Waggy Trails

07443 470839
5 star rating

About Waggy Trails

Welcome to Waggy Trails. We're a professional and reliable dog walking service based in Telford, Shropshire.



It's our Birthday! рҹҺүрҹҘі
One year ago today we launched our business and thanks to the local community and all you amazing pet owners, we've not stopped since! рҹҗ°рҹҗ№рҹҗҘрҹҗҫрҹҗҮрҹҗұ
To thank you all for your continued support we are offering a half price dog walk to anyone who is a client and refers a friend who will also receive their first walk for half price too! рҹҷғ
... Limited spaces are available - so get in touch with us today - вҳҺпёҸ 07443 470839 вҳҺпёҸ
We're off now to enjoy a slice of cake! рҹҘірҹ‘ҚрҹҺӮ
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TodayвҖҷs the day #finnslaw рҹҳҠ


It's that time of year again when these pesky little arachnids (they actually aren't an insect) are rife! We are talking about ticks...рҹҳірҹӨЁрҹ§җ
After walking, camping, hiking or playing outdoors, itвҖҷs a good idea to do a full body tick check on your pets before they come indoors.
... Some advice below that you might find useful рҹ‘Үрҹ‘Үрҹ‘Үрҹҗҫ
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So today is #NationalWalkingDay рҹҡ¶рҹҸҫвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҡ¶рҹҸјвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҡ¶рҹҸ »вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
A good time to consider the benefits of walking - I'm lucky that I get to do it every day with your lovely pooches! рҹҗ•рҹҗ©вқӨпёҸрҹ§ вҡ•пёҸ
Some of the benefits of walking include рҹ‘Ү
... вҖў Stronger bones and improved balance
вҖў Reduced body fat
вҖў Increased muscle strength and endurance
вҖў Increased cardiovascular fitness
So get your walking shoes on and reap the benefits! рҹ‘ҹ
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Hope your all having a wonderful day!


To celebrate #InternationalDayOfHappiness add your favourite photo of when your dog has reminded you to be happy! рҹҳҒ Dottie is happiest in bed with her teddy! рҹ’• Post yours below! рҹ‘ҮрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҮрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҮрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҮрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҮрҹҸ»< br>


This is why I love doing my job everyday рҹҳҚрҹҳҚ


As #StormGareth takes hold of the UK, we thought this information would be helpful for all our dog owners out there - stay safe! рҹҢӘ


We all have that one thing that's important to us - just so happens this one thing is a ball рҹҳӮрҹҳҚрҹҸҗ


Today is National Love Your Pet Day! вқӨпёҸ
Whether youвҖҷre a cat lover, a dog lover or youвҖҷve got an assortment of pets sharing your home with you - today you get to spoil them even more than normal!
If you love pets but donвҖҷt have any you could still get involved by calling your local pet rescue centre and making a donation of food or treats... or volunteer a little of your time at your local pet rescue centre maybe walking one of the dogs there.... рҹҳ»рҹҗұрҹҗӯрҹҗ№рҹҗ°рҹҗ”рҹҗҰрҹҗҘрҹҰҶрҹҗҙр ҹҗҚрҹҗҲрҹҗ“рҹҗҮрҹҰғрҹҗҒрҹҗҹрҹҗўрҹҰҺ
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Another lovely cat visit done! Mogli рҹҗұ - such a friendly little chap! Need cat visits whilst you are away from home? Give me a call on 07443 470839 or drop us a message on Facebook! рҹҳәрҹҳәрҹҳә


A post to help give us all a bit of #mondaymotivation and what better way than to enjoy looking through everyoneвҖҷs pup pics! рҹҗ¶рҹҗ•рҹҗ¶рҹҗ•


Glad to see weвҖҷve avoided the snow so far in Telford - if you are unsure of how long you should be walking your dogs in this cold snap this advice should help! вқ„пёҸрҹҗ¶


So #MondayMotivation is required by most people today - but not by me - this little lady is all the motivation I need! рҹҳҚ
She's not able to go for walks yet but I'm booked for puppy playtime!
If you have a new puppy or are struggling to walk your dog due to work commitments or you need your cat or small animals feeding then please get in touch!
... вҳҺпёҸ 07443 470 839 вҳҺпёҸ
рҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗ¶рҹҗ•рҹҗ©рҹҗҲрҹҗұрҹҗӯр ҹҗ°рҹҗ№рҹҗҮрҹҗҘрҹҗЈрҹҗ”рҹҗҗрҹҗҫрҹҗҫрҹҗҫ< br> See More


It's not just the cold weather that's dangerous for pooches but, rather, the grit put down on roads and pavements to prevent people from slipping.
For dogs, this salt grit can be particularly harmful because it contains chemicals which can produce burns on paws if they come into prolonged contact.
We avoid walking on gritted surfaces where possible and recommend that you avoid it too.
... The other danger is ice balls forming between the pads and toes of the feet, or clinging around the surrounding fur - dogs with particularly hairy feet are more vulnerable.
Not only is this uncomfortable for the dog, but slush and ice on the roads can also contain harmful chemical de-icing products.
Always check for ice balls on your dog's paws and remove them while out walking if your dog suddenly seems uncomfortable or starts limping.
If you are unable to walk your dog due to work commitments, ill health or time constraints then give us a call today on; вҳҺпёҸ 07443 470839 or drop us a message on FB.
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ArnвҖҷt these two just adorable! Buster loved having Millie join him for his walks! рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶ drop us a message or give us a call on 07443470839 вҳҺпёҸ


Happy new year to all my gorgeous pooches and of course there lovely owners too! рҹҗ¶рҹҺүрҹҗ•

More about Waggy Trails

07443 470839