Unleashing Possibilities - Dog Training And Walking

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Unleashing Possibilities - Dog Training And Walking

Scarborough based, providing expert dog rehabilitation, training, dog walking and pet sitting. Our tried and tested methods are force free, kind and based on up to date scientific research.
Online courses available too, just follow the link.

Unleashing Possibilities - Dog Training And Walking Description

Fully qualified and fully insured canine behaviourist.
for full details and prices visit our website.



šŸ™ŒšŸ¶šŸ¾ win a Free Training Session šŸ¾šŸ¶ šŸ™Œ
To enter , like this PAGE , Share this post and comment with a picture of your dog .
Winner will be picked at random in one week .
... Good luck .
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Super proud of my girl today for being awarded our first ever sheep herding title ! šŸ˜
This is a lovely little "told you so" to all the people who told me she was too old , nasty, crazy and needed to be put to sleep .
There is no such thing as a bad dog , there is such thing as misunderstood , untrained , terrified and failed . She has overcome an incredible amount of behavioural issues caused by a bad start .
... I hope to spend my life rehabilitating dogs like her , I've found my calling for sure !
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I think this is a key part of training that so many people miss . In order to change a behaviour you need to teach the dog an acceptable alternative .
Dog barking at the door - teach them the doorbell is a cue to go lie down .
Dog chewing the carpet - teach them to chew their toys instead .
... Dog pulling on the lead - teach them to walk to heel instead .
Just punishing a behaviour you don't want won't work , you need to be rewarding an alternative that you do like too .
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The stigma around muzzles needs to stop.
They are not cruel
They do not mean the dog is nasty
... They do not mean you are a bad owner .
They do not mean the dog will bite
People are walking around with unmuzzled dogs , who would really benefit from a muzzle , simply because of the looks and comments they get having a dog in one .
A muzzled dog is welcome on the beach , in a cafe or wherever the hell his owner wants to take him .
A muzzled dog is not dangerous , they are a lot safer than any other dog around because they cannot bite you , your child or your dog .
Having a muzzle on a dog allows them to go places they otherwise couldn't , which for some dogs means training can take place to fix the reasons they need the muzzle .
A muzzled dog who is aggressive is not a horrible dog . It is a dog that's probably suffered some kind of trauma and has very dedicated owners who haven't given up on it .
Spread the love for muzzles ! And if you have any , let's see pictures of your dogs wearing a muzzle .
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Dogs absolutely love to work .
Whatever you can do to allow that, do it !
Obedience is a completely acceptable , fun and a great confidence building form of work for your dog .
... When your dog is able to understand you , and keeps getting it right ,not only does it really increase their confidence but it also increases your bond more than anything else will .
Obedience doesn't just make life easier for you , it also makes things like recall and attention in busy places so much easier to get . You become the centre of your dogs world , particularly if this is how your dog earns his meals .
Obedience is the foundation for all dog sports too - herding , flyball, agility , tracking ect all require basic obedience .
It's not about controlling or commanding your dog , it's about having fun, building your dogs confidence and creating a understanding between you both .
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Everyone who has had a puppy recently knows it's not fun and games , but what do you do if you end up with a puppy that's aggressive ?!
Sometimes puppies can lash out when they are being told off , or relentlessly bite and growl when over excited .
This is not aggression , this is frustration /over arousal and a puppy who doesn't know how to deal with these emotions .
... This usually happens when you as the owner are unclear on what you want from the puppy . You may use one word for multiple commands , for example , saying down when you want your dog to stop jumping on you , and saying down when you want your dog to lie down and saying down when you want your dog to get off the furniture. For dogs you must be 100% consistent and clear , you pair one word with one action. Not Doing this can quickly cause frustration and even fear .
If your puppy is lashing out when being "told off" you need to make sure he clearly understands what he is doing and give him something else to do instead . If he is chewing the carpet , don't go and shout at him . Give him a marker which means he has done wrong such as "No" and distract him with a noise . Then, sow him what you want him to do instead , for example , give him one of his toys to chew . This was the puppy didn't just get you coming up behind him and loudly shouting nonsense , you have very clear instructions that he isn't allowed to chew on that thing but he can chew on this .
Finally , lashing out from over excitement is a issue with the dog not knowing how to deal with over arousal . These dogs often get over aroused easily and probably will their whole life . An end of interaction command can help with this because it teaches your puppy that when you act like that the game ends and they are going to get ignored . To teach this , stand in a group with your family and call the puppy over , play with them for a while and then day "enough" . The second you say that , someone else in the group calls the puppy over and plays with them . Eventually they will learn to drop the dog and go away from you when you say the word "enough" .
