Wellcome Trust

About Wellcome Trust

Wellcome exists to improve health by helping great ideas to thrive.

Check out our story for more about what we do, and for information about page moderation.



"It's as good, or maybe even a little bit better, than world-leading consultant ophthalmologists at Moorfields in saying what is wrong in these OCT scans."
Computers taught how to detect eye disease. Research published this week shows DeepMind's AI made correct diagnoses 94.5 per cent of the time in a trial with Moorfields Eye Hospital.


In Colombia, scientists are working with farmers to pioneer a new way to #StopSuperbugs.
We want to hear from other pioneers who are developing original approaches to combating the increase and spread of antimicrobial resistance. Find out more: https://bit.ly/2Ox1pvH


Should you be treated for an illness you don't believe you have?
Laws are being passed in the USA that make it possible to compel people to receive treatment for health problems, even though they don't accept they are ill.


Is the human race doomed or in bloom?
The Telegraph dispel some of the myths about the state of global health - in 10 charts.


Despite significant progress in making our research open access, we know many researchers remain unconvinced that it’s the work that counts and not where it’s published.
We’re worried about this and so we’re continuing our efforts to promote best practice in research assessment.


We're committing £7 million to the Human Cell Atlas, a global project to map all 37 trillion cells in the human body. It could transform understanding of many diseases and how to treat them.
Find out more: https://bit.ly/2vuMATg


If your summer holiday includes Scheveningen beach in Holland, you may be lucky enough to see Theo Jansen's weird and wonderful wind-powered beach animals.


'If everyone involved in academic science could accept a variety of roles as the default outcome, we could change our flawed definition of success.'
Tips from a PhD student to other PhD students − and their supervisors.


What can kangaroos teach us about saving lives?
Bill Gates talks about a simple, low-cost intervention called kangaroo mother care that can have a huge impact on newborn health. The practice involves continuous skin-to-skin contact between mothers and low-birth weight or premature babies.


Researchers in southeast Asia are in a race against time to prevent the spread of multi-drug resistant malaria and push towards eliminating the deadly disease for good.


Our images of the week are from a study where researchers tagged distinct types of molecules in the synapses of mice brains by colour. This meant they could detect complex - and beautiful - brain patterns. The study was funded by the European Research Council and Wellcome.


'Girls and women don’t need gimmicks to get into science; they need year-round access to resources, role models and support.'
Suw Charman-Anderson, founder of Ada Lovelace Day, highlights the work and achievements of five amazing female scientists. 👩‍🔬


Looking forward to the weekend? But what happens when you no longer have to go to work? As a scientist, stepping back from full-time work doesn't mean you can't still get involved in research.


'The relationship between our diet and our weight is simple: you eat too much, you get fat. Hence, some would argue, the solution should be equally simple: you eat less, you lose weight.'
But is it that straightforward? The food – and volume – that we choose to eat is influenced by a surprising number of factors.


Malaria remains one of biggest causes of death in Africa.
Scientists studying the genetic factors associated with natural resistance in children living on the coast of Kenya have pinpointed gene targets that could pave the way for new treatments and vaccines. We funded this work, the largest single site study on malaria genetic factors to date.


When Ebola was declared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we released £2m to fund research to support the emergency response.
Find out what was supported and how it will help to prepare for future epidemics.


What is possible when scientists look into the guts of their hardware? Scientists at Stanford University are proving that equipment isn't necessarily redundant just because it's old or outdated.


'Africa contains one of the greatest weapons in the quest to combat cancer: the DNA of its people.'
Genetic research has so far nearly excluded an entire continent. A massive effort to remedy that could change the future of cancer treatment.


What would happen if we treated violent crime like an infectious disease?
Researchers have found that by taking a 'public health' approach to violence in some cities, they could drastically reduce murder rates and hospitalisations.


very informative & mostly useful for medical history cum ethics.


amazing work - team work is key to success


Wellcome Foundation does not only enable individuals and organisations to use creative approaches in engaging the public with health research, it also builds their capacity and ensure community acceptance and sustainability! Wishing you all the best.


