Weird And Wonderful Pet Services

About Weird And Wonderful Pet Services

At Weird and Wonderful Pet Services I cater for all animals and all services. Fully insured, qualified at degree level, experienced and first aid trained so your pets will be in the safest hands.
Please get in touch with any enquiries.



Guess what has just published? Our new blog post- ENTERTAINING YOUR POOCH.
A few of you have asked me to give you a few ideas of doggy enrichment and different types so here it is 🐶 Give it a read and let me know what you guys think? And please send me any photos of your creations- can’t wait to see them 😍🐾
... …/entertaining-you…
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Who needs a bit of a pull to get going today 😴😴
Trying to keep motivated is very hard in the circumstances at the moment 🤭 Keep your heads up and I will keep providing the cute photos to get you going 😍❤️


When you get caught in the act.... 🤭😂


Tell me what kinda stuff you want to see on my page while I’m not currently working??
Cute photos? More blog posts? Informative info and pictures? Videos? Let me know how I can keep you busy 🐾🌿


It’s so important at this time to try not to spend 24/7 with your dogs.
Understandably if your off work or working from home and you can’t leave the house your going to be spending more time with your pups 🐶🐶 but try and leave them every now and then even if it is just going upstairs for a few hours 🏡
After this is over, you’ll thank yourself! Dogs who get so used to spending time with their owners can likely suffer from separation anxiety when we all go back to work so try prevent it where you can ❤️🌿


Go follow my Instagram page to see my new daily task> Pet Profiles 🐶🐱🐍 All the pets I’ve looked after will be featured so go follow 🌿🐶


Fitz and Flo are settling into their new home nicely and I may be biased but they are super cute 🐰🐰


These are so great for doggy enrichment... especially now if your working from home and need to keep them busy so they don’t pester you as much 😂😍


NEW BLOG POST >> So to try keep myself and everyone else entertained I will be doing a few more blog posts in the coming weeks 🐶
RUN DOWN ON RAW FEEDING is now live on our website- it covers the basics of raw feeding for those who don’t know much about it 🐾
... I’m currently working on animal enrichment ideas so you can all keep your range of animals entertained especially your pooches as you can’t take them out as much. …/run-down-on-raw-…
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How’s everyone getting on during lockdown? 🏡 Comment your pictures of all your pets and let’s cheer each other up 🐰🐕🐱


Unfortunately due to the latest covid-19 announcement I have had to make the heart wrenching decision to cancel all dog walks.
However if you are classed as a “key worker” I’m hoping to still be able to help with your animal care for as long as I can so you can do your job. I will be contacting everyone who has near future bookings with me individually. It’s breaking my heart to do this but I know it’s what’s best for our country and all you lovely clients. ... Sending my love- and praying that you will all come back to me once this is over ❤️🐾
Love Casey 🌿🐾
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UPDATE>> Just a quick update for you guys- we are still business as usual but with some differences.
🦠 If you have walks booked in with me and your at home. Please leave your dog/s in a room where you are not or even better outside. I will be giving everyone specific times so that the dogs can be left out so there is no contact.
... 🦠 I will be using my own leads as much as possible but if your leads are used then they will be wiped down with anti bacterial wipes on return.
🦠 If you are not home when I come and pick your dog up. I will be limiting how far I go in the house- simply opening the door, putting leads on and exiting.
🦠 Hand sanitiser will be used before and after drop off.
🦠I will only be walking dogs in areas which are not crowded and staying away from all the other fellow dog walkers.
❤️ I will only be working for however long it is safe to do so- everyone stay safe and do what you can to reduce the spread ❤️
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Handsome Theo and the other little legs 🐶🐶🐶🐶 Loved seeing them today 😍


As expected I’ve had a lot of clients cancel under no fault of their own and I completely understand everyone’s situation at the moment 😢
Therefore I now have a lot of spare time on my hands so If anyone has any small jobs or tasks that need doing then please get in touch- fingers crossed we can all go back to normal soon and the business will be back to its busy self 🤞🏻🐶 Lots of love everyone ❤️❤️


I’ve only been gone a week and he seems to have shot up in size 😍 still just as handsome but there’s more of it 🐶


Anddd I’m BACK!! Reunited with my cheeky boy Eddie this morning and couldn’t be happier to be out and about with my doggies 😍

More about Weird And Wonderful Pet Services