Voluntouring Abroad

Monday: 18:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 20:00
Friday: 18:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 16:00

About Voluntouring Abroad

A comprehensive road map to plan and execute a successful volunteering project abroad.

Bringing together volunteers and charities for a better world

Voluntouring Abroad Description

A comprehensive road map to plan and execute a successful volunteering project abroad.

Bringing together volunteers and charities for a better world



Cycling in Cambodia Cycling in Cambodia is on the rise and is great way to learn about the country and the Khmer people. If you cycle around Phnom Penh in the early morning, you will see many groups of cyclists hitting the road and enjoying the early day with their other friends. Cycling has advanced from a simple and cheap form of transport into a popular sport and there are plenty of cycling destinations you can try… [ 1,082 more word ] https://voluntouring-abroad.com/cycling-i n-cambodia-phnom-…/


Living In Cambodia | Phnom Penh Life in “The Penh” has the good, the bad and the ugly. A combination that makes life in Cambodia very interesting, but it can send some people into despair. There is great accommodation, but at a price; there is the traffic, but it can drive foreigners mad; and there is the food, a huge variety but often over-priced and often terrible. [ 1,549 more word ] https://voluntouring-abroad.com/living-in -cambodia-phnom-p…/


Essential Travel Items We have put together what we believe to be the most inclusive essential travel times list that is available. We gathered these essential travel items from personal experience and that of our followers and members. Some are unusual, others are truly must have in my case, some are cheap whilst others are expensive. There are meant to be 99 essential travel items; however we add and take away constantly. [ 422 more words ] https://voluntouring-abroad.com/essential -travel-items/


Kampong Thom | An Amazing Bus Stop People rushing from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap usually miss Kampong Thom even though the bus stops here for one of the many breaks the bus driver enjoys taking: Maybe that’s is why people miss it. Here there are exotic lakes, rivers, forests, mountains, and more than 200 ancient temples. This place is Kampong Thom and is definitely worth staying a couple of days to see what’s going on. [ 1,149 more word ] https://voluntouring-abroad.com/kampong-t hom/


Kampong Cham | Port of the Chams If you are thinking about a detour from Phnom Penh, or perhaps you have decided to travel north along the Mekong, then more than likely you will find yourself in Kampong Cham. The name in English means “Port of the Chams”. The Chams being an ethnic people who have lived in the area for centuries and were an ongoing thorn in the side of the Khmers. [ 1,188 more word ] https://voluntouring-abroad.com/kampong-c ham/


Anlong Veng | Last Bastion of a Dictator If you visit Preah Vihear, an alternative route back to the hustle and bustle of the real world is via the town of Anlong Veng, this is a big detour along Cambodia’s northern border, travelling across Preah Vihear and Oddar Meanchey provinces. Now, this dusty off-the-beaten track town is not exactly on the tourist trail but definitely a place to visit and see where one of the twentieth century’s most notorious tyrants and butchers saw his last stand. [ 1,126 more word ] https://voluntouring-abroad.com/anlong-ve ng-last-bastion-o…/


Battambang: The Undiscovered Country Welcome to Battambang, where rain gambling is a popular past time ... what! Well it is simply hedging your bets on when it is going to rain, what else! Battambang is the biggest city in Cambodia’s northwest, and is at the intersections of the roads leading to Sisophon then onto the Thai border, Pailin and again onto Thailand in the west, and Pursat to the southeast. [ 953 more words ] https://voluntouring-abroad.com/battamban g-the-undiscovere…/


The Road to Preah Vihear If you like old places, Cambodia has temples, palaces and cities to spare. Most people rush to Angkor and its famous Wat, others seem to drift to Phnom Koulen, then there are those intrepid few who like to go off the beaten track and visit some of the less seen places and sometimes rarely seen ones. [ 1,131 more word ] https://voluntouring-abroad.com/preah-vih ear/


