Watan Uk

About Watan Uk

WATAN is a leading Civil Society Organisation delivering emergency relief, third sector support and long-term international development projects.

WATAN is independent, non-governmental, apolitical and nonsectarian organisation.



There are thousands of orphan children in Syria desperately waiting for help. Sponsor an orphan today for just £30 per month - www.humancaresyria.org/campaig…/child-d evelopment-protection.


Calling all our friends from London - will you be attending our upcoming event?!


Help us overcome the food shortage at Syrian refugee camps by donating your Qurbani. Make your donation at - www.humancaresyria.org.


#HumanCareSyria wishes you all a very blessed #Eid. We thank you for your generosity, which gave new hope to thousands of people. Help more people at www.humancaresyria.org/donate.


300,000 people have fled Syria amid the ongoing humanitarian crisis. We urge our supporters to help the displaced. Provide emergency aid for £50 - www.humancaresyria.org/camp…/southern-s yria-emergency-relief.


Spread the love of Eid by donating to Syrian refugees. Donate Qurbani to Syria - www.humancaresyria.org/specials/qurbani20 18.


A man without education is like a building without foundation'. Educate an orphan today for only £20 - www.humancaresyria.org/campaigns/educatio n.


Your Qurbani can help hundreds of people in desperate need of a nutritious meal. Donate Qurbani to Syria - www.humancaresyria.org/specials/qurbani20 18.


Thousands of Syrians at the borders are struggling for food. Feed a person for just £10 - www.humancaresyria.org/campaigns/food-sec urity.


Send a Qurbani to Syria for just £90! www.humancaresyria.org or call us on: 0207 118 9596
#Qurbani2018 #Syria #Donatetoday


When East Meets West!
We have invited Syrian singer and the voice of the Syrian revolution - Yahya Hawwa from Canada along with home grown talants Khaled Siddiq & Prince Umi to be the highlight of our family Eid With Us event on the 9th September.
Hosted by our good friend Faisal Salah the day will consist of:
... - Key note speakers on the Syrian crisis - Food - Entertainment - Bazaar Stalls - Games Bus - bouncy castle & create kids activities
A day to enjoy for all ages
*To book a stall: Contact us on: 0776357039 (stalls cost £40 each)*
Entrance cost: £10 for adults (over 16) Free for under 16!
See More


Human Care Syria encourages its donors to share the joy of Eid by gifting children. Donate on – www.humancaresyria.org.


When East Meets West #9thSeptember


A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world'. Donate your Qurbani to the Syrian refugees - www.humancaresyria.org/specials/qurbani20 18.


Human Care Syria is on the ground in Syria providing medical aid for the injured. Send medical aid for £50 - www.humancaresyria.org/camp…/southern-s yria-emergency-relief.


Donate your Qurbani to the refugees in need and you will be yielded with rewards. Donate your Qurbani now - www.humancaresyria.org/specials/qurbani20 18.


50% of Syrian children have not received primary education. Send a child back to school by donating £20 per month. www.humancaresyria.org/campaigns/educatio n.


Syrian refugees have no means to feed themselves and their families. Provide bread for those in need. Donate now at www.humancaresyria.org/campaigns/food-sec urity.


this is great that those children, refugees get help as they r from the beloved country of the Prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم. may Allah help them more and more ameeeen.

thanx Human Care Syria


thanks for giving news about syria...n up to date ....with the issues!!"!


What defines us as humans is the ability and the willing of helping others...with all the respect for Human Care Syria


Went for the art, stayed because the nerve-gas killed me.


Well done to the organisation who is determined to help and support the victims of war crimes. May Allah gives us all the courage and strength to end this war soon...


The thing we all should do.....

Go on I'm with u Inshallah :)


Pray for #syria...deep inside..from distance we malaysian feel the stressfull event happened in #syria


My dear brother, the southern countryside of Idlib needs help, where there are many poor and needy people


Its soooo heartbreaking knowing that there are ppl in syria that dont have a quarter of what we have yet we complain!


It is very terifying and most horible situation that curse of terrorism and foriegn elements interference have distrubed the hole muslim countries.. aMay Allah bless our muslim brothers to be united , otherwise we all muslim will bother too much..


