Vybe Fit

About Vybe Fit

VYBE FITNESS Elite Personal Training | Online Coaching | Lifestyle Mentoring | Visit: www. vybefitness. co. uk to see how you can TRANSFORM your life�

Vybe Fit Description

VYBE FITNESS Elite Personal Training | Online Coaching | Lifestyle Mentoring |
See how you can TRANSFORM your life�

Here at VYBEFITNESS we understand that ‘doing your own thing’ doesn’t get you the body you dream of, no matter how hard you seem to be trying for it. We have walked a mile in your shoes, we have once been there, doing our own thing in the gym and realised despite years of hard training five days a week and eating our own version of ‘healthy’. It is very frustrating, and it can be very demoralising too when you feel like your working so hard, for very little return in terms of visible results.

If you need or are looking for a high-quality Personal Trainer. TeamVybe are exactly what you are looking for. We will look at your body, posture and your hormonal profile to compile a program which can be fit around your daily routine, and will most importantly get you the results you invest in. Investing in a Personal Trainer is a big thing – it is a luxury which is affordable and worth the investment in here at Bode Fitness. We develop Personal Training programs which are designed specifically for YOUR personal needs.

Our Personal Training programs are different to what you can expect. Many of our exercises are based on the principals of functional fitness. We train in different planes of movement means you not only achieve your long-term goals, but also get your body moving in the right way. We will educate you about nutrition and why your body responds to foods in such ways, and how to get rid of stubborn body fat for once and for all and also teach you how to train effectively, so you can train for less time and spend more time doing the things you most enjoy.

To find out more about Personal Training in Manchester- http://www. vybefitness. co. uk



🥜Are you snacking on nuts and dried fruit while dieting without knowing how many calories it contains? - I see so many people falling into this trap… - They assume that because nuts & dried fruit are “healthy” that automatically means that they are a good snack to have while trying to lose weight.... - Well, that’s wrong. - The truth is that nuts are super healthy but fat loss completely depends on calories in vs. calories out. As you can see nuts are super calorie dense and by snacking them you could easily eat over 500-600 calories without even noticing. - So, you should definitely be aware of this. Next time you will might want to limit snacking or eat a real meal instead because you can easily overeat on nuts & dried fruits no matter how healthy they are. - Help a buddy who is snacking on nuts everyday and trying to lose weight by tagging them below. . #VyBeFit #FitnessSnacks #Superfoods #Nuts #ProtienSource #Snacks #VybeFitness
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PROTEIN OPTIONS 🍳🍖 (low calorie) - Whenever a new client starts with me I generally get a similar response when I ask about their current diet. They’ll say something like this.. - “Breakfast is some toast with avocado, or sometimes some muesli and yoghurt and a coffee, then a piece of fruit as a snack mid morning, maybe a sandwich for lunch, some nuts/more fruit in the arvo and then for dinner I’ll usually have some sort of lean meat/fish and some sort of carb.”... - It’s crazy how many times I’ve heard this sort of response. On the surface it seems like a pretty healthy diet right? I guess that’s why they respond this way. But there's one major issue... WHERES THE PROTEIN? 😱 - I’ll then get them set up on VybeFit App and the lack of protein in their diet will quickly present itself. Most people that start with me are usually well below 40-50g per day when they start tracking it (way too low if you're training consistently) - You can see what motivated this post. So if you are just starting out, think you need to increase your protein and don’t know where to get it from. Refer to this graphic whenever you’re feeling stuck for ideas. - And if you have no idea how much protein you’re eating and have never tracked it, chances are you aren’t eating enough. - Anyway I hope this helps. TAG a mate that needs some protein in their life ❤️🍳 #VybeFit #Protein #Calories #foodfitness #gains #Mealprep #FoodPlans #VybeFitness #Strong #Foodtracking #myfitnesspal
