Virtually Priceless

About Virtually Priceless

We provide right-hand support to busy executives, enabling them to focus on what they do best and relieving them of time-consuming or mundane tasks. By working remotely we provide support on a flexible basis on a daily, weekly, monthly or ad-hoc basis.



Running my own Virtual Assistant business means, of course, that I am a huge advocate of outsourcing. Within my own business and in my personal life I pay for support in several areas. I genuinely couldn’t manage all the plates I spin without this help.
But working with a Virtual Assistant certainly isn’t for everyone. If you’re considering the VA option, read on for my top ten reasons you may NOT need a VA before you make your decision. easons-dont-need-…/


How cool is this personalised phone case from
I've had a few people ask me where I got it from so just thought I'd share for anyone that's interested.
The website is really simple to use. I created the design in Canva and then uploaded to Wrappz selecting the correct case on the way.
... For £12.52 I'm really pleased with the results!
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*EPISODE 10 – Unusual tasks*
Today's video looks at some examples of the more unusual tasks I've carried out on behalf of my clients. They are definitely what keeps the job interesting and, as much as I enjoy managing diaries and coordinating travel, I love the challenge of these requests!
If you are a PA or VA and have your own examples of some unique tasks you've been set, I would love to hear about them.
... As always, if you have any comments or questions please do get in touch and I'll be happy to help.
Thanks for watching!
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Have you booked your summer holiday yet?
Does the thought of stepping out of your business fill you with excitement or do your stress levels start to rise at the prospect of trying to juggle work and family time while you’re away?
... Perhaps you should consider using a Virtual PA to help manage your business and ensure you get a much-needed break.
A Virtual PA could, amongst other things: 🔹 manage your inbox 🔹 ensure customers receive responses in a timely manner 🔹 liaise with other members of your team as appropriate 🔹 schedule and respond to social media posts 🔹 book appointments into your diary
The level of support you need could vary each day; you might only want help for an hour or two or you may relish the opportunity to sign out for most of your break. The beauty of virtual support is that you can tailor it to whatever suits you best.
You don’t even need to commit to a regular contract as support can be provided on a one-off basis.
If you’re interested in freeing up your time and really being able to relax on your next holiday, why not get in touch for a free consultation call to discuss your options?
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*EPISODE 9 - Interactions with client stakeholders*
In today's video, I answer a question about how I present myself when interacting with stakeholders of the various clients I work with.
If you'd prefer others didn't know you are working with a virtual team then do take a look and see how I work in terms of email and phone set-up.
... Thanks for watching!
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I'm really proud to have gained some wonderful testimonials throughout my career. Here's one of my favourites:


I’ve attended several events recently where I’ve met lots of VAs who are just starting out.
One of the topics that often comes up is whether I carry out associate work for other VAs (I do) which invariably leads to questions about how I find that work.
But the truth is I don’t; it usually finds me.
... The value of networking, seeking out great connections and stepping out of your comfort zone is immeasurable.
Often huge numbers of VAs apply for a position and it’s hard to stand out. I’ve never applied for those roles, but I have worked hard to build great relationships with VAs whom I admire and are top of their game.
Once you're on someone’s radar, they will undoubtedly follow you on social media and get to know you via your online presence. Of course, they will also judge you on your interactions with them.
So, my advice to anyone seeking associate work: 1. take the initiative in building your network 2. proactively seek out awesome VAs, get to know them and be helpful 3. demonstrate how great you are and they may well approach you about work 4. even if they don’t, you can NEVER know too many amazing VAs so you’ve nothing to lose!
I'd love to hear what others who use associates in their team would add!
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Today's video gives some information regarding my contracts, NDAs and insurances. If you have any further questions please do drop me a message or comment below.
Thanks for watching!
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Did you know I have a YouTube channel where I share videos addressing questions I'm often asked by prospective clients? Please do check it out!
#VirtualPA #VirtualAssistant #FAQs dX2FjwM7Ja8c6cA


I’ve always been an introverted extrovert – outgoing and full of confidence within my safe, inner circle but quiet and happy to sit back and let others do the talking outside of that setting.
So, running my own business and having to network regularly and promote myself daily was always going to be a challenge.
BUT I made the decision to face my fears head-on and I can honestly say pushing myself out of my comfort zone, again and again, has been nothing but rewarding.
... I was fortunate recently to make it to the finals of the UK Best Newcomer 2019 Awards at the VA Conference and when chatting with other VAs on the day, several asked who had nominated me.
Some of them were surprised when I told them I’d entered myself and a couple even said there’s no way they could do it which made me a little sad.
Because if you’re not going to tell the rest of the world just how fantastic you are, how do you expect them to know? And if you wait forever for someone else to shout about you, will it ever happen?
So, my challenge to you today is to comment below and tell everyone what it is that makes you so VERY awesome at what you do – and if you’re feeling really brave, post your own status doing a bit of self-promotion!
Come on lovely people, what are you waiting for?!
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*EPISODE 7: One-off tasks*
For today's video, I am addressing a question I've been asked a few times around whether I only offer regular support or if I can help with projects or one-off tasks.
Here I give a few examples of those types of requests and what kind of support this covers.
... Thanks for watching! N0
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🌍 The last couple of weeks seems to have involved working non-stop on travel plans for clients.
✈ Here are just a few of the travel-related tasks I’ve recently completed: - Indian business visa application - Booking flights for trips to the US, Ireland, India and Italy... - Eurostar tickets - Hotel reservations in Zurich, Paris, Mumbai and Venice - Final tweaks to the itinerary for a roadtrip around Scotland
🚆 If you need help with your travel plans, I can assist with research, bookings and compiling itineraries.
🔎 Check out my recent blog on this very topic for more info or drop me a message if you have any questions: fect-travel-itine…/.
Happy travels!
#TravelPlanning #VirtualPA #VirtualAssistant #ExecutiveSupport #PrivatePA #Delegation
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I'm incredibly proud of the feedback I've received over the years and am fortunate to have worked with some amazing individuals.
If you'd like to see the rest of my testimonials you can find them here: /


Check out my latest blog for a brief summary of my day at the UK VA Awards last week.
#VACon19 #PAShow2019 s-2019/


One for all the amazing women I know... keep doing what you're doing and just continue being awesome! 💪


*EPISODE 6 - Set up and technology*
In today's video, I address a question I frequently get asked which is how we start working together in terms of technology and communication tools.
So here are some examples of methods of communication, giving mailbox and diary access as well as sharing sensitive files.
... If you have any questions about this video or any just in general about working with a Virtual PA, please do drop me a message or comment below.
Thanks for watching! jc
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Earlier this week someone asked me if I ever meet my clients in person and the answer is YES, I love to do this wherever possible!
Check out this week's video to learn more and please do get in touch if you have any questions or comments.
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More about Virtually Priceless

+44 (0)7496 774 056