University Of Bradford Romanian Society

About University Of Bradford Romanian Society

This is the official page of the Romanian Society at the University of Bradford / Aceasta este pagina oficiala a Romanian Society din cadrul UoB

University Of Bradford Romanian Society Description

Societatea Romanilor studenti in Bradford . Un loc unde puteti cauta sprijin atunci cand o data ajunsi aici intrebarile incep sa apara. Locul unde puteti sa va postati intrebarile, parerile, pozele sau locul unde puteti posta orice considerati util de stiut pentru toti ceilalti romani studenti aici si nu numai. Pagina unde puteti fi in contact permanent cu colegi sau prieteni, unde puteti organiza evenimente sau unde puteti lasa anunturi!



Are you going to be in the library even on Friday? At some point, you'll think about the weekend and you'll need to take a small break from studying! Let us make you break better by celebrating with us our national day! We'll wait for you in Student Central - Union Mall starting at 14:00 with the best traditional dishes and music! Studying on Friday already sounds better! 🎉😜😃


As we promised, this year we are offering you guys all sorts of surprises, making you enjoy every bit to the best of our abilities. The first surprise that we prepared for you, among many others, is not only dedicated to the members of the Romanian Society, but FOR ALL THE STUDENTS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD: Starting today, 6th of November, you get 20% discount in Buffalo Grill if you go in and say you are coming on the behalf of the Romanian Society. No membership is re...quired, all you have to do is mention our Society upon your arrival. The restaurant is located in 72 Thornton Rd, Bradford BD1 2DG, and is opened every day from 11.30 am to 11 pm. You will be asked to complete the table in the picture, and that’s it! You can enjoy their delicious grills and burgers with 20% off! Enjoy the meals and stay tuned for more awesome surprises, as we promised. Meanwhile, study hard and party even harder!
Asa cum am promis, anul acesta va oferim fel de fel de surprize, pe cat putem, in speranta ca va veti bucura de cat mai multe lucruri. Prima supriza pe care v-am pregatit-o, intre multe altele, nu este dedicate numai membrilor ROSOC, insa TUTROR STUDENTILOR UNIVERSITATII DIN BRADFORD: Incepand de astazi, 6 Noiembrie, primesti 20% reducere la Buffalo Grill, daca intri si spui ca vii din partea ROSOC. Nu trebuie sa fii membtu, tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa mentionezi Societatea noastra cand ajungi. Restaurantul este localizat pe 72 Thornton Rd, Bradford BD1 2DG, si este deschis in fiecare zi de la 11.30 dimineata la 11 seara. Vei fi rugat sa completezi tabelul din imagine si atat! Te poti bucura de delicioasa lor mancare cu 20% reducere!
Pofta buna si fiti cu ochiii pen oi pentru si mai multe surprize, asa cum v-am promis.
Intre timp, invatati cu spor si distrati-va si mai tare!
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Our first meeting is here! We are working hard to surprise you throughout the year. Among other things, you will be happy to hear that this year we will let you:
- choose the music in the future parties; - drinking games and contests;... - collaborations with more and more societies.
We would like to give our special thanks to Hellenic and Cypriot Society - University of Bradford for attending this meeting and supporting us in organizing events. Stay tuned to find out everything we planned for you and more!
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Party time! 🎉


European students can benefit from up to £5300 through the University of Bradford's Scholarships and Bursaries Scheme. For more details visit the FAQ page of our website [] or […/university -scholarships-and-su…/]


Are you going to start uni at Bradford this year? We can guide you and answer your questions! Drop us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. 🤗


Vei fi student la University of Bradford din aceasta toamnă? Te putem îndruma și răspunde la întrebări! Lasă-ne un mesaj și te vom contacta în cel mai scurt timp. 🤗


Great news everyone! The Government has confirmed that EU students applying for university places in the 2018 to 2019 academic year will remain eligible for financial support.


Andra, the Romanian Society's beloved treasurer, is running for the International Students Officer position for the next academic year. UoB students, remember to vote until tomorrow evening! [ lection_votings ] #AndraISO


Did you know that a well known Romanian Tradition is that on the 6th of December, on Saint Nicholas's day (MoÈ™ Nicolae) children get sweets and toys in their boots, but only if they behaved nicely all the year? Otherwise they can expect nothing more than a wooden spoon or several pieces of coal.
What did you get this year?
Have a great day!


Explore rich Christmas traditions from around the globe while meeting new people and creating an one-of-a-kind experience.
The International Student Representatives in collaboration with the Romanian Society are bringing you a day full of interactive activities such as Christmas decorations crafting, games and carols from the home countries of our students.
Refreshments and tea provided.
... Let's bring a whole world of holiday joy under one roof on 9th of December! You can find us in the Exhibition Space in Student Central (next to the shop) from 12 am until 4 pm.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
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🇬🇧What a great evening we had at the Romanian Traditional Dinner on Saturday. Stay tuned for updates on our future events. Have a great week everyone!
🇷🇴Ce seară minunată am petrecut la Cina Tradițională, sâmbătă seara. Rămâneți alături de noi pentru noutăți cu privire la evenimente viitoare. Să aveți o săptămână minunată!


🇬🇧A valuable member of our society, Iulia Grama, interviewed a few Romanian students regarding life in the UK.
🇷🇴Iulia Grama, un membru al societății, a intervievat o parte dintre studenții români cu privire la viața din Regatul Unit.


Happy National Day, Romania! The 1st of December 1918 is the date when the 3 main provinces of Romania got unified. This day is known as the Great Union Day or the Unification Day, and every year on the 1st of December , Romanians commemorate this by getting together and having traditional dinners.


Happy National Day, Romania!
The 1st of December 1918 is the date when the 3 main provinces of Romania got unified. This day is known as the Great Union Day or the Unification Day, and every year on the 1st of December , Romanians commemorate this by getting together and having traditional dinners.
We invite you on the 3rd of December, at 5pm, in the Communal Hall to taste some of the Romanian Cuisine and to experience Romanian traditions.
... Tickets are on sale online at and can be purchased only until 5 o'clock today..
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More about University Of Bradford Romanian Society