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💥EXCITING APP UPDATE💥 . ‘VybeFit App’ has now stepped upto another level👍🏽 . Latest update now support Fitbit Integration. Tracking through step counts, calories burned, distance covered and many more features.... . Now Available on Apple App Store & Play Store! . For more info DM me directly👍🏽 . #VybeFit #OnlineCoaching #PersonalTrainer #Fitness #Programming #StrengthTraining #FatLoss #Nutrition #FoodPlans #Diet #Calories #Steps #Summer #MobileApp #WorkOutAtHome #FitBit
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🚨Will Eating Rice Make you Fat?🚨 . . 🍚I get many messages from people asking me ‘is rice making them fat,’ or blaming rice for being overweight. Let’s put this to misinformation to bed shall we? .... . 🔈A SINGLE FOOD ON ITS OWN DOES NOT MAKE YOU FAT. EATING TOO MANY OVERALL CALORIES AND/OR NOT MOVING ENOUGH WILL MAKE YOU FAT . . 🙌Sorry for shouting, but I feel this won't be the last time I say this. Fact is, rice is bloody awesome. It's full of minerals and fast and easy digesting carbs (especially white rice), which makes it a perfect post workout meal ingredient. Rice is my number one and it's one of the main sources of carbs I advise all my online coaching clients to eat. Also rice tastes great! 😻 . . 🍙If you're wondering, 100g of white rice has around 130 calories! That's nothing! About the same as a large banana 🍌 You'd have to be eating a hell of a lot of rice for it to be making you fat 🍚🙈 . . 👫Tag a rice lover. Any questions please comment below and feel free to share this information 🤗 . #VybeFit #ComplexCarbs# #ILoveRice #WhiteRice #Dinner #Carbs #VybeFitness
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🔥ARE ALL OF THE CALORIES EQUAL?🔥 - There’s no point in arguing that by hitting your macronutrient goal you’re going towards achieving your body goals. So, basically yes, it doesn’t matter where are those calories for your body composition. However, your food choice massively impacts your overall health and energy throughout the day. If you care about these two things, I believe you’ll start caring from where you get your calories/macronutrients. 🔑 - Having a little meal treat... from time to time won't hinder your progress if you make it fit into your calorie goal. In fact, that’s really the main thing which makes flexible dieting so sustainable; you don’t have to give up on your favorite foods and you can eat them almost whenever you want. 🍎 - You can see all over the internet that everyone is promoting flexible dieting as something super crazy. For instance, eating pop tarts 6 times a day, but the more time you spend dieting you realize that instead of eating huge chocolate and not be satisfied, you could eat a high-volume meal and actually feel full and satisfied after it. 🥙 - Once you learn how macronutrients and calories work, the life becomes much easier. 🤓 - So the question is who do you think is going to be more successful in the long run? The dude that eats whole food and occasionally has a treat meal, or the dude that eats processed food most of the time? 🤔 - I hope this was helpful, and if you have any questions feel free to comment below or hit me up a DM! Much love 💙 . #VybeFit #VybeFitness #Calories #Nutrition #Fastfood #Balanceddiet #FitnessMotivation #Food #HealthyChoices
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I get asked SO often what the best exercise to lose belly/arm/leg fat OR what the best food to lose fat in those areas. People are doing 1000’s of crunches to get a 6 pack thinking that the fat is coming off from where they feel the burn 🔥 . Unfortunately, it doesn’t work this way. You can’t choose where your body decides to take its energy. You just have to reduce your overall body fat % and eventually the fat will go away from where you want. Some people lose it in their le...gs first and some people lose it in their face first. That stuff is genetic and you can’t control it. What you CAN control, is being in a caloric deficit and bringing your fat % down . Eventually you’ll be where you want to be but you have to be PATIENT 🙏🏼 . Let me know if you’ve got any questions 😊 . #VybeFit #BellyFat #Slim #SummerBodyGoals #ConsistancyIsKey #Fataloss
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WANNA LOSE FAT? LIFT WEIGHTS! ——— 90% of my post are related to nutrition... ⠀ And for good reason☝️🤓... ⠀ When it comes to losing weight, controlling what you’re gracefully shoving down your pie hole is the most important thing to get right. ⠀ But there's a problem with losing weight through diet alone or even diet + cardio... ⠀ You may be losing weight, but it doesn't necessarily mean you're losing the RIGHT kind of weight.
