Wellman Fitness

Monday: 07:30 - 21:00
Tuesday: 15:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Wellman Fitness

Wellman fitness offers both 121 and online personal training for anyone anywhere! Whether your looking to lose weight, improve strength or simply improve your overall health, I will work with you to achieve your goals and maximise your potential

Wellman Fitness Description

I offer a friendly, non-judgemental and supportive service suited to individual needs following your free consultation. I know first hand how daunting attending the gym is, of feeling nervous, intimidated and the fear of being judged.

I will personally make you feel at ease within t he gym environment. Workouts are always in a relaxed atmosphere, there is no military style shouting, however there is a 100% positive encouragement to push you to succeed when needed!



Are you guilty of blaming your ‘slow’ metabolism for not losing weight? ➖ As illustrated in the picture, the core of our metabolism is resting energy expenditure, which is referred to basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is the amount of energy your body expends when entirely sedentary and fasted and is the amount of energy required to sustain your body’s main functions. Your BMR equates to approx 60-70 % of your TDEE. ➖ What is your metabolism ❓... . Your Metabolism 🔥 is the sum of various components that together make up your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). ➖ The majority think metabolism is just your resting metabolic rate (RMR), but its so much more than that. ➖ Metabolism = Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) . Example TDEE - 2500 Calories (You burn this amount everyday) . 1500 calories (60% RMR) 1000 calories (40% everything else) ➖ Total Daily Energy Expenditure consists of 4 key components, including ➖ 🛌RMR - resting metabolic rate - up to 60% of your TDEE . What makes up RMR?- Bone mass, Organ Mass, Fat Mass and Muscle mass ➖ 🚶‍♂️NEAT - Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis 20% of TDEE . This is all the movement you do that is not planned exercise e.g. moving your hands, walking to the shops, cleaning. ➖ 🏄‍♂️ EAT - Exercise Activity Thermogenesis - 5 - 10% of TDEE . e.g. football, spin class, lifting weights, cardio ➖ 🍔TEF - Thermic effect of food - 10% of TDEE . The amount of calories your body uses to break down and digest food . example - If you consume 2000 calories, 10% of that is lost through your body efforts to digest the food, so your actually consuming 1800 calories . These 4 together make up what is know as your metabolism ➖ Out of the 4 factors i mentioned above, the one you can influence the most is NEAT. Find ways to be on your feet more. This is why i am a big advocate of tracking your steps and keeping on about hitting 10,000 steps a day. . I advise getting a steps tracker to ensure your burning calories, that you creating a large energy output. However it's important to bare in mind controlling your calorie intake- no point of increasing NEAT if you are not eating less. ➖ #metabolism #fatlosstips #instafit #neat #leanbody #active
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Because training to be physically strong is not enough. . #wellbeing #mentalhealth #mindset #mentalfitness #health #healthylifestyle #wellmanfitness


