Wkd Trained Dogs

Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 21:00

About Wkd Trained Dogs

Over 17 years and over 3000 successfully trained dogs, whatever your needs are, we can help.
Fully Trained Dogs, One to One or Residential Training even Online Training all come with our industry-leading 100% Guarantee.

Wkd Trained Dogs Description

Here are WKD Working Dogs we pride ourselves on the knowledge that we are able to provide our clients with a dog that perfectly matches their requirements.

We’re confident that whether you’re looking for a perfectly trained puppy of any breed, a fully trained personal or family protection dog or anything in between, you won’t find a better trained or better priced dog in the world.

As well as being expert dog trainers we are also breeders of some of the finest working bloodline dogs available anywhere in the world.

We also offer adult dogs for a variety of roles, such as; family protection dogs, personal protection dogs, dogs specially trained for females in vulnerable situations, business and property protection dogs, security dogs and dogs suitable for police, prison and MOD use.



Morning Everyone,
More good news! Let's give a big well done to Lee and his Chow Chow Simba (awesome name), another WKD Online Dog Training student who's winning!
Here's a little before and after video below!
... This is what Lee told us: "Hi I have a Chow Chow he’s just over one year old. He’s giving us a hard time with walking on the lead as he is always constantly pulling, we have tried other dog trainers and he will walk perfect in the house with treats but once taken out he will just get distracted and be back to pulling. He’s also very poor at just walking past another dog or person he will want to bark and go to the person/dog..."
We're well underway now but still got some work to do, now we're moving onto getting closer in proximity to distractions, this is where we take you and your dog through the process of moving back into previously reactive situations in a safe and structured manner whilst maintaining that all important ATTENTION!
It doesn't matter what your training issues are, WKD Online Dog Training has the solution, if you think your situation is totally unique, that's fine!
Because when you have an unbeatable platform with direct feedback and help from Matt and the awesome WKD Team, it's like having a personal dog trainer in your pocket.
So here are the facts, WKD Online Dog Training gives you:
Fast, Easy to follow lessons ✅Unlimited Access to all courses ✅Live Trainer Support ✅🔥 Blazing Reviews ✅30 Days Money-back Guarantee
Right now, for as long as we can sustain it during social distancing, we're offering a massive discount.
Want to know more?
Head over to www.wkdonlinedogtraining.com and make the best, risk free investment in improving yours and your dogs quality of life, you can sign up in under 60 seconds.
Give us a shout, we love to chat things through 👇💬
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Everybody meet Ginette and her 5yo Malinios X Greyhound Ezio
& days ago Ginette signed up for WKD Online triaining and was walking Ezio on a Halti. They have joined to help with unpredicatble reactivity issues and, as we keep saying, the first step to solve it is gaining attention.
Your dog may never like other dogs or people but that doesn't mean you have to live with the consequences. If you can get your dog to pay more attention to you then their reactivity to their enviro...nment dramatically decreases!
Please note: These videos are the result of four key steps to gaining attention and not the actual training being show. It doen't matter if your dog doesn't like food or toys, if your dog is old or young or any other reason you can think of to nate create a positive change in your dogs life.
MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF IT DOESN'T WORK and a trainer in your pocket whenever required through our live support.
Stop thinking, start doing!
Be like Ginette, and whilst your thinking about that, give her and Enzio some support by liking and commenting below :)
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Jodi has been following our online puppy raising course for a number of weeks now with Penny and has been doing great.
Testament to our training because she's juggling a baby, two children AND a Puppy!
Two days ago she asked me about a problem she was having. Penny wasn't paying attention on walks and was getting in the way of the pram and pulling.
... We had literally two minutes on the phone, I explained what to do and today she has sent me this!
At WKD our training is simple and time efficient. We have also, over the last 18 years experienced that many issues that we can solve things over the phone in days that lots of trainers can't in person in a dogs lifetime.
We aren't messing about people, if you have an issue you want solving get in touch or your money back!!
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Meet Laura and her Dog who joined our online platform less than 48 Hours ago!
I say this till I'm Blue in the face - Dog training is simple when you know how.
Our online clients benefit from nearly 20 years of experience training dogs, clients and dogs and clients together to bring you the easiest, most time efficient and proven route to giving you and your dog the best life ever!