Also teaching impulse control such as a leave it and say command can help your dog control himself more .
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It's Christmas time , which means pet shop shelves a with lined with treats like this . How many of you actually know what's in these and how they are made ?
Rawhide is actually a by product of leather , usually from horse or cow skin . Because it is dead skin , it's going to be brown rotten and smelly . To stop that and to get it a nice white colour it is bleached . Yep! The chew your dog is is eating was soaked in bleach. Sometimes this doesn't work and stronger chemicals ...are used . Arsenic , Mercury and known carcinogens have been found in these treats .
The next stage is the colouring and shaping of the chew . Glue is used to stick the hide together to form a nice shape and harmful paints are used to colour it , including red 40 which is a known carcinogen often found in dog treats and even bakers dog food .
" the Material Safety Data Sheet reveals a toxic confection containing the carcinogen FD&C Red 40, along with preservatives like sodium benzoate. But tracking the effects of chemical exposure is nearly impossible when itā€™s a matter of slow, low-dose poisoning.ā€ā€“ thebark.com
Dead flesh would only last a few days before it rots, but this "rawhide" lasts forever . This is because after all that it is then doused in even more chemicals that act as preservatives to stop it rotting .
If that wasn't enough , have you even read the small print warning in the back of these? " if large chunks of rawhide are bitten off they may dwell in the dogs stomach and cause blockages , blockages require immediate abdominal surgery and if left or go unnoticed will cause death " chocking can easily occur because these treats are so chewy , when raw hide is wet it gets so slippy that you have little chance of being able to grip it and remove it from a chocking dogs throat .
Why are we as dog owners so brainwashed that we would rather buy this highly dangerous and unnatural treat than a real bone because we think bones are unsafe !
Dogs are made to eat bone , and unlike rawhide , bone dissolves in your dogs stomach acid . Yes choking can occur but dogs used to eating bone will not have an issue . Cooked bone should never be given !
Buy beef ribs , buy beef tails , buy natural untreated pigs ears and chickens feet . These are all natural and long lasting treats ! Please leave these colourful treats on the shelves this year .
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Dogs live a long time , a really long time .
How old will you be when your new puppy dies ? That might help it hit home . If you're 25 now , and your dog lives 16 years , you will be 41.
Your life can change a hell of a lot in that time . You might loose your job , have a baby , break up with your partner , move house and still have your dog .
... Are you going to be able to provide for your dog through all that ?
Your dog may end up aggressive , barky , destructive , nervous or with expensive health issues . Are you still going to want him?
Are you stilling to want to walk and train him , rain sun or snow , after the novelty wears off?
Really think before getting a dog , especially a puppy. They are great , but they are a hell of a big commitment and so much hard work. Things in your house will get broken , they will bring mud in , they will bark at 5am , they will have accidents , they will get injured .
It is your responsibility as a dog owner to care and provide for your dog throughout his life no matter what . It's very rare to get a dog that's going to be perfectly behaved , he's going to have problems one way or another and you have to accept and deal with them .
Puppies/ dogs are not a impulse buy ! And if you really are ready for a dog , always consider rescue first . Don't support back yard breeding , and choose a breed/age that suits your lifestyle .
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Are you allowing your dog enough opportunities to work their mind ?
All dogs , need mental stimulation every day to stay happy and healthy . 10 minutes of obedience training can be just as tiring as a 30 minute walk !
You might think your small dog doesn't need training , but they definitely do ! Most behaviour issues develop from boredom and mental stimulation is a great tiring , calming boredom buster .
... You don't have to be an expert dog trainer to teach simple tricks ,there are thousands of videos and articles online on how to teach all sorts .
The important thing is to understand that I your dog isn't getting it , it's because you're going too fast or they don't understand . Go slow and reward often to make your dog love to listen to you, training should always be fun for your dog !
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Great session with Bronson this weekend !
This stunning boy is coming on leaps and bounds in his training and we are so pleased with him !
At a very young age of only 5 months , he is walking to heel and learning to pass others calmly in the street . He is also learning recall and basic obedience to really set him up for success in the future .
... His owners did the smart thing and booked him in for training when he was a tiny puppy . Rottweilers get big fast and problems like lead pulling and jumping on passing people/dogs soon become huge issues when the dog is full grown .
Thankfully , Bronson will be a model dog by then !
Today he came along to our very busy group dog walk and behaved wonderfully ! Well done Bronson and family šŸ’–

