping strategy by his brain to limit too much new input). No young animal needs to learn all their life skills in a short, set time. In fact overwhelming them when young can be detrimental to healthy brain development. Take your time, do it gradually, allow for normal socialisation with a few other dogs rather than every dog you can find, allow lots of time for quality sleep. It will pay dividends. More on this coming soon. Picture of a toddler sleeping on a noisy train as an example 😬😂 and some Taiwenese dogs.
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This poster is displayed in the entrance of a local children’s play area. Always makes me smile as its a good reminder that ‘consequences’ are in the eye of the beholder (well, in the brain of the experiencer we should say!) 😳😂


Social, elevated sleep extreme 😊 https://theirfo.com/…/couple-builds-meg abed-so-they-can-ha…/


Thank you to Learning About Animals for creating this post and sharing this link. As a vet student i had to work on a pig farm and in a slaughter house as part of my training. I ve worked on and been part of welfare assessments on farms since i graduated 20 years ago. These images are real and still today break my heart. https://www.facebook.com/97862280384/post s/10161525836410385?sfns=mo


Module two currently being “enjoyed” in Belgium 😬😂 thanks to Freedogz for hosting https://www.facebook.com/488118511334473/ posts/1636144003198579?sfns=mo


Really looking forward to presenting on rehabilitating the damaged brain as part of this years ACTION conference in August.


If you work professionally with animals and their humans - this presentation could be invaluable. https://www.facebook.com/events/253433735 548840/?ti=ia


It never fails to astound me that whilst most people appreciate that dogs are a primarily scent driven species, how little we use that knowledge in our day to day interactions, handling and in behaviour modification. We have a new house and dog sitter coming to stay with us shortly, so here are our dogs familiarising themselves with that individual well in advance of her arrival. We have a few ‘worn’ items of clothing in sealed containers sent through the post so we can offe...r ‘fresher’ scent a few times until her arrival - she ll be an ‘old pal’ by then! I ve used this technique in dogs, horses and cats for both introducing new people/ babies and animals into a household over the years, and in counter conditioning programmes, all to huge success. So important we always consider how other species experience the world, to the best of our abilities.
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One day seminar in Surrey this June - spaces are limited so early booking recommended.


Its always important to consider things from many perspectives. An animal (and human’s) behaviour is no different
https://www.facebook.com/100004448532213/ posts/1161955573962716/


This year is 12 years since i created Understand Animals 😳😊 All four dogs in this photo were significantly contributors to its creation and to my quest for more of my own knowledge. I owe so much to each of them. All were rescues with serious behavioural issues when i took them on, we enjoyed several years (or longer) of one another’s company. My passion for helping to spread behavioural and veterinary science that can reach animal owners and professionals has not changed in those 12 years and i am indebted to the animals and people who have been part of, and continue to be part of my journey. Along with my family and friends who have to put up with ramblings, ideas, rants etc. Heres to another 12 years!


Private hire, secure fenced dog walking fields can be an amazing safe place for many dogs and their owners. For me personally, they currently allow me: *No stress of worrying about other dogs running at our injured Labrador currently wrapped in cotton wool during a slow recovery from her (second) recent surgery. *No stress of worrying about unknown dogs running at our fearful English bull terrier who was attacked AGAIN last week (whilst on lead, on a quiet country lane by 2 ...out of control Labradors, one of whom launched itself at him when he barked once as the pair of them ran at him at speed, off lead from 20 metres away barking confrontationally) *No stress about where my 2.5 year old child is in relation to other peoples dogs, leads, strangers, roads etc.
The amazing website listing UK fields is set up and run by volunteers but due to map “traffic” now incurs cost to offer the map outlining fields’ locations. By them a ‘coffee’ if you re able - cost of said virtual coffee funds the page.
https://www.facebook.com/672161218/posts/ 10156266636306219/
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Beautiful Spanish sunrise with “Xico” - a representative of the Mexican dog Xoloitzcuintli, kindly gifted to me by one of the course attendees. Sets me up well for another day sharing information on aggression as part of module 2 in my Dog Aggression for professionals course near Barcelona. Don’t know of the breed? Here is a little more information
https://news.nationalgeographic.com/…/h airless-dog-mexico-…/


Something to consider .... https://www.psychologytoday.com/…/allow ing-dogs-sniff-helps…