... We are that confident that if it doesn't work you don't pay!
Or, send us a message :)
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Morning All,
Here's a quick montage to bring some happiness this morning, all these guys had difficult behaviours before getting involved in www.wkdonlinedogtraining.com
Want to know more? Head to the website or send us a message and Tom or Matt will be on hand to answer any questions.
... Some old, some new, all brillant! #startyourdayright #wkddogs #wkdodt
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Q. Whats better than a client sending in a video they are proud of? A. Them sending in a video they are so proud of that they edited it for us :)
Say hello to Yvette and Ted who joined WKD Online just 6 days ago!
... Here is what Yvette had to say in her information form!
"Main issue is we cannot walk past another dog without him getting sooo excitied. To others it looks like aggression, but he desperately wants to say hi, but has no manners! Would ,love to be able to walk past another dog without Ted looking like Cujo"
Having tried other approaches, Yvette got in touch and signed up. This afternoon she sent this across :)
Share the love for Yvette and Ted people and if you want to help your dog overcome it's issues send us a message
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🤔Does Size Matter?
When it comes to WKD Online Dog Training, it's clear, the answer is NO!
Both Elaine and Anne pictured belew joined us for some help with their dog's behaviour issues and, well, just look at the results!
... It doesn't matter what your issues are, how big or small your dog is, if your dog is food motivated or not, our promise to you is that we will get you and your dog sorted. If not, there's a 30 day moneyback guarantee for your peice of mind.
If you're struggling with your dog or puppy then I have a question for you.
With blazing 🔥 reviews, easy lessons, access to all courses via a single subscription, live trainer support and a money-back guarantee.
And a whopping 50% DISCOUNT off Lifetime Access to help during social distancing
What are you waiting for?
Don't miss out, head over to www.wkdonlinedogtraining.com and get signed up today in under 60 seconds.
Any questions just send us a message and we'll talk you through it.
#wkddogs #wkdodt
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🤯My mind can't take this anymore!
How can someone go from sending this as their first message:
"I'm sorry for what you'll see because it's so bad...I went for walk with my daughter and husband just so they can film. We don't go for walks together at all due to way he behaves and how super anxious he is. I hope this can be changed in the future... I've let him do what he wants and didn't correct him so you could see how bad he behave..."
... To the video below, after only the first online lesson? 😮
Well you know how of course, but I'm serious this particular one blows my mind!
Let's give Silwia a Donald Trump Yuuuuuge well done! It's her effort and diligence that's made a big difference here.
Inject some positivity into your life and get yourself and your dog to a better place with a limited time super mega discount offer to ease those social distancing blues.
WKD Online Dog Training gives you: ✓Easy lessons ✓Quick results ✓Access to all courses included in any subscription ✓Live trainer support ✓30 Days Moneyback Guarantee ✓Flexible pricing ✓A Massive Discount during social distancing
All this and blazing 🔥 reviews, what are you waiting for....OFFER ENDS SOON.
Head over to www.wkdonlinedogtraining.com and get signed up in under 60 seconds.
#wkddog #wkdodt
I'll edit up a before and after video with further completed course progress for all you nay sayers... You know who you are! 😉 (Rarely customers though 🤔)...
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🎌Are you Kaizen or Kaikaku? Continuous gradual change or Radical change?
Whatever your style, we've got you covered check out Dave & Tracey....
... First message to WKD: "...We have a 1year old Rottweiler who is a nightmare he runs up to get at other dogs... also when we are out for a walk he is pulling to get to other dogs or people. No one can come to our house as he constantly jumps up and cos of his size he hurts so people don't want it can you help?..."
Joined www.wkdonlinedogtraining.com on 26/03/2020 - I know, a lifetime ago for some WKD Online Dog Training customers
Message Today(03/04/20): "Hi just thought I would send you this video to show you how Kane is doing on the online training he is loads better not perfect but we getting there..."
You know what, I think these guys deserve a massive round of applause!
Even though Kane is not where we all want him to get to just yet, to get a big boy like him to change his ways and start getting that loose lead is outstanding and a testament to Dave and Tracey's dedication.
Can we all give these guys the love and support they deserve, and a one, and a two and a 123 WELL DONE! 👏👏👏
Wish you could have a similar story? you know what to do, click on the link or send us a message and we'll guide you through the process :-)
Cheers all #wkddogs #wkdodtr
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The world has gone crazy.....for www.wkdonlinedogtraining.com....
This is the number of messages over the last 7 days you guys have been sending to our fb inbox.
Phew! 😅😅😅 Thanks guys and gals!