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Most parents instinctively set up situations to make their children feel comfortable . They hire a babysitter for a Busy party. They realize engaging in an exciting activity right before bedtime will result in frustration. They understand that a birthday party is not the best time to as their children to focus on their homework .
As a dog owner we often completely forget about this. In order for training to be successful we need to become experts at employing these types of ...interventions for our dogs too.
In dog training , triggers are everywhere and are normal . The key to training is setting your dog up to win . Train obedience in the house first and once that is solid THEN move on to practicing around distractions . If you go too fast , the dog will constantly loose and training will become boring for him .
If your dog is stressed take a day off and walk in the woods , stress doesn't allow for leaning .
The slower you go , the more progress you will make . Rushing a dog to face his triggers and expecting him to listen straight away will simply build frustration and destroy your engagement with your dog .
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Don't give up !
The first time I walked this dog , which by the way was the first walk she had ever been on , my brother in law had to pick her up and carry her home because she was so terrified of everything .
From there the problems started appearing . Aggression to people entering the house or garden . fence guarding . Destroying the sofa or blinds whenever someone walked past the house or knocked on the door . Barking at every noise or movement . Obsessive herding of t...he cats and the chicken run. Complete disobedience .
On a walk she pulled like a train , she was extremely reactive to every person , bike , car, tractor , scooter , jogger , dog , cat , child and pretty much everything else . To the point she would flip herself on to her back she was going that crazy . She couldn't go off her lead at all.
Now she takes everything in her stride ! She is not bothered by traffic or people . She is extremely obedient and loves nothing more than to work . In the house she you don't even notice her there most of the time she is so calm . She leaves the cat alone , she welcomes people into the house and doesn't pull on the lead at all , she is always off her lead , and will sit and wait when things are passing us . To top it all off she recently gained her first herding qualification and attended her first dog show .
When you first get a dog , they will always seem way worse than they are . This is because stress is through the roof . Once they settle into a routine of exercise , training and safety , behaviour quickly improves .
Most rescue dogs are not as bad as this , but if you are struggling with a rescue to even just your own dog , have patience and hope . Nothing happens overnight , but if you work at it , it will happen .
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Not all harnesses were created equal!
I have recently done some reading and research into canine anatomy and come across something quite alarming .
That is, so many dog harnesses are extremely restrictive on the shoulders for dogs . Digging further , I've found that studies have show wearing these types of harnesses every day can actually permanently change the dogs gait .
... As you can see in the second picture (which I think is a ruffwear harness ) this harness allows full movement of the shoulder as well as being front leading and secure . Wheat as the first picture , although it is front leading and secure , is very restrictive on the dogs shoulder .
I've always loved the halti front leader , but after seeing this I think it's time to invest in something new !
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How often do you play with your dog the way they want to play ?
All dogs are different , but I think one of the keys to having a great bond is playing . Just the two of you, no toys and no treats !
Some dogs loved to be chased , others love to wrestle , some love to play hide and seek.
... My dog , loves to wrestle . I push her around and she jumps back and mouths my hands . All while howling and growling . No one else in my family plays with her like this and their relationship with them compared to me is nothing !
This , along with fun obedience training , is the best bond building exercise ever . I always get comments on how great our bond is !
How does your dog like to play with you ?
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How many people miss these signs , or pass them off as something else ?
Yawning , lifting a paw and licking the lips are the most ignored signs of discomfort in dogs . People people anthropomorphise the dog , saying " oh he is tired , oh he is hungry ect" .
When we ignore signals like this , it really damages our relationship with our dog and our dogs confidence . Being ignored is scary ! Next time they may just skip the signals that they know get ignored And move on to more serious warnings .


A huge well done to Tracy and Jake !
Jake ( the fluffy one šŸ˜‚šŸ˜). was severely fear reactive to dogs and other animals after being attacked twice by off lead dogs . He had attacked and cause damage to one dog meaning he was being kept away from all dogs and walks were a huge struggle .
I've only had one session with Jake but Tracy has listened , learned and worked hard every day with the method I showed her.
... This is Jake today , walking brilliantly with another dog and even coping with being barked at by the other reactive dogs !
And if anyone was wondering about the breed , Jake is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever ! A breed I have never worked with before and I'm sure a lot of you have never heard of one !
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Well today my 5 month old Labradoodle Dora, had her first session with Katie Edwards - Unleashing Possibilities. I cannot tell you how delighted I am with the success she achieved. She had her walking to heel almost immediately and I did wonder if she would be as good with me. She is! We have just been out for her bed time walk and I think Iā€™ve got a new dog! Itā€™s like sheā€™s always done it. Canā€™t wait for our next session. Thank you so much x. Update ......

Day 1 after training. Walked Dora down to the fields, to heel all the time. Changed to harness lead so she could have a good run about, this was done with limited pulling. Then once back on road she was to heel all the time. It was a pleasure and a proud experience walking her.


