Wrekin View Primary & Nursery - Pta

About Wrekin View Primary & Nursery - Pta

PTA for Wrekin View Primary & Nursery



Hi Wrekin Viewers!
I have yet again been in the wars!
On my weekly health check Miss Till noticed that one of my teeth was cracked and very sore - she took me to my friends at Haygate Vets and they said I needed an operation! šŸ˜³
... The Haygate team know how important I am to the children at WV so they took lots of pictures so you all know Iā€™m doing ok.
The nasty tooth is all gone now (Miss Till has kept it to show any interested children as it is HUGE!) and Iā€™m recuperating at home - Iā€™ve got some stitches and some medicine so Iā€™m not in any pain but Iā€™m not allowed to be at work for a little bit.
Personally I blame the squirrels... or maybe that tree I tried to chew... or maybe the sticks..... it absolutely was not my fault though šŸ˜ˆ
I have been told Iā€™m only allowed soft food for a week so thatā€™s a bit of a plus, much better than dried kibble! But Iā€™m not allowed on any walks!!
If any of the children see any pigeons on my field that are taking advantage of my absence make sure you let me know!
See you soon and I miss you all lots and lots!
Maslow šŸ„°šŸ¤•
Ashford Kennels Haygate Veterinary Centre
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We are very pleased to announce that fromSeptember we are increasing our Nursery and starting a Day-Care service. We will be accepting children from the age of 2 and opening for longer - 8.00am to 5.00pm. We hope it will be very successful.
We also have free 15 and 30 hour places too.
Please like, share, comment so that as many people as possible know about it.


