Water Audit Surveys Ltd

About Water Audit Surveys Ltd

A water cost saving service that physically visits sites and reports on and actions immediate cost savings or gathers costs, water quality, cancel charges.

Water Audit Surveys Ltd Description

Water Services List, this is what we could do for you:

Bill Analysis
• Extract the information from the billing data
• Profile the sites usage against average usage to estimate if there are issues on site
• Inspect tariffs and fixed charges for potential savings
• Staffing levels and other water usage other than domestic would be most helpful.

Meter Analysis
• Record usage, short and long term.
• Identify if a pulsed outlet is available for data logger fit to enable AMR.
• Size and serial number check against water company annual charges.
• Profile against historical reads from bills.
• Identify annual cost savings for downsize if site can cope with reduced maximum demand.

Water Audit
• Inspect all water outlets throughout the building.
• Identify reduction of tap flows and recommend replacement where necessary.
• Best practice advice to kitchen staff.
• Identify if urinal cisterns are controlled.
• Inspect WC for dual flush and overflows.
• Identify and inspect tanks for overflow and condition.
• Identify and inspect water softners.
• Identify if your meter feeds other properties.

Switching Suppliers
• In the lead up to 2017 we will prepare tenders for bulk buying for all our customers to gain maximum discounts.

Leak Analysis
• Isolate valves and observe meter volume reaction.
• Pinpoint specific problem areas.
• Understand the leakage history of the site.
• Listen for leakage noise using sensitive ground mics.

Fire Main and Hydrants
• Identify and inspect.
• Separate to water supply?
• Testing for insurance purposes.
• Dry risers also tested and pressures recorded.
• Service and maintenance.
• Testing regime and make aware of free fire water usage for testing.

• Flag up concerns during the initial water audit and ask if a risk assessment has been completed.
• Full risk assessment required by law
• Report will advise the actions required, non return valves, flushing regimes of unused water outlets, dead leg removal, temp of hot and cold water at outlets, thermal mixing valve service and of course evaluation of legionella.
• Water samples taken and sent to the lab for analysis.

Sub-meter Project
• Identify potential areas to insert sub-meters and /or valves to monitor usage of specific areas of the building.
• This will enable a future audit to identify which areas the sub-meters supplies.

Grey Water / Rain Water Harvesting
• Identify potential.
Bore Hole
• Should irrigation by a large consumer of water a feasibility study could look at building a bore hole. Also for process water complete with filtration.
Storm and Foul Network
• To inspect any drawings on site and advise on how this could be traced and plotted.
Surface Water Drainage
• Investigate the water companies charges, can this be reduced or cancelled.
• Inspect the water company sewer records to plot the water company sewers in the area of the site.
• Offer solutions for drainage to perhaps drain naturally to reduce or cancel the charge.
Trade Effluent
• Inspect the trade effluent charges if applicable and advise on improving, for example sampling areas, pre filter before the sample.
• Feasibility study to move to TE charges should the waste being discharged be clean there is good potential for savings.
Leak /find /fix Service
• Insert gas into supply pipe in areas of soft ground.
• For metallic supplies trace using a “cat and genny” from any metallic valve or meter point to trace the layout of the supply.
• For metallic supplies correlate the leak between 2 valve points. Looking for a leak point peak in the frequency graph.
• Excavate and squeeze off method.
• Excavate and use the hire of the ferret device to find the leak within a 50m run.
• Insert valves to help isolate branches of supply. Advise on sub meters and AMR in the same location.
• When leak is found, fix using long term fixings such as fusion joints on MDPE pipes.
• Reinstate
• Monitor meter for new leaks.

Relay or New Water Supply
• Often fixing a leak then finds the next weak point and a relay of the water supply is the most cost effective route.
• Advise on relaying a new supply should the excavated supply pipe be of concern for medium term maintenance and further leaks. Once the pipe is exposed during the excavation we can show its condition and offer advice, we can send a section to the lab for analysis of its life expectancy.
• Advice on connections used, often we see poor workmanship with weeping joints that open over time or some circumstances the technology has moved on and in the past they even glued joints that deteriorates over time.
• New connections and new supplies from existing private networks.

• Advise on insulation to protect against frost or to prevent the transfer or loos of heat.
• Full installation service.

• Advice on existing interceptors and their maintenance. Often customers don’t realise they have an interceptor and they require annual maintenance or face a potential fine from the Environmental Agency for polluting watercourses.
• Survey and Installation of new.

Possibly lots more?

More about Water Audit Surveys Ltd

Water Audit Surveys Ltd is located at The Chapelry Walkers Lane, WR5 2RD Worcester, Worcestershire
0800 014 8660