Socialising can often be an issue for dieters. - Just like you, I too like to enjoy the odd sesh with the lads 🥃, the odd Nando’s, and the odd popcorn & fizz at the cinema. - Once you pay a little more attention to your food choices, keeping calories low is a skill that you can apply to almost every occasion.... - Remember that these situations are once or twice a week max, and the rest of my diet is usually filled with more nutrient-dense, less calorie-dense whole foods. - Like I say all the time... FIND BALANCE. You don’t need to be extreme with your diet, eating nothing but veggies and avoiding social occasions. - Going cold turkey isn’t going to further develop your progress. So get comfortable & start making some small adjustments. You’re in it for the long-game 👊🏼 -
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Do you always have to be in ‘diet mode’ to get best fat loss results? The evidence suggests not. . Group 1️⃣ 🔸16 week diet 🔸Consumed 67% maintenance calories... . Group 2️⃣ 🔸30 week diet 🔸Consumed 67% maintenance calories for 2 weeks 🔸2 week diet break eating at maintenance every 2 weeks . Group 2️⃣ lost 🔸50% more body fat 🔸no extra muscle, 🔸less metabolic slowdown, with metabolic rate reducing half as much as much compared to the continuous group . Most importantly, though, the group that dieted continuously regained 15 pounds, which meant they were only 7 pounds lighter than when they started the diet. The group that took diet breaks only regained 9 pounds, which meant they had kept off 22 pounds of weight loss when it was all said and done. . Diet breaks improve metabolism health and reduce the risk of metabolism slowing down. Implementing regular diet breaks are worth considering, especially if you are a female due to possible negative impacts on the menstrual cycle, which can occur in just 5 days, if calories are too restricted. . Diet breaks have huge metabolic benefits, for example you can eat more calories to maintain weight and therefore less likely to put on weight on occasions like holidays, xmas etc. Also diet breaks offer a huge psychological benefit, to get out the mindset of ‘dieting’ and watching what you are eating all of the time. . This is not to say diet breaks are for everyone, continuous dieting does have its place. For example if you have a tight deadline like a holiday coming up that you want to lose weight for. Also losing weight fast can be a big motivator for a lot of people, which can also make it a valid option. . #weightlosstips #flexibledieting #macros #dietingtips #iifym #weightlosscoach #wellmanfitness #health #fatlosscoach #fitness #weightlosssupport #fatlosstips #metabolism #dietbreak #healthyliving #sustainableliving #food #abs #bikiniready #beachbody
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Aggressive dieting VS Slow and steady dieting - Personally i am fan of slow and steady dieting, but it comes down what is best approach for the individual, considering their - ✅goals... ✅behaviours ✅mindset ✅mental health ✅hormonal health - Should everyone aggressively diet? - Nope. - Would all of your muscles falling off? - Nope. - Should people with performance goals do it? - Probably not. - Do you have a poor relationship with food? forever yo yo dieting? - Focus on behaviours and integrating good habits, not dieting protocols - in the end you have to find a sustainable method to keep off the weight you lost, which means implementing good habits and making a lifestyle change. However, at the beginning you don’t have to diet slow and steady. - For some people, using an aggressive dieting approach will help them to get results quicker, which means they feel better sooner, giving them the motivation to keep dieting. - #weightlossjourney #fitness #personaltrainer #fatlosstips #wellmanfitness #fatlossjourney #health #metabolism #dietculture #musclefood #fitnessjourney #healthylifestyle #fitnessaddict #dietplan
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Accepting a lack of health and fitness often means you have given up. We’ve got one body, one crack at living, it is our responsibility to do the very best we’ve got with the situation that we are in. . If you’re overweight or unfit, no matter the circumstance, finding fault is hopeless, taking responsibility is the only way forward. . #getfit #active #instahealth #determination #healthychoices #body #weightloss #abs #goals #healthyfood #instafit #follow #food #gains #inspiration #strength #happy #sport #shredded #yoga #transformation #gymmotivation


