Wildlife Aid - Home Of Tv'S Wildlife Sos

About Wildlife Aid - Home Of Tv'S Wildlife Sos

Wildlife Aid, as seen on TVŌĆÖs ŌĆśWildlife SOSŌĆÖ, is one of the UKŌĆÖs largest wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and release centres.

Wildlife Aid - Home Of Tv'S Wildlife Sos Description

The Foundation's work is the focus of the popular TV series Wildlife SOS on Discovery Channel's 'Animal Planet'. The founder of the Foundation is the environmental broadcaster and campaigner Simon Cowell MBE.



This pipistrelle was brought into a house by a cat, whereupon it escaped the catŌĆÖs clutches and tried to hide under a cooker. The homeowner managed to recover it and it was sent in to our vet team for a check-up.
Although it was very bright and lively, Maru found several tiny puncture wounds around its head and neck, which she quickly glued shut. As with all cat victims, it was placed on a course on antibiotics and painkillers and moved into one of our quiet cages to recover. It will return to the wild once fully healed!


Today is #InternationalDayOfCharity and we want to use it to say a huge thanks to our supporters and volunteers!
Without your support, we would not be able to do what we do and we wouldn't be able to give our patients a second chance at life in the wild. Your donations keep our doors open and our 350+ strong team of volunteers keep our patients fed, clean and warm!
If you would like to join our volunteer team, please see our online application form here - www.wildlifeaid.org....uk/become-voluntee r/
And if you want to help our patients with a donation, please click the donate button below this post!
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Barely hours old, these two baby voles were brought into the centre after their nest was disturbed by a lawn mower. Luckily, they escaped with only minor bruising but, as they are so young, the next few days are critical. They will be fed around the clock by one of our specialist feeders to give them the best possible chance of survival.
This shows just how careful we must all be when gardening, as animals nest just about everywhere!


WAF ambassador Kate Woods organises her biggest fund raiser of the year at the glittering Woodlands Park Hotel in Cobham, Surrey on Friday 5th October 2018. With fabulous live band "Saviours of Soul" performing, a 2 course meal (main and dessert) and a welcome drink, you are promised a fantastic night out.
*7:30pm - Late *A raffle and auction will be run on the night... *Entrance by ticket only
Click the link below to book your tickets now!
www.tickettailor.com/events/wafambassador com/186610
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ANGRY HEDGEHOG ALERT! It's safe to say he was a little reluctant to be examined...


https://www.justgiving.com/campaigŌĆ”/ŌĆ” /wildlifeaid/spring2018
With this summer being one of the hottest on record, we have had a huge influx of patients at the centre. Almost every cage is full and we urgently need your help to help us expand.
As part of our 2018 appeal, we need to fit and refurbish a brand new hedgehog hospital to allow us to keep treating the many new arrival brought to our doors. With your help we will be able to cope with a record year of patient numbers a...nd will be able to return more animals to the wild!
If you would like to help us, please donate, but if you can't, please share this video. Thank you, once again, for your support!
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It's been a while since we had a guess the species quiz, so do any of you know what this is? Leave your guesses in the comments and we will reveal the result this evening!


PIGEON UPDATE!! Our little hatchling finally made a full appearance on Saturday evening, after 23 hours. After a good sleep to recuperate from all of that hard work, it's feeding well and has lots of energy!
Keep an eye out for updates as our little friend grows big and strong over the coming months, before being released back out into the wild.


This rather large Natterer's bat was brought into WAF when it was found on the floor, in the rain, in broad daylight.
After a thorough examination, and demonstration of his impressive flight skills around the treatment room, it was clear he was fit to be released straight back into the wild, that evening!


Thanks to Naomi, our hospital coordinator, here is some slow-mo footage of one of our recent bat flight tests!
Safe to say this one passed with flying colours and was soon heading back to the wild!


Sparrowhawk rescues can be some of the most time-consuming rescues we do. Usually, a bird trapped in a large building can take hours to catch and requires a lot of teamwork.
A recent call found us taking two blacksmiths out on their first ever wildlife rescue. This sparrowhawk had only been inside the warehouse for a few hours, so still had plenty of flight left in him to give Simon and the 'newbies' the run around!


Did you know that European hedgehogs are partially immune to adder venom?
Thanks to a protein called 'erinacin' within the hedgehogs muscular system, they have partial immunity to minor bites from the UK's only venomous snake. Adders can even fall prey to hungry hedgehogs!