Pulled like a train > joined online > +24hrs the kids are walking him :)
Meet Kelly, Charlie her Springer Spaniel and her Children!
Kelly had been struggling with Charlie's behaviour for months, we had a quick chat on the phone Monday, she signed up to WKD Online on Tuesday and sent me these today!
... Guys, I keep saying it but dog training isn't hard, if what you are trying isn't working it never will!
When you talk to your dog in a way it understands they respond in the way you want very quickly!
WKD Online gives you the skills as a handler and the approach that works along with trainer support if required and a full money back guarantee.
Kelly has only completed four lessons totalling less than 20 minutes for these results, imagine what she'll achieve when we open up full access once we approve her videos :)
Want to know more? Send us a message
In the meantime, show Kelly and the children some love for a job well done!!!
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I thought I only had eyes for one woman...
How wrong I was! I've got to choose from these lot...🤩
Help me decide someone please!!! Sadly I can't take them all....
... We have decided it's high time to get a dog, and after much research across many great charities, I got in contact with Ae from the Soi Dog Foundation and just couldn't say no!
Their professionalism and passion for what they do is outstanding. They like so many dog foundations across the world are doing a really, really important job.
So in practicing what we preach, I'm rehoming as rescue and will be documenting the whole process, trying (with a 5&6 year old) to remain vigilant and stick to our process tried and tested through www.wkdonlinedogtraining.com
It's going to be an interesting journey, someone just help me choose! 👇💬
Cheers all Tom
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WOW! Looks like we better find a new job!


Are you missing our consultation videos?
Never fear, we have plenty more saved up where this one came from 😊
Theres a reason that we are securing our place as the market leaders in online dog training and that's because we are market leaders face2face.
... Who else do you hear of offering a money back guarantee on their training?
Who else do you see posting the amount of content we post?
Who else, with such self belief, openly admits that we dont know it all. In fact, the more I do the more I realise there is still to learn and that's my pledge to you.
I will always, whilstever I am possible, be striving to learn, adapt and grow with the sole intention of improving the lives of dogs and people around the World.
Hope you enjoy 😊
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You wanted Games?
Then that's exactly what you're gonna get!
I've been outside all afternoon filming with Sid and Boss to bring to you my tips and tricks for building power and focus using play
... This first course on play will be a BONUS course within the paid membership area of WKD Online and will appeal to those who have high drive, boisterous dogs who are easily distracted but show a naturally high level of interest in toys.
To those who have dogs that dont play but you want them to, or for dogs that lack power in play, I'll be filming that early next week and it will be a FREE course.
I've had to do it this way around as without a clear and concise explanation of the end result I didn't know what I was working towards.
Fun times ahead people 😊
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Shhhhhh! Don't tell my wife...
But.... we're getting a puppy!
From the absolutely outstanding Soi Dog Foundation in Thailand - where I live....
... These guys like many other amazing charities around the world, work tirelessly to help street dogs and dumped puppies get healthy and find their forever home.
Sadly I can't have them all as I think I might be single before they arrive, but I wanted to share the experience because, as part of www.wkdonlinedogtraining.com we are building a how to select the right dog for you course.
So I challenged Matt, "no way in a million years could you help me select the right dog, across the seas and my terrible Thai"... Challenge accepted!
So I've had Matt's feedback on just the photos while awaiting some videos and just for fun I'd love to have yours.
Just based on the photos of the puppies you see below, which one would you suggest I pick and why?
Cheers all Tom #wkddogs #wkdodt
Ps. This is supposed to be a nice and fun thing guys so any negativity and you'll just be removed.
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It can't be that easy, can it?
WKD Online Dog Training students confusing the world again by running up and down in straight lines with an attentive dog, even when they used to be reactive or totally distracted....
It can't be that easy, can it?....
... Why not find out for yourself?👇🏻
✔Blazing 🔥 Reviews ✔Easy 5 minute Lessons ✔Live Dog Trainer Support ✔100+ Videos ✔Flexible Pricing ✔30 Days Money-back Guarantee ✔Limited Time Offer to help with #socialdistancing, 50% DISCOUNT!
Treat yourself and your dog to a better life. Get involved today by signing up below in uunder 60 seconds.
https://www.wkdonlinedogtraining.com/…/ register-wkd-onlin…/…
#wkddogs #wkdodt #dogtraining
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Want recall under distraction?
Then train attention by your side.
Here is Reggie, first thing this morning, without any exercise, showing interest in my neighbours Peacock.
... One call, one immediate response, one happy owner and one safe dog!
This isn't rocket science people, it's also nowhere near as complicated as trainers make it out to be!
Want to sort your dogs behaviour?
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More about Wkd Trained Dogs

Wkd Trained Dogs is located at WKD Trained Dogs, ST15 0NF Stone, Stoke-On-Trent, United Kingdom
Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 21:00