W, Y and T raises...the raises you are NOT doing. . I am sure most of you reading this have done lateral raises before, in the quest for rounded shoulders and help develop a nice v taper, but what about shoulder stability and to improve posture. . Rounded shoulders may look aesthetic and give the illusion they are strong, but are they healthy?... . For example, do you have shoulder niggles? Do you have shoulder pain when you bench press? . It’s easy to overlook the often neglected rotator cuff and lower traps, but these muscles play a huge role in developing a strong, robust shoulder girdle, the rounded shoulders are just the icing on the cake. . I highly recommend implementing W, T and Y raises into your push/pull workouts. Implementing these raise variations will help to . ✅Improve posture ✅Stronger bench press ✅Pain free shoulders ✅Healthy shoulders ✅Reduce risk of injury . Don’t be concerned with the weight with these exercises, I suggest keeping the weight very light and going for 3x10 reps. . Remember your raises . Lateral raises = Aesthetics . W Y T raises = Functionality . #shoulderworkout #fitness #gym #workout #bodybuilding #fitnessmotivation #fit #gymlife #gymmotivation #motivation #shoulders #fitfam #training #backworkout #muscle #instafit #shoulder #fitnessmodel #gains #shoulderday #abs #personaltrainer #cardio #biceps #workoutmotivation #chestworkout #fitnessaddict #mobility
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Have you hit a weight loss plateau? - Before reading further, ask yourself the following . 🔹Do you go the extremes? E.g train everyday? Diet hard? You are all out or nothing... . OR . 🔹You lack discipline? Go through stages of eating well and keeping fit but it’s only short term. . Are you becoming increasingly frustrated because you can’t lose those last few pounds and your body weight seems to have reached a sticking point. . Why the weight loss plateau? Your body has reached homeostasis, an environment it thrives in and feels comfortable, it simply doesn’t want to lose any more weight, and will do everything it can to prevent further calorie restriction and hunger. . The main reason for this is the hormone Leptin, which goes down, resulting in metabolic rate decreasing and a increase in hunger, which will eventually cause your bodyfat to a range that’s normal for you. This is your body’s way of defending its set point, a place where your body feels comfortable. . There will be a bodyweight that your body likes to hang out at. This is why it’s so important to have the basics in place like . 🔹Realistic calorie expenditure through NEAT (Non Exercise Adaptive Thermogenesis) e.g. daily steps 🔹consistent calorie deficit 🔹reduce the feeling of hunger 🔹reduce the feeling of deprivation 🔹reduce the feeling of restriction . If you keep knocking on the door with consistency, you are far more likely to create a new set point and break through the plateau. That’s why creating lifestyle changes and creating good habits is a priority for long term success. . Picture the set point theory as a pendulum. The more extreme your habits are, the more likely you are to get very lean, build muscle etc, but you are also more likely to go in the other direction and back to bad habits, causing you to move further away from achieving your goals. . However, to put a different spin on it, if you want to achieve extreme results like get shredded for a bodybuilding show, be prepared to do extreme things. . Link to full blog in Bio🤓 #weightlossjourney #wellmanfitness #fatlosscoach #weightlosssupport #diet #weightlosscoach
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Smart Fat Loss Swaps - Simply being aware of what you are consuming, you can save hundreds of calories. This peanut butter on toast is an example of how you can save nearly 200 calories by making a couple of similar swaps. What other smart Fat Loss swops could you make with your regular food choices? - Making slight adjustments to your food choices can be the difference between being in a calorie deficit and a calorie surplus. People think you have to go low carb or go on fad... diets to lose weight, it really is simpler than you think. - How many calories are you disregarding? This is why I prefer clients to track calories and practise mindful eating, you learn so much about what you are consuming. - Option 1 may not be your first choice, but you can get the same (or nearly the same) enjoyment out of consuming the smarter option as you would consuming the calorie dense option 2, with the fraction of the calories - the difference being that you are more likely to lose body fat with option 1 - #healthylifestyle #iifym #calories #fatlossjourney #weightlosscoach #dietplan #wellness #wellmanfitness #macros #weightlossideas #dietfood
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It’s easy to get trapped into the health and fitness mindset...of being shredded or wanting to putting on slabs of muscle, but forget to see the bigger picture and jeopardise things like . 🔸friendship 🔸socialising 🔸relationships ... 🔸having fun 🔸more importantly...YOU! . Often if you don’t pay attention to the above you will struggle to be consistent with the basics, let alone the extra 5%. If you do achieve the extra 5% progress, ask yourself to what cost? Normally you will have to sacrifice A LOT which disrupts the all important work life balance. . For example, always eating ‘clean’ denying yourself of your favourite foods once in a while or regularly saying no to social situations. You may think you are being good by staying on track, but this may create feelings of deprivation and frustration which will have a huge impact not only on adherence to the plan, but more importantly being happy. Is the short term gain worth it? . It’s not about being ‘hardcore’ or ‘grinding’ it’s about Balance and being aware. If you take care of the other things in your life I listed above, you will be more likely to succeed with the extra 5% and be happier doing it. . If you are seeking that extra 5%, just be aware what you will need to sacrifice and weigh up the pros and cons. . #mindset #health #diet #healthyliving #wellmanfitness #gym #wellbeing #wellness #weightlossjourney #bodybuilding #muscle #workouts #hypertrophy #dieting #macros #weightstraining #healthylifestyle
