Village Green Childrens Centre

About Village Green Childrens Centre


Village Green Children’s Centre is not responsible for the accuracy of messages posted by contributors on this facebook site.

Village Green Children’s Centre reserves the right to remove users or messages from the site and to determine what type of information is considered appropriate.

Unsuitable content includes:
• Any sensitive personal data
• Any material in violation of any laws (including copyright)
• Sexist, racist, pornographic, gambling, advertising, political, indecent or abusive messages or material.

Links to external pages are provided for the convenience of users and no responsibility is assumed by Village Green Children’s Centre for content provided by external websites linked to these pages.

The presence of any advertisement on this Facebook page is not an endorsement of the authenticity or quality of the goods, services or website and Village Green Children’s Centre will not be held responsible for any claims arising in that respect.

Village Green Childrens Centre Description


Village Green Children’s Centre is not responsible for the accuracy of messages posted by contributors on this facebook site.

Village Green Children’s Centre reserves the right to remove users or messages from the site and to determine what type of information is considered appropriate.

Unsuitable content includes:
• Any sensitive personal data
• Any material in violation of any laws (including copyright)
• Sexist, racist, pornographic, gambling, advertising, political, indecent or abusive messages or material.

Links to external pages are provided for the convenience of users and no responsibility is assumed by Village Green Children’s Centre for content provided by external websites linked to these pages.

The presence of any advertisement on this Facebook page is not an endorsement of the authenticity or quality of the goods, services or website and Village Green Children’s Centre will not be held responsible for any claims arising in that respect.

More about Village Green Childrens Centre

Village Green Childrens Centre is located at Moorlands Way, NR31 9PA Great Yarmouth
01493 789562