University Of Surrey Theatre Society

About University Of Surrey Theatre Society

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University Of Surrey Theatre Society Description

The University of Surrey Theatre Society was formed in October 2009. Over the last ten years, the society has built a solid reputation for fantastic drama, having staged modern plays as well as old favourites.
In August 2010, we took a devised piece to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival where it received much acclaim. In November 2017, we took part in the IUDF (International University Drama Festival) in London that left us with great memories, pleasure and pride. Our shows include ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’, ‘Cinderella in Space’, 'Waiting for Godot', 'Noises off', 'Animal Farm', 'Fahrenheit 451', ‘ Widows ’ and ‘Attempts On Her Life’, with another exciting show coming this year: ‘Shoot /Get Treasure /Repeat’ . The society also provides professional workshops, theatre trips and a range of socials.
You can sign up to our mailing list at any point throughout the year by sending an email: ussu. theatresoc@surrey. ac. uk. Membership for the entire year is only £5 and can be paid via our website: https://activity. ussu. co. uk /theatre /membership
We look forward to welcoming new members this year, as well as continuing to work with our current members!