Wagging Wonders Lincoln

About Wagging Wonders Lincoln

Canine Behaviourist offering a range of services. Working with dogs and owners using positive, force free training to improve behaviour and build a strong dog-owner relationship.

Wagging Wonders Lincoln Description

Experienced & Qualified Dog Trainer and Behaviourist working with a variety of breeds and issues using reward based methods. Classes & 121s are available.

I am a member of the Pet Professional Guild.
As well as having worked to obtain the following qualifications:
Canine Behaviour & Training Diploma from the Centre of Excellence.
Canine Behaviour Diploma from the International School of Canine Psychology (ISCP)

All training is tailored to dog and owner and works on increasing the relationship between the two. Offering a range of classes we also offer 121, private training for those dogs that may find classes too stressful.



Teaching dogs to enjoy their teeth being checked.
Arthur has had a few vet checks recently because of an ongoing issue he is having. This means vet checks are a standard, and the wonderful vets at Rase Veterinary Centre - Lincoln always handle him very compassionately and well.
However when Arthur was a very young pup at a different vets practice he was handled quite roughly when his teeth were checked, and this is something he has continued to get upset by as he has matured....
Having his teeth checked is a standard procedure he should be able to handle, and likely something he will need a lot of as matures as he has a slightly overshot jaw, and there may be issues with his teeth because of that.
So I decided to take 5 minutes yesterday to do a short session on handling and checking Arthur’s teeth. Throughout I am using two points of contact with Arthur, to help relax and calm him. I have been careful to place my hand under his chin in the past, and pair that with food arriving.
This means that Arthur sees the hand as very calming and reassuring, and it means he is more prepared for a hand coming over to investigate. If I were to just put my hand over from above, this would likely make him more anxious as this can be frightening for a dog.
Throughout I move calmly and slowly, as well as regularly just stroking his face. Arthur enjoys having a face rub! So it’s easy to incorporate in to make it more enjoyable, and now and then I just rub his face. This is so that he does not assume a face rub means his teeth are going to be checked.
What this is doing, is teaching Arthur that his teeth being checked is a positive experience. There are no conditions to this, if he moves away, I still reward him. It is information to me I have pushed too hard, so I can go back a step.
I keep sessions short, I break things down into small steps and I keep sessions full of rewards. I am not using a clicker or marker, simply because it triggers him to get excited and throw his head from my hands! Using a clicker can work well with some dogs, just keep an eye on your dogs reactions.
If you are in our exclusive members only group, then you will find more on this shortly.
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Big congratulations to our Life Skills for Reactivity Graduates!
These dogs and owners worked so well, it was hard to believe any of the dogs were reactive at times!
Working on skills to help their dogs in the real world and our regular Meetings with Manners sessions, these dogs were much more focussed and able to control themselves by the end of the course.
... Well done 🎉Lenny🎉 🎉Teddy & Tullulah 🎉 🎉Theo 🎉
We are starting another round of these classes shortly, comment below if you'd like to learn more about how we can help you and your dog with their reactivity!
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Congratulations to our recent graduates of our Creating the Connection course!
🎉Fin🎉 🎉Lysa🎉 🎉Isaac 🎉... 🎉Willow🎉
Some really great work from all, all round. :D Sorry about Willow's photo, she moves so fast 😂😱
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It was great to meet some new dogs on our Creating the Connection round!
Learning about focus, a patient sit and how reading the body language of other dogs is as important as reading the body language of our own dogs!
Great work all round :D