Today a me and Boris my black lab had a one to one with Katie. Boris has a tendancy of running away from me off the lead if another dog came onto the field. Katie did some recall training with lunge rein to get Boris listening and paying attention to us rather than other dogs. It was a great session and can't wait to progress it further thanks.


Today Sandy (my dog) and I had a

1 -1 with Katie.

Sandy is a loving dog with people but is terrible towards other dogs. She barks like mad, pulls on the lead and basically she just wants to attack anything with four legs.

It became too stressful taking her out both for me and her. So I stopped walking her in the day. I would wait til there was no one out in the evening.

Before finding Katie We had tried two other dog trainers with very different ways of training. Wasting a lot of time and money along the way.

I gave up all hope of taking my dog out for pleasurable walks. That was until we met Katie today.

WOW for the first time in 5 years we had a lovely walk along the promanade, no barking or lunging towards other dogs. Katie talked me through Sandy's behaviour and explained why she does what she does. She talked me through how to deal with situations with other dogs.

I think sandy and I are both still in shock being able to walk together nicely.

Can't thank you enough Katie.

Small steps. ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½


Today KobĆ« and myself had our first 1-2-1 session with Katie to help with him pulling on his lead and being reactive to other doggos, Its amazing the difference it's made after one session and I actually enjoyed learning and spending the afternoon practicing what Katie had showed me and told me. We can't wait for the next session and to see what's else we can both learn ļæ½

The amount of knowledge that Katie has and the way she was able to handle a rather large highly excitable dog impresses!


Thank you so much for our session today, as you know Buster was a bit of a handful and I had tried so many different ways to get him to walk nicely, I walked with you today and was gobsmacked at how easy you made it look.

I didnā€™t think I would be able to do it but I have taken him out and have been pleasantly surprised.

Thank you so much ļæ½ļæ½


Thank you so much Katie, my 5 month old German shepherd started pulling and barking whilst out walking. Katie has showed me how to hold the lead correctly to enable Odin to walk at heal, without much effort at all. Katie also went through his barking/anxiety issues and explained how best to deal with them. After just one session Odin has improved loads, looking forward to the group dog walks, will update his progress. Thanks again Katie x


Pluto had his first 1 to 1 session with Katie today and having been to several trainers with no reward it was refreshing to note how well she understood Plutos issues. She has given us a really clear understanding of why he behaves as he does and has given us a action plan that I think we can achieve. It is hard to put the ground work in with a big excitable dog and Katie has given us a completely new approach to manage this. We look forward to learning from her and working with Pluto to reach his potential for being a happy calm dog that we know he wants to be.

I would highly recommend the 1 to 1 sessions which are very good value and address your issues in the environment which produces the behaviours on a day to day basis.


Katie is very patient and understanding about our German Shepherd rescue dog Pluto. She genuinely likes Pluto and has given us some very helpful tips and advice regarding his training. Pluto is a complex dog and her on going support is most appreciated. Pluto will not be a quick fix but we are now on our 4th trainer ( Katie) and I'm sure she will be the last.


Katie is great! She has an amazing knowledge of dog behaviour, reading their body language and is a fantastic trainer. My dog has serious issues with everything including other dogs.

After working with Katie , I now feel confident and positive that with Katieā€™s help and continued support,we will finally be able to improve and resolve his behaviour issues.


Katie came today to help me with Lola's pulling on the lead. I have been getting very stressed with it as I couldn't seem to find the answer.

Went for a walk with Katie taking Lola, I couldn't believe it. She was soo good with her and has made me feel so much better.

Katie is a very lovely,friendly and helpful person, highly recommend her.

Looking forward to taking Lola on one of her group dog walks.


Katie came to see Norman the Cockapoo at the weekend for a 1 to 1 session. We needed a bit of help with his barking and possessive nature! He is 3, so we thought it might be quite difficult to change his habits but after the session, we have been using Katie's simple but effective training techniques and already we are seeing a remarkable difference!! We would strongly recommend using unleashing Possibilities!! A great service from somone who really cares about your dog! Thank again ļæ½ļæ½


Just had a 1-1 session with Katie on the cliff top in Bridlington. She was so helpful and I learnt so much. Honey, my poodle, was so well behaved with her and achieved all sorts of things with Katie that I have never managed to get her to do. AMAZING! Really good, sound advice and so now it's up to me to put the hard work in and try to be like Katie.........calm and confident!


I had won a 1 on 1 session with Katie in a competition and had our session last week. She was really great at offering advise and gave me confidence to put in to practice helpful training techniques. Charlieā€™s behaviour isnā€™t terrible but thereā€™s a few things I want to work on and she had loads of great ideas and tips.

Katie is very natural and comfortable and itā€™s clear she is passionate about her job and very good at it too ļæ½ thank you again.