Urgently! Help is needed! @Kavun-Baginskaya Natalia

In 2015, Natalia Kavun-Baginskaya (Korosten, Ukraine) has a terrible and extremely aggressive diagnosis - metastatic melanoma. Passed two operations, 16 brain irradiation, 12 chemotherapy. The next stage of treatment requires huge money - immunotherapy is needed. You need a medicine - YERVOY. It is very expensive ($ 5000 - ampoule). The family has no money.

Natasha brings up three children. The eldest son is disabled.

Natasha needs urgent help!

I ask for your help!

May God help us all!

Contact phone: +38 (093) 767-03-57 Alexander (husband)

www. facebook. com / irina.balabolova / posts / 2118434518197393


See this years Season Greeting Card from the Wellcome Trust @

the website www(.)massivedynamicart(.)com

Thank you Wellcome Trust for supporting 'Brain Games'.

I presented three large oil on canvas Portraits of the inside of my mind using Diffusion Tensor Imaging of my actual brain scanned by Silvia de Santis in collaboration with Derek Jones of Cardiff University.

Massive Dynamic Art: Exploring and Recreating Cutting Edge Science:

Project 1.0 What do our thoughts look like?

The Picture was taken in the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff Spring 2013. The Child is Jasmin my fantastic daughter who kindly agreed pose in front of a representation of her mother's mind.

Title: Coronal Self Portrait

Medium: Oil On Canvas

Size: 50 x 40 Inches

Year: 2013

By Penelope Rose


Really good choice of venue for meeting organisers yesterday. Very close to main train stations making access really quick. Venue is very modern and bright. Good refreshments. If I were to organise something in London this would be very near the top of my choice of venues, if not at the top.


Lovely research environment in a beautiful building, full of light and artwork.


Happy for this arrangement am now feeling encouraged the more to see that I am part and partial in improvement of health. Thankyou


Great place


Great conference venue - good facilities and excellent conference catering.


Good work by Wellcome Trust !!

charitable foundation run by MI5 Director for the betterment of Humanity.


Good day my name is Roman I'm disabled from Ukraine looking for help! Thank you for the quick response!


Fascinating place for the science and exhibitions alone and not half bad as a venue for a bit of a do🍷


Fantastic place! And definitely open on a Saturday, not sure why Facebook says it’s isn’t!!




U very good work with in The Name Of Jesus Christ


Здравствуйте! Нахожусь временно в очень сложном положении. Живу временными заработками (не могу устроиться на хорошо оплачиваемую работу, не имею возможность открыть свой бизнес). С трудом плачу кредит за ипотеку (второй кредит+ занял). Имею на иждивении детей. Старшая дочь инвалид после операции и требует реабилитации, нужно покупать лекарства, делать массажи, благодарить врачей и др.. Если есть возможно прошу оказать помощь (денежно и с трудоустройством на работу). Жена уже всего испилила, а ничего придумать толкового увы, пока не могу. Номер лицевого счета в Сбербанке : № 40817810338116534561 и номер карточки 67628038 9781046359. За ранее благодарен.

С уважением,


Hello! I am temporarily in a very difficult situation. I live in temporary earnings (I can not find a well-paid job, I do not have the opportunity to start my own business). With difficulty I pay a loan for a mortgage (the second loan + took). I have dependent children. The elder daughter is disabled after the operation and needs rehabilitation, you need to buy medicines, do massages, thank doctors, etc. If possible, please help (money and job placement). My wife has already drunk everything, but I can not think of anything sensible, I can not yet. Number of personal account in Sberbank: No. 40817810338116534561 and card number 67628038 9781046359. For earlier I am grateful.

