
About Vivarta

Vivarta is a digital media lab, publisher and advocate for free expression rights.

Vivarta Description

As we support investigative journalism, online advocacy and free expression defenders in conflict zones and repressive states. As we advance our work with digital R& D programmes in online publication, data analysis, creative networking and cultural production.



The 60th birthday of one of Bexhill Museum’s most popular exhibits is being marked this Saturday with a special celebration. Built in Bexhill in 1958 the Elva Mark III sports-racing car was the creation of Bexhill engineer Frank Nichols.
Starting from a tiny workshop garage in London Road the firm’s models were the choice of the rich and famous here, and in the US, in the Fifties and Sixties. Elvis Presley owned one – it features in his movie Viva Las Vegas.
The museum’s... sports racer was restored to its former glory with a reconditioned Coventry Climax engine and a lightweight aluminium body, built by a volunteer team of former Elva engineers.
On Saturday Bexhill Museum is reducing its ticket prices for the day – just £2 for adults and £1 for children & concessions. Under-fives are free. The museum will also be opening its park side entrance during the day.
Bexhill 100 Motoring Club are supporting the event and collector member Paul Brailsford will bring his personal Elva Courier to display outside the museum’s park entrance. The museum will be open from 11am on Saturday August 4.
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Paul Levinson of Fordham University: "The main victims would be not the purveyors of fake news, but our freedom of expression. In my view, the result would do far more damage to our democracy than any foreign misinformation campaign ever could."


Levels of ‘pollutants’ like 'fake news', disinformation and clickbait in the media ecosystem need to be cut, but the limitations of regulation and the sector’s addiction to high-earning, high-polluting content obstructs the process. Hence this thought experiment. Why not adopt a conventional environmental model and consider a Cap & Trade system that rewards low-emitters and penalises high-emitters by a transfer of capital – as a redistributed share of ad income – from the latter to the former?


In March last year, 443 respondents took an online survey looking at content from two sources and three pieces of content. Researcher Michelle Amazeen says: “I was most surprised by how few people were able to recognize that what they were seeing was advertising.” What implications does that have for publishers who are betting on native advertising?


French journalist & veteran free expression advocate Julien Pain's "Instant Détox" programme challenges 'Fake News' - not just to put people right, but to have a real conversation. "Fake news is a good starting point that can help me talk about important points for French politics," he says.


"When it comes to social media, the users are the factor that determines the success of lack thereof. The top five doesn’t seem to change much – the three networks at the top are all under Mark Zuckerberg’s control: Facebook, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp."


A ‘make do’ business model, forced upon opposition outlets, is necessarily creative, collaborative and diversified - if hard work to make sustainable.


Why figuring out a trusted membership model is key to journalism’s future: Jay Rosen discusses his role in De Correspondent's success in the Netherlands.


A reporter in a rural district of India uses WhatsApp to broadcast local news — and makes money doing it...


Charles Arthur comments: "If I’m reading this correctly, it’s saying that Reddit and Facebook users particularly live inside news bubbles created by the site. Reddit isn’t algorithmic (though people self-select into silos); Facebook is, and that’s a concern: people won’t realise that their news tastes are being tailored to them."


Of the sites Pew tracked since 2013, three of eight show a statistically significant increase in the portion of users who get news there: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.


The Tow Center's Pete Brown on the relationship between platforms and publishers: "It’s impossible to escape the conclusion that platforms are the dominant partner."


Okay, it’s a slightly madcap plan – but all the best plans are. 89up are crowd fundraising to take a battle bus of Britons - from human rights activists to lawyers to concerned citizens – to Brussels to lobby the EU not to give the UK a free trade deal unless it commits to guaranteeing human rights through the European Convention on Human Rights.


Rather than making huge endowments to new media development trusts, a far better way to support journalism would be to give the media a bigger share of Facebook’s massive advertising income.


Jeff Jarvis: "Therein lies the final Trump paradox: In failing, he would succeed in killing the press. And his final projection: The enemy of the people convinces the people that we are the enemy. The press that survives, the liberal press, will end up with more prizes and subscriptions, oh joy, but with little hope of guiding or informing the nation’s conversation. Say The New York Times reaches its audacious dream of 10 million paying subscribers. So what? That’s 3% of the U.S. population (and some number of those subscribers will be from elsewhere). And they said that blogs were echo chambers. We in liberal media will be speaking to ourselves — or, being liberal, more likely arguing with ourselves."


“Social media is a short-form medium where resonant messages get amplified many times,” says Mark Zuckerberg. “This rewards simplicity and discourages nuance… oversimplifies important topics and pushes us toward extremes.” Journalists have long wrestled with ways to manage this kind of complexity, nuance and power. Zuckerberg’s paean to technological utopianism may translate better if read as media study rather than political science.


Of the 187 countries that SimilarWeb examined, WhatsApp was the world leader claiming 109 countries, or 55.6% of the world. WhatsApp’s countries include Brazil, Mexico, India, Russia, and many other countries in South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Facebook’s Messenger app came in second overall, claiming 49 countries including Australia, Canada, and the U.S. After Messenger, Viber was the only other messaging app to claim 10 or more countries.


Refugees and other immigrants could be turned away because their home countries do not provide “the information needed… to adjudicate visa, admission, or other benefit[s].”

More about Vivarta

Vivarta is located at Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, EC1R 3GA London, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 3086 7305