Wonderful Woodlands

About Wonderful Woodlands

Wonderful Woodlands is a digital engagement project aimed at encouraging people to visit their local woodlands and to record what they find there.



There's still time to enter our prize draw to win a £20 RSPB gift card! If you visited the woods and had a go at identifying birds / butterflies as a result of following us we'd love to hear from you. Our short survey is at http://ow.ly/34XP30muPkJ. Closing date: 14th November.


Let us know if we encouraged you to record woodland birds and butterflies using free apps BirdTrack & iRecord Butterflies! Complete our short survey at http://ow.ly/wAYD30muQ0f and you could win a £20 RSPB gift card. Closing date: 14th November.


Did you visit the woods and have a go at recording butterflies and birds this year as a result of following us? If you did, we'd love to hear from you! Complete our short survey at http://ow.ly/eHd430muP9W and you could win a £20 RSPB gift card. Closing date: 14th November.


If you visited the woods and had a go at identifying and recording birds and/or butterflies this year as a result of following us, we'd love to hear from you! Complete our short survey at http://ow.ly/pHac30mqvAD and you could be in with a chance to win a £20 RSPB gift voucher. We'd also like to talk to a few people about their experiences of recording woodland wildlife in a bit more detail - if you're interested in participating in a short telephone interview you can let us know in the survey, and all those we interview will be offered a Field Studies Council identification chart for birds or butterflies. Closing date: 14th November.


If you spot a woodpecker when you visit the woods, please record it on @BirdTrack (include #WW in the comments). They're dead wood specialists, using it for nesting and feeding, and the holes they create are often reused by other species like tits, treecreepers and nuthatches.


A second brood of White Admirals is emerging - have you seen any of these spectacular butterflies in a woodland near you recently? Please record any you find on the free iRecord Butterflies app, adding #WW in the notes box for each record. Read more about this beautiful butterfly at http://ow.ly/gCAC30lGdy9


Even though it feels like summer's over, some butterflies are still about. If you spot any whilst you're out in the woods in Sussex and Kent, please remember to record them on iRecord Butterflies and include #WW in the notes box each time so we can spot your records. Here are some of the butterflies you might encounter this month (but you're unlikely to see some of them in woodland!): http://ow.ly/TAoO30lGdbq


Ivy will start flowering soon. It's an important late nectar source for insects and will be a great spot to look for butterflies next time you visit the woods. As always, please record what you find on iRecord Butterflies, including #WW in the notes. http://ow.ly/BJ7z30lvAO4


Many woodland butterflies are accustomed to traditional forms of woodland management and continuing these woodland management practices can be really important for some of our rarest woodland butterflies. Read more at http://ow.ly/W1hQ30lvEvt


One of the things we're hoping to find out from this citizen science project is whether your records of birds and butterflies can tell us something about how woods are managed. Visit http://ow.ly/FP0530lvD7L to find out more about how woodland management affects wildlife.


The long, hot, dry summer has meant many berries are ripening earlier than normal, with consequences for birds later this year - your bird records will help us understand the impacts. Please record woodland birds on BirdTrack including #WW in the comments http://ow.ly/pPlP30lvBnM


The rare Willow Tit favours wet woods with decaying standing timber, particularly those featuring willow thickets. For ID tips visit http://ow.ly/zha230lrX3c and to read more about them visit http://ow.ly/vDGn30lrX4g. Please record any you spot on BirdTrack + include #WW in the notes.


Check out http://ow.ly/hSwZ30lvDFO to see which butterflies are still active in August - but you're only likely to see some of those in our Sussex & Kent woodlands. Please don't forget to record any woodland butterflies you spot on iRecord Butterflies, including #WW in the notes.


Welcome to all our new followers! If you'd like to ensure you never miss another post from us all you need to do is (1) visit our page (2) click on [...] at the top (3) click 'following' then ensure 'get notifications' is on and select 'see first' in the 'in your news feed' section. :)


Whitethroats will be migrating to warmer climes soon. These long-tailed, white-throated warblers particularly like scrubby patches of brambles and nettles in woods + hedgerows. Please record any you spot on BirdTrack + include #WW in the notes. ID tips at http://ow.ly/u5ND30lrWBz


Speckled Woods are doing well but we still need your records to help us understand what's going on. You'll find them in dappled shade in woodland; males perch in sunny spots from which they defend their territory. Please record on iRecord Butterflies + include #WW in comments.


Although quite uncommon in Sussex & Kent you might encounter a Redstart before they return to Africa. These relations of the Robin, with rust-coloured tails, favour oak woodlands, hedgerows + parkland. Please record on BirdTrack, include #WW in the notes. http://ow.ly/BoTe30lrUxk


Spotted Flycatchers will soon leave our shores for Africa. These rare birds like high perches in open woodland glades, from which they dash out to grab an insect then return to the same spot. Please record on BirdTrack + include #WW in the notes. http://ow.ly/Vlb930lrU8t

More about Wonderful Woodlands