Yours faithfully,



very informative & mostly useful for medical history cum ethics.


amazing work - team work is key to success


Wellcome Foundation does not only enable individuals and organisations to use creative approaches in engaging the public with health research, it also builds their capacity and ensure community acceptance and sustainability! Wishing you all the best.


Urgently! Help is needed! @Kavun-Baginskaya Natalia

In 2015, Natalia Kavun-Baginskaya (Korosten, Ukraine) has a terrible and extremely aggressive diagnosis - metastatic melanoma. Passed two operations, 16 brain irradiation, 12 chemotherapy. The next stage of treatment requires huge money - immunotherapy is needed. You need a medicine - YERVOY. It is very expensive ($ 5000 - ampoule). The family has no money.

Natasha brings up three children. The eldest son is disabled.

Natasha needs urgent help!

I ask for your help!

May God help us all!

Contact phone: +38 (093) 767-03-57 Alexander (husband)

www. facebook. com / irina.balabolova / posts / 2118434518197393


See this years Season Greeting Card from the Wellcome Trust @

the website www(.)massivedynamicart(.)com

Thank you Wellcome Trust for supporting 'Brain Games'.

I presented three large oil on canvas Portraits of the inside of my mind using Diffusion Tensor Imaging of my actual brain scanned by Silvia de Santis in collaboration with Derek Jones of Cardiff University.

Massive Dynamic Art: Exploring and Recreating Cutting Edge Science:

Project 1.0 What do our thoughts look like?

The Picture was taken in the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff Spring 2013. The Child is Jasmin my fantastic daughter who kindly agreed pose in front of a representation of her mother's mind.

Title: Coronal Self Portrait

Medium: Oil On Canvas

Size: 50 x 40 Inches

Year: 2013

By Penelope Rose


Really good choice of venue for meeting organisers yesterday. Very close to main train stations making access really quick. Venue is very modern and bright. Good refreshments. If I were to organise something in London this would be very near the top of my choice of venues, if not at the top.


Lovely research environment in a beautiful building, full of light and artwork.


Happy for this arrangement am now feeling encouraged the more to see that I am part and partial in improvement of health. Thankyou


Great place


Great conference venue - good facilities and excellent conference catering.


Good work by Wellcome Trust !!

charitable foundation run by MI5 Director for the betterment of Humanity.


Good day my name is Roman I'm disabled from Ukraine looking for help! Thank you for the quick response!


Fascinating place for the science and exhibitions alone and not half bad as a venue for a bit of a do🍷


Fantastic place! And definitely open on a Saturday, not sure why Facebook says it’s isn’t!!




U very good work with in The Name Of Jesus Christ


Здравствуйте! Нахожусь временно в очень сложном положении. Живу временными заработками (не могу устроиться на хорошо оплачиваемую работу, не имею возможность открыть свой бизнес). С трудом плачу кредит за ипотеку (второй кредит+ занял). Имею на иждивении детей. Старшая дочь инвалид после операции и требует реабилитации, нужно покупать лекарства, делать массажи, благодарить врачей и др.. Если есть возможно прошу оказать помощь (денежно и с трудоустройством на работу). Жена уже всего испилила, а ничего придумать толкового увы, пока не могу. Номер лицевого счета в Сбербанке : № 40817810338116534561 и номер карточки 67628038 9781046359. За ранее благодарен.

С уважением,


Hello! I am temporarily in a very difficult situation. I live in temporary earnings (I can not find a well-paid job, I do not have the opportunity to start my own business). With difficulty I pay a loan for a mortgage (the second loan + took). I have dependent children. The elder daughter is disabled after the operation and needs rehabilitation, you need to buy medicines, do massages, thank doctors, etc. If possible, please help (money and job placement). My wife has already drunk everything, but I can not think of anything sensible, I can not yet. Number of personal account in Sberbank: No. 40817810338116534561 and card number 67628038 9781046359. For earlier I am grateful.

Yours faithfully,


More about Wellcome Trust

Wellcome Trust is located at 215 Euston Road, NW1 2BE London, United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7611 8888