Uow Creative Writing Society

About Uow Creative Writing Society

Welcome to the University of Worcester Creative Writing Society! We'll be sharing details of what we are up to and how you can get involved!



Hey guys we have a social on Friday for the new film Dumbo at 4:20 pm


Don't forget we still have spaces on our character creation workshop at the end of the week. The event will be run by Kevin Brooke author of Max & Luchia: The Game Makers!


We have a character creation Workshop coming up at the end of the month with published author Kevin Brooke. We will be meeting at Waylands Yard Coffee shop on Foregate Street. They have a lovely community room upstairs but sadly it only holds 10 people so places are on a 1st come 1st served basis. Let me know as soon as possible!


If anyone is interested in creative writing but cannot attend our sessions, the Hive does sessions on the second Monday of every month. Have a look at the Hive website for more information.


Upcoming workshops: Script writing 13th Feb, 1pm in room EE2009 Inspiration 8th March, 4:30pm (room yet to be confirmed)
Character building and Poetry workshops are in planning for March/April


Hey guys tonight we are in room EE2009 (In)


Drinkssssss 🍸🍹🍻


Sneak peek at Monday's treats, come along for a festive theme ✍️🤶🎅🎄


Couple weeks ago we welcomed Worcester Uni Boob Team to raise awareness of coppafeel campaign 😊


Margaret Atwood...sequel...Handmaid's Tale...The Testaments...published Sept 2019!


Bring your friends along!


Hi everybody, I am currently in the University canteen if anybody wanted to come and get more information about the spooky stories opportunity with the local infirmary ghost walk. I have all the information about what to write about if you would still like the chance to write for the project 😁 (I am wearing a black and white striped top!)


Come and find the Creative Writing Society in partnership with the Student Minds Society, celebrating World Mental Health day in the SU hangar. See you there for some crafts, activities and advice! 💛


Hey everyone, meeting on Monday, same room at 7pm. The theme is New Beginnings, hope to see all there ☺️


Story dice story No. 2:
I walked under a ladder in the rain, I was very sad. I’m not sure why the ladder was so deep in the forest, but I was glad I had cycled all the way out here. Bang! The forest became an orchestra of chaos, a hundred ducks taking flight and then, just as suddenly, silence, except for a football rolling out of a hidden cave. The football was spotted by a love-sick lawyer, damn his briefcase wanted to gobble up that ball - so he thevied it without a anoth...er thought! The love sick lawyer was so beside himself with life itself, he wanted to take an emotional flet walk around the ladder shop - this would always arouse him greatly. Even the weather reflected his remorse mood, raining heavily, projecting a Pride and Prejudice scene that would make any Jane Austen fan curtsy in such bemusement. After leaving the ladder shop, a car drove past him, kicking horse manure into his face which boiled his blood. It was dark, cold and rainy. The ladder shop suddenly opened, a loud scary noise came from inside, he went in and stepped in a pile of s***. Disgusted he ran outside hoping on his bike. He sped away so fast he didn't see the car coming straight for him, fortunately, a nearby boy kicked a football in his direction, knocking over a ladder which in the dark of night he didn’t see. It landed in front of his bike and he rode into the stars. He landed on the mood and made it home, planted a tree for his treehouse and read Harry Potter with his 3D glasses. The storm raged above him, clutching his bag tightly as the thunder boomed in the distance. He started to cry as it was nearly christmas, until he stepped in more s*** and cried some more.
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Story dice story No. 1:
One day a dog went up in a hot air balloon looking for a smooch. Meanwhile, a ginger cat knocked over a glass of magical juice, covering its paws. But that was not the most tragic part: a bus appeared out of nowhere and killed the cat; thankfully the bus driver knew how to give the kiss of life with a pencil. The cat was revived and was so grateful to the bus driver that he bought him an ice cream. A week later the bus driver received a letter saying ...the cat had adopted him a whale as a present. The bus driver was overjoyed, he couldn't stop smiling he was so grateful, he went and found the cat, gave him a big kiss and bought the cat his very own ice cream. He also bought a cup of tea and rented a hot air balloon, he took the cat and ice cream ski high. The cat got scared and the ice cream came falling out of the sky and landed in a gypsy caravan park. After some time he landed on the ground and the cat ran off, so he called the RSPCA to help find the cat. However, though seeking the RSPCA’s help the cat was still nowhere to be seen, instead, he found the next best thing - a whale! He loved this Moby Dick impersonator so much that he decided to take the whale on a fancy date at the seaside. They drank sweet tea and chilling ice cream whilst romantically watching the sun set into the oceans heart. The cat knew the whale was puurfect (excuse pun) man for him/her, so initiated appropriate sexy signals and they went to the love bus for...intimate relations. Unfortunalely, the love bus was rammed by an angry caravan. It was a banana! The love bus burst into a shower of beating hearts creating a blood river, the caravan began slowly slipping down into the deep dark forest ahead… Some time passed but eventually they followed bloody paw prints into the banana grove. I started to get hungry and my stomach rumbled like a whale, when I got home, I wrote about my day...
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Thank you everyone for coming yesterday! I'll be posting the stories we made from the story dice shortly :)

More about Uow Creative Writing Society

Uow Creative Writing Society is located at St Johns Campus, WR2 6AJ Worcester, Worcestershire