PIGEON HATCHLING UPDATE!! It won't be long now until the hatchling has fully broken out of it's egg. It's been a long 21 hours so far... Keep an eye for another update!


HATCHING PIGEON RIGHT NOW!! This tiny pigeon is hatching in one of our incubators, keep an eye for updates! ­¤ÉŻ


Thanks to Alice, one of our volunteers, this is the moment our red kite left our care and returned to where it should be. It's always beautiful to watch!
Thanks, Alice, for the lovely footage!


Can you spare a few hours to help British wildlife get back to the wild?
If you love British wildlife and want to join our team then why not consider volunteering with us? Our volunteer team are the lifeblood of the centre and help with everything from feeding animals and cleaning cages to helping on rescues!
We have three shifts a day running from 9am-1pm, 1pm-6pm and 6pm-10/11pm and it never gets boring!
... At the moment, we urgently need help on Monday afternoons and Friday evenings, but we have vacancies throughout the week!
If you want to join our team please take a look at the link below for more details. We hope to see you soon :)
https://www.wildlifeaid.org.uk/become-vol unteer/
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In slightly happier news, this beautiful red kite was collected by one of our volunteers after it was found grounded and not moving.
It was rushed in to see our vet team, but, strangely, didnŌĆÖt seem to have any physical injuries - it was not thin, had no feather damage and seemed to be in perfect shape.
It was given a precautionary x-ray and we soon found the problem. There was a large collection of tiny bones in its crop, which could only mean one thing; it had eaten too muc...h!
After giving it time to fully digest its meal, it was soon back to full health and easily passed a flight test.
Stay tuned for a video of its release!
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Simon and Lawrie just rushed out to rescue a young deer that had been attacked by a dog. It was taken back to the centre for an X-ray but sadly the damage was too extensive. The fawn's back was badly broken and there was nothing that could be done to save it...
Please keep dogs on leads when there's wildlife about. This fawn was just a few weeks old.


Here is the result of Maru's efforts! The wound is now fully closed and the long healing process begins. We will keep you updated!


Your dedication to wildlife is second to none. Thank you for doing what you do, and for doing it so well


You guys are hero's! I love your show but what you do is beyond amazing, and your enthusiasm for what you do is even better. I LOVE YOU THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING GUYS! Ty ty ty ty!!!!


Wildlife aid were amazing when we called on a Friday night having found four baby squirrels close to dying - Maria came to our flat personally to collect them at 9pm! And got to us within the hour. We now know that they are in the best hands ’┐Į


What you are doing is truly amazing I hope that one day I can do what you do


What would we do without them??? Real team of animal & nature lovers, that dedicate their lives 24/7 to save those in need.

I know, I have seen what goes on! They never stop & will do anything to help..amazing!

All my #love & #respect xxx


We were so grateful that Wildlife Aid took on our poorly hedgehog yesterday.I'd called a local hog rescue centre(2 minutes drive) but they were full and rather unhelpful.I then tried one over 1/2 hr away who were also full but gave me some advice and suggested Wildlife Aid.After a quick phone call we made the 1 1/2 hr drive to drop off Hedgehog 5 23/12/17 into the capable and caring hands of the receptionist at Wildlife Aid.

I posted on Facebook about our 3 1/2 hour,140 mile round trip and since then 4 of my friends have made donations and we're going to donate any money we get for Christmas.

Thank you.


We brought an injured baby thrush to your establishment this afternoon.

How lovely and caring you were.

I truly hope the bird gets well and is released into the wild again.

Such a lovely place and the staff are excellent.


Volunteered at WAF for about 6-9 years, and loved every minute of it; some sad times but some gloriously happy ones too. Hand feeding Fox cubs...who knew they gurgled like Mogwai!?