Had my first session a few weeks ago now, as my dog started to be fearful of walking and wouldnā€™t budge from the gate!

Well after listening to Katie and sticking to it bailey has been walking so much better! We are still not 100% if he hears any sounds he unsure of he stops in his tracks, but seems to be enjoying his walks again!

Even walked to the vets and brought his treats home (a very short video in the comments) heā€™s happy to try new routes if thereā€™s me and my mum or me and his dog friends. Amazingly his confidence is increasing with every walk and heā€™s happy to go on a regular route with just me!

One happy dog Mum and fur baby!

Thank you so much!!!!!


Had a first visit from Katie today, she was great, our dog is reactive to dogs and gets very anxious, he does not know how to deal with frustration or with over excitement, he is a rescue and deserves all the love that life can give him, Katie has helped me realise that we can get past this, I look forward to doing a group walk and helping our little man overcome his issues.

Thank you Katie ļæ½ļæ½


Had a 1-2-1 training session with Katie today to sort out Oscars pulling on the lead problem. She turned up even in the bad weather and immediately I was impressed. Katie showed me exactly what I needed to do to improve and finally remove this problem. Oscar showed real progress from the off with Katie and on his night time walk just now, he was making great progress which Iā€™m thrilled about. It clearly shows Katie has a great in-depth knowledge of animal behaviour as I have tried many options/trainers to help me before now with no prevail. Thanks Katie, will keep you up to date with Oscars progress! ļæ½


Had a 1 on 2 with katie and both my huskys. Gained lots of info in a short period of time and the dogs took it on straight away. Plenty of practice and more sessions hopfully all will be well and easier. Thank you ļæ½


Fantastic first 1-1 session with Katie. After my dog was attacked several years ago and began barking and lunging at other dogs, walks have been quite stressful for both of us. Katie really understands how dogs minds work and showed me where I was going wrong. Now Cherry is focused on me during walks and doesnā€™t even seem to notice other dogs.


Brilliant first session with Katie today, she was great with my two st Bernard's Ted and Arthur. Really good advice, Katie confirmed some of what I already knew but gave me confidence and technique in how to do it. Lots of practice to be doing now. Thanks Katie x


Great session with Bronson this weekend !
This stunning boy is coming on leaps and bounds in his training and we are so pleased with him !
At a very young age of only 5 months , he is walking to heel and learning to pass others calmly in the street . He is also learning recall and basic obedience to really set him up for success in the future .
... His owners did the smart thing and booked him in for training when he was a tiny puppy . Rottweilers get big fast and problems like lead pulling and jumping on passing people/dogs soon become huge issues when the dog is full grown .
Thankfully , Bronson will be a model dog by then !
Today he came along to our very busy group dog walk and behaved wonderfully ! Well done Bronson and family šŸ’–

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Well today my 5 month old Labradoodle Dora, had her first session with Katie Edwards - Unleashing Possibilities. I cannot tell you how delighted I am with the success she achieved. She had her walking to heel almost immediately and I did wonder if she would be as good with me. She is! We have just been out for her bed time walk and I think Iā€™ve got a new dog! Itā€™s like sheā€™s always done it. Canā€™t wait for our next session. Thank you so much x. Update ......

Day 1 after training. Walked Dora down to the fields, to heel all the time. Changed to harness lead so she could have a good run about, this was done with limited pulling. Then once back on road she was to heel all the time. It was a pleasure and a proud experience walking her.


Today a me and Boris my black lab had a one to one with Katie. Boris has a tendancy of running away from me off the lead if another dog came onto the field. Katie did some recall training with lunge rein to get Boris listening and paying attention to us rather than other dogs. It was a great session and can't wait to progress it further thanks.


Today Sandy (my dog) and I had a

1 -1 with Katie.

Sandy is a loving dog with people but is terrible towards other dogs. She barks like mad, pulls on the lead and basically she just wants to attack anything with four legs.

It became too stressful taking her out both for me and her. So I stopped walking her in the day. I would wait til there was no one out in the evening.

Before finding Katie We had tried two other dog trainers with very different ways of training. Wasting a lot of time and money along the way.

I gave up all hope of taking my dog out for pleasurable walks. That was until we met Katie today.

WOW for the first time in 5 years we had a lovely walk along the promanade, no barking or lunging towards other dogs. Katie talked me through Sandy's behaviour and explained why she does what she does. She talked me through how to deal with situations with other dogs.

I think sandy and I are both still in shock being able to walk together nicely.

Can't thank you enough Katie.