Hot off the press, this article finds a correlation between gut bacteria and aggressive tendencies in a small population of (rescue centre) dogs. Whilst it remains unclear whether the stress of the rehoming process / centre environment causes stress that triggers gut bacteria changes alongside aggressive behaviour OR whether ill health / gut bacteria imbalance triggers the stress that results in aggression, it is an interesting preliminary study. Full article on link below. ...I ve been teaching and consulting on gut health as part of aggression prevention or resolution for several years. Its a welcome development to see this information making it to scientific study. My Aggression for dog professionals course looks at gut health and the neurotransmitter connections, any newer scientific findings in human or veterinary medicine are always included. There are still chances to join the course this year: Holland starting March Cardiff, UK starting September.
With opportunities in Asia, Europe including the UK (North and South) next year too. Feel free to PM me for more information.
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Friday’s funny https://www.facebook.com/540336486091010/ posts/1166624936795492/


Change: it is inevitable. We change, we learn, we have different experiences good and bad, we age. Our pets change, they learn, they have different experiences good and bad, they age. Their desires will change. Their motivations will change. Their health will change. Their behaviour will change. Recognise it and then ask why. Always consider what about them has changed to affect their behaviour. Sudden or gradual, a behaviour change tells us something important. We ...just need to figure out its relevance.
Photo attributed online to The Old Post Office, Newark.
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A few more hours to benefit from early bird rates on my Aggression course for dog professionals starting this September in Cardiff - easily accessed via Cardiff International airport too for overseas people. https://www.facebook.com/groups/709262105 832049/permalink/2135060589918853/


Who would like to join me in an experiment?? Now, i only really experiment on people not animals so this is truly for you, not your pets! This lunchtime once your food is ready on your plate/ in your bowl, use a fork to eat it AND you can only use your non dominant hand (eg if you are right handed you should use your left hand, left handed people use your right hand). What happens? How did it make you feel? Post your experience below then we can consider the results 😊


The seminar today on dog reactivity was fantastic! I am absouloutely fascinated by what I've learnt around the behaviours of dogs outside of domestication and how what we do with our dogs is effecting them and their reactivity levels. I've learnt so much and am feeling really positive about putting in place what I've learnt with my slightly dog reactive dog. Amber is a really good speaker and kept the seminar interesting for all 9 hours. Thank you for a great day!


Just attended seminar about stress & body language, Ambers fantastic knowledge & delivery made this a brilliant thought provoking seminar. I would not hesitate to book again, looking forward to more in the near future, highly recommend 👍


I’ve just finished hosting a Stress and Body Language seminar with Amber Batson Clinical veterinary Behviourist of Understand Animals - she was brilliant! I highly recommend her as a speaker . Tons of veterinary and behaviour knowledge presented with humour facts and figures backed up with research . Everyone who attended loved it and I found her style easy to Listen to.

If you get the chance to see her - do. You won’t be disappointed !


I have just finished the basic and advanced courses on understanding aggression in dogs. Amber is an excellent educator who breaks down this extremely complex and technical subject to enable students to understand. She presents in an engaging and enjoyable way which makes it accessible even for people like myself who have no academic education but a passion for the subject


I have just attended a stress and body language seminar, Amber has so much knowledge and delivered it fantasically with lots of research and facts! Really knows her stuff and i have learnt so much. I cannot wait to attend more seminars with Amber and learn more! Would definately reccommend seeing her! �


I attended the stress and body language seminar with Amber Baston today. Lots of interesting information backed-up with sound facts. Fabulous delivery by Amber, would definitely recommend it. Can’t wait for the Reactive Dogs seminar later in the year.


I attended the reactive dog seminar today and I’ve learnt so much.

Well delivered and well attended.

I’ll be keeping an eye on this page for any other seminars in the South East of England.


I am currently following the basic course of aggression in dogs, given by Amber Batson of understand animals. I am especially pleased that Amber can convey the rather scientific and medical material in a way that, for me and I think to everyone, is understandable. I have learned so much thanks to this course! The material is very valuable to me because I can apply it directly in my work as a behavioral expert.


Dr. Batson really knows her stuff! I've had the good fortune to hear her present on behavior issues in animals, and she is comprehensive, up-to-date, and down-to-earth.

More about Understand Animals

Understand Animals is located at RH2 8 Reigate, Surrey