Warwick Ppe Society

About Warwick Ppe Society

The PPE Society is a student run organisation that hosts a range of events and socials related to Philosophy, Politics and Economics. We welcome members from all faculties. Like our page for up to date information about our society!

Warwick Ppe Society Description

Exec 2017 /2018:

President: Rowan Carew
Vice President & Treasurer: Sindhu Ram
Secretary: Daniel Taktak
Careers Co-Ordinator: Arman Uddin
Social Secretary: Douglas Donaldson
Forum Co-Ordinator: Ashok Manandhar
Speaker Series: Thomas Westgarth
Speaker Series: Namir Chowdhury
Events Secretary: Sophie Aujard
Tour Secretary: Gabriel Dumfahrt
Marketing Secretary: Komal Harjani
Charity Co-ordinator: Ciara Brodie

Publicity Fresher Rep: Mickael Le Doeuil
Socials Fresher Rep: Riya Joshi
Events Fresher Rep: Andrea Arnal Cadenas
Internal Liaisons Fresher Rep: Victor Ulisov
External Liaisons Fresher Rep: Aydan Ali

Contact: societywarwickppe@gmail.com



Warwick Marrow and the Anthony Nolan Trust will be holding a Donor Drive Event on the 16th of May. We are asking for people to sign up to the stem cell register in order to find lifesaving matches for those with rare blood cancers and disorders. Chances are you will never be asked to donate, but if you are, you will quite literally be saving a life.
Currently thousands of people are looking for a lifesaving match and only 2% of the UK are on the register!
The event will take... place on the Piazza from 10am to 6pm.
Please do come along to support this worthwhile cause! Registering is painless and only takes 5 minutes.
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We are so excited to announce the charity we have chosen to support over the next year: Help Refugees!
Help refugees is at the forefront of the task of feeding, housing and looking after tens of thousands of refugees across Europe.
They provide emergency aid and long-term solutions where it is most needed and they work with local organisations to provide this help.
... Check out their website and all the incredible work they do here: https://helprefugees.org/
We look forward to supporting this Charity and all its amazing work in the coming year!
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For us it is really important that you feel prepared for exams. This is why we offer for PPEists revision classes. Here is the event. You can find the timetable there! Please sign up for classes in order for us to know how many people are coming. Wish all of you a good day and good luck with revision. See you there!


Double posts for double checks!
Keep an eye out for our new programmes and exciting news.


Let's begin the next exec year... New logo and keep an eye out 'cause more exciting news will come!


Hi everyone! Hope you all had a nice break and that the exam time table didn't stress you out too much 😅
If you want a break from the studies, the PPE Society has created a careers survey! It will take about 2 minutes to complete and your participation is really appreciated.
It is especially for those of you who have obtained work experience (spring week, summer internship, grad scheme etc.) in any field whatsoever! We want to see what our members are doing with their careers..., what their goals are etc. This information will really help us when trying to get sponsorship for next year so that the society can continue to organise our amazing events such as the ball and our 2 tours. It will also help us to establish a network of students for future mentoring schemes.
Your information will be kept confidential and will only be used with your permission. So please fill it out 😀
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It's time for our final Insights show of term 2 !! Be sure to tune in for some enlightening chat, gentle banter and thought-provoking discussion !!


Here are the photos from the mirror in case you lost yours on Friday!


Make sure you take your chance to shape the future direction of your SU in the final three hours of voting in the spring elections!!
... Your vote will determine who becomes the next sabbatical officer team of 2019/20! Make sure you check out the voting stats to see how we're doing and help us become the most politically engaged society on campus!!
https://www.warwicksu.com/elections/real- time-voting-stats/
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Final reminder of all the roles we have available in our upcoming elections! It’s been great to see your events popping up and we look forward to seeing many more.
It’s not too late to create an event or nominate yourself! Candidates should send an email of approximately 100 words to societywarwickppe@gmail.com by 23:59 on SATURDAY the 2nd of MARCH explaining why they wish to run. The subject line of the email should be as follows: PPE Society Elections - [Can...didate Name], [Preference 1, Preference 2].
We also strongly encourage you to talk to the current exec member in your position to assess your suitability, and to go through your motivations and concerns about running.
Once you’ve nominated yourself and begun campaigning, remember to prepare a short speech to deliver on the day. This should be 1.5 minutes in length for all positions except for VP (2 minutes) and President (3 minutes).
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*PPE Wellbeing Workshop* - 6th of March 15:00-16:30
This workshop is for all PPE students who want to know more about wellbeing and how to provide peer support. It will cover the principles of peer support, the relationship between wellbeing and mental health, how to recognise problems and signpost people, and how to set boundaries and look after yourself. The workshop will be led by a member of the Wellbeing Services team and run from 3pm-4:30pm on Wednesday 6th March in WT1....04 on Westwood campus. Places are limited so please register in advance online. Refreshments will be provided.
Sign up is below:
https://warwick.ac.uk/…/s…/ppe/curren t/ppewellbeingworkshop/
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Foreign Policy, the EU, free pizza, and a man called Bond on Monday at 6PM. There are few more qualified to discuss the delicate and shifting topic of the EU's diverse policy interests abroad, so make sure you don't miss our second last talk before our exec step down!!

More about Warwick Ppe Society

Warwick Ppe Society is located at University of Warwick, CV4 7ES Coventry, United Kingdom