Here’s what I mean... ⠀ When people say, they want to “lose weight,” what they really mean is they want to LOSE BODY FAT 🔥 ⠀ Eating in a calorie deficit helps you lose weight, and sure, a lot of that weight will be fat... ⠀ But(t🍑) it won’t all be fat. Chances are, you'll end up losing muscle too. ⠀ Trust me when I say you do NOT want that to happen while you’re dieting ❌ ⠀ Reason being, having lean muscle helps you: ✅ maintain a faster metabolism ✅ lose fat more easily ✅ build an overall healthier & leaner body. ⠀ And that brings us to why lifting weights is so friggin' beneficial! ⠀ Not only will it help you maintain the muscle you have, but you’ll likely end up building muscle & losing fat together! ⠀ Sure, the scale might not drop as quickly, but the weight you DO lose will end up coming mostly (if not entirely) from body fat. What's more, you'll have an easier time getting rid of the last bit of fat you’re holding in “trouble areas.” ⠀ NOTE 📝: You don't have to be a bodybuilder or powerlifter to lift weights... ⠀ Heck, many of my online clients work out from home using dumbbells! ⠀ What matters is that you're challenging your muscles & progressing over time. ⠀ If you're getting stronger — using more weight, doing more reps, etc. — that's a good sign you're building muscle 💪 ⠀ SECOND NOTE 📝 📝: If you want a lifting routine to get started with, there are a few I recommend checking out: ⠀ The first is my Free Fat Loss Plan (link in below). It’ll give you actionable advice for setting up your fat loss plan and comes with a full workout routine to follow.
http://download.vybefit.co.uk ⠀ #VybeFit #Fataloss #LiftHeavy #WeightTraining #TeamVybe #SummerBody
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Making gains and losing fat is tough. Fasting during Ramadan while doing those things is even tougher. But don't fret. You can make both spiritual and physical gains during this holy month. Ramadan is a month in the Islamic calendar in which Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, meaning they do not eat or drink except during a small window. For me in the UK, this means we can only eat or drink from 10PM - 3AM (approx), when most people are sleeping. . . When you break your fas...t, you want nutrients in your body quickly. I suggest whey protein and some fast-acting carbs. Dates are actually amazing for breaking your fast because they are easy on the stomach, digest quickly, and full of nutrients. Also, drink a lot of water but not so much so that you puke. . . Next, I suggest you train in the gym (if possible). If you go to prayers after Iftaar, then you will have to train very late and go to a 24-hour gym. If not, you can train during your fasting period, but this could be dangerous because you cannot even drink water and can suffer from hypoglycemia. If you absolutely must train during the fasting period, train right before breaking your fast. Note that it is tough to bulk and build muscle because you may have decreased energy in the gym, and may struggle to squeeze all those extra calories in a small eating window. I suggest you maintain or cut. . . After training, have some quick-digesting food again if you still have some time before Suhoor. When Suhoor comes around and you must prepare to fast again, eat very slow-digesting food. This includes protein, complex carbs with fiber, fat, and tons of water. This could be some Greek yogurt, oatmeal, and nuts or maybe a normal bodybuilding meal like chicken, starches, and veggies. Drink a butt-ton of water too. . . This month will be tough, but I, as well as my clients, have maintained or even gotten very lean during Ramadan. Remember to track your total calorie and protein as always. And you know there will be tons of dessert during Ramadan. Just make sure to fit it into your daily calorie intake. Ramadan Kareem. #VybeFit #Ramadan2018 #FitAsian #BeHealthy #Happy
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Did you know pizza is 40-50% water 😂? ➖ “Eat your water” is often a dietary cue that I like to advise my clients in order to help improve their diet, performance, weight loss etc. & common sense should tell you why. ➖ 1: Diet quality: Instead of aggressively cuing someone to just “EAT HEALTHY”, by instructing them to focus on eating more water you subconsciously “trick” them into sig. improving the quality of their diet as most foods with the highest water content are fruits ...