
About Voxsmart

Mobile Communication Capture from the Industry Pioneers. Compliant with MiFID II, Dodd-Frank. We can Record, Store and Analyse; Calls, Texts, Voicemail and I. M.

Voxsmart Description

More FCA regulated traders have turned to Voxsmart for their mobile recording than any other solution.



Facebook ‘finalising its own Globalcoin cryptocurrency’, which could launch in March next year "Facebook is in the final stages of planning the launch of its own cryptocurrency in 2020 which has been dubbed..."
Article: https://www.cityam.com/facebook-finalisin g-its-own-globalc…/


Blockchain takes centre stage as innovative FinTech services become ‘new normal’ "FinTech platform revenues will reach $638 billion by 2024, up from an estimated $263 billion in 2019..."
Article: https://finance.yahoo.com/…/blockchain- takes-centre-stage-i…


Fintech is UK's top tech sub-sector "Fintech is the UK's top technology sub-sector when it comes to attracting investment, according to two new reports..."
Article: https://www.finextra.com/…/fintech-is-u ks-top-tech-sub-sect…


How Mifid has made its mark in the US "The launch of Mifid II represented Europe’s biggest shake-up in the relationship between banks and..."
Article: https://www.ft.com/con…/748bb6b8-6a77-1 1e9-80c7-60ee53e6681d


Fintech Startups are Overtaking Banks, Will Crypto Emerge as the Winner in Long-Term? "“The latest thinking in this area seeks to combine emerging technologies of AI and blockchain into a single proposition..."
Article: https://www.newsbtc.com/…/fintech-start ups-are-overtaking-…/


Mifid II to become global standard via #US push "The long-held belief that #MiFIDII will become a #global standard seems to be taking shape, with asset managers including..."
Article: https://www.irmagazine.com/…/mifid-ii-b ecome-global-standar…


Singapore FinTech Association and FinTech Australia ink memorandum of understanding "The Singapore FinTech Association (SFA) and FinTech Australia will share resources and allow each other access to..."
Article: https://www.straitstimes.com/…/singapor e-fintech-associatio…


Brexit hits ability of UK fintech to lure top talent - report "Leaving the European Union is making it harder for fintech firms in Britain to recruit top talent, a report said today."
Article: https://www.rte.ie/…/1037220-fuelling-f intech-report-from-…/


Could France overtake Britain for tech investment? "There are number of misconceptions around doing business in France. A language barrier and extensive bureaucracy have..."
Article: http://www.cityam.com/…/debate-could-fr ance-overtake-britai…


Happy #InternationalWomensDay from the team at VoxSmart. The theme for #IWD2019 is ‘Balance for Better', a message that really resonates with the VS team! We have a number of talented, passionate and inspiring females working across our business in Development, Sales, Account Management, Finance and on our Executive team and Board. Balance really is BETTER


Forget Cryptocurrencies - How Can Financial Institutions Make Use Of Blockchain? "When Bitcoin, as a primary example of an established cryptocurrency, started making headlines in mainstream media, a lot..."
Article: https://www.forbes.com/…/forget-cryptoc urrencies-how-can-…/…


Five fintech trends to watch in 2019 "There’s no shortage of stories on how tech breakthroughs will transform financial services, from changing the way we interact with..."
Article: http://www.cityam.com/274176/five-fintech -trends-watch-2019


Lawyers warned over potentially negligent GDPR advice "A legal compliance expert has warned that lawyers may need to take action over potential breaches of data protection rules."
Article: https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/…/lawyers- warn…/5069473.article


Fintech firms to face increased scrutiny as regulators fear pace of change, KPMG warns "Regulators are becoming increasingly concerned that the scale and pace of fintech development could harm consumers..."
Article: http://www.cityam.com/…/fintech-firms-f ace-increased-scruti…


FCA says Mifid II has had ‘positive’ effects "The UK’s market watchdog has vowed to examine the effects of tough new EU-wide standards on analyst research..."
Article: https://on.ft.com/2Tf1bzm


Top Fintech Trends Revamping Financial Technology "Two diverse industries, namely finance and Technology were married together to form the new amalgamation of “Fintech”."
Article: http://bit.ly/2GNn1UB


GDPR 8 months on- what have we learned? "It’s been eight months since Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was introduced. But have you noticed much difference since May?"
Article: http://bit.ly/2H6F5bA

More about Voxsmart

Voxsmart is located at 35 Luke Street, EC2A4LH London, United Kingdom