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The effects of sleep loss part 2: Reasons to sleep 😴 . Sleep is one of best investment you can make with physical and Mental health 🧠 . Prioritising your sleep is essential for health and longevity. Sleep is often overlooked, with Nutition taking centre stage. But I would argue that sleep is just as important. Lack of sleep causes... . 🔸emotional stress 🔸hunger 🔸less motivated to exercise 🔸poor food choices 🔸Decision-making capacity declines dramatically 🔸x4-x5 more likely to get sick 🔸Glucose regulation also becomes impaired, resulting in higher levels of glucose in your blood . For years I was guilty of adopting the attitude ‘you can sleep when your dead’ but the reality is, not only will you be dead sooner, but the quality of that shorter life will be significantly worse. . Sleep has an image problem,we often stigmatise getting sufficient sleep with this label of laziness. ‘I can function on 5 hours sleep’ how often have you heard something similar? The question I would ask is ‘yes, but are you optimal?’ Certainly not. . Lack of sleep is linked to ⬇️ . 🔸Diabetes (200% more likely with 4-5 hours of sleep) 🔸Alzeimers 🔸Depression 🔸Increased hunger 🔸Poor food choices 🔸Anxiety 🔸Suicidality 🔸Obesity (55% more likely to be obese if you sleep less than 6 hours a night . I highly recommend reading Matthew Walker’s (professor of neuroscience) book ‘why we sleep’. one of the many shocking statistics includes . ‘If your surgeon has only slept 6 hours, you have 170% increase risk of a major surgical error’ . In part 3 of my sleep series I will talk about ‘How to set yourself up for a good night sleep’ . #sleep #sleepdeprived #health #fitness #mentalhealth #weightlossjourney #obesity #diet #hunger #depression #exercise #wellmanfitness #gym #instafit #fatlossjourney
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The effects of sleep loss part 2: Reasons to sleep 😴 . Sleep is one of best investment you can make with physical and Mental health 🧠 . Prioritising your sleep is essential for health and longevity. Sleep is often overlooked, with Nutition taking centre stage. But I would argue that sleep is just as important. Lack of sleep causes... . 🔸emotional stress 🔸hunger 🔸less motivated to exercise 🔸poor food choices 🔸Decision-making capacity declines dramatically 🔸x4-x5 more likely to get sick 🔸Glucose regulation also becomes impaired, resulting in higher levels of glucose in your blood . For years I was guilty of adopting the attitude ‘you can sleep when your dead’ but the reality is, not only will you be dead sooner, but the quality of that shorter life will be significantly worse. . Sleep has an image problem,we often stigmatise getting sufficient sleep with this label of laziness. ‘I can function on 5 hours sleep’ how often have you heard something similar? The question I would ask is ‘yes, but are you optimal?’ Certainly not. . Lack of sleep is linked to ⬇️ . 🔸Diabetes (200% more likely with 4-5 hours of sleep) 🔸Alzeimers 🔸Depression 🔸Increased hunger 🔸Poor food choices 🔸Anxiety 🔸Suicidality 🔸Obesity (55% more likely to be obese if you sleep less than 6 hours a night . I highly recommend reading Matthew Walker’s (professor of neuroscience) book ‘why we sleep’. one of the many shocking statistics includes . ‘If your surgeon has only slept 6 hours, you have 170% increase risk of a major surgical error’ . In part 3 of my sleep series I will talk about ‘How to set yourself up for a good night sleep’ . #sleep #sleepdeprived #health #fitness #mentalhealth #weightlossjourney #obesity #diet #hunger #depression #exercise #wellmanfitness #gym #instafit #fatlossjourney
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Looking to grow your quads or booty? The Bulgarian split squat will go both, and is one of my favourite exercises to do with clients as you get a lot of bang for your buck, including . 🔸quads 🔸glutes 🔸hamstrings... 🔸core 🔸stretch/strengthen hip flexors 🔸improve imbalances. . Knowing how to manipulate exercises will allow you to . 🔸focus on areas you want to improve/strengthen 🔸Save time in the gym 🔸Be resourceful at times when you don’t have access to your preferred equipment. . In this example, simply adjusting the torso angle and being aware what you are trying to activate with each variation will help you get a lot more out of your workout. . Comment below if you have any questions 😃 . #legday #quads #gluteworkout #exercise #workout #legsworkout #bodybuilding #fitness #gymmotivation #weightstraining #wellmanfitness #glutes
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Lower back pain sucks 👎 ➖ Have you ever had lower back pain while walking all day with friends and family? ➖ Lower back pain can be very frustrating and can strike at anytime...the thing is you can do something about it, if you want to that is... ➖ The advice of ‘take it easy’ and ‘rest up’ is the worst thing you could be doing...and is often one of the biggest reasons why you are suffering with back pain in the first place. The best thing to do is to stay active, take charge and work on the things listed in the ‘Action plan’ ➖ 🔑Key points to remember ➖ Control your environment- most of us are sedentary the majority of the time whether it’s sleeping, working or relaxing. Being fixed in a disadvantageous position for up to 16 hours EVERY day, you better make sure Its not only comfortable, but more importantly supportive and improves your lower back issues. Focus on improving the environment in the situations listed below, and set yourself up for progress. ➖ 🛌😴 ✅invest in a supportive mattress/pillow. A head pillow should maintain the natural posture of the neck and help support the spine. Ideally, it should be comfortable, adaptable to different positions, and keep its overall shape after use. Try the following sleeping position to help reduce back pain. 1️⃣Sleeping in the fetal position 2️⃣Sleeping on the side with a pillow between the knees 3️⃣Sleeping on the back with knee support ➖ 💻⌨️ ✅standing desk or supportive chair that cushions your lower back. An ergonomic office chair is a tool that, when used properly, can help one maximise back support and maintain good posture while sitting. ➖ No matter how comfortable you are sitting down, prolonged static posture is not good for the back and contributes to back problems and muscle strain. ➖ Link in Bio ⬆️ for full article . #lowerbackpain #mobility #stretching #yoga #wellmanfitness #stretchingtips #strength #glutes #coreexercises #coreworkout #ergonomics #sleep
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Are you aware with how much food you are putting on your plate? The 3 examples show how easy it is to over or underestimate portion sizes. Making small adjustments to portion size is sometimes all that’s needed to help achieve your goal. . When it comes to meal prep and Losing body fat or gaining muscle,
A breakdown of the examples are explained below but remember to customize your diet to you and your specific needs because everybody is different:... . Breakie 🍳 (eggs, avo & veggies) 👉🏼Higher calorie/larger portion: 4 eggs, 1 tsp coconut oil 200g Kale, 150g Tomatoes, 1 Avocado 👉🏼Lower calorie/smaller portion The same but minus 1/2 Avocado, 1 egg, 100 grams Kale. . Lunch idea 🍠 (burger, veggies, & sweet potato) Both have same amount of veggies 👉🏼Higher calorie/larger portion: Beef burger 10% fat + Around 20% more sweet potato & avocado 👉🏼Lower calorie/smaller portion: Turkey breast burger + around 20% less sweet potato & avocado . Dinner idea 🍚 (coconut chicken curry) Both the same amount of protein & cilantro: 👉🏼 Higher calorie/larger portion: 2 cups of brown rice 👉🏼 Lower calorie/smaller portion; 2 cups of friend cauliflower rice in coconut oil . #caloriecounting #diet #iifym #gainmuscle #bodybuilding #dietplan #fatlosscoach #weights #muscle #bodybuilding #wellmanfitness @ Wellman Fitness
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This kickstarts my 3 part series on the effects of sleep loss. Part 1 identifies the negative impact of not having enough sleep on body composition (muscle/fat ratio) - In 2010, 2 groups of overweight participants were put on a 1400 calorie diet for 2 weeks, which revealed some significant results about the effects of sleep deprivation on body composition. - Participants were matched for age and body mass. Their calorie intake (including the ratio of carbohydrates to protein ...and fat) and energy expenditure were the same. - They differed only in the number of hours of sleep granted. The study formed two groups: - 🔸8.5 hours of sleep 🔸5.5 hours of sleep - What happened? Both groups lost 3 kg of mass. However, in the low sleep group 80% of that weight was muscle! ⁣_ The high sleep group did a lot better with 52% came from muscle. _ Still very high, but remember they weren't doing any weight training to preserve their muscle tissue.
It’s worth noting however that the group sleeping for 5.5 hours lost 0.6 kg of fat mass, while the group sleeping for 8 hours lost 1.4 kg of fat mass. That’s a pretty significant variance! - The study was conducted in 2010 by Nedeltcheva, and is titled for 'Insufficient sleep undermines dietary efforts to reduce adiposity.' - #sleep #fatlosstips #sleepdeprivation #healthylifestyle #weightlossjourney #healthyliving #flexibledieting #gainmuscle #fatlossjourney #leanbody #wellmanfitness #iifym
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Does the following sound familiar❓ . 🔸Following a diet plan and not losing/gaining weight❓ 🔸Following a weight training programme and struggling to gain muscle❓ .... Essentially, training is about transferring knowledge while coaching is about applying that knowledge. For me, I like to get to know the client, to find out more about their preferences, lifestyle, habits and how they learn best. I am now able to present the knowledge in a way that is useful for them. . Key characteristics of training: . 🔸Learning focused 🔸Provides new knowledge and skills 🔸Usually structured 🔸Used to get someone to do a specific task . Key characteristics of coaching: . 🔸Development focused 🔸Facilitates critical thinking and decision-making 🔸Usually takes place one-on-one 🔸Informal or unstructured 🔸Used to improve performance and behaviour . You can have the best tools in the world at your disposal, but if you can’t utilise them properly then you are leaving a lot on the table.
You maybe following a training programme at the moment that promises you will gain slabs of muscle, but if you don’t execute the exercises properly, with high intensity and lack adherence to the diet, then the results you could achieve would suffer. Nothing wrong with the knowledge, its just how its applied. . I am very passionate about building client relationships, to do what’s right for them, instead of everyone else or what the textbook says. . Please feel free to drop me a DM if you would like further information on how I can help you achieve your goals. . #coaching #fitnesslife #personaltrainerliverpool #loseweightfeelgreat #wellmanfitness #healthyliving #mindset #gym #musclegain #hypertrophytraining #fatlosscoach
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It’s the simple thoughts can have the biggest impact. #consistencyiskey #wellmanfitness #health #healthylifestyle #diet #mindset #positivevibes

More about Wellman Fitness

Wellman Fitness is located at Unit 37, Spindus Road, Speke industrial estate, L24 1YA Liverpool
Monday: 07:30 - 21:00
Tuesday: 15:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -