Virtually Savvy

About Virtually Savvy

We offer a variety of Social Media Management packages to suit a range of budgets. Available to small businesses, bloggers & start-ups.

Virtually Savvy Description

Freelance Social Media Manager working with small businesses and bloggers to keep your social media alive.



Day 2 of #meetthesocialpro is all about how it all began. . Mine began with cake 🧁, where all good stories start right?! . I had a wedding cake business, I used to teach cake decorating classes. I loved cake in more ways than one 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ but over the years I began to hate the cake 😫 but what I did love was the people I met ✅ and generating the business through using social media ✅. I won’t lie it was easy back then in 2011/12 and Ads were dirt cheap and super simple. It was a ...dream! That’s one thing I’ve got on millennials they won’t of seen the platform and ads grow like good old me!!! 😂 . The cake business had served its purpose in getting me through the early years of parenting. With three tiny kids and a gentle nudge from a friend (who subsequently became my first client - see what she did there!). I kicked things off. I became Virtually Savvy in 2016. . It was an opportunity to continue to work for myself, to avoid childcare and it was doing something I loved, and seeing as this campaign Is about showing us off - I was bloody good at it. I knew how to get the attention of my audience. I didn’t however envisage it would turn into what it has. I have amazing clients including household brands, an income I’ve never had before AND no childcare saving me well over £10k I reckon. . I am so glad I fell out of love with cake 🎂 . Wanna know more about how I achieved all this? Watch this space...... (a little plug there for a project I’m working on!)
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And we’re off!!! 2019 #meetthesocialpro has officially started. 👏🏻.
So it’s a bit obvious but my business name is Virtually Savvy and I’m based in glorious Worcestershire. Virtually Savvy was a name that I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t my first choice. It was the one I could get the best www address AND the best social media handles. It’s grown on me though and once I got my logo created it warmed on me even more. . When looking for a name I didn’t want it to include my name ...and I didn’t want it to have “social” in it. Both of which I felt would restrict me. So I clearly I had grand plans in 2016!! . Not much more to add to Worcestershire- it’s just south of Birmingham for those who are unsure. It’s a landlocked county so a trip to the seaside is a real mission but I’m happy here so that’s good 😂. . I can’t wait to read everyone else’s posts! I’ll be following the hashtag. Will you?
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I hear this a lot, it’s probably the main reason people give for not using Facebook Ads (or focussing any effort on Facebook full stop). As of March 2019, Facebook had over 2.38 billion monthly active users. But most importantly, our mate Mark Z also owns the social and communication trio that is: Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger. . Now if you still think your audience doesn’t fall into the reach of Facebook then come and give me a 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋‍♂️as I’m genuinely intrigued. . What other reasons do you have for not using Facebook Ads? Hit me with them, I’d love to know.


There’s me over on Lucy Green Coaching blog! Have a read about my business story so far:


One week today we’ll be kicking off Meet The Social Pro. . For those who saw my stories this week of the agency talking to their client in a cafe and giving awful advice. That is why I’m doing this. I know agencies can be good and I would never say that all agencies aren’t good at social as clearly that’s not true, I know many agencies are amazing at what their core passion is but also many add social or Ads to their package because they know they need to offer it, but do the...y REALLY know how to do it properly? . I’ve not come across one client who speaks highly of an agency they are using or previously used. This to meet speaks volumes (granted it’s hardly wide research!). . The answer isn’t always agencies, the answer isn’t always the promise of growth by freelancers. The answer IS finding a real person (not automation), finding a professional who has invested in learning about social media and has proven results. The answer is meeting a Social Pro. 💪🏻
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This made by day! ☺️🥰
For those local to the metropolis that is Bromsgrove - just an update on workshop availability: . I have 1 Facebook for Business Place available on the 6th of June. I have 3 places left on my Instagram for Business workshop on the 13th of June.... . These will be my last workshops until September at the earliest. I am potentially popping another Ads workshop in the diary for July but that’s TBC - do let me know if this might be of interest. . Have a good evening all.
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How organised are you? Are you as organised as this blooming amazing bookshelf from @blissfully_eclectic ? (Anyone else jealous?). . The more people I speak to in 1:1’s and training workshops the more I realise the people who struggle the most with social media are the people are the most organised. They want to plan everything, keep everything tidy, just so. Now don’t get me me wrong, I’m a big advocate for thinking through your social media strategy, for considering the appropriate content etc but only to a point. . Sometimes people plan, but don’t do. You have to approach social media with a degree of flexibility, you need to be able to post content which might be more timely, newsworthy for example. If you have a strict plan then there is often no room for movement. No room for a quick post. . The point of my post is to just remind people, that social media is fast paced, can you remember many/any posts you saw yesterday? . So yes don’t be slap dash about your social media and yes have a plan but try to have wiggle room! 👌🏻
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Wow, I’ll take that!! Thanks Marie ☺️☺️


We all know Social Media can be all glitz and the shiny sparkly side of life but what works the best on here is yes showing off your achievements, your products, but most importantly be your normal, be yourself. . If you talk about all elements of your business, your audience then feels like they’re part of your journey, they develop a “feeling” and are more likely to buy from a business that they have that connection with. No one likes a show off right?! So don’t feel you’ve... just got to show the end products, the highs. Show personality, show your team, show your journey, show your bloopers! Engage your audience and include them. If I think about the businesses I have bought from recently it’s people I feel I know! ☺️ . Do you buy from brands that have personality? Which are your favourite brand personalities? . . 📸 of this amazing sequin wallpaper is from 👌🏻👌🏻 I know a girl who would love this 😍
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“Oh I’ve tried Facebook Ads, they don’t work for me” - I hear this a lot. The question is have you REALLY tried? Or has it been a quick boost? Or you’ve not known how to really build a targeted audience? Or maybe you’ve not tested different copy? Creatives? . The challenge with Facebook Ads is the amount of variables. My Facebook Ads workshop helps you wade through the fog to learn about how to make the most of Facebook Ads and finally see some return on your investment. . I’ve just one spot left on my next workshop - 13th May 2019. Following that, my next workshop is October so grab it if you want to get going now!


New updates to the Facebook Algorithm. Only regarding video this time but worth a read if relevant.
I suspect the duration of video is more so they get people producing longer video so FB can then add ads! It’ll be interesting to see how this pans out. 🤓🤓


Up until last week this is where I spent 90% of my time when working from home. I just didn’t get good vibes in the corner of our spare room. Over Easter we finally did a big shuffle and now I have my very own (still slightly messy) office. I love it. Still needing to #faffthegaff , as @gettingstuffdoneinheels would say but I’m looking forward to that. All in good time hey!? . I have to say it’s nice to get our snug back to being a work free zone too. However, It’s all change in here next week as our new sofa arrives!! I can’t blooming wait. I’ll be adding that photo to #Pinterest to see if that proves as popular as this one did 😬. Will I get the Pinterest seal of approval? . Where do you spend your working hours? Are you a conventional desk worker or do you gravitate to the sofa? (Or fire like I do come winter 🥶).


Just two spaces left on this Facebook & Instagram Ads workshop. This will be the last of these workshops until September this year.😊
Any questions please shout.


Evening All,
A new date has been added for my Facebook for Business workshops. Any questions please shout.
Have a great Bank Holiday Weekend.
... Laura
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I’m really looking forward to talking at the next Women Who, Worcestershire on the 23rd May.
If you’re a local female business owner and want to find out more about this networking event head over to their Facebook Group:


This doesn’t come around very often but I have one Facebook/Instagram Ads Management slot become available. If you’re either ready to grow your business using Ads or maybe you’re not happy with the return you’re seeing with your current Ad Management arrangement then we should talk. . I have the knowledge, skills, experience and training to provide results for your business. Whether that be lead generation or e-commerce. . We can kick off with a discovery call first to check... we’re the right fit, I’ll be honest with you about your potential opportunities and barriers. I’ll be able to advise on Ad spend and strategy that should be taken. . I have a 100% client retention and lots of great testimonials including: . “dedicated, super efficient, quick to respond, conscientious and always one step ahead...I can't recommend Virtually Savvy enough! Thank you for all your help!” . If you think this might be the right time for your business to make the shift then why not drop me a message and we can set up that call.
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Really interesting post over on Social Chain Instagram. Go check it out. The IGTV video will blow your mind. It talks about how 16-24 year olds are suffering with content overwhelm. I’d urge you to go and see what happens on social media within 1 minute! . It’s true, I’m sure (i narrowly miss that age bracket so can’t confirm 😅). I’d argue though that content overwhelm is very much present in the older age brackets too. What do you think? Do you get content overwhelm? . This... shows the importance and responsibility of businesses to provide content that is about quality and not about quantity. Creating one piece of content that is of use to your audience is way way better than spitting out excessive posts that means nothing to anyone apart from to tick a box to say you’ve posted. . How often are you posting on social media? I’m about once or twice a week on average at the moment (daily on stories because I’m an addict 😅🤦🏻‍♀️)
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Who said organic Facebook growth is dead was wrong! It is still possible. I’ve working with @tamingtwins for just over two years and we’ve grown that Facebook page by nearly 70k followers in that time. We have posts that have been seen by over 15 million. Yes that’s 𝟏𝟓 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧.⁣ ⁣ Want to know how? I tell ALL at my Facebook for Business Workshops. Find out more online and grab one of the remaining 3 tickets.⁣ s/

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