Vicky Jordan Ibclc

About Vicky Jordan Ibclc

I can give you the support and information needed to help you meet your personal breastfeeding goals in the comfort of your own home.

Vicky Jordan Ibclc Description

My Name is Vicky Jordan, I became a Registered Nurse in 1998 and the became a Breastfeeding Counsellor in 2008. Later I undertook specialist training for the division of tongue-tie (frenulotomy), in baby's under 6 months of age, at Southampton General Hospital under the supervision of Jayne Threlfall RM IBCLC and Mr Mervyn Griffiths MCh FRCS.
I am a full member of the Association of Tongue-tie Practitioners (ATP), I hold a full NMC registration and I am insured by the Medical Defence Union (MDU)

What do I offer
In the comfort of your own home I can come and meet you and your baby. I can undertake a full assessment of your babies tongue and their ability to breastfeed. If necessary I can then undertake the division procedure (frenulotomy).

How to access my services
You may be referred via a Health Visitor, Doctor, Breastfeeding Counsellor, IBCLC. You are also able to refer yourself by contacting me directly.

To find out more about tongue-tie practitioners working in the UK
http://www. uk

Personal Goal
Supporting and empowering women and their families in achieving their own personal breastfeeding goals.

Contact Details
Vicky Jordan
07593 454869



You don’t need a special diet to breastfeed


In addition to having my private practice I also volunteer for La Leche League
I have set aside some time to attend the annual LLLGB conference in Alfreton, Derby. Meg Nagle - The Milk Meg is one of the speakers and I totally relate to what she has to say ❤️


Anyone feeling dog tired? 10155570815161790/


Oxytocin is the hormone of love, the hormone of bonding, lovemaking, labour and nursing mothers


Vitamin D


A humorous take on nursing in public


Very useful information and covers the use of sleep pods / nests which are NOT recommended for use


This just came up in my memories. This was 6years ago, my second baby was 6days old
I rested for 2 weeks after she was born and she ‘lived’ on my body (with the very odd cuddle with others). In the photo she is in the Close baby carrier (now known as Caboo) and I remember me feeding her after a 45mins trip out to the shop because I felt like ‘it had been a while’ since her last feed - I finally had the confidence to do what felt right for me and my baby.


The reality of breastfeeding (it often looks very different to what one expects when pregnant)


I found this link today for a mother I am working with and I wanted to share it…/the-cl ock-and-early-breast…


The article linked is US centric and a personal account but Jennifer makes lots of excellent points and she needs her story to be heard.


Finding night waking hard to cope with? Phillippa Pearson describes strategies to help


The boob banquet!
#dispatches #breastfeedinguncovered


I rarely watch TV but I am going to make time for this.


We had a great experience with Vicky. Got in touch and the tie sorted within a week. The procedure was quick and (for my boy) pretty pain free. Vicky was lovely and put me at ease. Would definitely recommend her to anyone who asks. ☆☆☆☆☆


Vicky, what an amazing lady you are! I can't tell you what a relief it's been having you visit us today. You gave us loads of time, listened and answered our questions and performed Isaac's tongue tie snip swiftly but with such care. Thank you!!


Vicky is so lovely and supportive in all aspects of breastfeeding, she always has time to message or chat on the phone. She's a very skilled and competent practitioner, I knew our baby girl was in the very best possible hands. Thank you Vicky xx


Vicky has made such a difference to our family. Giving encouragement and practical help with our breastfeeding journey, over time as it was needed! It's clear how much she cares, as well as being excellent in her service too!


Vicky came to see my baby when she was 4 1/2 months old to carry out the tongue tie procedure. I was so apprehensive because she was an older baby but through discussions with Vicky prior to the procedure she put my mind at ease greatly. This is something we would not have received having gone through other routes and it was extremely reassuring. Vicky has a kind, warm but also very informative and professional approach. Her after care was also very good and it was invaluable to have someone to discuss issues with afterwards. I would definitely recommend her service.


Really helped me and my son with breastfeeding Vicky was very supportive and stayed with us for about 2 hours to look at different positions and just chat about babies and feeding! I think I got more information from her than I did at my prenatal and antenatal classes!

Ended up not being tounge tie for us but Vicky called us to check how everything was going for about 2 months after I would definitely recommend her services!


Our little one was born on the 6th of November 2014 with a tongue tie. During my pregnancy I wasn't sure about breastfeeding, but once I had started, it became very clear that I didn't want to give it up, cause it felt right, but also that clearly there was a problem and something was not right.

