Wasim Ahmed

About Wasim Ahmed

Serial Entrepreneur | Founder and Owner of The Oxford Creative Hub | Podcast Host | Investor | Keynote Speaker | Mentor



It is one of our innate needs to be able to influence others. We want to be heard, to be recognized, to be known and to be influential. But how does that one go about fulfilling that goal? Well you start off by building your authority. You see there is no elevator that takes you to success, you have to climb up the staircase that leads to your goals which means you need to be prepared to burn the midnight oil. Second, you need to get the eyeballs. You can't influence people u...ntil you are well recognized and for that, you need to build a following. Get out there, meet people, build connections and never forget to leverage the social media because it is mainstream. You do all of that and soon enough you will become influential enough to inspire others.
#goals #influence #influential #charisma #success #confidence #fame #popularity #socialmedia #networks #networking
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Live conversation with Aamina Sheikh Global Brand Ambassador for Pakistan Girls Alliance For Education (PAGE). Aamina Sheikh is an acclaimed and recongised actress, who has highlighted through her work in both films and television serious issues, particlarly around gender and female empowerment.
Do follow her on The Aamina Sheikh Page and get insight into the wonderful work she is doing.
Also our watch the executive director Fajer Rabia Pasha and Board Trustee Nadia Bukhari give their views on the initiiative.


Improving the quality of education and making sure every individual is benefitted by it is the dire need of Pakistan. It feels great to see that Pakistan Alliance for Girls Education - PAGE is one of the leading organizations working on this agenda. I am proud to be ambassador for Page and even prouder to announce that Aamina Sheikh is now the global brand ambassador for Pakistan Alliance for Girls Education - PAGE. Welcome on board Aamina! I will be doing a Facebook Live session with Aamina Sheikh tomorrow i.e. Thursday 9th August at 1pm UK time and 5pm PST.
Looking forward to you joining us!


So happy and excited to see the Connect, Inspire and Grow podcast being the #1 in the Careers Top Shows category on the UK iTunes- and #4 on the US iTunes- Top Podcasts Careers charts. Feels great to see something you put in so much effort and belief in do so well. I feel so humbled and I am thankful to all of those who downloaded our podcasts and made it a hit, and to my team behind CIG for working so hard, and a big SHOUT OUT to all the brilliant guests I have had so far.... Thank you all of you!
https://itunes.apple.com/…/connect-insp ire-gr…/id1401499341…
STICHER - https://www.stitcher.com/…/connect-insâ €¦/connect-inspire-grow
OMNY - https://omny.fm/shows/connect-inspire-gro w-podcast
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Not all those who wander are lost. J. R. R. Tolkien
Wandering is often perceived as a meaningless act, but honestly sometimes it is the only thing you need to do to find a clear direction in life. Not always do you get lost when you are roaming around. Sometimes it is this wandering that makes you come across brilliant ideas. This is exactly what you need to do to unleash the crazy in you like I often say.
People love unique, fresh ideas, innovations and products and for that..., you need to think out of the box. But how would you do that if you are stuck in the mundane activities. This is where wandering comes in useful. Take the new route to work, try a new activity, let your mind roam and wander around, think of something crazy, ponder on what you have always wanted to do. Because at times this is what makes you figure out your mission in life and adds meaning to it.
Yesterday we had Parvez Abbasi, the genius behind National Incubation Center Islamabad over at the Oxford Creative Hub and gave him a tour of our VR system which he absolutely enjoyed along with Nadeem Akhtar and Tom Greer. Had I not let my mind wander, I wouldn't have come up with the idea of bringing in VR /AR technology, 3D printing, drone facilities and influencer marketing services-all under one roof at the Oxford Creative Hub.
#innovation #uniqueideas #wanderingmind #outsidethebox #VR #AR #3Dprinting #marketing #OCH
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Going Live with Waqqar Ahmed, discussing women in technology


Bournemouth Beach stunning! Being successful means balance, enjoy beautiful works around us.


Great Interview With Spencer Fearon as well as insight into the world of 3D Printers at the Oxford Creative Hub


Great Interview with Spencer Fearon as well as demonstration by Tom Greer going threw the process of utilising 3d printers!
Powerful and amazing stuff


There is nothing permanent except change. - Heraclitus
If you look around you, observe different things in the environment, analyze your life and that of others, you will realize that the only thing that is inevitable is change. Nothing remains the same. Things keep changing. What was tomorrow isn't the same today and what is now won't remain like that the day after.
If that's so, why is that you become resistant to change in your business? Why do you fear change when a threa...t arises? Why dont you grab an opportunity on time? As much as we accept that change is permanent, we are hesitant to change because of the fear of unknown things.
Truth is we are fearful creatures but if we want to succeed in life, if we want to grow successful, if we want to actualize our goals, it is this fear of change that we need to overcome. Battle that and you turn into a survivor and once you learn to survive, you become adept enough to win. And that's how you emerge victorious.
#change #permanent #success #softskills #leadership #quotestoliveby #fear #fearofunknown #goals
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If no one thinks your CRAZY, then your NOT working at your OPTIMAL potential!
How many times have you come up with an idea, and people closest to you thought it's crazy. They said 'Its not going to work, stop wasting your time and just focus on your job!' Now I know many of you have been listening to this, most of your life. Now isn't THAT crazy? Your life, but another person's experience becomes your reality? Really is that how your life is supposed to be?
Now I'm not saying... don't take advice. I'm not saying don't respect your peers, your families or friends who genuinely care about you. What I am saying however, is that don't just let your idea sit there just because even the closest to you don't understand it.
And hey, if it doesn't work, don't let that get you down either. You did something YOU believed in! And even if it fails, that is feedback you can utilise next time or maybe pivot into another idea.
Make sure you DO people! If you have great idea and your not sure how to execute it, find a mentor! We are not born knowing everything! There is nothing wrong in getting coached! Warren Buffet professes to the teaching's of Benjamin Graham (The intelligent investor).
Now be crazy! Just go Do it!
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When running a race, there are times when you falter and fall but you get back up if you want to reach the finish line. If that isn't your goal, you may just quit the race altogether. But if you really want to make it to the end line you will get back up and run again and keep doing that till you make it to the finish line. The same is with business. You have business goals that you want to achieve and you keep trying your hand at then amidst all the challenges that come your... way. That is how you become successful.
That said, it doesn't always have to be that way. I don't believe there are shortcuts to success and making wealth but there are hacks and one of the best hacks is to closely work with a mentor. I learnt the best lessons in life from my mentors. It is what made me transform a very difficult journey into a relatively simpler one. Trust me, you can do the same. Just be open to being mentored.
#mentorship #mentors #success #growthhack #successhack #guidance
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Great Interview with Amanda Drye on gaps in the education system and howsoft skills are important in a business as well as a healthcare environment. Amanda Drye is senior lecturer and programme lead for non medical prescribers at Anglia Ruskin University.
https://omny.fm/…/007-innovation-succes s-hard-work-w-amanda…


Hey all , looking for intern who has social media and podcast based analytical skills. Looking for someone keen to work on helping people create influencer profiles.
I will require demonstration of previous work.
... Wasim
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Interview with Spencer Fearon. We talk about our collaboration and the Whyte Parker fight!

More about Wasim Ahmed
