Women'S Health Dulwich

About Women'S Health Dulwich

Women's Health Dulwich, located in the heart of West Dulwich, SE London, provides comprehensive support and reassurance in pregnancy and provides general gynaecology care and paediatric care with compassion and sensitivity.



Uterine Fibroids
Fibroids are the commonest benign growths that we see in women of reproductive age. They occur in up to 30% of women of all races but are commonest in West African and Afro-Caribbean women. They grow in response to Oestrogen and shrink after the menopause.
Normally the smooth muscle fibres of the womb do not divide. In women with fibroids the mechanism that prevents cell division is faulty and muscle cells start dividing and continue to do so until a lump (fi...broid) develops. Each individual fibroid can grow to about 12cms and they are often multiple. There is a strong hereditary factor in fibroid formation.
Often fibroids do not cause any symptoms and they do not require treatment. In some women they can lead to a variety of problems.
To some extent symptoms will depend on the location of the fibroids in the womb.
Sub-serosal fibroids do not affect the cavity of the womb so are unlikely to affect periods or fertility. If they are large they may be noticeable externally and may press on the bladder or bowel causing symptoms.
Even small fibroids that encroach on the cavity of the womb may cause heavy menstrual bleeding and fertility problems.
There are a number of possible treatment options for fibroids and the key is to choose the right method for each individual patient.
In many women symptom of heavy menstrual bleeding can be controlled using hormone manipulation or the Progesterone coil (Mirena). In others the fibroids themselves need to be treated in which case there are a number of treatment options.
Please contact us for an appointment if you need further information on your gynaecology health.
Dr Berrin Tezcan MRCOG, MSc, MD Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Women's Health Dulwich (SE21 7EP) 25 Harley Street (W1G 9QW)
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The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has today published draft guidance on the management of stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
It recommends that the full range of non-surgical options should be offered to women with these conditions before any surgical operations. These include lifestyle interventions, physical therapies, behavioural therapies and medicines for st...ress urinary incontinence. Non-surgical options for pelvic organ prolapse include lifestyle modification, topical oestrogen, pelvic floor muscle training and pessary management.
In the cases where it is agreed to use surgical mesh/tape, women must be fully informed of the risks and should be offered a follow up appointment within six months following surgery. The draft guideline also recommends how complications associated with surgical mesh/tape surgery should be assessed and managed.
https://www.nice.org.uk/…/nice-says-non -surgical-options-sh…
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Our lovely patients...