When you are passionate about your job, you want to learn more and KEEP learning! You want to know you are giving everyone the best you can!
It's important to me that I keep on learning to give you the best and most accurate information to help you are your dog!
So I am pleased to announce that I am joining this course so I can pass on the best information to YOU in future!
... I'm just a little excited :D
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Our Real life Reactivity course group working on the engage disengage game with their triggers.
We are on week 3 of 4 and the dogs are all showing big signs of improvement!
Love the level of focus from Lenny and Tullulah as well as Theo coping with me carrying equipment.
... Theo reminds me alot of my own dog Marley, and anything unusual about a person can cause him alot of anxiety. Theo was very unsure of me doing this unusual activity but his owner ensured he was getting many rewards for this to build positive associations .
Lenny and Tullulah showing small dogs shouldn't ever be under estimated and are trainable, look at that focus from Tullulah :D
Well done guys!
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Making changes
Changing behaviour in dogs can be far more complicated than it might seem.
It isn’t simply about training the dog something, them learning it and jobs done.
... Often WE need to change our own behaviour in order to ensure that our dogs are able to change their own behaviour.
If we are walking reactive dogs on the same route everyday, where we KNOW they will see a dog they have a problem with. Where we KNOW they are going to get barrelled into off the lead. Where we KNOW people will put their hands all over the hand shy dog...we are setting the dogs up to fail, and ourselves!!
It is frustrating to see our dogs perform behaviour we want to see less of, but so much of it is about learning to adapt our own behaviour and lives to get GREATER results in the long run. Changing behaviour is a challenge, and this applies to us as much as our dogs!
It can be a challenge to change our own behaviour, for the same reasons it’s a challenge for your dog to change a behaviour. We have habits we slip into without realising, we opt for the easy option that has worked for us every time.
So we walk the dog where we know triggers may occur, because it’s easier than driving somewhere quiet.
So we accept the dog pulling on lead because we are too tired that day.
Instead, we need to be thinking; How can I make this easier for BOTH of us!
You and your dog are a team! You need to consider yourself in your dog’s training plans!
What changes can you make, to make your dogs training easier- which makes your life easier in the long run?
Try setting yourself some goals, daily goals, weekly goals, where do you want to be in a month?
Every day I do at least one training session with Arthur, I vary it or we both get bored.
Each week I ensure we go somewhere new, or somewhere to work on his excited behaviour around dogs. Otherwise, our daily walks are quiet places where we can both just enjoy the walk and neither of us have to stress.
Over a month this works out nicely, and I can SEE the results from my forward planning.
Try and think about what will help your dogs best?
How often do you think you should do it?
Can you make any changes to walking location if you are working on reactivity, pulling onlead, recall etc ?
Can you dedicate one walk a week to work on the issue?
At Wagging Wonders we work WITH you to help you and your dog get the results you are looking for.
If you are looking to make any changes with your dog, comment below with what you plan to do!
Are you unsure of changes you could be making? Ask us!
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Puppy training isn't just about teaching practical life skills!
We incorporate confidence building exercises into out class with novel objects, surfaces and experiences. This is because of the importance of your dog having many novel, positive experiences while young.
This helps create more confident, optimistic and resilient dogs. Which means they will be less likely to develop anxiety in different situations as adults . As well as creating a strong trusting bond between d...og and owner. 🐕
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Cancellation space available for our next Creating the Connection course!
Usually booked up far in advance, a place starting SATURDAY 1st SEPTEMBER, 12pm - 1pm.
£50 for 4 weeks, for dogs 6 months plus this covers:
... Basic commands Recall Walking politely onlead Greeting people politely Greeting dogs politely Stay Leave it Insight into canine body language
Only 4 dogs on a course allowing for you and your dog to get individual attention you deserve!
Comment below to book a place Or email waggingwonderslincoln@gmail.com
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🎉Wonderful news! 🎉


Congratulations to our most recent round of Puppy Class Graduates! 👏
🎉Revie🎉 🎉Mouse🎉 🎉Heidi🎉... 🎉Alfie & Archie 🎉
Wonderful work from all, some very confident and happy pups :D
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🐶It's National Dog Day today! 🐶
Drop a picture of your lovely dog below to celebrate :D


Congratulations are in order for our recent graduates!
First of all
... for completing her Reliable Recall course! 👏
Then congrats to
🎉Meila 🎉 🎉Charlie🎉 🎉Jez 🎉
For completing their Creating the Connection course! Some much calmer dogs by the end of 4 weeks, well done everyone!
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Real Life Skills for Reactivity One of the things our class covered is "find it" this week.
This is ideal to keep dogs brains engaged and investigating new environments. Dogs learn so much about their environment from scent so this can be perfect for boosting confidence in nervous dogs as well as being a potential management tool now and then.
... Keep your eyes peeled, we will be announcing our next course with spaces available shortly.
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This is very true and something I mention alot relating to reactivity and teaching dogs to walk politely.