I'm happy for this fondation, it is a perfect job. You are not alone we are with you •Hassan from Italy•


I think and believe that Human care syria is a humatirian and very necessary organisation. They work for needy and poor people. We all should help and support them as much as we can and as much as possible for us. So we politely apply to people please wake up and open your mind and eyes with an open heart. Please help and support helpless Syrian people and children. They are human being like us. They need our support and help. They are needy. They need food,home,treatment,clothes and many more things. So please help and support them as soon as possible. We all hope Human care syria will continue serving the helpless and needy Syrian people. Please curry in and keep going. You are doing really very good. We all are with you. All the best. Thank you very much.



I will be taking part in a challenge for Hand in Hand for Syria next month, where I will be trekking 3 mountains in England, Scotland and Wales in just 24 hours, and will be raising money for the people of Syria. As you are all aware, the current situation in Syria is getting worse. People are in need of more medical supplies, clean water, food and warm clothing. Thousands of homes have been destroyed, and people do not have access to any of these things. We are able to help the people of Syria by donating, even if it's as little as £1. All money will go to Hand in Hand for Syria, who send their money to 90% of Syria.


Hello we are in Aleppo, Syria in the western rural areas need relief and humanitarian assistance center to communicate. 00963944638045


Great organisation and I happily used my profits from my crafts project to help provide towards some of their supporting fundraisers. Hoping to help on a yearly basis! Inshallah all the best!


God bless you in all the good works that you doing for poor people and homeless people god bless everyone work for homeless

Peace, mercy and blessings of God


2 years today with you guys and still counting .Probably the best charitable organisation ever . �


"For the sake of (fruit) Tin and the (fruit) of Olives. And the Mount of Sinai. And for the sake of the city (Makkah) is safe," Surat At-Tin verses 1-3

"For the earth tin in Damascus (Syria), and for the sake of the earth olives in Palestine, and the Mount Sinai existing Thur (Egypt). And for the city of Mecca is safe." Surat At-Tin 1-3

Conflict Egypt has also been enshrined in Surat Al-Qashshash paragraph 5 which tells the story of Moses against Pharaoh. "And We desired to show favor to those who are oppressed on earth (Egypt) and to make them leaders and make them people who inherit (the earth)," reads a translation of Surah Al-Qashshash paragraph 5.

Prophet Mohammad SAW preach to his people some of the signs of the apocalypse will happen that one of them about the war at the end of time

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah r.a., "the last days will not happen so abundant possessions and slander arise (test for faith) and widely applicable 'al-Harj'". Companions asked, "Is it al-Hajr Rasulallah hai"? Prophet. said, "The war for the sake of the war for the sake of war". - H.R. Ibn Majah

Here is some evidence of Al-Qur'an that tells the conflict in the Middle East occurred:

Proof 1:

Allah says:

"Indeed, you find people who most loudly enmity against those who believe are the Jews and the idolaters." (Al-Maidah 82).

Proof 2: The existence of the Muslims were expelled and killed in Palestine for their belief berislam. Allah says: "... (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly, only because they said: Our Lord is Allah." (Surah Haj 40)

proof 3: The existence of Global Scenarios behind Palestinian conflict. Allah says: "The Jews and Christians will not be pleased to you until you follow their religion" (Al Baqoroh 120)

Proof 4: There is a group who always carries a high jihad to enforce Kalimatullah without hesitation and trepidation. Allah says: "Among the believers that there are people who fulfill what they have promised to God; then some of them were killed. And among them there are (also) are waiting and they do not amend (his promise) "(Surat al-Ahzab 23).

Rasulullah SAW said: "There is always is a group of my Ummah who erect fight for the truth, and they will not be influenced by people who are hostile and fight them". (Muslim). When the Prophet was asked by a friend who they were?. So he replied: "around the al-Aqsa Mosque ...

Subhan Allah....!


Is this just another front posing as a humanitarian organization? Are you from the UK? If i were to donate, could you give me a guarantee that my hard earned dollars would not be going to Al-Nusra?


this is great that those children, refugees get help as they r from the beloved country of the Prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم. may Allah help them more and more ameeeen.

thanx Human Care Syria


thanks for giving news about syria...n up to date ....with the issues!!"!


What defines us as humans is the ability and the willing of helping others...with all the respect for Human Care Syria


Went for the art, stayed because the nerve-gas killed me.


Well done to the organisation who is determined to help and support the victims of war crimes. May Allah gives us all the courage and strength to end this war soon...


The thing we all should do.....

Go on I'm with u Inshallah :)


Pray for #syria...deep inside..from distance we malaysian feel the stressfull event happened in #syria


My dear brother, the southern countryside of Idlib needs help, where there are many poor and needy people


Its soooo heartbreaking knowing that there are ppl in syria that dont have a quarter of what we have yet we complain!


