Wendy Witch

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Wendy Witch

Handfasting Ceremonies (Pagan Weddings), Baby Naming Ceremonies, Home Blessings, Memorial Services, Pagan Rituals, Tarot, Gift Wrapped Magic Spells.

Wendy Witch Description

Handfasting Ceremonies (Pagan Weddings), Baby Naming Ceremonies, Home Blessings, Memorial Services, Pagan Rituals, Tarot, Gift Wrapped Magic Spells.



Winter Weddings and Naming Ceremonies.
The winter months are often overlooked for ceremonies which is a shame because it's a magical time of year full of pretty lights, warming fires, surprises, parties and laughter.
I'm now taking bookings for Yuletide this year as well as anytime next year and 2020.
... Click on the link if you'd like to know more. www.wendywitch.uk .
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Tallest Sunflower Competition prizes. The chick is gigantic! #wendywitch #sunflower #prize #chick #babyrabbit #kit #duckling #vividart


Good night. Sweet dreams. xx


Pansy Love Spell
Start by casting a circle.
Place pansy flowers in your hair. You may place single flowers in your hair or you may weave flowers into a crown of Aphrodite.
... Visualize the flowery connection to the Goddess of love read a love poem or write a few lines of poetry or prose about love.
Light a white candle to Aphrodite and some violet, lemon, orange or jasmine incense.
Use the candle flame to meditate, focus on love and ask for Aphrodite to help deliver your desired love to either a single person or to the whole world if you wish.
If your candle is still burning, snuff it out rather than blowing it out. If you blow out the flame, you will also blow out the magic of the love spell.
Close the circle.
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The Song of The Pansy Fairy
Pansy and Petunia, Periwinkle, Pink - How to choose the best of them,... Leaving out the rest of them, That is hard, I think.
Poppy with its pepper-pots, Polyanthus, Pea - Though I wouldn't slight the rest, Isn't Pansy quite the best, Quite the best for P?
Black and brown and velvety, Purple, yellow, red; Loved by people big and small, All who plant and dig at all In a garden big.
Cicely Mary Barker
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We have winter flowering pansies for sale on the plant stall. Welcome colour for up coming grey winter days. I love them all but I think the blue is my favourite. There's a lot of folklore associated with these funny little flowers.........
Nicknames include heartsease, love-in-idleness, godfathers and godmothers, call-me-to-you, jack-jump-up-and-kiss-me and faces-under-the-hood.
Biblically, because of its tricolor, the pansy is often considered a symbol of the Trinity.
... Pluck one of the upper petals, and your lover's future can be foretold by counting the veins that run through it. Four veins means there's hope; seven means forever in love; eight, a fickle lover; nine, a change of heart is on the horizon; and finally 11, an early death for the love of your life.
If a pansy blooms in autumn, a plague will soon follow. I do hope this one's not true.
A pansy picked when dew is still fresh on its petals, can cause the death of a loved one.
If rain has been lacking, pick a pansy, the clouds will soon open up.
If you dream of pansies you can expect troubles to brew with a good friend.
According to a German legend, many people travelled miles to enjoy the glorious fragrance of the first pansy. So many came that the grasses where the pansies grew became trampled, leaving no food for grazing cattle. The flower then turned its bloom to God and prayed for him to help the cows. God answered by taking away its fragrance and instead giving it a tricolor face. Thus today, the pansy has an adorable blossom and no scent.
Pansy petals and leaves are edible as well as high in vitamins A and C, so pop a few on top of the salad. Or freeze them in ice cubes to brighten up a drink.
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Mabon Altars
Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, falls on 23rd September. So it's time to redecorate our altars. Take your time with your altar, place items upon it as you find them. If you're short of space, use a shelf or a drawer that you can pull out. Or make your altar outside on a tree or stone.
Autumn is my favourite season, warm orange sunshine, mists rising from the earth, beautiful trees, piles of leaves to kick, vegetable soups and fruit pies.
... Mabon is the second harvest. Reflect the colours of autumn in your altar cloth and candles, red, orange, yellow and brown. Gold candles look wonderful.
Use leaves, acorns, hazelnuts, fruits and vegetables that you have gathered. A sheaf of corn, even some tools such as sickles, scythes and baskets can be displayed too.
The light and darkness are equal so use black and white candles, a yin yang symbol or even a set of scales to represent balance.
You can decorate your altar with herbs and crystals too. Use stones ruled by the Sun - clear quartz, amber, peridot, diamond, gold, citrine, yellow topaz, cat's-eye and aventurine.
Herbs to use include rue, yarrow, rosemary, marigold, sage, walnut leaves and husks, mistletoe, saffron, chamomile, almond leaves, passionflower, frankincense, rose hips, bittersweet, sunflower, wheat, oak leaves, dried apple or apple seeds.
Pine, sage, sweetgrass are appropriate incenses to burn.
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Good night. Sweet dreams xx
Heavenly Half Moon. Taken by a crewmember aboard the International Space Station.


Mabon Magic.
Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, falls on the 23rd September this year, so for the next couple of weeks I'll be posting Mabon spells and rituals for both solitary and group rituals.
This is the time when there is an equal amount of day and night. While we celebrate the gifts of the earth, we also accept that the soil is dying. We have food to eat, but the crops are brown and going dormant. Warmth is behind us, cold lies ahead.
... If you're below the equator, you'll be preparing for Ostara, the spring equinox.
'One Lone Witch' by Jena Della Grottaglia
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Pagan Weddings and Vow Renewals (Handfastings) don't have to be huge lavish occasions in order to have a good time.
If you feel more comfortable in your own surroundings you can be handfasted in your garden if you wish.
As well as gardens I have conducted Handfastings in forests, on beaches, at ruined churches, even underground - places that have a special significance for the bride and groom.
... You can choose your own music, rings, attire, and decorations. The result is always wonderful.
I work closely with my couples to make sure the ceremony is perfect for them. So get in touch today and let's start creating a magical event.
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Happy September. Our next festival is Mabon, which this year falls (no pun intended :) ) on 23rd September.


Good night. Sweet dreams xx
Waning Moon Prayer
I call upon you Hecate... My words I ask you harken For your waning moon is in the sky Her silver shine be darken… As you ride her silver crest Deep into the night, Take with you the powers of my words When upon I see her newborn light I’ll know my spell has been heard. So Mote It Be.
Image ~ Julie Fain
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Magic Spells for a Waning Moon
Our lovely moon is now waning and it's the perfect time for banishing spells, getting rid of unwanted, negative things or people to make room for lovely new experiences.
Here's a couple of favourite tried and tested spells which work well.
... A Spell To Banish a Person.
They'll still be around, but they’ll stop bothering you. Remember, do not wish harm upon anyone. Never cast spells in anger, everything you send out into the universe will return to you threefold. Think good thoughts for yourself instead
You will need a black candle and a piece of paper. Light the candle.
Write the individual’s name on the paper. Burn the paper around the edges and as you do so, let them know that you are burning away whatever feelings (animosity, lust, jealousy, whatever) they may have towards you.
Burn as much of the paper as you can, until all that’s left is their name.
Take the last bit of paper to the place where you normally see them, work or school or wherever, and dig a hole and bury it.
You can also tear the paper into tiny pieces, and blow it away or scatter it to the winds.
A Magic Spell to Banish People From Your Psyche.
If there is someone around you causing you stress or unhappiness, the simplest spell you can cast is to write their name on a piece of paper and put it in the freezer. It literally freezes them from your life. It sounds too easy but it works!
A happy customer rang me to say, 'I still have those people in my freezer.......'
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You lot are AWESOME! (and that's not a word I use lightly.)
You have raised another £250 for the Huntington's Disease Association!
Thank you very very much. Wendy xx
... https://www.hda.org.uk
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Good night. Sweet dreams xx
Cornflowers by Pol Ledent.


Cornflower Magic.
To repel negative influences and discourage evil visitors, grind blue cornflowers to a fine powder. Then sweep your house with a broom. When your home is thoroughly swept and spotless, sprinkle the powder over the threshold of all doors which allow entry to the property. Also sprinkle it in the corner of every room, including the corners of all your cupboards.
If you are worried about evil influences entering your home through the telephone or computer, spr...inkle the same powder under and around your telephone and computer to keep them away. Alternatively, if you'd like me to come and bless and cleanse your home click here; https://www.wendywitch.co.uk/home-blessin gs
To aid meditation and reach higher consciousness, gather fresh blue cornflowers and moisten them. Then lie down on a comfortable surface and relax. Apply the cornflowers to the area above and between the eyes. The more often this is done, the more effective it will become.
Cornflowers were among the jewelry and gold discovered in the tomb of King Tutankhamen. A small wreath of cornflowers and olive leaves, still the deepest blue after thousands of years, was among the cache of riches left to aid the pharaoh in the afterlife.
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The Song of the Cornflower Fairy.
’Mid scarlet of poppies and gold of the corn, In wide-spreading fields were the Cornflowers born; But now I look round me, and what do I see?... That lilies and roses are neighbours to me!
There’s a beautiful lawn, there are borders and beds, Where all kinds of flowers raise delicate heads; For this is a garden, and here, a Boy Blue, I live and am merry the whole summer through.
My blue is the blue that I always have worn, And still I remember the poppies and corn.
Cicely Mary Barker.
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Cornflower Folklore
I love blue flowers. We went for a walk this evening and found cornflowers growing by the canal.
Prized for their intense colour, cornflowers have been featured in gardens for more than a hundred years. Most varieties are blue, but others come in pink, maroon, and white blooms, set apart by pale, grey-green leaves.
... Leave some seed heads after these annuals flower and goldfinches will visit your garden to eat the seeds. They'll last for up to two weeks as a cut flower and look good dried too.
However, it is said that if cornflowers are brought into the house, the bread will go mouldy.
Cornflowers are often used as an ingredient in tea and is famous in the Lady Grey blend of Twinings.
Boiling a cornflower plant is effective in treating conjunctivitis (or pink eye), and as a wash for tired eyes.
Bachelors who are in love, should wear a cornflower in their lapel. If it fades quickly this means that their love is unrequited. If the flower lasts, the object of their desire loves them too. Hence the name 'Bachelor's Buttons.'
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Preparing for a Handfasting Ceremony. #wendywitch #handfasting #paganwedding #handfastingcord #broomstick #candle #bookofshadows #burgundy #cream #red


Wonderful witch . Such a lovely lady.

Great spells and tarot reader xx


Wendy was our wonderful Handfasting priestess. From the initial enquiry she was warm and knowledgable, and just seemed to know exactly the right things to suggest.

We knew a Handfasting was perfect for us as we’re a little unconventional I guess and when we read the vows we had tears in our eyes because they were so fitting.

We had a couple of meetings beforehand and Wendy made sure every little detail was correct and as we’d like, and she really went out of her way to make it personal. She also made sure everyone involved knew what to do and when, so we could enjoy ourselves �

As quite private people we were a bit worried/self conscious about having a grand ceremony but Wendy was so professional and calm that it felt natural.

During the ceremony she made sure our guests felt at ease-only a couple had been to a Handfasting before and many were a bit nervous as to what to expect.

Our Grandparents went from being (understandably!) apprehensive to joining in, and they both said beautiful things when the talking stick went around, and for us that was probably the most meaningful part, and it was Wendy’s welcoming and open nature that helped with this, we’re so grateful!

The whole thing was just magical. We both felt so blessed and connected afterwards - set up for the rest of our lives �

I wholeheartedly recommend this magical and wise woman - thank you Wendy Witch xxx


Such a Phenomenal woman, we're all so lucky to have her


I've followed the path for many years

Found some who think like me

A witch who will read your palms

What's in the cards maybe ?

Hand fastings that will tie a bond

Lovers bound on boat or shore

White witch Wendy holds love and joy at her core

So be sure then I am a witch's familiar

With no mistress I walk the path

You couldn't do no better with these words I vet her

Wendy Witch her spells hold love not wrath

Her blessings will bring joy winter , summer or spring

For all who find her boat

Nothing like a reading

Near magic held in waters for folk

May the stones watch over you and hold your secrets x


I really enjoyed my reading today, I highly recommend! Everything I had playing on my mind feels so much more at ease now, I feel energised and like the universe has given be guidance Thank you Wendy


I had a really good day on Saturday when you performed the Handfasting of Justina and Mark it was a very emotional day in many ways especially as neither of them had their dad's there to witness the happy day Thank You


I believe that she can predict and help people in their time of need. Have not been to see her myself, I just know. Do not think, although she is good, that my emotions could ever be sorted out. I am too muddled.


Had a reading with this lady she's lovely and her spells are excellent xxx

More about Wendy Witch

Wendy Witch is located at Grand Union Canal, Milton Keynes
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -