University Of Birmingham People And Planet Society

About University Of Birmingham People And Planet Society

Student action on world poverty and the environment

University Of Birmingham People And Planet Society Description

People and Planet is the largest student network in Britain campaigning to end world poverty, defend human rights and protect the environment.

And we are the Birmingham group!

Birmingham People and Planet meet every Wednesday at 3-4pm in the Green Room in the Guild of Students. We then more often than not go for a nice drink in Joes : )

Our main campaigns this year are:

BUY RIGHT: campaigning against sweatshops made products being sold / used in our university.

GO GREEN: transforming our university into a sustainable and green place to live and study.

TAR SANDS: stopping the biggest industrial oil disaster in the world and defending indigenous people's rights.

FOOD CO-OP: cheap and ethical food.

And if you feel really passionate about another green / ethical issue. Then People and Planet will be only to keen to help and support you! : ) You can get involved with as much as you like!

Brum People and Planet not only work hard on world poverty and the environment but we also like to party hard too! We have super-fantastic socials. Last year we went to the Warehouse Cafe for some slap-up vegetarian food, saw some great live music and went on some great trips! Many folks in People and Planet love to dance, cook, cycle, talk and be merry! : D.

Every year there is the People and Planet Shared Planet conference. It is the UK’s largest student conference on world poverty, human rights and the environment.

It’s one weekend packed full of inspiring speakers, practical and informative workshops, debates, films, stalls and fun and this year will be held on 10 - 11 November in Sheffield.

TAR SANDS talk from Tom and Alice will talk about their experiences living with the Beaver Lake Cree this summer affected by the Tar Sands. We will then have a lovely social. Time to get to know each other.

Any questions please ask away.

Auste, Nessa, Caroline, Sam, Sean, Nick, Alice, Tom, Charlotte, Matt x