& veggies. Furthermore, these foods are often the lowest in kcals & highest in fibre/micronutrients which, let’s face it, most people don’t get enough therefore, highly beneficial for further improving overall health, physical performance and prevention of disease. Finally as a result of being high in water/fibre & low in kcals, when increasing the amount of servings of high water containing foods one can involuntarily reduce caloric intake mainly via increasing fullness, perfect for those wanting to lose weight by making adhering to sustaining a kcal deficit that little bit easier. ➖ 2: Increases hydration status: As little as 2% dehydration can lead to dramatic decrements in performance, increased fatigue, altered thermoregulatory capability, reduced motivation & increased RPE. Therefore, as hydration is an often neglected component to most people’s diets, eating high water containing foods can help increase one’s water intake to avoid dehydration. In fact, water from foods can contribute up to 22% of one’s daily intake, much higher in European countries who may have higher intakes of fruits & veggies, thus not do be neglected. #VybeFit #Water #Hydration #Fruits #Veggies #Nutrition #Detox #Juice #Fasting #Gym #Workout #Fitness
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😋Easy Fat Loss Meals😋 . I get asked a lot about meal ideas for losing weight. Here are some great options for you👍🏽 . All four of these meals are super simple to make, fulfilling, and low in calories making them perfect choice while dieting. 🍳... - INSTRUCTIONS: 👇 -- 1⃣ Quick oats with banana and berries - Combine all ingredients in a small microwave-safe bowl. Heat in the microwave for 3 minutes. - 2⃣ Chocolate high-protein oats - Bring 2/3 cup water and salt to a boil over high heat. Turn heat down to medium and add oats. Cook until nearly thick, about 3 minutes. Add sweetener and cocoa. Stir and cook until thick, about another 30 seconds. Remove from heat, transfer to a bowl, and mix in whey powder. - 3⃣ Chicken burrito bowl - Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat. Spray with non-stick spray. Add chicken to the pan and cook 5-8 minutes per side until cooked through and no longer pink. Let rest 5 minutes before chopping into bite sized pieces; set aside. Chop avocado, lettuce, green pepper, and tomato. Toss to get in a bowl with the tomatoes, corn, beans, and chicken. - 4⃣ Slice avocado and set aside. Heat olive oil in a small pan over medium heat. Chop pepper and Canadian bacon and sauté until peppers begin to get tender. Crack an egg into the pan and mix around. Let cook without stirring or mixing for about 5 minutes until egg has no translucency. Add shredded cheddar and fold egg mixture in half over the cheese. - Recipes from eatthismuch.com #VybeFit #Nutrition #Ideas #Mealprep #Macros #Calories
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➕Intermittent fasting has slowly gotten more and more popular over the years. I myself have even experimented with it a lot over the last year or so. - 🤔For those that don't know, intermittent fasting (IF) is just a style of eating that requires you to eat all of your calories within a certain window, and fast for the rest of the day. The most common practice seems to be fasting for 16 hours, and then having an 8 hour 'feeding window.' It's also not uncommon for people to fas...t for longer periods. - ✅It definitely has a lot of upside. I personally still incorporate a version of it on most days where I usually don't eat until around 1-2pm. It's a good way to give my digestive system a break and keep my insulin sensitivity in check. - 🔥For most people it will work wonders for fat loss, especially initially. Fasting for longer periods will lower insulin levels, increase norepinephrine and can increase your metabolic rate. - ☝️All these fancy terms pretty much mean your body will become more efficient at breaking down body fat and using it for energy (instead of using that yoghurt and muesli you shovel down every morning.) Make sense? Cool. - 😀A lot of people also love IF for its simplicity. Not having to worry about preparing 5-6 meals plus snacks is a huge plus. And you also get to enjoy larger portion sizes. Cramming 2500 calories into 8 hours will do that. - ❌ The downside of IF is that for most people, it isn't sustainable for the long term. That's not to say it isn't possible, I know a lot of people that swear by it. But from my experience, the calorie deficit catches up to most people. - ✌️For someone newer to fasting, following a strict protocol that requires you to go without food for long periods can often result in binge eating and blowing out on the diet completely. It all depends on the individual though. - 🙋‍♂️My opinion? I think IF is awesome and can definitely be a great tool for fat loss. I incorporate it most days. - 🔑But like with any diet, trailing it for yourself is the key. For some people it works amazingly, and for others it makes them completely miserable. - 🗣Have you tried intermittent fasting? #VybeFit #Fasting #Intermittentfasting
