Womb Song

About Womb Song

Gathering the sisterhood through circles, retreats & gatherings. Sharing our collective wisdom through our 'Womb Song'.

Womb Song Description

Rediscover the loving wisdom of the womb, the power of Shakti & the divine woman. Sacred women circle, prayer, nourishing womb yoga, meditation, movement, sound, fire ceremony, ritual and prayer to awaken and embody your divine feminine essence.


Together we will connect our womb-heart and generate Shakti, the divine feminine creative power in nature, illuminating all that needs to come to light, bringing clarity, awakening and ultimately closer to Source. The circle provides you with safe, loving container of support within which you can rest, rejuvenate, heal, rebirth and celebrate your ‘woman’.

Abhijeeta shares her wisdom and uniquely feminine practices to reconnect you with your beauty, power & wisdom, reigniting the flame of sacred feminine essence within. All women welcome, whatever phase of life you are in. Pregnant women and babes in arms welcome.
www. wombsong. weebly.com

So we begin - with the women – ‘we-moon’. Yes. This is we-moon work – we-moon love – we-moon creation. We hold life – this is our divine spark. We know – we feel – we must – we are already – it is given. We are part of the dreaming. And it is time.

The return of the Sacred Feminine Consciousness is upon us. The feminine must lead the way back to balance. We need the union of the two principles – sacred feminine in balance with sacred masculine.

The feminine is the spark, the initiator. And the feminine must initiate the healing, the rebalancing. This is womb wisdom. The wisdom of the Mother of all life that we hold within us. It is up to us to light the fire that will blaze across the earth and leave behind glowing embers of a new light, a new dawn.

I hold a vision of a 'Red Tent' – a sacred space for we-moon on the land – a space for sharing - for connecting - for healing the feminine – for unleashing the profound wisdom and creative energies that lie within - bursting the bud of creativity. Here we will recognize ourselves as we-moon dancing through the dark-light – our rites of passage – what it is to be we-moon - we will heal – we will open and connect – we will celebrate through ritual and ceremony – we will purify and activate our hearts & wombs to realize our full potential – safe and held in the red tent womb space, we will birth ourselves into being and emerge anew.

We-moon must protect the babies – the children. We are guardians to the light ones. They are coming. In deep womb resonance we-moon will birth a new Human Society – in time we-moon will restore our connection to the web of life.

In healing our sexuality, we heal the planet. We are rebirthing the sacred feminine consciousness in ourselves and the collective. Mother Earth is calling and we are responding. I believe this is women's work – this is our initiation and opportunity - this great turning point in our times. We-moon hold the creative 'spark of life' - we must recognise what we are here to do right now and act upon it.

And so, this is my offering – my dream – my seed waiting to bear fruit.

In love & service, Abhijeeta
February 2012

More about Womb Song

Womb Song is located at Shawfield, Laughton Lodge, Common Lane, Laughton, BN8 6 Lewes, East Sussex
+44 7940 470072