Well Organised

About Well Organised

I am an international speaker giving keynotes, workshops and seminars on personal productivity and time management and provide consulting.

In addition, I offer German language classes for business, German translations and video voice-overs.

Well Organised Description

I work with entrepreneurs, usually in their first few years of business, who struggle with getting leads from their websites and would like to have the technical knowledge and confidence to create traffic generating blog posts and social media updates on a regular basis.
What separates my service from other training providers is that I only work with entrepreneurs and as an entrepreneur myself I know how we think and what our constraints are. Because of this, I can save clients time and effort to figure all this out by themselves.
I help you to understand the importance of blogging for your business and give you the tools to create powerful blog posts, that are highly shareable, every time.
Together we’ll create a plan that you can follow step by step to help you find relevant, useful and entertaining content for your target audience.
Through all this, I give you the confidence to make your website work harder for your business through blogging and social media.
Would you like to know more my online marketing training? Get in touch to find out if I can help you.



How to Create a Blog Plan
Take all your products/services and group them together into logical topic areas.
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Today I’m answering a question that was posed to me recently. “Should I write about what I do and how I do it or should I talk about what my industry does in general?” Good question.


12 More Super Easy Business Blogging Tips You Can Implement Straight Away
Break up your text into smaller paragraphs, use bullet-points and numbered lists, sub headings and highlight important sections with colours or emboldened text
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Yet Another 12 Super Easy Business Blogging Tips You Can Implement Straight Away
If you're not sure about spelling and grammar, have a friend or business partner check your writing or pay a copy editor to go through your work. It is certainly easier and more effective to get someone else to do it!
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How to Market Your Blog
One of the best places to talk about your blog is on Social Media. Whether your platform of choice is Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram, or a combination of several of them, use your existing following to spread the word about every new blog post. Providing original content like this will also increase your following on those platforms so it's basically a win-win scenario.
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How to Create an Engaged Blog Audience
Include links to relevant articles that you have written in the past.
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Are you thinking of recruiting? Start blogging about it!
But it is super important to share these kinds of posts on social media to cast the net wide for your recruitment efforts
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Blogging for Hotels - Is your hotel blogging yet?
Are you looking to attract a particular type of guest to your venue? You can address them directly in your blog posts.
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Business Blogging Tip: Would your blog title make you read on? Create a few options after writing the content then choose the best one.


Top 10 SEO Mistakes to Avoid
Having good content is one thing, but you need to make sure people click through to it.
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Business Blogging Tip: Share an anecdote in the lead paragraph to hook the reader in.


Why Blogging is an important business tool for coaches
If you’re running a coaching business, it is essential that people know you are good at what you do, that you are an expert in your field and that you can help people achieve their goals. You can let people find out about all your expertise through blogging.
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Blogging for Charities - how blogging can help to raise your organisation's profile
You're not asking your followers to commit, just to read on from a short post
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Business Blogging Tip: Use your built-in blog scheduling software to publish your posts in advance.


What do Doctor Who, The Great British Bake Off and Blogging have in common?
When you consider a blog, its purpose is also to educate, inform and entertain and in the case of business blogging, also, to sell.
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How to Create Inviting Blog Titles by Using the "How To" Formula
Without a good blog title, people are not inclined to read your full copy and all that creative effort that you put into writing it will be wasted.
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Do you like templates? Then today's blog post is for you.


How do I know if people are reading my blog posts? Consider Google Analytics
If you use WordPress, download the Google Analytics Dashboard plugin and enter the tracking ID you're given in your Google Analytics account
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5 types of blog posts that attract readers
Make it easy for your audience to get a quick win by following your instructions to make them come back for more.
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I took part in Isi's Blog Content Creation Challenge and would recommend her to anyone who wants to start or revitalise their blog. Isi's advice was practical and easy to follow, while being tailored towards the different businesses and people on the course. I found her tips were straightforward to implement and created lots of new ideas.

The course was well structured and came in bite-size chunks that easily fit in with busy lives and work schedules. I went from not having blogged in six months to setting up scheduled posts for the next three months. This wouldn't have been possible without Isi's cheerful and focussed encouragement.

She's an expert in her field, but is able to communicate the ideas to others and is secure enough that she doesn't see other bloggers as competition. If you prefer to write yourself, contact her for tips, advice and courses. If you'd rather have someone else write for you, then contact her to create content for you. Either way, I would wholeheartedly recommend her services.

Karen Duncan,

Jewellery Designer for PonyPonyPony


I took part in Isi's Blog Content Creation Challenge and would recommend her to anyone who wants to start or revitalise their blog. Isi's advice was practical and easy to follow, while being tailored towards the different businesses and people on the course. I found her tips were straightforward to implement and created lots of new ideas.

The course was well structured and came in bite-size chunks that easily fit in with busy lives and work schedules. I went from not having blogged in six months to setting up scheduled posts for the next three months. This wouldn't have been possible without Isi's cheerful and focussed encouragement.

She's an expert in her field, but is able to communicate the ideas to others and is secure enough that she doesn't see other bloggers as competition. If you prefer to write yourself, contact her for tips, advice and courses. If you'd rather have someone else write for you, then contact her to create content for you. Either way, I would wholeheartedly recommend her services.

Karen Duncan,

Jewellery Designer for PonyPonyPony

More about Well Organised

+44(0)7732 915456