After being dismissed by several midwives, my regular midwife on my day 5 visit agreed with me; little man was very tongue tied and it was causing serious feeding issues... So we went to a local breastfeeding help group where we were officially assessed and put forward for a snip. However, it would take 10 days before we could be seen by the NHS and we were sure we wouldn't be able to hold on that long, so we went private.

Vicky came the next day, struck a very good balance between being professional and caring and did a fantastic job.

Instantly our little one's feeding improved, within 6 days we didn't have to use top ups anymore and two weeks after being snipped, he started to latch himself on and his pallet had started to change shape as well, becoming smoother and less arched.

The difference has not only been amazing, it came about very quickly as well.

We cannot thank Vicky enough for her intervention; the result is that I am still breastfeeding, despite a very difficult start and will continue to do so for a long time.

Thank you again, Vicky!


My son was born in May.. and was told he had tongue tie on my 10days discharge from midwife and that was that. Like it was nothing.. I was a bit confused.. never heard of tongue tie and associated it as the phrase tongue tie getting your words in a muddle... when I had my health visitor came I asked her.. she said it doesn't really effect babies it will be fine you can have it cut if you want but it's nothing to worry about.... I thought ok I won't get it done... then my babies feeding became awful.. so I did the good ol Google.. although I was bottle feeding my son still couldn't suck properly I changed him to colic milk colic drops but he still clucked n gulped he was in so much pain from trapped wind.. I went back to Dr.. and they brushed me off basically he's gaining weight.. I asked for support from health visitor.. which I just got nods from.. so this frustrated me... I kept trying to get refered but Dr still brushed me off didn't even look at his tongue.. it got me so down. .. I looked into private I could have had it next day at WHH but I didn't feel comfortable with the rush of it and the price. :-o a lady from local area mummy group recommended Vicky. So I popped her a email... she came to visit at my home so it was all nice and comfortable we talked about my son and the procedure... it was done really quickly and calmly.. my son was feeling sorry for himself first 2days and then it's like a miracle... I feel like I'm in a dream and need pinching. What a bottle would take to feed an hour is now 20min and he doesn't gulp burping is easier too.. so no more hours on end pain crying... he us so much more happier baby and I am a happier mummy.... thank you very much x


I was told my son had tongue tie and that was why he couldn't feed by midwifes in the hospital and then was pretty much given no support or help - just told I'd need two NHS referrals to get it corrected or could find someone who would do it privately. They didn't refer me to anyone or recommend anyone to do it privately so I felt really lost and confused. I kept looking online and eventually found Vicky's details. From my first phone call with Vicky I started to feel better about the situation. Vicky explained everything to me and answered any questions I had and was totally approachable and friendly. Vicky agreed to visit to examine my son and she was on time and didn't rush the appointment, Vicky explained step by step what the options were and examined my son. She did the procedure and it was very quick, my son cried for a little while but soon settled down. Vicky then supported me with feeding my son and showed me different ways to do it and also offered support regarding bottle feeding.


From the moment I spoke to Vicky on the phone I felt completely relieved that someone was finally listening to me. Our daughter was 8 weeks old when Vicky came to assess her for tongue tie. Our daughter is bottle fed and although was gaining weight she had reflux and was on infant gaviscon since she was 3 weeks old. She had tongue tie and her feeding was a nightmare. A messy one at that. She would feed hourly and if we were lucky every 2 hours. The only reason she was gaining weight was due to us changing bottle brand and teet sizes to a bigger one and having to feed her what felt like all the time. Vicky came to our home and assessed our daughter and she was very professional throughout. She could answer all of our questions and was very informative. Since our daughter had her tongue tie division done she is a completely different baby when feeding. It is not a quick fix and it has taken a number of weeks to get to this point. However she is no longer on infant gaviscon and has no reflux symptoms, which I believe is because she now latches correctly on a bottle. she is on comfort formula which may also assist this. But she is not squirming around after a feed because she is full of wind. Before having her tongue tie snipped she would constantly come off of the bottle, leak milk out the side of her mouth and fill herself up with wind. The only reason she comes off the bottle now is because she's smiling at us or she's finished what milk there was! If you aren't sure whether your baby has tongue tie or they aren't feeding properly. Vicky will be the best person you will speak to. I no longer dread feeding my daughter and she is a much more contented baby who can now completely stick her tongue out and feed correctly. I am still waiting for my nhs referal for my daughters tongue tie!! Paying privately and using Vicky's services was the best decision we ever made. Thank you once again :-)

More about Vicky Jordan Ibclc

Vicky Jordan Ibclc is located at ME46UU Rochester, Medway