Uwe Politics And International Relations Society (Pairs)

About Uwe Politics And International Relations Society (Pairs)

UWE PAIRS is an incredibly active society open to ALL people interested in anything related to Politics and International Relations. The Society of the Year 2012 /2013

Uwe Politics And International Relations Society (Pairs) Description

Welcome to the UWE PAIRS (Politics & International Relations Society) Facebook Page!

We are a society and network for all UWE students that discusses hot-button political issues in a variety of different events and collaborations with other societies. We also provide many networking opportunities if you're interested in getting further in to the political sphere. If you're a Politics & IR student its a great place to get peer support no matter your level. However we aren’t just here for politics students; we invite all students who are interested in domestic and international politics to sign up and join us at our events and debates.

Model United Nations (MUN) conferences are an official part of UWE PAIRS activities. Our own UWE MUN has grown hugely since its humble beginnings in 2012, an event we run annually with great success. We also offer our members opportunities to attend up-coming MUNs around the world.

We also hold regular debates on current political issues alongside new PAIRS events such as Movie Night Debates and Café Politik. Scroll down for details of some of our upcoming events! The most common activities are the regular socials and debates, which we aim to run weekly. Our past socials have included traditional pub evenings, bowling, mini-golf, the Bristol Festival of Ideas talks and a joint social with the Politics Society of University of Bristol. We also attempt to look out for interesting talks locally, nationally and within the university.

PAIRS is a multi award winning society. In the past we have been honoured to be voted the Best Academic Society of the Year, Best Trip and Most Improved Society and we consistently receive nominations at the society ball. So join us today and become part of an active, friendly network for all UWE Students!

If you have any questions or would like to contact us about anything else to do with PAIRS please PM us on Facebook or tweet us using the links above. Alternatively you can drop us an email at uwepoliticsandir@gmail.com.



Another very interesting UWE Philosophy and Politics Film Club looks to be in order for Tuesday the 14th at the Watershed! Don't miss this opportunity to engage in and listen to the constructive discussion that will follow the screening. Grab a drink after. UWE Philosophy and Politics students can pickup a free ticket on the day.


PAIRS is excited to be able to extend invitations to an EU election hustings the UWE Debating Society has organised to review and question the positions put forward by South West and Gibraltar seat candidates.
Students and staff said to be able to pickup their tickets from the society's SU page in due course: https://www.thestudentsunion.co.uk/soc/de bating/


Exciting event organised by UWE Debating Society


Reminder about the GSHR event today


Thank you to everyone whom came along to our end of year meal we hope you all had a lovely evening 🙂
Reminder our last event of the term is taking place tomorrow 9th April: The Military, Gender, And State Identity Natalie Jester (PhD Student at UoB)... 1400PM - 4D08
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Reminder to everyone that the PAIRS end of term meal is tomorrow evening, looking forward to seeing some of you there 🙂


Excited about what UWE's Global Security and Human Rights research theme is organising for IR students!
https://www1.uwe.ac.uk/…/res…/globals ecurityhumanrights.aspx
Check out the next event they've organised! ... Get that in ya diary :D All are welcome!
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Please see this invitation from the UWE Politics and Philosophy Film Club!
Dear all,
You’re warmly welcome to the next session of THOUGHT IN ACTION: CONVERSATIONS ABOUT CINEMA
... A film screening of the critically-acclaimed film “Happy as Lazzaro” (2018), followed by a panel discussion with Dr Francesco Tava (Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, UWE) and Mark Cosgrove (Film curator, Watershed Cinema).
For more information, see Facebook event page and Watershed event page
30 free tickets available to UWE students - come early to secure yours!
Best wishes,
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Don't forget Wednesday's event everyone! 3rd April 14:00 to 16:00 3B064/65
WORKSHOP ON DEMOCRATIC EROSION A panel discussion with the following Politics and International Relations researchers.
... Dr Bola Adediran -Should we be worried about Africa’s biggest democracy?
Dr Pinar Donmez -“The old is dying and the new cannot be born”: Capitalist restructuring and political oppression in Europe’s periphery
Dr Jane Kirkpatrick -The rise of Vetëvendosje in Kosovo: a sign of a maturing or volatile democracy?
Dr Simon Thompson -What are democratic transition, consolidation and erosion?
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Reminder we have got this event coming up at 2pm today! Room 3X107


Really looking forward to the next few awesome looking events the Global Security & Human Rights research theme has organised! Checkout the next one! 3rd April 14:00 to 16:00 3B064/65
WORKSHOP ON DEMOCRATIC EROSION A panel discussion with the following Politics and International Relations researchers.
... Dr Bola Adediran -Should we be worried about Africa’s biggest democracy?
Dr Pinar Donmez -“The old is dying and the new cannot be born”: Capitalist restructuring and political oppression in Europe’s periphery
Dr Jane Kirkpatrick -The rise of Vetëvendosje in Kosovo: a sign of a maturing or volatile democracy?
Dr Simon Thompson -What are democratic transition, consolidation and erosion?
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More about Uwe Politics And International Relations Society (Pairs)

Uwe Politics And International Relations Society (Pairs) is located at BS16 1QY Bristol, United Kingdom