Puppy Tip - Fleece Tuggies
Great for bored puppies these can be great to engage and entertain them.
If your puppy is nipping these are ideal to redirect your puppy onto, so they know what they can bite!
... Ideal for if your puppy is trying to chew their lead, something again better to chew!
Try soaking them in water and a tiny touch of coconut oil and freeze then give to your puppy to ease sore gums if your puppy is teething
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We still have places available on our Creating the Connection course for dogs 6 months plus and our Reliable Recall courses starting on September 1st!
Click the photo for more details! Get in touch to book a place!


Zarah and Amy really helped us with our rescue dog. We did the puppy classes and then some follow on sessions to keep his mind engaged. He wasn't happy in the social session at the end so instead of our class ending they always made sure Benny had something new to learn which we really appreciated. He is now great with other dogs so I must hank you both for your time and patience with us!


Zara and Amy are such lovely and friendly people who know what they are doing. I took my little pup to one of their 6 week classes and can highly recommend it. It was fun and relaxed and I felt my dog really did benefit from being in a room with different dogs, as well as the training! I will be recommending their class to any new dog owners


You can teach an old dog new tricks! I took my 6 year old Cockapoo to Zara's Reliable Recall course. Her recall was not brilliant but we went back to basics on the course and after four weeks my dog has improved so much. We shall build on what we have learnt and I have more confidence now to be able to let her off the lead. Thanks Zara.


Writing an up to date review to replace my 2014 one!

I've used Zara for dog care in the home for a good 14 months; and also had Amy and Zara as trainers for over 18 months. In that time I've recommended them for puppy training and even looking after a hedgehog - that's how much faith I have in these ladies!

Och is a grumbly dog. Fear reactive of other dogs. In the last two years he has gone from howling and lunging and growling at dogs across a field, to being able to offer basic behaviours in an outdoor group class. The wagging wonders team have never given up on him, and unlike some other trainers they have supported my decision to use a muzzle, and also try some different activities with him ie running. Their support has given me so much more confidence, leading to och experiencing a more normal dog life - he can even go on a walk with one of Zaras whippets now.

When I'm at work I know och is in good hands,I get regular updates and pictures, and even come home somw days to find he's been left the odd treat.


Wow! What a brilliant few weeks we have had learning new tricks and training with our pup! We can not thank you two ladies enough for all the help and hard work you have given over our time spent with you. We will definitely be back and suggest many more join of the fun filled experiences. Thank you so much


We have just completed the 6 week puppy training with Reggie our very enthusiastic Cockerpoo! Zara and Amy are fabulous they have so much patience and make the training easy and enjoyable. I would highly recommend their classes.


We have been working with Zara with our very nervous Cockapoo. She is amazing and so knowledgable! He is doing so well and it’s all down to her showing us both what to do with his behaviours. I would highly recommend Wagging Wonders to anyone who requires help with their dog x


We did a 6 week course with our little puppy Merlin! Zara and Amy were absolutely fantastic, giving loads of help and advice continuously even for things totally unrelated to the classes! I was so impressed by how well they trained us for our dogs and how much patience they had (my dog can be very trying when you try to get him to lay down!) couldn't recommend them enough!