Even after leaving for work related reasons they remained helpful; a few months ago, when I found a half dead pigeon in my back garden, I caught it and put it in the cat's carry box (much to her disgust!) and took it in. Spoke to Becky when I called it in, who remembered me by name; took this bird in; assured the receptionist that it was in fact still alive (just), so it was taken immediately to the vet nurse who examined it and decided it wouldn't survive as it was too badly injured. She PTSed the little pidge within a few minutes; not the happy clappy result I had hoped for, but still the best possible result in the circumstances. Poor pidge looked like it had been badly catted, but still the team at WAF did their best to save it. Also was fab rehab as twas the first thing I really began following a year "off" due to a serious brain injury...And then of course there's the man himself Simon; a lovable curmudgeon who hides his deep compassion and caring beneath a gruff exterior. I still remember his forlorn, heartbroken appearance after Percy passed away. Percy was cool and such a character; fond memories of him too. About 2/2.5 years ago I remember a fox hanging round the gates of my work. Some of the pupils wanted to feed her; I called WAF who sent Ron out to take her in. She was christened Vikki the vixen by a colleague, and I got to spend the afternoon out of class, ensuring she didn't run out into the road. As it was a Monday night, I got to check on her later as I worked the Monday evening shift. Fab place as are the folk I've met through it...


They do a lot of work that most wouldn't. I love that even simple animals that most people think of as pests, such a pigeons are still worth saving to them. Not many local vets do that but these people do! Every life matters to them and is worth saving. So much compassion and soul is given to the work they do. Please keep it up!


SO inspired by what you guys do. Where I live in Ontario, Canada there are very few organizations like this. Most wildlife must just fend for itself or sometimes people take animals in to help them as best they can on their own. We need more like what you are doing, the wild animals are just as important as domestic.


Me and my 7 year old daughter watch every nite...with smiles and tears...remember Simon with long hair lol...i had to write a comment tonite...not only does he do great work here but also been to South Africa...tonites programme with Helena and CROW the heart wrenching stories of the lion hunting...these evil things (can't b called people or humans) need to b stopped....keep up the good work guys x


Love to see people with so much passion towards saving the innocent animals. It makes me so happy and inspires me to be a kind human like you. So glad i found your channel on youtube.


Ive been watching wildlife sos for year's and think the work they do is wonderful, I often wonder what happened to malcom and Joyce from the early programmes ive seen all the episodes from years ago and some up to date footage of simon and was pleased to read simons daughter is now part of the charity id love to see how everyone is doing now it was a brilliant show and raised alot of awareness about wildlife and animals in general, i could go on and on about how much i loved every one and everything thank you for all your hard work and wish you all the best for the future....please make an up to date programme even if its a one off x


I recommend Simon's book titled 'My Wild Life' I couldn't put it down what a wonderful read and an incredible story of Wildlife Aid's journey from it's beginning. Best wishes from Australia to Simon and the team. Our local issue here is protecting koalas on our roads. Unfortunately 14 have been killed just on roads local to my area on only 2 stretches of roads in the past 12 months. We have a wonderful local wildlife hospital and caring residents who are doing all possible to try and eliminate this problem with signs and lobbying to change road speed. I am lucky to have 2 local wild koalas who choose to live in my own backyard and surrounds. Everyone should regularly donate to their local wildlife carers, hospitals and rescuers for the sake of our children's future and the importance of the animals native to the area. We all need to live in peace and harmony together in this world. ’┐Į’┐Į


I love you guys. Do you have any employees who have animal allergies and do you know what the Ottawa, Canada equivalent is?


I learned about you when we had to deal with with a bunny who was in a shocking state with myxomatosis. I have since visited 3 times and have always left relieved. I love that you can receive updates and that you are treated with compassion. I rescued a magpie a few months ago and called the charity every day and thankfully we were able to release him back into the wild and he was reunited with his wife (and now have babies)!!!!!

Thank you for all that you do and I will be donating to you guys


I just received my hedgehog adoption pack and I'm over the moon with it! What an absolutely brilliant gift. For a wonderful cause.

Keep up the good work! :-) X


I can't understand why Simon has not been honored for the work he does. Not forgeting all the great people, Volunteers, Helpers and Vets who give up their time from their jobs for the Wildlife Centre in Leatherhead in Surrey

It is back on Channel 5 but you have to get up early as it's on at 5-35a.m.

However it is worth it to see it again.



An excellent group doing great work in Surrey to save and rehabilitate injured, sick or abandoned wildlife. Their jobs are filled with joy and sorrow as some of their rescues are in bad shape when they arrive. I love the rescues of foxes that have taken up residence inside homes, sleeping on beds, cat beds or just looking for a hand out.