It is very terifying and most horible situation that curse of terrorism and foriegn elements interference have distrubed the hole muslim countries.. aMay Allah bless our muslim brothers to be united , otherwise we all muslim will bother too much..


I'm happy for this fondation, it is a perfect job. You are not alone we are with you •Hassan from Italy•


I think and believe that Human care syria is a humatirian and very necessary organisation. They work for needy and poor people. We all should help and support them as much as we can and as much as possible for us. So we politely apply to people please wake up and open your mind and eyes with an open heart. Please help and support helpless Syrian people and children. They are human being like us. They need our support and help. They are needy. They need food,home,treatment,clothes and many more things. So please help and support them as soon as possible. We all hope Human care syria will continue serving the helpless and needy Syrian people. Please curry in and keep going. You are doing really very good. We all are with you. All the best. Thank you very much.



I will be taking part in a challenge for Hand in Hand for Syria next month, where I will be trekking 3 mountains in England, Scotland and Wales in just 24 hours, and will be raising money for the people of Syria. As you are all aware, the current situation in Syria is getting worse. People are in need of more medical supplies, clean water, food and warm clothing. Thousands of homes have been destroyed, and people do not have access to any of these things. We are able to help the people of Syria by donating, even if it's as little as £1. All money will go to Hand in Hand for Syria, who send their money to 90% of Syria.


Hello we are in Aleppo, Syria in the western rural areas need relief and humanitarian assistance center to communicate. 00963944638045


Great organisation and I happily used my profits from my crafts project to help provide towards some of their supporting fundraisers. Hoping to help on a yearly basis! Inshallah all the best!


God bless you in all the good works that you doing for poor people and homeless people god bless everyone work for homeless

Peace, mercy and blessings of God


2 years today with you guys and still counting .Probably the best charitable organisation ever . �


"For the sake of (fruit) Tin and the (fruit) of Olives. And the Mount of Sinai. And for the sake of the city (Makkah) is safe," Surat At-Tin verses 1-3

"For the earth tin in Damascus (Syria), and for the sake of the earth olives in Palestine, and the Mount Sinai existing Thur (Egypt). And for the city of Mecca is safe." Surat At-Tin 1-3

Conflict Egypt has also been enshrined in Surat Al-Qashshash paragraph 5 which tells the story of Moses against Pharaoh. "And We desired to show favor to those who are oppressed on earth (Egypt) and to make them leaders and make them people who inherit (the earth)," reads a translation of Surah Al-Qashshash paragraph 5.

Prophet Mohammad SAW preach to his people some of the signs of the apocalypse will happen that one of them about the war at the end of time

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah r.a., "the last days will not happen so abundant possessions and slander arise (test for faith) and widely applicable 'al-Harj'". Companions asked, "Is it al-Hajr Rasulallah hai"? Prophet. said, "The war for the sake of the war for the sake of war". - H.R. Ibn Majah

Here is some evidence of Al-Qur'an that tells the conflict in the Middle East occurred:

Proof 1:

Allah says:

"Indeed, you find people who most loudly enmity against those who believe are the Jews and the idolaters." (Al-Maidah 82).

Proof 2: The existence of the Muslims were expelled and killed in Palestine for their belief berislam. Allah says: "... (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly, only because they said: Our Lord is Allah." (Surah Haj 40)

proof 3: The existence of Global Scenarios behind Palestinian conflict. Allah says: "The Jews and Christians will not be pleased to you until you follow their religion" (Al Baqoroh 120)

Proof 4: There is a group who always carries a high jihad to enforce Kalimatullah without hesitation and trepidation. Allah says: "Among the believers that there are people who fulfill what they have promised to God; then some of them were killed. And among them there are (also) are waiting and they do not amend (his promise) "(Surat al-Ahzab 23).

Rasulullah SAW said: "There is always is a group of my Ummah who erect fight for the truth, and they will not be influenced by people who are hostile and fight them". (Muslim). When the Prophet was asked by a friend who they were?. So he replied: "around the al-Aqsa Mosque ...

Subhan Allah....!


Is this just another front posing as a humanitarian organization? Are you from the UK? If i were to donate, could you give me a guarantee that my hard earned dollars would not be going to Al-Nusra?

More about Watan Uk

Watan Uk is located at 27 Old Gloucester Street, WC1N 3AX London, United Kingdom