Small steps. ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½


Today KobĆ« and myself had our first 1-2-1 session with Katie to help with him pulling on his lead and being reactive to other doggos, Its amazing the difference it's made after one session and I actually enjoyed learning and spending the afternoon practicing what Katie had showed me and told me. We can't wait for the next session and to see what's else we can both learn ļæ½

The amount of knowledge that Katie has and the way she was able to handle a rather large highly excitable dog impresses!


Thank you so much for our session today, as you know Buster was a bit of a handful and I had tried so many different ways to get him to walk nicely, I walked with you today and was gobsmacked at how easy you made it look.

I didnā€™t think I would be able to do it but I have taken him out and have been pleasantly surprised.

Thank you so much ļæ½ļæ½


Thank you so much Katie, my 5 month old German shepherd started pulling and barking whilst out walking. Katie has showed me how to hold the lead correctly to enable Odin to walk at heal, without much effort at all. Katie also went through his barking/anxiety issues and explained how best to deal with them. After just one session Odin has improved loads, looking forward to the group dog walks, will update his progress. Thanks again Katie x


Pluto had his first 1 to 1 session with Katie today and having been to several trainers with no reward it was refreshing to note how well she understood Plutos issues. She has given us a really clear understanding of why he behaves as he does and has given us a action plan that I think we can achieve. It is hard to put the ground work in with a big excitable dog and Katie has given us a completely new approach to manage this. We look forward to learning from her and working with Pluto to reach his potential for being a happy calm dog that we know he wants to be.

I would highly recommend the 1 to 1 sessions which are very good value and address your issues in the environment which produces the behaviours on a day to day basis.


Katie is very patient and understanding about our German Shepherd rescue dog Pluto. She genuinely likes Pluto and has given us some very helpful tips and advice regarding his training. Pluto is a complex dog and her on going support is most appreciated. Pluto will not be a quick fix but we are now on our 4th trainer ( Katie) and I'm sure she will be the last.


Katie is great! She has an amazing knowledge of dog behaviour, reading their body language and is a fantastic trainer. My dog has serious issues with everything including other dogs.

After working with Katie , I now feel confident and positive that with Katieā€™s help and continued support,we will finally be able to improve and resolve his behaviour issues.


Katie came today to help me with Lola's pulling on the lead. I have been getting very stressed with it as I couldn't seem to find the answer.

Went for a walk with Katie taking Lola, I couldn't believe it. She was soo good with her and has made me feel so much better.

Katie is a very lovely,friendly and helpful person, highly recommend her.

Looking forward to taking Lola on one of her group dog walks.


Katie came to see Norman the Cockapoo at the weekend for a 1 to 1 session. We needed a bit of help with his barking and possessive nature! He is 3, so we thought it might be quite difficult to change his habits but after the session, we have been using Katie's simple but effective training techniques and already we are seeing a remarkable difference!! We would strongly recommend using unleashing Possibilities!! A great service from somone who really cares about your dog! Thank again ļæ½ļæ½


Just had a 1-1 session with Katie on the cliff top in Bridlington. She was so helpful and I learnt so much. Honey, my poodle, was so well behaved with her and achieved all sorts of things with Katie that I have never managed to get her to do. AMAZING! Really good, sound advice and so now it's up to me to put the hard work in and try to be like Katie.........calm and confident!


I had won a 1 on 1 session with Katie in a competition and had our session last week. She was really great at offering advise and gave me confidence to put in to practice helpful training techniques. Charlieā€™s behaviour isnā€™t terrible but thereā€™s a few things I want to work on and she had loads of great ideas and tips.

Katie is very natural and comfortable and itā€™s clear she is passionate about her job and very good at it too ļæ½ thank you again.


Had my first session a few weeks ago now, as my dog started to be fearful of walking and wouldnā€™t budge from the gate!

Well after listening to Katie and sticking to it bailey has been walking so much better! We are still not 100% if he hears any sounds he unsure of he stops in his tracks, but seems to be enjoying his walks again!

Even walked to the vets and brought his treats home (a very short video in the comments) heā€™s happy to try new routes if thereā€™s me and my mum or me and his dog friends. Amazingly his confidence is increasing with every walk and heā€™s happy to go on a regular route with just me!

One happy dog Mum and fur baby!

Thank you so much!!!!!


Had a first visit from Katie today, she was great, our dog is reactive to dogs and gets very anxious, he does not know how to deal with frustration or with over excitement, he is a rescue and deserves all the love that life can give him, Katie has helped me realise that we can get past this, I look forward to doing a group walk and helping our little man overcome his issues.