Women's Health Dulwich Babies...
Women's Health Dulwich, Private Gynaecology & Maternity Clinic
Address: 1a Ryecotes Mead, London... SE21 7EP
Reception: 020 8693 2523 PA Mobile: 075 7290 0354 info@womenshealthdulwich.com
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Online Booking: https://www.womenshealthdulwich.com/book- online/
... Address: 1 Ryecotes Mead, London, SE21 7EP Reception: 020 8693 2523 PA Mobile: 075 7290 0354 info@womenshealthdulwich.com
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The Harmony test is a non-invasive prenatal screening test, to determine the risk of Down’s Syndrome in an unborn child. We are one of few centres in the UK now offering the Harmony test for screening for Down's Syndrome. The screening involves a simple blood test taken from the mother during pregnancy (from 10 weeks onwards) which strongly predicts some of the most common chromosomal abnormalities such as Trisomy 21 (Down's Syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edward...s Syndrome), Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome).
The Harmony test has been clinically proven to have detection rates of over 99% for Down's Syndrome, and can be performed at no risk to the baby. All that is required is a blood sample from the mother, which is taken from 10 weeks gestation. This is a much-preferred option than traditional, stressful invasive testing such as chorionic villous sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis.
Chromosomal conditions can occur in any pregnancy, and our Harmony tests are able to provide you with peace of mind about the health of your baby and its likelihood of developing the most common chromosomal conditions. The Harmony test is far more accurate than traditional screening and offers lower false positive rates.
At Women’s Health Dulwich, we work closely with the UK’s oldest and largest private laboratory. Typically, the Harmony test results are available in less than 7 working days. If you're from Dulwich or the surrounding area, and you are looking for a reliable, trustworthy clinic for your prenatal screening, book your Harmony test with us, today.
https://www.womenshealthdulwich.com/conta ct/
https://www.womenshealthdulwich.com/servi ces/harmony-test/
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WOMEN'S HEALTH DULWICH Consultant Led Private Gynaecology & Maternity Clinic Pregnancy and Gynaecology Ultrasound Online Booking: https://www.womenshealthdulwich.com/book- online/
... Address: 1 Ryecotes Mead, London, SE21 7EP Reception: 020 8693 2523 PA Mobile: 075 7290 0354 info@womenshealthdulwich.com
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GBS (Group B Streptococcus) is the UK’s most common cause of life threatening infection in newborn babies but recent surveys have shown that many pregnant women feel inadequately informed about the illness. On average two babies a day develop the infection, with one a week dying and one a week being left with life-changing disability. A recent survey found that only a third of pregnant women feel adequately informed about GBS and that they were more likely to hear about GBS f...rom a friend or through personal experience, than from health professionals. it is now national recommended practice to provide all pregnant women with information about GBS in the UK.
https://www.rcog.org.uk/…/preg…/pi-gb s-pregnancy-newborn.pdf
WOMEN'S HEALTH DULWICH Address: 1 Ryecotes Mead, London, SE21 7EP www.womenshealthdulwich.com Reception: 020 8693 2523 PA Mobile: 075 7290 0354 Email: info@womenshealthdulwich.com
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We support access to safe and legal abortion care worldwide.
WOMEN'S HEALTH DULWICH strongly supports universal access to safe, legal, high quality and compassionate abortion care for women and girls around the world.
... Globally, it is estimated that 25 million of all abortions are unsafe. Around 5-13% of maternal deaths can be attributed to unsafe abortion and around 7 million women are admitted to hospitals as a result of unsafe abortions in developing countries.
Unsafe abortions can be prevented by ensuring that women and girls are empowered to avoid unplanned pregnancies. This can be achieved by ensuring they have access to comprehensive relationships and sex education, high quality family planning and a choice of all available and effective contraceptive methods, including long-acting reversible contraceptives and emergency contraception. Crucially women and girls must also have access to safe, legal, timely and compassionate abortion and post-abortion care. Women and girls must be able to access abortion care without fear of criminal sanctions, stigma and harassment.
Access to these basic reproductive health care services upholds basic human rights and dignity, and is critical to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 5 to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030.
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Placenta praevia refers to a low lying-placenta. It occurs when the placenta attaches in the lower part of the womb and can sometimes completely cover the neck of the womb. The condition can lead to heavy bleeding during pregnancy or birth.
It is checked for during the routine 20-week ultrasound scan. If it is detected, a woman will have the opportunity to discuss her birthing options with her healthcare professional. A caesarean is usuall...y the safest way to give birth, but this will depend on her individual circumstances.
Placenta accreta is a rarer condition. It occurs in between 1 in 300 and 1 in 2000 pregnancies, depending on the number of prior caesarean sections. Placenta accreta is when the placenta sticks abnormally to, or invades deeply, the muscle of the womb including nearby structures like the bladder.
When unknown at the time of birth, it usually causes heavy bleeding and sometimes a massive haemorrhage.
It may be suspected during routine ultrasound scans during pregnancy. Specialist obstetricians-gynaecologists can diagnose a placenta accreta with a 95% accuracy using ultrasound imaging.
When a placenta accreta is diagnosed before birth, a specialist obstetrician will discuss all the birthing options and the extra care that will be needed. It may be planned for a woman to give birth early, between 35 and 37 weeks of pregnancy, depending on a woman’s individual circumstances.
https://www.womenshealthdulwich.com/servi ces/maternity/
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Women's Health Dulwich, in West Dulwich, provides comprehensive support and reassurance in pregnancy and provides general gynaecology care with compassion and sensitivity.
We welcome both insured and self-funding patients. The NHS does a great job looking after the nation’s health, but you may want to choose how, when and where you get your treatment. Insured patients will need to obtain the authorisation number from their insurers. Most insurance companies will entail a referral letter from patient’s GP, before they can authorise their initial consultation.
CONTACT EMAIL: info@womenshealthdulwich.com TELEPHONE: 020 8693 2523/ 075 7290 0354
https://www.womenshealthdulwich.com/priva te-healthcare-ins…/
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WOMEN'S HEALTH DULWICH CARING FOR WOMEN OF ALL AGES.... Women's Health Dulwich serves South London. We provide late clinics until 8pm during the week and also Saturday clinics...


1 Ryecotes Mead, London, SE21 7EP Reception: 020 8693 2523 PA Mobile: 075 7290 0354
... info@womenshealthdulwich.com
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When is the best time for induction of labour?
https://www.womenshealthdulwich.com/…/i nduction-of-labour-…/
Inducing pregnant women at around 39 weeks could reduce term stillbirths by up to half. If the induction is done under carefully controlled conditions and both mother and baby are healthy, then the avoidable tragedy of stillbirths could be reduced drastically.
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https://www.berrintezcan.com/servic…/pr ivate-maternity-care/
Why choose us?
If you would like to enjoy the comfort of having all your antenatal appointments locally close to your home/workplace with flexible appointments (late appointments and weekend appointments) at our state of the art clinics where we are able to provide pathology tests (including genetic tests) and specialist consultant ultrasound scans with acceptable package prices, Miss Berrin Tezcan is the ideal cons...ultant obstetrician for you.
If you choose to have your maternity care with Miss Berrin Tezcan (Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Fetal Medicine Specialist) all your antenatal appointments can be scheduled at our Dulwich, Harley Street or Chelsea clinics. Delivery will be at the Portland Hospital, a state of the art fully private maternity hospital in the heart of London.
Why choose Portland Hospital?
Portland Hospital is the only fully private maternity hospital in the UK, with excellent midwifery and consultant care, meaning you need not worry about the delays in your care in labour.
It is a well-known disadvantage to have your care in the private maternity units within the NHS due to most of these units not having separate theatre facilities. Therefore in case of emergencies, private patients must wait in the theatre waiting list together with an increasing number of NHS patients and complex cases. This can cause incidents at time of emergencies and affects the care that you will receive privately.
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More about Women'S Health Dulwich

Women'S Health Dulwich is located at 17 Croxted Road, SE21 8SZ London, United Kingdom