We did ask if you had any essential items that you would take in a trip. Initially we had 17 items - well the list increased slightly to 99! We will launch them in groups over the next few weeks. Some of them were awesome and we will be taking them on our next trip. Campbell Muirhead particularly liked the underwater camera that follows you (we thank Damion Royce for that one); and the self cooling pilllow. Thanks to all the people who sent us their essential travel item su...ggestions. If you have or you have seen an unusual item, we appreciate all emails. Cheers
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Essential travel items. I am doing a page for my website www.voluntouring-abroad.com regarding essential travel items. Step 6 in the process is preparing for your trip. Below are the items i have been reliably informed are essential. Some of them i am not so sure about, but everyone to their own thing. Is there anything that YOU would always take or want to take with you on a trip to abroad. Especially if you were going for a month or 2 1. Medical kit – minor cuts and abrasio...ns can soon become septic and require expensive medical attention. 2. Backpack – avoid cases – carry it for a mile when packed before you leave 3. Travel pillow – weighs little and you know where it has been 4. Power bank – always have 1 or 2 in the group 5. Zipper cubes: bags with bags 6. Dji Spark drone an amazing way to find where you are. Defo a chip in and truly awesome for pictures and videos. 7. Plastic/waterproof document holder 8. Head torch – when you need both hands free. 9. Money belt - 10. Airtight plastic bags of various sizes. Wet clothes, items that have odor. 11. cheap mobile phone - for essential numbers 12. Portable wireless speakers 13. Medicated and wet wipes 14. Umbrella or rain mate – for when you do not want your hair wet 15. Wide brimmed hat 16. Kindle etc plus essential reading
Access to emergency money.
Looking forward to your essentials Campbell Muirhead
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Our new 7 step logo. Can't make it much easier or simpler. Oh yes we can! On most of our pages you will now find links to Qatar Airways, Booking.com, Agoda, Expedia, Emirates, World Nomads and Airport Lounges. If you are going somewhere -anywhere (anytime - today or next year), our charity can benefit from your travels. You can book any of these global travel leaders direct from our website https://voluntouring-abroad.com/


1.To bring to you all the resources you need to volunteer abroad, into one convenient and easy to use website. 2. A platform that is free of any fees, so that all your cash is invested in you and the project you choose. 3.To present to you insider processes and information that commercial companies would rather you did not know.... 4. Although we are aimed primarily at Cambodia: the information and roadmap we reveal to you can be used for any project abroad. 5. To present to you scholarly works and anecdotal information to make working for an overseas charity fun and worthwhile.
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How to Donate Do you want to know how to donate to our platform to help a Cambodia Charity flourish? We firmly believe in asking for nothing for nothing in return. We are not asking you to send us money (although it would be appreciated). What we want from you is to enjoy the information in our website and find the content useful. [ 1,245 more word ] https://voluntouring-abroad.com/how-to-do nate-with-no-cost…/


As I work on our website I am often reminded of the inspirational quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Occasionally when the platform is not moving ahead as quickly as I would wish, I realise that every step brings us all a bit closer to helping others. To give a helping hand to someone less better off that ourselves by either volunteering abroad, donating to charity, sharing our website or contributing to our website gives us all a share in a greater glory
“What is success? To laug...h often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate the beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch Or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!”
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Give a man a fish and he eats for a day Teach a man to fish and he feeds his family for life Give a man a fish farm and he feeds his community for life
Our mission is to create a network of fish farms throughout Battambang and expand to other areas of Cambodia. This exciting and ambitious program involves tilapia, mango trees, catfish, ducks, rice husks, sustainability, commercial sales to tourism industry, bamboo, animal and fish waste, solar water pumps and tuk tuks. Not a... single item will go to waste.
You can help in unusual ways. It might be as a volunteer, an advisor or someone who travels regularly. Maybe you blog or vlog - contribute a word or 2 or maybe a video.
Simply share our mission
Have a quick peek at our charity page
https://voluntouring-abroad.com/‚Ķ/cam‚Ä ¶/fish-farming-charity/
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I am adding a comprehensive listing of all charities and NGO operating in Cambodia on www.voluntouring-abroad.com. If anyone has any recomendations can you send me a pm with their details. Website or facebook page.


Volunteer In Cambodia Volunteering in Cambodia and Voluntouring Abroad continues to move forward to becoming the leading platform for Cambodian charities to connect with volunteers. Our website is completely free for volunteers and charities to meet and exchange ideas on how you can work together. Your help is desperately needed to keep our website relevant and useful to everyone involved in charity work abroad. [ 592 more words ] https://voluntouring-abroad.com/volunteer -in-cambodia-issu…/


There is some good advice in this video. Unlike some of the other websites we could mention this has been made by someone who has visited Cambodia

More about Voluntouring Abroad

Monday: 18:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 20:00
Friday: 18:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 16:00