Further updated guidance.
1. Stories that MOMO can ā€˜hackā€™ into an account and set challenges are fake. There have not been any reported cases where this has happened. Please reassure children that this cannot happen.
2. There are an increasing number of links appearing that children click on, along with online videos that are edited and this is how children are being exposed to unsuitable images and videos. It is important that children are aware of this.
... 3. Emphasise to your child the importance of not clicking on unknown links, accepting requests from unknown sources or replying to messages that they are unsure about.
4. As parents, please be aware of the social media age restrictions and ensure that you are monitoring and checking your childā€™s social media accounts and digital footprint.
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Dog Blog #27
Iā€™m back!
I am now 11 months old and weigh 27kg.
... On the 23rd March, I will be a whole one year old - Iā€™m hoping for a birthday cake with candles! it is hard to believe that I have now been at Wrekin View since I was a tiny 8 week old puppy!
I have had lots of adventures over the past few weeks, some of them were good and some of them were not so good! I am all better now though and have missed the children and teachers at Wrekin View so much!
This week I have tried to see as many children as I can, I have been out at playtime and lunchtimes in the playground and had lots of lovely strokes.
I am getting so much more grown up, I can stay on my own now sometimes and I donā€™t chew things (most of the time) and Iā€™m starting to spend more time away from Miss Till and in other areas of the school with different classes when they ask for me. I went into 5A this week to practise my training and I made them all giggle by laying under the table on their feet!
I still really enjoy the children who read to me and am learning to lay on the floor next to children that are working instead of wanting to sit on their laps!
Some of my friends have been to Arthog this week - it looks very exciting and they have had some brilliant adventures! Maybe one year I will get to go too - puppies can rock climb right?
Have a great weekend!
Maslow šŸ¶šŸ¾
Ashford Kennels- Licensed Breeder #schooldog
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Dog Blog #26
Hi Wrekin Viewers!
I am 36 weeks old now and I weigh 26.3kg!
... According to google this means I weigh as much as 8448 teabags - Iā€™ve never tried tea, itā€™s one of the many many things they wonā€™t let me have... pencils, rubbers.. I did manage to get away with a piece of Lego this week - it was a green piece! Extra yummy!
It has been a strange week for me... Miss Till had to go away for a day to collect an award that all the staff and pupils at Wrekin View have earned for improving behaviour - she was very proud and as part of it they showed a video of me! Everyone went awwwwww apparently. Not that I got a reward or anything! šŸ˜”
Anyway I got to spend the day with Miss Nickless in basecamp (with lots of visitors!) I had a great time and I learned to put my ball on the table and sit nicely so that the children could play with me.
Miss Nickless also helped me to practice being around younger children in preparation for me being able to go into nursery! Iā€™m not allowed in nursery just yet, Miss Till says they are too little and I will knock them over with my wagging tail - so I had to practise laying super still whilst Oliver fed me treats! I really liked that. I hope the nursery children like me when Iā€™m ready to go in - Watch this space!
My favourite part of the week was when I got to do reading time in 6A this week - the children read to me so clearly that I had a lovely nap, whenever they stopped reading I opened my eyes to look at them - that reminded them not to stop and I got a lovely bedtime story! I also snuck in the odd lick of their hands as they turned the page.. oops!
Hope you have all had a brilliant week! šŸ¾
#Schooldog Ashford Kennels- Licensed Breeder
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Dog Blog #25
Hey Wrekin Viewers!
I was born on the 23rd March 2018 - that means that itā€™s my 8 month birthday today!
... This week has been very busy, I am having to do lots and lots of work on impulse control to manage my adolescence stage - can you believe that I have to practising sitting and watching the children play football? I have to watch? I donā€™t want to watch I want to play!
Nick the PE coach bought me my own ball so that I can at least sit and watch with a ball in my mouth but itā€™s not the same as running around with the children!
I was ā€˜cat testedā€™ this week - because itā€™s important that I have a very nice temperament I have to try and variety of different things to see how I react and then work with the reaction if I am not too sure. Turns out I LOVE cats. They are so nice to lick and sniff - I was very very good and laid nicely and let the cat come over and apart from when I patted her on the head with my paw I was the perfect gentleman! Miss Till said if only I could be so good with squirrels!
I have been practising my watch and wait and focus work in Apley woods. I might not have done quite so well there. In my defence I did NOT chase a squirrel......... I did however dive into the duck pond and spend 5 minutes swimming around with the ducks! I didnā€™t bark at them or chase them, I just liked swimming with them!
So now we have ducks and squirrels on the impulse control training list šŸ™„. I donā€™t mind, it just means I get to see more of them!
Thank you to all the children who have helped me this week by grooming me and reading to me! All these calm activities are really helping me remember to focus!
See you next week! Have a great weekend šŸ¾
Ashford Kennels- Licensed Breeder #schooldog
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Dog Blog ##24 Hi Wrekin Viewers!
I am now 34 weeks old!
... I have had an amazing week, I love my job!
Some of The Stars of the week this week got to use my new ball launcher, itā€™s amazing, it goes from one end of the field to the other - the children giggled so much at how fast I ran to catch the ball! I am super pup - I just need a cape now!
I have also been practising how to walk to heel, in Wrekin view we do not run in corridors - this is really tricky for children to remember when they are excited - itā€™s just as hard for puppies to remember when they want to get outside! So me and a couple of children have been practising, Iā€™m getting very good at it - you just have to remember to walk next to the person who has the lead and then they give you food! Itā€™s like a portable vending machine šŸ˜ you put in a nice walk to heel and you get out a yummy treat!
Iā€™m also getting so good with the children who are helping me train to be a reading dog - I cuddle up next to them now, sometimes when they read to me I like it so much that I have a little snooze. This seems to make the children happy and they donā€™t want to wake me up so they read even more than they were meant to!
Sleep is very important for puppies who are growing big and strong like I am.
I have been in several classes this week helping out, Iā€™m getting really sensible now and sometimes Miss Till leaves me in the classroom to do my work whilst she goes off and does hers - this is brilliant as when she goes I get very spoilt!
Miss Nickless let me chew up a cardboard box, Mr Pembleton let me play ball INDOORS, and Mrs Colton gave me all my treats for the whole morning in an hour!
Sharon in the kitchen even cooked me some sausages at home and brought them in for me... I also gave Miss Harvey my Big puppy dog eyes and she took me for an extra walk! ā¤ļø
Iā€™m a very very clever puppy!
Thank you all for a lovely week
Maslow šŸ¾ #schooldog Ashford Kennels- Licensed Breeder
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Last reminder. Friday 16th November. Non Uniform Day for Children in Need. Ā£1 Donation. Something yellow ... Something Spotty Thank you for your support.
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Dog Blog #22 I am 8 months old!
How was everyoneā€™s half term? Mine was brilliant. I got to go to Wales for a social group!
... There were lots of Labradorā€™s there and they were just like me, they love mud just like I do.
Then I got to run and run and roll in things that made Miss Till make funny noises!
I had to practise lots of skills that I use at school - waiting - I donā€™t like waiting very much right now, Miss Till said itā€™s because I am an adolescent now! This means that I am having hormone surges that means itā€™s a bit harder for me to remember to do as Iā€™m told! This is a normal part of my development and so I have to practise even harder than I normally do!
This week I was also interviewed by Year 6 (so was Mr Pembleton and Miss Till but obviously they donā€™t count!)
They are doing debate writing on the pros and cons of having a school dog - I could find lots of pros, I get unlimited amount of strokes, people give me food, I get to play lots and lots of ball... Miss Till then pointed out that it was more about what I can do for the children so we talked about how I can help children control their anxiety better and that I can give them the confidence to try new things.
See you next week!
#schooldog Ashford Kennels- Licensed Breeder
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The first dojo badge of the year is a silver star and green Maslow Paw print. Well done to everyone who earned their badge today. #proud @ClassDojo @TelfordWrekin #dojochat


Hereā€™s Wrekin View pupils, Mrs Dees, Maslow and Miss Till proudly handing over cheques for the Ā£900 raised on their sponsored silence. The money was very gratefully received and will go to good use.


