World Aglow Go - Travel Blog

About World Aglow Go - Travel Blog

Travel writer and lover of nature, wildlife & the great outdoors.

World Aglow Go - Travel Blog Description

I grew up in a small village in Berkshire in the south of England. As a child I was surrounded by quaint and very picturesque rural villages in and around the south east. I would spend family holidays on the south coast and go for day trips to the bright lights of London. It’s a beautiful part of the country and although some time has passed since I fled the nest, it still feels like home and I still feel like a true southerner at heart.

I have now spent almost ten years living and breathing the warm, friendly atmosphere of the city of Manchester. A cosmopolitan and courageous city with a rich history of world-firsts and events which have changed the lives of people across the world. This city is genuinely unique; it is the reason women have the right to vote, the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and the place where Alan Turing invented the world’s first computer. Manchester has given us more rock stars than any other city per head, it created the world’s most famous football team and it brought us Coronation Street, and let’s face it, imagine what life would have been like without Jack and Vera.

When I arrived in Manchester to what would be my home for the next few years whilst at the University of Manchester, I had just returned from an eye-opening nine month solo-trip around the world as a fearless eighteen year old. After some tearful goodbyes at Heathrow airport, I somehow managed to circumnavigate the globe taking in South Africa, Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand, before zigzagging my way around Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. I learned so much from the people I met along the way and I knew then that I wanted to see more, experience more and learn more. University gave me the chance to study and live abroad in Spain, Argentina and China. The long summer holidays meant I also managed to fit in a road trip to the USA.

Along the way I met my Lancashire-born husband, and I’ve been in Manchester ever since. One day I might find my way back down south and if that does happen, I hope a little of that down-to-earth Mancunian spirit I’ve come to love will stay with me.

2017 is upon us and I’ve just returned from a five month trip around the world (at long last with my other half! ) We finally made it to India, a place so fascinating it would take at least 100 adjectives to describe each day we spent there. We revisited Australia again, but together this time, and we travelled around New Zealand in a camper-van like you’re supposed to do. Then came South East Asia, a new and exciting region where we explored Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Burma before finishing our trip in our honeymoon city of Singapore. So many stories to tell and so much learned about the world around us; some good things and some bad.

World AglowGo is a place for me to record my memories so I never forget the sights, the smells and the feelings I have when I travel. It’s also a place that I hope will inspire you – my lovely readers – to visit somewhere new, whether in your own backyard, the other side of the world or some place in between. If you’re wondering where the name came from, World AglowGo encapsulates my favourite thing about the world – its beautiful glowing colours: the burnt orange and crimson sunsets, the bright, verdant grass of the countryside, the uplifting blue of the oceans, lakes, seas and sky, the happiness-inducing yellow of daffodils and the dusky pink of cherry blossom signalling the arrival of spring. I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy experiencing and writing them!


More about World Aglow Go - Travel Blog

World Aglow Go - Travel Blog is located at Manchester, United Kingdom