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I wanna propose a challenge to you... - From here on out, I challenge you to do your absolute bestest to have a Turtle Mindset with your weight loss 🐢 - Instead of focus entirely on speed & short-term results 🐇❌, you're going to focus on sustainability & long-term success 🐢✅... - Instead of burning yourself out trying to do everything at once (inconsistently trying to be perfect) 🐇❌, you're going to focus on executing on the fundamentals (consistently being good enough) 🐢✅ - Instead of letting physical results dictate your success 🐇❌, you're going to remember that scale weight & measurements are volatile. You're going to remember that HOW you get results matters a lot more than how quickly you get 'em 🐢✅ - What's more, I'll want you to internalize these TWO phrases: - 1️⃣ a Little Too Little Beats a Little Too Much - If you're regularly killing yourself in the gym and being overly-restrictive with your diet, you might feel good at first, but you'll eventually fizzle and burn out. - 2️⃣ Slow is Fast - in the short-term, taking things slow and being "sustainable" might not get you quick results, but in the long-run — which is what matters — you'll get the same results AND be able to keep them since you took time to build habits and systems. - And don't worry, I'll be following along too. Reason being, it's easy to fall into a "Rabbit" mindset and sacrifice sustainability for faster results. I'm gonna do my best to frequently remind myself that a turtle mindset wins in the end. - ... So what do you say? Are you up for the challenge? If so, REPOST this graphic, tag me in the actual post and description, and then comment a turtle emoji (🐢) down below! 😊 #TeamVybe #VybeFit #Slowly #Rabbit #Turtle #Patience #Longtermgoal #Consistancyiskey
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💥I remember when I was an overweight kid but people used to say to me, ‘it’s ok, at least you got a lot of fat to turn into muscle!’ No! Fact was, I was just fat 😂 They are 2 separate tissues as we explains here. . It's common for new lifters to experience substantial fat loss while still being able to build a good amount of muscle [1-3]. Some have the idea that this occurs because body fat is turned into muscle when someone goes through body recomposition . However, it's sim...ply impossible to transform fat into muscle. Body composition changes occur through an increase or decrease in muscle size and/or fat, not through some magical process that converts fat into muscle or vice versa . Hopefully, this common myth is now debunked for good lol #VybeFit #BodyFat #Muscle #Fat #Fact #Fitness #Health
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For whatever reason posts like these tend to be very controversial. - Look, I’m not saying cardio is bad. - I’m saying if you’re interested in losing fat, getting leaner, and staying that way, it’s pretty black and white: you need the strength training. That’s it.... - People focus so much on which burns more calories but this isn’t even the important part. When you focus solely on calories, you’re still focusing on losing weight vs losing fat. - Calorie/energy balance is about weight loss — not fat loss. - The true benefit to strength training is how it forces your body to DISTRIBUTE that energy. A good lift puts your body into a state where it knows it needs to send nutrients to the muscles. - Think of it this way: - When you lift weights or aim to get stronger while you’re in a calorie deficit — however you create that deficit — you’re essentially telling your body: - “Hey, um, I know you need energy because you’re not getting enough from food, but we’re doing these deadlifts and trying to do chin ups, so you’re gonna have to take fat for energy because I clearly need the muscle.” - Without any fancy words, that is basically what’s happening. Weight training and protein signals to your body the muscle has to stay. Your body isn’t dumb, it does what it needs to do to support your body’s environment and needs. - But if all you do is cardio your body will eventually decide that muscle can go along with the fat. - And if that happens, you aren’t getting leaner — just smaller. - And that’s not what you signed up for right? - So no, I don’t have a problem with cardio. I just have science and a simple way to explain that cardio alone isn’t gonna help get you get lean. - By all means, you can do just cardio and lose fat — but eventually it’ll come with losing muscle. And if you just like cardio? Go for it. - Seriously let’s not act like just because strength training has more overall benefits, especially for losing fat, that I’m like on the side laughing at someone going for a jog. - I’m all for people being active. And I’m all for you prioritizing strength training if your goal is to burn fat. - Questions? #VybeFit #Cardio #Weights #Results #Circuits