Hereā€™s Wrekin View pupils, Mrs Dees, Maslow and Miss Till proudly handing over cheques for the Ā£900 raised on their sponsored silence. The money was very gratefully received and will go to good use.


ā€ŖY4 are having a great time at Cadbury World. ā€¬ ā€Ŗ@CadburyUKā€¬


Dog Blog #20 So.. usually my blog is filled with the adventures I have had at school during the week... this week I spent the whole day being looked after by 4A & 5A, I was very spoilt - they were so kind to me and even gave me my own spot to have a snooze on.. I do enjoy my nap time!
However... when puppies hit 7/8 months old they go through something called adolescence - basically I have become a teenager! Itā€™s very exciting! Suddenly everything smells lovely and interesti...ng and i also love chewing again! Itā€™s even more fun now I have my adult teeth because I can chew stuff much quicker! Yesterday I was snooping around in Miss Tillā€™s garden (got to keep an eye out for those sneaky birdies!) and I found a marvellous package... so I did what any self respecting puppy would do... I ate it.
However... it turns out that the postman had tried to deliver my weeks food and because Miss Till was at work, he had put my good over the fence.. hence the lovely smell. Miss Till was not impressed that I had eaten 2kg of my dinner (around a weeks worth) in one sitting!
Miss Till has had a little chat with the vet (again!) and apart from a bit of a tummy ache Iā€™m going to be absolutely fine - The terrible news is......
Iā€™m not allowed my breakfast tomorrow šŸ˜³ this is totally unacceptable as Iā€™m sure you agree!
I will say though.. the new food is lovely! Iā€™m a big fan!!!
It turns out when your Mums, Dads and carers tell you that too many sweets will make you poorly.. they might have a point!
From a feeling a bit sorry for himself Maslow šŸ¾
#schooldog Ashford Kennels- Licensed Breeder
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School Photographs, Friday 19th October.
8.00am -8.45am family photos and photos with any family members who do not attend Wrekin View.
Individual and siblings who attend Wrekin View will be taken during the day.


Thank you to everyone who took part in our sponsored silence. We have raised so much money to donate to mind We also helped to get people talking about Mental health challenges. We are overwhelmed by your support. ā€Ŗ#WorldMentalHealthDay @MindCharity ā€¬


The first Dojo badge will be given out to children with 95% positive Dojos next week. Please make your comments and suggestions.


Dog Blog #19
29 weeks old!
Wrekin View... I got my gold sticker! On Monday I had to get up in assembly and show the children the things I had to do, to pass my test.. the children then had to cheer if they felt I deserved the sticker! They cheered SO loudly! I was very proud and my tail wagged so fast it was like a blur - they also giggled really loudly when I played ā€˜peek a booā€™ between Miss Tills legs!
... Last weekend I went to Apley woods - have you seen the amount of squirrels at Apley woods? I love squirrels!! I ran round and round in circles because they smelt so nice! Miss Till then put me on the lead and said ā€˜we donā€™t chase squirrels, Maslowā€™ - I donā€™t know why I canā€™t chase them, they are super fast like me!
When I stopped trying to chase squirrels I got to come off the lead again... this time I behaved myself... and I found the biggest stick ever! I carried it around for the rest of the walk! I wasnā€™t allowed to bring it home though!
Iā€™m looking forward to next week - Miss Till is on a school trip and she has said Iā€™m not invited.. apparently puppies canā€™t climb..... So Iā€™m getting to go and stay with some of the classes ALL day... itā€™s very exciting! Iā€™m going to pack all my favourite toys and then share them with the children.. itā€™s nice to share!
I shall see if I can sneak in my favourite toy, itā€™s the chewy bone that 1A gave me... I love it so much and when I chew it, it squeaks.. I take it everywhere with me..... weirdly it keeps going missing... I just lay down for a good squeaky chew and then suddenly Miss Till gives me a treat and it vanishes! I must start looking after it better!
Have a great weekend!
šŸ¾ #schooldog Ashford Kennels- Licensed Breeder
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More about Wrekin View Primary & Nursery - Pta

Wrekin View Primary & Nursery - Pta is located at North Road, TF1 3ES Wellington, Telford And Wrekin, United Kingdom