We brought our puppy Pippa to the 6 week puppy course and I highly recommend it! Pips heels, sits, lays down, stays, “leaves it”, is really well socialised, her recall is fab and she’s only just turned 4 months old!! It’s taught us how to be the best owners to pips and I would recommend to anyone


We attended a excellent 6 week training course for our dog Winston who's a older rescue black Labrador, Winston had never been trained before, week one we was so embarrassed about his behaviour but come week 6 week couldn't have been prouder. Zara has a good knowledge of training techniques and knows not one thing works for every dog so advised us on different things and different training aids. Winston now walks very nicely and focuses on us rather than what's going on around him, Winston is starting to build up his concentration span now and we will continue with training him. We highly recommend using wagging wonders if you are looking for dog training.


The best dog trainers in lincoln, they just understand my dogs. To find someone who genuinely cares about dogs is great. We have been lucky enough to experience both their puppy classes and their reactive dog sessions with our two dogs. The puppy classes are great, fun and constructive. We have made great progress already with both of our dogs. After trying a few different training teams in lincoln we are 100% sure that wagging wonders are by far the best! Thank you so much to the WW team. Special thanks for Teddy and Poppy who love you very much!


Thank you so much for your patience and support. We have all learnt a great deal from the puppy training sessions. Both Zara and Amy were understanding, knowledgeable and just downright fabulous!

Barkley absolutely loved the sessions and people and sends lots of licks!

Best wishes, Alex, Emily and Barkley �

P.s we owe you a new mop!


Olive and I have been to both the 6 week puppy course and more recently just finished the Reliable Recall 4 week course. I cannot recommend or say enough how fab Zara is and how much the courses have helped Olive and I. Olive's Recall around other dogs was practically non existent until 4 weeks ago, there was nothing more exciting to Olive than running off to play with another dog and not giving up until I'd caught her! But with Zara's help and guidance we have been able to start building a reliable recall, she has helped reassure me that what I thought was an impossible task can be done. I am proud to say that Olive has come on in leaps and bounds and although we still have work to do, for the first time this morning she came back to my Recall whilst playing with another dog � ��


Just finished a 6 week puppy training course with our rescue Rottweiler puppy, Zara and Amy were a great help, and make puppy training a fun and rewarding experience. Highly recommended.


Its not easy to find someone willing to look after an African Pygmy Hedgehog but Amy jumped at the chance and after chatting on the phone and a face to face meeting I am never going to use anyone else. Amy is fantastic and made a real effort to find out more about APH care before she looked after Brenda and I knew she was in safe hands. Amy has looked after Brenda in our home several times and this has meant not having to move Brenda out of a familiar place.

Thank you so much for allowing me to relax and not worry at having to leave her.

Cannot recommend the home care service enough.


I can not recommend Zara and Aimee highly enough. Very knowledgable, friendly and enthusiastic. I really enjoyed the puppy class and learnt many new techniques that have already made my cocker pup a joy to be around. If you are undecided on puppy class dont be attend Wagging wonders.


Highly recommend these two ladies to help train your dog whether they are a puppy or an older dog! They defiantly know what they are talking about and they are so great with the dogs! We decided to take our 3 month old Springer spaniel to Puppy Play because he was scared of other dogs but loved humans. When we went he wasn't sure at first and both trainers helped him over come his fear and began to play with the other puppies! Then on his second Puppy Play he was like a totally different dog having fun and playing with all the other puppies! We have just started puppy training classes and he is loving it already. Me and my partner are enjoying it too and love watching him learn. The advise the trainers give are amazing and we can't wait for the rest of the puppy classes.


Both Zara and Amy are just amazing. Through group sessions as well as one on one (with Zara), my handsome collie, Toby became less reactive to a point that I am not even sure if he is classed as a reactive dog anymore. I believe it is because of the methods that we were taught as well as giving him an environment where he was set up to be successful.

Then with Finley Fishcake, my deaf with limited sight lurcher, they helped him grow into a confident little creature through training classes as well as puppy play dates.

So whether training you need to do with your dog/puppy, wagging wonders have got it covered and they only use positive methods which is even better.

Thank you so much. We couldn't got this far without you guys.


Amazing training from very lovely ladies, cannot wait to see them again for some more training and socialising sessions �

More about Wagging Wonders Lincoln
