Wiser Digital

About Wiser Digital

Wiser Digital is part of the WeAreWiser group and works with the UK's top technology talent in securing roles at the most exciting companies in the UK.

Wiser Digital Description

We are Wiser Digital, an agency that introduces the brightest tech talent to digitally-led businesses across the UK and Europe.

As part of a group of companies built around creative and recruitment services; we know the industry from the inside out. With designers and developers building digital experiences for some of the UK’s best best brands, our consultants have their finger on the pulse and understand your skills.

We partner with companies ranging from global PLCs to innovative start-ups to find a perfect role in an environment you’ll love. If you’re interested in taking your career to the next stage, get in touch today for a chat with one of our team: hello@wiser. digital 0207 689 2331.



Wiser | DesignX On the 21st of February, we have the pleasure of hosting Preet Arjun Singh and the DesignX Community at our Wiser HQ💡
If you're a design leader and want to learn and network with likeminded individuals, join us and sign up using the link now - https://designleadership.io/london/


Morgan Tillbrook, the CEO of Alpha FX Group plc - mega-entrepreneur and friend of Wiser came in to inspire and motivate us to start our 2019 right. And did he deliver! Feeling pumped after our #WiserStories session. Thanks for everything Morgan 👏


Fancy taking a trip down memory lane? Brilliant, it’s time to relive your musical year with Spotify's 2018 Wrapped.
The annual feature, now live on the music streaming app allows you to view the number of new artists you discovered, your most-played songs, top genres and, of course, help you share these fun facts to Instagram, Twitter and Facebook - great free advertising if we do say.
What's your most played song this year? Comment below.
... #100DaysOfDigital 💻
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Have you ever had your post delivered by drone? The answer - no. But things may be looking up (literally) for Google’s parent company, Alphabet.
Having struggled to gain momentum for its drone service in the US, Chief Executive of Alphabet's Wing business, James Burgess, has said that the company will be launching a pilot in Helsinki, Finland next spring - a prime testbed for new technologies.
Are drones the way of the future?
... #100DaysOfDigital 💻
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The Marriott International hotel group has announced a breach in which the personal and financial details of approximately 500 million customers have been stolen.
From phone numbers to passport details this breach appears to be due to a failure in their encryption security. But what does the future hold for this multinational hospitality giant?
#100DaysOfDigital 💻


Uber; synonymous with cars - but what if you're next ride was in the form of a bicycle or better yet an e-scooter?
CEO Dara Khosrowshahi has recommitted to alternative transit options that will hopefully help reduce the number of cars in the future. But will this transportation giant be the next Amazon of transport?
#100DaysOfDigital 💻


Over the next two decades, search is predicted to develop in two ways; voice search will take off in a meaningful way something that, despite the considerable hype, we haven’t yet seen. Visual search, will rise alongside the development of technologies like smart glasses and augmented reality. But what might search be like in 20 years’ time?
#100DaysOfDigital 💻


Instagram has announced that it's testing out new design features for user profiles. The change comes at a time where the social media site is fighting the 'bot follower' plague that has been rampant across the platform. But will this design tweak have a positive impact on users?
#100DaysOfDigital 💻


Is technology actually improving with age? It turns out that millennials are experiencing tech ageing ungracefully, unlike the generation before.
#100DaysOfDigital 💻


The world of UX is moving to artificial intelligence, which promises to greatly enhance it. It works behind the scenes to deliver automatic and intuitive responses to user requests. But what does that mean for those in UX roles?
Read more https://buff.ly/2E3dsQa
#100DaysOfDigital 💻


Kicking off our 100 Days of Digital series - Today is Cyber Monday and however gimmicky you may think it is, digital teams in e-commerce companies have prepped their sites to ensure they make the most of the surge of consumers spending money in time for Christmas. But will the bubble burst on the relevancy of this day?
Read more: https://econsultancy.com/is-cyber-monday- still-relevant/


It was great to see such a good turnout last week for our very first portfolio review session with Tom & Henry!
This week we're hosting the very talented Olivier Cottin! If you're interested in next weeks session, drop either Tom or Henry a message at tom.cotterill@wearewiser.com or henry.pickering@wearewiser.com to secure your place.


Discover our exclusive job board with UKTN, featuring current opportunities with the UK's most exciting tech organisations, startups & digital agencies. Check them all out here 👀https://www.uktech.news/jobs


Here at Wiser we work with the best talent in order to inspire a new generation of UK tech innovations, check out our job board to find out how you will play a part https://www.uktech.news/jobs


Great stuff from Nick at Cisco explaining how to build up the ideas of tomorrow. With investment deals from Silicon Valley increasing by 252% since 2011 into UK tech companies, the UK tech space is at the forefront of future development.
Do you want a role to play in it? Visit our exclusive job board with UKTN to get involved in this exciting future https://www.uktech.news/jobs


The 'Wiser Velo' team are officially off on their journey all the way from our office here in Farringdon to Paris. Huge good luck to everyone taking part.
Who cares about the 80mph winds when you look this good?
#WiserVelo #WisercyclestoParis #LondontoParis
... https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/wi ser-velo
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And it's live!
UKTN is the UK's leading resource for anything and everything in the world of tech, so it only made sense for us to join forces.
We officially kicked off our exclusive partnership with them last week, launching a brand new job page listing loads of our opportunities in tech and sales.
... Go ahead and check it out now at https://www.uktech.news/jobs ...
#UKTN #partnerships #tech #sales #saas
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Last week we partnered with Blockchain Beginners and welcomed people from all over to join us for our event 'How to get a job in Blockchain'.
Absolutely amazing turnout - so good in fact we had to send half the team to go get more pizza and beer, and one of our senior consultants took over as our very own bouncer.
A special thanks to all that spoke and exhibited at the event - bring on the next one! (Although we might have to get a bigger office...)
... #blockchain
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More about Wiser Digital

Wiser Digital is located at 10 Baker's Yard, EC1R 3DD London, United Kingdom
0207 689 2322