Your dedication to wildlife is second to none. Thank you for doing what you do, and for doing it so well


You guys are hero's! I love your show but what you do is beyond amazing, and your enthusiasm for what you do is even better. I LOVE YOU THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING GUYS! Ty ty ty ty!!!!


Wildlife aid were amazing when we called on a Friday night having found four baby squirrels close to dying - Maria came to our flat personally to collect them at 9pm! And got to us within the hour. We now know that they are in the best hands ’┐Į


What you are doing is truly amazing I hope that one day I can do what you do


What would we do without them??? Real team of animal & nature lovers, that dedicate their lives 24/7 to save those in need.

I know, I have seen what goes on! They never stop & will do anything to help..amazing!

All my #love & #respect xxx


We were so grateful that Wildlife Aid took on our poorly hedgehog yesterday.I'd called a local hog rescue centre(2 minutes drive) but they were full and rather unhelpful.I then tried one over 1/2 hr away who were also full but gave me some advice and suggested Wildlife Aid.After a quick phone call we made the 1 1/2 hr drive to drop off Hedgehog 5 23/12/17 into the capable and caring hands of the receptionist at Wildlife Aid.

I posted on Facebook about our 3 1/2 hour,140 mile round trip and since then 4 of my friends have made donations and we're going to donate any money we get for Christmas.

Thank you.


We brought an injured baby thrush to your establishment this afternoon.

How lovely and caring you were.

I truly hope the bird gets well and is released into the wild again.

Such a lovely place and the staff are excellent.


Volunteered at WAF for about 6-9 years, and loved every minute of it; some sad times but some gloriously happy ones too. Hand feeding Fox cubs...who knew they gurgled like Mogwai!?

Even after leaving for work related reasons they remained helpful; a few months ago, when I found a half dead pigeon in my back garden, I caught it and put it in the cat's carry box (much to her disgust!) and took it in. Spoke to Becky when I called it in, who remembered me by name; took this bird in; assured the receptionist that it was in fact still alive (just), so it was taken immediately to the vet nurse who examined it and decided it wouldn't survive as it was too badly injured. She PTSed the little pidge within a few minutes; not the happy clappy result I had hoped for, but still the best possible result in the circumstances. Poor pidge looked like it had been badly catted, but still the team at WAF did their best to save it. Also was fab rehab as twas the first thing I really began following a year "off" due to a serious brain injury...And then of course there's the man himself Simon; a lovable curmudgeon who hides his deep compassion and caring beneath a gruff exterior. I still remember his forlorn, heartbroken appearance after Percy passed away. Percy was cool and such a character; fond memories of him too. About 2/2.5 years ago I remember a fox hanging round the gates of my work. Some of the pupils wanted to feed her; I called WAF who sent Ron out to take her in. She was christened Vikki the vixen by a colleague, and I got to spend the afternoon out of class, ensuring she didn't run out into the road. As it was a Monday night, I got to check on her later as I worked the Monday evening shift. Fab place as are the folk I've met through it...


They do a lot of work that most wouldn't. I love that even simple animals that most people think of as pests, such a pigeons are still worth saving to them. Not many local vets do that but these people do! Every life matters to them and is worth saving. So much compassion and soul is given to the work they do. Please keep it up!


SO inspired by what you guys do. Where I live in Ontario, Canada there are very few organizations like this. Most wildlife must just fend for itself or sometimes people take animals in to help them as best they can on their own. We need more like what you are doing, the wild animals are just as important as domestic.


Me and my 7 year old daughter watch every nite...with smiles and tears...remember Simon with long hair lol...i had to write a comment tonite...not only does he do great work here but also been to South Africa...tonites programme with Helena and CROW the heart wrenching stories of the lion hunting...these evil things (can't b called people or humans) need to b stopped....keep up the good work guys x


Love to see people with so much passion towards saving the innocent animals. It makes me so happy and inspires me to be a kind human like you. So glad i found your channel on youtube.


Ive been watching wildlife sos for year's and think the work they do is wonderful, I often wonder what happened to malcom and Joyce from the early programmes ive seen all the episodes from years ago and some up to date footage of simon and was pleased to read simons daughter is now part of the charity id love to see how everyone is doing now it was a brilliant show and raised alot of awareness about wildlife and animals in general, i could go on and on about how much i loved every one and everything thank you for all your hard work and wish you all the best for the future....please make an up to date programme even if its a one off x


I recommend Simon's book titled 'My Wild Life' I couldn't put it down what a wonderful read and an incredible story of Wildlife Aid's journey from it's beginning. Best wishes from Australia to Simon and the team. Our local issue here is protecting koalas on our roads. Unfortunately 14 have been killed just on roads local to my area on only 2 stretches of roads in the past 12 months. We have a wonderful local wildlife hospital and caring residents who are doing all possible to try and eliminate this problem with signs and lobbying to change road speed. I am lucky to have 2 local wild koalas who choose to live in my own backyard and surrounds. Everyone should regularly donate to their local wildlife carers, hospitals and rescuers for the sake of our children's future and the importance of the animals native to the area. We all need to live in peace and harmony together in this world. ’┐Į’┐Į


I love you guys. Do you have any employees who have animal allergies and do you know what the Ottawa, Canada equivalent is?


I learned about you when we had to deal with with a bunny who was in a shocking state with myxomatosis. I have since visited 3 times and have always left relieved. I love that you can receive updates and that you are treated with compassion. I rescued a magpie a few months ago and called the charity every day and thankfully we were able to release him back into the wild and he was reunited with his wife (and now have babies)!!!!!

Thank you for all that you do and I will be donating to you guys


I just received my hedgehog adoption pack and I'm over the moon with it! What an absolutely brilliant gift. For a wonderful cause.

Keep up the good work! :-) X


I can't understand why Simon has not been honored for the work he does. Not forgeting all the great people, Volunteers, Helpers and Vets who give up their time from their jobs for the Wildlife Centre in Leatherhead in Surrey

It is back on Channel 5 but you have to get up early as it's on at 5-35a.m.

However it is worth it to see it again.



An excellent group doing great work in Surrey to save and rehabilitate injured, sick or abandoned wildlife. Their jobs are filled with joy and sorrow as some of their rescues are in bad shape when they arrive. I love the rescues of foxes that have taken up residence inside homes, sleeping on beds, cat beds or just looking for a hand out.


Your dedication to wildlife is second to none. Thank you for doing what you do, and for doing it so well


You guys are hero's! I love your show but what you do is beyond amazing, and your enthusiasm for what you do is even better. I LOVE YOU THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING GUYS! Ty ty ty ty!!!!


Wildlife aid were amazing when we called on a Friday night having found four baby squirrels close to dying - Maria came to our flat personally to collect them at 9pm! And got to us within the hour. We now know that they are in the best hands ’┐Į


What you are doing is truly amazing I hope that one day I can do what you do


What would we do without them??? Real team of animal & nature lovers, that dedicate their lives 24/7 to save those in need.

I know, I have seen what goes on! They never stop & will do anything to help..amazing!

All my #love & #respect xxx


We were so grateful that Wildlife Aid took on our poorly hedgehog yesterday.I'd called a local hog rescue centre(2 minutes drive) but they were full and rather unhelpful.I then tried one over 1/2 hr away who were also full but gave me some advice and suggested Wildlife Aid.After a quick phone call we made the 1 1/2 hr drive to drop off Hedgehog 5 23/12/17 into the capable and caring hands of the receptionist at Wildlife Aid.

I posted on Facebook about our 3 1/2 hour,140 mile round trip and since then 4 of my friends have made donations and we're going to donate any money we get for Christmas.

Thank you.


We brought an injured baby thrush to your establishment this afternoon.

How lovely and caring you were.

I truly hope the bird gets well and is released into the wild again.

Such a lovely place and the staff are excellent.


Volunteered at WAF for about 6-9 years, and loved every minute of it; some sad times but some gloriously happy ones too. Hand feeding Fox cubs...who knew they gurgled like Mogwai!?

Even after leaving for work related reasons they remained helpful; a few months ago, when I found a half dead pigeon in my back garden, I caught it and put it in the cat's carry box (much to her disgust!) and took it in. Spoke to Becky when I called it in, who remembered me by name; took this bird in; assured the receptionist that it was in fact still alive (just), so it was taken immediately to the vet nurse who examined it and decided it wouldn't survive as it was too badly injured. She PTSed the little pidge within a few minutes; not the happy clappy result I had hoped for, but still the best possible result in the circumstances. Poor pidge looked like it had been badly catted, but still the team at WAF did their best to save it. Also was fab rehab as twas the first thing I really began following a year "off" due to a serious brain injury...And then of course there's the man himself Simon; a lovable curmudgeon who hides his deep compassion and caring beneath a gruff exterior. I still remember his forlorn, heartbroken appearance after Percy passed away. Percy was cool and such a character; fond memories of him too. About 2/2.5 years ago I remember a fox hanging round the gates of my work. Some of the pupils wanted to feed her; I called WAF who sent Ron out to take her in. She was christened Vikki the vixen by a colleague, and I got to spend the afternoon out of class, ensuring she didn't run out into the road. As it was a Monday night, I got to check on her later as I worked the Monday evening shift. Fab place as are the folk I've met through it...


They do a lot of work that most wouldn't. I love that even simple animals that most people think of as pests, such a pigeons are still worth saving to them. Not many local vets do that but these people do! Every life matters to them and is worth saving. So much compassion and soul is given to the work they do. Please keep it up!


SO inspired by what you guys do. Where I live in Ontario, Canada there are very few organizations like this. Most wildlife must just fend for itself or sometimes people take animals in to help them as best they can on their own. We need more like what you are doing, the wild animals are just as important as domestic.


Me and my 7 year old daughter watch every nite...with smiles and tears...remember Simon with long hair lol...i had to write a comment tonite...not only does he do great work here but also been to South Africa...tonites programme with Helena and CROW the heart wrenching stories of the lion hunting...these evil things (can't b called people or humans) need to b stopped....keep up the good work guys x


Love to see people with so much passion towards saving the innocent animals. It makes me so happy and inspires me to be a kind human like you. So glad i found your channel on youtube.


Ive been watching wildlife sos for year's and think the work they do is wonderful, I often wonder what happened to malcom and Joyce from the early programmes ive seen all the episodes from years ago and some up to date footage of simon and was pleased to read simons daughter is now part of the charity id love to see how everyone is doing now it was a brilliant show and raised alot of awareness about wildlife and animals in general, i could go on and on about how much i loved every one and everything thank you for all your hard work and wish you all the best for the future....please make an up to date programme even if its a one off x


I recommend Simon's book titled 'My Wild Life' I couldn't put it down what a wonderful read and an incredible story of Wildlife Aid's journey from it's beginning. Best wishes from Australia to Simon and the team. Our local issue here is protecting koalas on our roads. Unfortunately 14 have been killed just on roads local to my area on only 2 stretches of roads in the past 12 months. We have a wonderful local wildlife hospital and caring residents who are doing all possible to try and eliminate this problem with signs and lobbying to change road speed. I am lucky to have 2 local wild koalas who choose to live in my own backyard and surrounds. Everyone should regularly donate to their local wildlife carers, hospitals and rescuers for the sake of our children's future and the importance of the animals native to the area. We all need to live in peace and harmony together in this world. ’┐Į’┐Į


I love you guys. Do you have any employees who have animal allergies and do you know what the Ottawa, Canada equivalent is?


I learned about you when we had to deal with with a bunny who was in a shocking state with myxomatosis. I have since visited 3 times and have always left relieved. I love that you can receive updates and that you are treated with compassion. I rescued a magpie a few months ago and called the charity every day and thankfully we were able to release him back into the wild and he was reunited with his wife (and now have babies)!!!!!

Thank you for all that you do and I will be donating to you guys


I just received my hedgehog adoption pack and I'm over the moon with it! What an absolutely brilliant gift. For a wonderful cause.

Keep up the good work! :-) X


I can't understand why Simon has not been honored for the work he does. Not forgeting all the great people, Volunteers, Helpers and Vets who give up their time from their jobs for the Wildlife Centre in Leatherhead in Surrey

It is back on Channel 5 but you have to get up early as it's on at 5-35a.m.

However it is worth it to see it again.



An excellent group doing great work in Surrey to save and rehabilitate injured, sick or abandoned wildlife. Their jobs are filled with joy and sorrow as some of their rescues are in bad shape when they arrive. I love the rescues of foxes that have taken up residence inside homes, sleeping on beds, cat beds or just looking for a hand out.

More about Wildlife Aid - Home Of Tv'S Wildlife Sos

Wildlife Aid - Home Of Tv'S Wildlife Sos is located at Randalls Farm, Randalls Road, KT22 0AL Leatherhead