Women Of Lancashire Vs Cervical Cancer

About Women Of Lancashire Vs Cervical Cancer

Campaigning for all women to be educated at school about the importance of cervical screening and for the age to be lowered across the UK.



Afternoon! Hope you are all happy and healthy today. I have received a ton of Cervical Screening Awareness Week leaflets etc from the amazing Jo's Trust today. If any of you have businesses etc that would like to pop one up for people to see or want to put one in a GP surgery or social group you attend ( weight watchers, bums and tums, baby massage etc) please let me know and ill have them to you this week 😊


https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/L8SVJH5< br>


WINNING! But it isnt over yet. If we vaccinate the younger ones and help with re-educating the wiser ones. It's up to us to tackle it head on and we are definitely perfect for that job! The most devastating thing is Cervical Cancer is one of the easiest to treat and keep away IF caught early enough. We get warning signs with this type. Others arent so lucky. Time to make this Cancer a thing of the past and then we can help eliminate the rest!


Hey everyone. So sorry ive been off radar lately anyone who know me will be aware ive had some things to deal with. HOWEVER im back and just in time for Cervical Screening Awareness week or #CSAW which is 13/06/16-19/06/16.
Now we all know we shouldn't wait for this week to come around each year to tell our nearest and dearest to get their kecks off we should be doing it all the time! But this week is so important for educating young women who maybe approaching the 24 yrs 6... months mark and wondering when the letter will hit the doormat and us ladies who know better that it isnt a method of torture. 2 mins of embarrassment while your nurse goes quickly with a swab anti-clockwise 5 times or explaining to your family you're not here for Christmas? LADIES you wouldn't ignore a huge lump on your face so why are you ignoring your precious lady parts and not making sure they are healthy too? Out of sight shouldn't mean out of mind. If you are forgetful (like me) set alarms on your phone, write it on your calendars and as soon as you book tell your work to kick you out of the building on time! Every day counts.Talk to every adult woman,teenage girl and boys so they can look after their ladies too!!! #NoShame #Smearforsmear #CervicalScreeningAwareness2016.. Much Love xx
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Sorry ive been so quiet everyone. Ive had some family things going on. But i hope all u beautiful ladies have been making appointments. And if u need support just message! You are not alone xxx


Just proves that cancer does not discriminate when it comes to age, sex, race, sexual orientation, social status or creed. If we want to win this battle we must start with ourselves and practice what we preach. Get well soon Dylan 💙


Blown away AGAIN! Im an emotional wreck thanks to beautiful ladies like Amanda. I've known you since you were a very little girl and i can't thank you enough for your generosity and offer to fund raise 💗


So after a brief conversation I've just talked myself in to running The Great Manchester Run in May and registered with Cancer Research UK to run for them in The Great North Run in September. Anyone that knows me will be shocked by this status. I did Cross Country in high school!!! Is anyone else running?


WELCOME to all the new supporters! Thank you so much for getting behind this page. Please share your stories, rants and piccies. And remember to invite everyone to the page! #GirlPowerLancs #DontGetYourKnickersInATwist 😘

More about Women Of Lancashire Vs Cervical Cancer

Women Of Lancashire Vs Cervical Cancer is located at Burnley, Lancashire