Thank you Katie ļæ½ļæ½


Had a 1-2-1 training session with Katie today to sort out Oscars pulling on the lead problem. She turned up even in the bad weather and immediately I was impressed. Katie showed me exactly what I needed to do to improve and finally remove this problem. Oscar showed real progress from the off with Katie and on his night time walk just now, he was making great progress which Iā€™m thrilled about. It clearly shows Katie has a great in-depth knowledge of animal behaviour as I have tried many options/trainers to help me before now with no prevail. Thanks Katie, will keep you up to date with Oscars progress! ļæ½


Had a 1 on 2 with katie and both my huskys. Gained lots of info in a short period of time and the dogs took it on straight away. Plenty of practice and more sessions hopfully all will be well and easier. Thank you ļæ½


Fantastic first 1-1 session with Katie. After my dog was attacked several years ago and began barking and lunging at other dogs, walks have been quite stressful for both of us. Katie really understands how dogs minds work and showed me where I was going wrong. Now Cherry is focused on me during walks and doesnā€™t even seem to notice other dogs.


Brilliant first session with Katie today, she was great with my two st Bernard's Ted and Arthur. Really good advice, Katie confirmed some of what I already knew but gave me confidence and technique in how to do it. Lots of practice to be doing now. Thanks Katie x


Great session with Bronson this weekend !
This stunning boy is coming on leaps and bounds in his training and we are so pleased with him !
At a very young age of only 5 months , he is walking to heel and learning to pass others calmly in the street . He is also learning recall and basic obedience to really set him up for success in the future .
... His owners did the smart thing and booked him in for training when he was a tiny puppy . Rottweilers get big fast and problems like lead pulling and jumping on passing people/dogs soon become huge issues when the dog is full grown .
Thankfully , Bronson will be a model dog by then !
Today he came along to our very busy group dog walk and behaved wonderfully ! Well done Bronson and family šŸ’–

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Well today my 5 month old Labradoodle Dora, had her first session with Katie Edwards - Unleashing Possibilities. I cannot tell you how delighted I am with the success she achieved. She had her walking to heel almost immediately and I did wonder if she would be as good with me. She is! We have just been out for her bed time walk and I think Iā€™ve got a new dog! Itā€™s like sheā€™s always done it. Canā€™t wait for our next session. Thank you so much x. Update ......

Day 1 after training. Walked Dora down to the fields, to heel all the time. Changed to harness lead so she could have a good run about, this was done with limited pulling. Then once back on road she was to heel all the time. It was a pleasure and a proud experience walking her.


Today a me and Boris my black lab had a one to one with Katie. Boris has a tendancy of running away from me off the lead if another dog came onto the field. Katie did some recall training with lunge rein to get Boris listening and paying attention to us rather than other dogs. It was a great session and can't wait to progress it further thanks.


Today Sandy (my dog) and I had a

1 -1 with Katie.

Sandy is a loving dog with people but is terrible towards other dogs. She barks like mad, pulls on the lead and basically she just wants to attack anything with four legs.

It became too stressful taking her out both for me and her. So I stopped walking her in the day. I would wait til there was no one out in the evening.

Before finding Katie We had tried two other dog trainers with very different ways of training. Wasting a lot of time and money along the way.

I gave up all hope of taking my dog out for pleasurable walks. That was until we met Katie today.

WOW for the first time in 5 years we had a lovely walk along the promanade, no barking or lunging towards other dogs. Katie talked me through Sandy's behaviour and explained why she does what she does. She talked me through how to deal with situations with other dogs.

I think sandy and I are both still in shock being able to walk together nicely.

Can't thank you enough Katie.

Small steps. ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½


Today KobĆ« and myself had our first 1-2-1 session with Katie to help with him pulling on his lead and being reactive to other doggos, Its amazing the difference it's made after one session and I actually enjoyed learning and spending the afternoon practicing what Katie had showed me and told me. We can't wait for the next session and to see what's else we can both learn ļæ½

The amount of knowledge that Katie has and the way she was able to handle a rather large highly excitable dog impresses!


Thank you so much for our session today, as you know Buster was a bit of a handful and I had tried so many different ways to get him to walk nicely, I walked with you today and was gobsmacked at how easy you made it look.

I didnā€™t think I would be able to do it but I have taken him out and have been pleasantly surprised.

Thank you so much ļæ½ļæ½


Thank you so much Katie, my 5 month old German shepherd started pulling and barking whilst out walking. Katie has showed me how to hold the lead correctly to enable Odin to walk at heal, without much effort at all. Katie also went through his barking/anxiety issues and explained how best to deal with them. After just one session Odin has improved loads, looking forward to the group dog walks, will update his progress. Thanks again Katie x


Pluto had his first 1 to 1 session with Katie today and having been to several trainers with no reward it was refreshing to note how well she understood Plutos issues. She has given us a really clear understanding of why he behaves as he does and has given us a action plan that I think we can achieve. It is hard to put the ground work in with a big excitable dog and Katie has given us a completely new approach to manage this. We look forward to learning from her and working with Pluto to reach his potential for being a happy calm dog that we know he wants to be.

