Witchcraft Shop

About Witchcraft Shop

Purveyors of fine esoteric goods to discerning witches - online shop only -

http://www. witchcraftshop. co. uk

Witchcraft Shop Description

We are happy to deal with enquiries via EMAIL ONLY please! -

enquiries@witchcraftshop. co. uk



Two from 1735 - yes - near 300 years old.
The small one is a selection of Pope's letters - a single volume from a set - beautiful, but the front cover is hanging on by a single thread.
The larger one has one of those rambling titles of the period -
... 'The use and intent of prophecy in the several ages of the world In Six Discourses delivered at the Temple Church ..... 1724' - this is rare and of huge interest to anyone looking early prevailing attitudes towards the occult.
You have one day to make up your mind about both of these - or they will end up on 'another shelf'. Just saying.
You know where we are, and rest assured that if you take either of them, I WILL be reading them first.....
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Happy Solstice one and all - Glastonbury bathed in sun after a very wet month to date!
Cat & Cauldron Festival Opening times -
Wednesday - 'limited hours' - probably CLOSED for the morning given the expected volume of traffic and the reroutes, and particularly the general difficulties/delays getting them ON the field in a wet year.....
... Thursday - Sunday - guided by your good selves - if you are there we will stay open!
Monday - CLOSED to let all the mud carts drive swiftly past.....
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And speaking of the Festival - I repeat my Mantra of lo these FIFTEEN YEARS - do not be put off by it -
Remember that they are all SEVEN MILES AWAY, and the town is essentially EMPTY all weekend - so we would love to see you - many of our regulars now KNOW this and come for a QUIET summer weekend in Town itself.
... Traffic assessments for those intending to come down -
Wednesday 26th - traffic is NOTHING like as bad as it used to be - they now let cars on site from midnight Tuesday. Last time (2017) - I had mid-morning business in Wells and was able to travel the A39 in BOTH directions completely unimpeded.
Monday 1st the road from Worthy Farm to Glastonbury itself is made ONE-WAY - yes - all seven miles of it, so driving IN to town from that direction is tricky as they route you direct on to the bypass. If you are already HERE, you won't even notice them, as they are effectively BARRED from stopping.
Other than that - guess what? THEY ALL STAY UP THERE, and Town itself is quiet, zero traffic to speak of, easiest parking of the summer, and Cafes, Pubs and shops welcome the intrepid with open arms, so where's the bad?
Accordingly, we are planning to open throughout the Festival, with the exception of 'limited hours' on Wednesday 25th - i.e. limited by whether anyone braves the cordons, burning tyres, and tear gas, and actually make it in to town, and CLOSED Monday 1st July.
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These wonderful carvings are from a Polish friend - full of life and humour.
When they're gone they're gone!


Occult Conference February 2020 - this is your very LAST chance at Early Bird Prices this weekend!
Early Bird price will be held till SATURDAY midnight BST.
You have been warned.


Minor Heads Up.
Cat & Cauldron will be open nice and EARLY tomorrow, BUT needs to CLOSE around lunchtime - no not for the usual reason - we are conducting a handfasting at the foot of the Tor. Back behind the counter around 13:15.....
Meanwhile, any weather magic thoughts appreciated - it has been torrential today and does not look brilliant for tomorrow!


Road trip today - the lovely Teagan will be welcoming all the Oboddies - here for the annual midsummer gathering.
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


A few corvids - all with bottom jaw present but detached.
These are going in the curio cabinet individually unless you have other ideas!
You know where we are.....


Last Chance for Early Birders - they will probably all be gone by my BIRTHDAY - JUNE 4th!


Here are a few of Laura's other publications - hopefully available for signing on the day at the shop


here is the 'official' event!


Book Launch!
We've been asked to host a Glastonbury Book Launch at Cat & Cauldron, for Laura Tempest Zakroff, who is currently touring the UK to meet readers and prospective readers of her new Llewellyn work - Sigil Witchery.
This will take place at the shop on Thursday 6th June at 17:00 - 18:30.
... Given the tightness of space, and the general nature of Glastonbury denizens, this will have to be by confirmed invitation only - please contact us on here or at the shop if you would like to come.
Laura is also trying to arrange a 2-hour workshop in town on the weekend following the launch. More details on that to follow.
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A fascinating late Victorian 50 page 'ledger' type booklet, being a list of research(ed) articles, plus some more extensive notes on theosophical and occult matters.
This is a simply lovely piece of Occult history, and deserves more study than I currently have time for.
Serious collectors only - you know where we are.


Speakers are now starting to confirm for 2020.
Further speakers will be announced as and when, and as always their chosen topics will represent a considerable spread of 21st century Occult thought and practice!


Latest addition to the shelves. 1976. 3rd Edition.
You know where we are.
Our book ferret says probably the best book written on magic. I can think of fewer than a handful of others I'd put in that category for debate.....


To confirm, after being asked on the earlier thread - you will find details on our website of all our courses, and the workshops.


Not a brilliant picture, but this is a full 1900s original set of Lang's Fairy books, in good condition, and you can see what we need for them in the pic.
These all have individually embossed cloth covers, and are a very rare find as a set.
More details if you are interested.
... These will NOT be split up!
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Until further notice, the Dark Goddess Workshops we have run for ten years are no longer available.
This is due to extreme ongoing pressure of other work, both business and elsewhere, and a commensurate total lack of 'free' dates to organise them.
Please note this does NOT affect the Email COURSES, or any other workshops, which we are managing as normal.

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