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🤗Eat less without noticing 🤗 . So everyone knows by now that the real way to lose weight is to eat less than you burn - Right? 🤔 . KNOWING this is only half the battle (actually much less than half). Actually executing on it and burning more than you eat is hard. That’s why so many people struggle with weight loss.... . Above are a few little tricks that you can try to employ in order to eat a bit less everyday. Remember that even if this saves you 100 cals per day, that’s 36,500 per year and equivalent to over 10 lbs of fat! . Let me know if you have any questions or other tricks that have helped you 😉 #VybeFit #Eat #Raw #Portioncontrol
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Small changes over time can produce significant results. Here are some simple ways to accelerate your fat loss journey ⤵️ ・・・ FAT LOSS - 1 STEP AT A TIME . Ok, I wanted to do this post to help those of you that may be struggling a little with getting healthy and losing weight. You know, you’re the one who’s eyes glaze over at the mention of calories, deficit and macros😂.... . It’s information overload out there so sometimes it’s good to get simple perspective and also have easy and actionable information. . This will hopefully help those that are inclined to take an all or nothing approach or those that are hesitant to make a start. . I acknowledge and understand that taking that first step is always the toughest. This is why I’ve presented you with 4 things that you can start doing today to help yourself take a positive step in the right direction. You can pick just one of these if you want. . ❎CUTTING DOWN ON THE BAD STUFF - you know what’s not doing you any good but it’s also not always easy to go cold turkey so don’t. Cut back instead. . ❎CHANGING COOKING METHODS - how about steamed, boiled or grilled as an alternative to fried for example. . ❎SWAPPING FOR SOMETHING BETTER - choose the lesser evil. Look at things on a continuum of not ideal to more ideal. If you can get most of your choices to the more ideal side then you’re winning IMO. . ❎PREPARING ONE MEAL A DAY - This is a big one here in a city centre. Everyone eats out because food is so good and accessible but it’s never going to be as good as home prepared meals where you can control exactly what goes into a meal. Plus, studies show that people that prepare their own meals are much more likely to succeed in the fat war. . Which tips will you use? #VybeFit #Calories #Fatloss #Simple
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🔽WHAT ACTUALLY MATTERS FOR FAT LOSS?🔽 ⠀⠀ Many of you have probably heard of Pareto principle. It basically says that 20% of the stuff gives you 80% of the results and remaining 80% of the stuff gives you only 20% of the results. Well, it actually applies to fat loss as well! ⠀⠀ You see many people stress about meal timing, rest period, which supplements to take, how much cardio, fasted or fed cardio, etc. The truth is that these things don't matter that much.... ⠀⠀ What you should actually primarly focus on is: 1⃣ Moderate calorie deficit – without one there's no way you'll lose weight. Period! 2⃣ Sufficient protein – 0.9-1.1g/lb of bodyweight is completely enough 3⃣ Strenght training 2-5x/week – It helps you lose mostly fat instead of muscle as well. It also helps you look better, feel better, improve bone strength and burn more calories. 4⃣ Building new habits – This one is so underestimated but super important if you want long term succes which I assume you want. ⠀⠀ That's pretty much it! Focus on the things that matter the most and you'll get most of the results. If you got any questions feel free to hit me up a DM or comment below! Much love 💙#TeamVybe #VybeFit #Balance #Lifestyle #Fatloss
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💥💥Excited to announce that VYBE FITNESS will be LAUNCHING an Online Mobile Training App!!📱
This will be a game changer for everybody from new beginners to the athletes. FUTURE of Workouts!🕹
Tailored Workouts - Nutrition Plans - Live Workout Tracker - Progression Chart - Photo Uploads - Push Notification - In-App Messaging - 24/7 Support & much more features!!👍🏽
... Will be available to download on iPhone and android. ⬇️
Personal Training and Online Coaching has just got a whole lot better!💪🏽
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More about Vybe Fit

Vybe Fit is located at Stockport Road, M19 2RE Manchester, United Kingdom