I would highly recommend the 1 to 1 sessions which are very good value and address your issues in the environment which produces the behaviours on a day to day basis.


Katie is very patient and understanding about our German Shepherd rescue dog Pluto. She genuinely likes Pluto and has given us some very helpful tips and advice regarding his training. Pluto is a complex dog and her on going support is most appreciated. Pluto will not be a quick fix but we are now on our 4th trainer ( Katie) and I'm sure she will be the last.


Katie is great! She has an amazing knowledge of dog behaviour, reading their body language and is a fantastic trainer. My dog has serious issues with everything including other dogs.

After working with Katie , I now feel confident and positive that with Katieā€™s help and continued support,we will finally be able to improve and resolve his behaviour issues.


Katie came today to help me with Lola's pulling on the lead. I have been getting very stressed with it as I couldn't seem to find the answer.

Went for a walk with Katie taking Lola, I couldn't believe it. She was soo good with her and has made me feel so much better.

Katie is a very lovely,friendly and helpful person, highly recommend her.

Looking forward to taking Lola on one of her group dog walks.


Katie came to see Norman the Cockapoo at the weekend for a 1 to 1 session. We needed a bit of help with his barking and possessive nature! He is 3, so we thought it might be quite difficult to change his habits but after the session, we have been using Katie's simple but effective training techniques and already we are seeing a remarkable difference!! We would strongly recommend using unleashing Possibilities!! A great service from somone who really cares about your dog! Thank again ļæ½ļæ½


Just had a 1-1 session with Katie on the cliff top in Bridlington. She was so helpful and I learnt so much. Honey, my poodle, was so well behaved with her and achieved all sorts of things with Katie that I have never managed to get her to do. AMAZING! Really good, sound advice and so now it's up to me to put the hard work in and try to be like Katie.........calm and confident!


I had won a 1 on 1 session with Katie in a competition and had our session last week. She was really great at offering advise and gave me confidence to put in to practice helpful training techniques. Charlieā€™s behaviour isnā€™t terrible but thereā€™s a few things I want to work on and she had loads of great ideas and tips.

Katie is very natural and comfortable and itā€™s clear she is passionate about her job and very good at it too ļæ½ thank you again.


Had my first session a few weeks ago now, as my dog started to be fearful of walking and wouldnā€™t budge from the gate!

Well after listening to Katie and sticking to it bailey has been walking so much better! We are still not 100% if he hears any sounds he unsure of he stops in his tracks, but seems to be enjoying his walks again!

Even walked to the vets and brought his treats home (a very short video in the comments) heā€™s happy to try new routes if thereā€™s me and my mum or me and his dog friends. Amazingly his confidence is increasing with every walk and heā€™s happy to go on a regular route with just me!

One happy dog Mum and fur baby!

Thank you so much!!!!!


Had a first visit from Katie today, she was great, our dog is reactive to dogs and gets very anxious, he does not know how to deal with frustration or with over excitement, he is a rescue and deserves all the love that life can give him, Katie has helped me realise that we can get past this, I look forward to doing a group walk and helping our little man overcome his issues.

Thank you Katie ļæ½ļæ½


Had a 1-2-1 training session with Katie today to sort out Oscars pulling on the lead problem. She turned up even in the bad weather and immediately I was impressed. Katie showed me exactly what I needed to do to improve and finally remove this problem. Oscar showed real progress from the off with Katie and on his night time walk just now, he was making great progress which Iā€™m thrilled about. It clearly shows Katie has a great in-depth knowledge of animal behaviour as I have tried many options/trainers to help me before now with no prevail. Thanks Katie, will keep you up to date with Oscars progress! ļæ½


Had a 1 on 2 with katie and both my huskys. Gained lots of info in a short period of time and the dogs took it on straight away. Plenty of practice and more sessions hopfully all will be well and easier. Thank you ļæ½


Fantastic first 1-1 session with Katie. After my dog was attacked several years ago and began barking and lunging at other dogs, walks have been quite stressful for both of us. Katie really understands how dogs minds work and showed me where I was going wrong. Now Cherry is focused on me during walks and doesnā€™t even seem to notice other dogs.


Brilliant first session with Katie today, she was great with my two st Bernard's Ted and Arthur. Really good advice, Katie confirmed some of what I already knew but gave me confidence and technique in how to do it. Lots of practice to be doing now. Thanks Katie x

More about Unleashing Possibilities - Dog Training And Walking

Unleashing Possibilities - Dog Training And Walking is located at Scarborough, North Yorkshire
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -