West Jesmond Primary School

About West Jesmond Primary School

West Jesmond is a truly unique outstanding school, with a long history of successfully providing the highest quality education in Jesmond since 1901.

West Jesmond Primary School Description

West Jesmond is a truly unique school with a long history of successfully providing the highest quality education in Jesmond since 1901. In that time there have been many changes to education and indeed our wonderful school building but throughout the past 111 years we have always prided ourselves in making our children feel special and nurtured their talents in all areas of the curriculum. Opened over one hundred years ago, West Jesmond Primary is a thriving, successful school. On 2 March 2009 pupils and staff moved into a superb, purpose-built new building. Building on the strengths and traditions of the original school, West Jesmond provides a broad and exciting education for children aged four to eleven. Providing children with a secure environment that actively encourages their academic, personal and social development is of the utmost importance. At West Jesmond Primary School we provide each pupil with a rich and varied curriculum, delivered through stimulating and memorable learning opportunities, designed to meet the requirements as set out in the current National Curriculum.
In order to ensure your child develops and secures the necessary skills and knowledge for life- long learning, a strong foundation in Mathematics and English can be found at the heart of all our curriculum activities. Built around these core skills, is the wider curriculum; stimulating, varied, challenging, localised, environmentally aware and most of all exciting for our children.
Enhancing this curriculum, throughout the course of each school year, are regular field excursions and residential trips to regional galleries, local attractions and places of interest such as Bede’s World, Beamish Museum and Hadrian’s Wall. Children in Year 6 attend a residential trip to Robin Wood in the Tyne Valley



Time to get creative! https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00rfvk1


This week Y3 took part in fantastic, fun Enterprise workshops with Carole Richards from the Education Business Partnership and her team of ambassadors. They were given the challenge of building a rollercoaster in teams with a budget of £100 to spend on materials. The teams were then tasked to work together as they would in the world of work, using a wide range of skills. To win, the teams had to build a rollercoaster which not only stayed in tact but which also rolled a marble on its course for the longest time and was the cheapest! Well done Y3 - you were all brilliant team players!


Y2 have been reading Elephant Dance as part of their India topic. It inspired some brilliant poetry to Grandad. Here’s a selection of 2S’s fantastic ideas!


Y2 have been reading Elephant Dance as part of their India topic. It inspired some brilliant poetry to Grandad. Here’s a selection of 2JT’s amazing ideas!


Y2 have been reading Elephant Dance as part of their India topic. It inspired some amazing poetry to Grandad. Here’s a selection of 2H’s brilliant ideas!


Last Friday Year 6 had a superb morning at the Heaton Manor Careers Fair. The children were given the fantastic opportunity to research and find out about a wide range of careers and job opportunities that they perhaps may not otherwise have thought about. They impressed so many of the exhibitors at the fair with their questions, behaviour and conduct and I'm very proud to say they were an absolute credit to our school. Thank you so much Heaton Manor for inviting us. Mrs Oades.


https://www.facebook.com/283661679914/pos ts/10156492612424915/


Tomorrow we look forward to 3C's cake stall!


We are looking forward to our coffee morning tomorrow 8-10am. Everyone welcome. We’re raising money for Smart Works.
Come in for a coffee, breakfast bakes and a chat.
We’ll also be selling second hand uniform at the coffee morning.


A brilliant morning for Rainbow Creators making our second large terrarium at The Flower Folk. An awful lot of skill and patience was required today to get the delicate plants carefully through the very small opening! We've left it in the very capable hands of Vicky and Pip to establish for a couple of weeks, but look out for it brightening up the main entrance area after half term.


Frankie in Y3 has been busy feeding the birds as part of his Dippy School Family Homework.


Today is #SaferInternetDay2019 . Our children will be focusing on this year's theme of Online Consent in their e-Safety lesson. There are great resources here for you to use and talk about with your children at home too: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/curations/safe r-internet-day


Matilda Walters (3F) has had lots of fun making all different sorts of bird food and then watching lots of different birds come into the garden.


This week road use in Jesmond once again hit the headlines. We would like to reassure parents that we, as a school, are working together with Newcastle City Council Road Safety Officers to secure the safest ... possible and eco-friendly solutions for all of our children. A number of schemes have been suggested and we would welcome collaboration with the Council to ensure our children’s needs are a key priority.
Our School Council will be gathering views from our children and parents over the coming weeks, starting with the Survey Monkey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BJV7FZR< br> We are interested to know what your solution would be to the challenges we face to deliver a positive, collaborative outcome that meets the needs of pedestrians, road users, local residents and the environment.
In the meantime, the most cost effective and timely method to improve road safety and air quality around school is for us all to positively consider our own behaviours and attitudes to the situation; always putting our children first.
See More


Due to popular demand Quiz tickets are back on sale on SIMS Agora until 3pm today.Due to popular demand Quiz tickets are back on sale on SIMS Agora until 3pm today.


In case you were wondering, yes school is open! The roads and pavements around the site have a light dusting of snow, so please take care and maybe allow a little longer for your journey this morning!


The Friends of West Jesmond are currently organising the next coffee morning- please see details below.
Our next Charity fundraiser will be a Breakfast/coffee morning in the school hall on Friday 8th February from 8am until 10am.
We are raising money and collecting donations of ‘smart wear’ for the Smart Works Newcastle charity. We are also collecting Bras for the charity Against Breast Cancer Please see the individual posters for more details on what the items we are collect...ing.
Donate smart wear for SMART WORKS – Anytime from 1st – 8th February (drop off at main school entrance)
Recycle your Bra for AGAINST BREAST CANCER – Anytime from 1st – 8th February (collection box at the main school entrance)
Make and donate a breakfast bake for our SMART WORKS breakfast fundraiser (bring to the school hall on the morning of Friday 8th February 8am)
We would also appreciate your time on the day, to help with, setting up, serving, washing cups and tidying up.
See More


After their training at the Apple Store this term, our Digital Leaders have been teaching their classes how to compose on Garage Band. Today William in Y3 and Max in Y4 took over as teachers.




When I was there back in the 1970s, was brilliant. I am still in contact with one very special lady - who is my best friend!


Well done on gaining outstanding status!! So pleased to be part of this fabulous school


My daughter loves WJPS. Despite being the youngest in the whole school she has made amazing progress thanks to her wonderful Reception teachers.


Great school! Great staff! Great teachers l! My sons love going to WJPS.


Good memories was excellent school even in the 70s




When I was there back in the 1970s, was brilliant. I am still in contact with one very special lady - who is my best friend!


Well done on gaining outstanding status!! So pleased to be part of this fabulous school


My daughter loves WJPS. Despite being the youngest in the whole school she has made amazing progress thanks to her wonderful Reception teachers.


Great school! Great staff! Great teachers l! My sons love going to WJPS.


Good memories was excellent school even in the 70s

More about West Jesmond Primary School

West Jesmond Primary School is located at Tankerville Terrace, NE2 3AJ Newcastle upon Tyne