
About Wright-Walkies

Past adventures of Shadow and friends

Wright-Walkies Description


I'm offering more than just a walk for your dog. I'm offering love, care and protection for your beloved companion. After all, they are part of your family.

An hour’s walk will include transport to a scenic location, away from main roads, allowing your pet time to explore new sites and smells, safely, on or off-lead. Toys can be taken for play and fresh water and treats will be supplied.
Your dog will be cleaned and dried before being returned to your home, where they can be fed if required, or other special requirements can be met.
Pets will be transported in a fully insured vehicle with appropriate restraints.
An hour’s dog walk starts at just £8! I don't think you'll find cheaper.

Other services include pet /house sitting, pet taxi, boarding and claw clipping. Grooming will soon be available!

Alongside years of caring for a variety of my own pets, I've never been without a dog to walk and I am now furthering my expertise by undergoing a five-week training course in Dog Care, and an insight into animal psychology, training and grooming.

Why not arrange a free, no-obligation, consultation?
I'll come to your home, meet you and your companion and then discuss your needs. I will show you all my papers, including FULL business and vehicle insurance, as well as a clean CRB check. References can be seen on here or our website.

Tom Wright

www. wright-walkies.com
www. wright-walkies. co. uk
https://m. facebook.com/wrightwalkies

Wright-Walkies A History Of. . .

Wright-Walkies is a business idea, founded in March 2013 and based on my passion and love for the animal kingdom. Pets have always been an intricate part of my life and my family, so it seemed only natural that I found a way to incorporate my philotherianism into my everyday career.

We’ve always had dogs in the family, ranging from a Tibetan Terrier, to a Labradoodle and Dachshunds. I took every opportunity to play and bond with them, teach them “sit”, “lie down”, “roll over” and to offer me their paws upon request, and I took great pride in this. As you can imagine, I fully intend to train animals one day, as a qualified trainer.

brambleWhen I was twelve, my parents bought me a female Border Collie /Alsatian. Her name was Bramble and we rescued her from a shelter in Melton- Mowbray. She was, for all intents and purposes, my dog, and I her human. We went everywhere together. She loved going down to the river with me, getting filthy and playing with sticks (fashioned like a rifle to a boy). We would spend days out in the fields, down by the river as we lived in a small village in the countryside. It was through Bramble, that I truly learnt the value of companionship, loyalty, trust and love, among many others.

Bramble died when I was in my early twenties. She had lived with us for a decade or so, and I believe we saved her, and she was happy with us, but nothing could prepare me for the loss of my best friend.

As much as I wanted to fill the void that Bramble had left behind, I couldn’t offer the same life style to another dog, as I was working unsociable shift patterns, in care. I have worked as a full-time carer for over four years now, working upwards of 40-50 hour weeks, and it just wouldn’t have been fair, to leave a dog at home during those long days and nights. If I’d have known about the readily available dog walkers and pet sitters, of today, it wouldn’t have been a problem.

I now have a family of my own. I live with my partner, Lauren, her Jack Russel Terrier. Her two Siamese Cats. An Ex Race Horse, and her Parents’ two Shih-Tzu Lhasa crosses. Not to mention all the other dogs I look after as part of my job! Even as I type this, one of the Siamese, is bullying her way onto my chest to cuddle.


I decided I wanted a career with unlimited progression possibilities, working with animals in an active and rewarding environment, that I was passionate about and could channel all my energy and time into. , and so Wright-Walkies was formed. The name was made up of my surname and the popular word associated with taking your dog out for a walk. Catchy don’t you think?

I created Wright-Walkies on Facebook in March 2014 and uploaded a couple of pictures of myself with animals, and the page received a lot of likes from family and friends, very quickly! That spurred me on to take it even more seriously. I began advertising hand written adverts in local post offices and corner shops. I took out Pet Business Insurance, and before long, I had my first customer. A weekend Pet Sit. This enabled me to iron out some kinks and establish some ground rules for the services I was offering.

I set myself goals which I am still working towards today;

To run 3-4 walks each day, with up to four dogs (insured to walk six) at any one time.
Undertake a Dog Grooming course.
Further my knowledge by studying Animal Behaviour and other related topics.
Undertake a course in Dog Training.
Open up a shop for Dog Grooming and Doggy Day Care.
dog-walking-29Come August, I had cut down my hours in Care so that I could devote myself 100% to the Business and I acquired my first regular dog to walk, Charlie. I designed and ordered a uniform, bought some walking boots and bought an appropriately sized vehicle for the job. I kitted the ‘Wolf Wagon’ out with rubber mats in the back and a large cage for ‘The Naughty One’, so to speak. I acquired some restraints to attach the dogs to while transporting and took out vehicle business insurance as required. I designed some business cards and my Aunt and her partner designed me the first, of two, websites to get me up and running, for which I am incredibly grateful. From here on, it was all systems go, and I have been walking and sitting for dogs, ever since.

A Dog Walker or Pet Sitter, can be a god send to you and your dog(s), who might be waiting up to twelve hours for your return from work! It is recommended that you leave your pets no longer than four hours, by themselves. Breaking your dogs day up with an hours walk, can be the difference between a happy dog, or a chewed up couch! Investing a little money each week, to ensure your dog(s) gets plenty of love, care, affection and protection during the long days when you are away from home, can make all the difference in your dogs life. Walks in beautiful scenic locations, with plenty of smells and room to run around freely, while being safely looked after by an experienced walker, is just what they need!

Exercise is directly linked to your dog(s) happiness, behaviour and well-being. An hours walk a day can transform how your dog behaves and acts around you and others. It is recommended that a dog gets at least 30 minutes exercise each day, depending on breed, size, age and weight. This will help keep the dog happy, and avoid potentially unwanted behaviour, such as chewing furniture, or displaying withdrawal symptoms or signs of depression. dog walking 1

There are lots of reasons why you might be unable to walk your dog(s) as often as is needed, however, Wright-Walkies offer a solution. I can walk your dog as part of a group or individually depending on your requirements and your dog’s ability to socialise with others. This includes up to an hour of exercise, on or off-lead (with consent), with plenty of play, and attention, as well as company from other dogs, if walked on one of my group walks.

My regular dogs get excited long before I turn up. They have a sixth sense for knowing when I’m coming and are familiar with the sound of my car, the sound of freedom, and adventure. They all love going out with me, excited in the knowledge that they’re joining their furry friends for a long walk in the countryside!

One of my walks will include;

At least an hour out of the house, some times two, with an experienced walker.
Off and on-lead exercise.
A safe and picturesque location, away from main roads.
Other friendly dogs to socialise with.
Treats, water and toys as necessary.
A fully business insured, vehicle with secure restraints and cages for safe transportation.
Click here for Prices

All walks and pet sits are run by myself, Tom Wright, so you don’t need to worry about dealing with different employees, or who’s in your house looking after your pets at any one time. Occasionally my partner joins me on the pet sitting, with your permission of course, and if on the off chance I take a sick day (It hasn’t happened so far), I will find someone in my family to help out.



Does anyone recognise Sox?


Missing in Eye, please look out for Millie 😥


Tge adorabeast, Shadow, giving daddy the cutest kisses, featuring her bearpaws! 🖤


Shadow is showing off her food begging techniques
#cutesttaboo #cantsaynotosausage #britainsgottalent #sausagottalent


Shadow is showing off her neat tricks! #cutesttaboo


Dachsh PRIDE; Shadow is against Hate Crime!
You can contact Victim Support 0808 168 9111 for advice and support if you or someone you know has experienced/been a victim of Hate Crime.


I'm deeply touched by all the cards, gifts & kind words I've received from you all, about my new career and decision to give up the business.
You've all been such a huge support and your dogs were the best company I could ask for. I will miss having the freedom and flexibility that this job gave me. There aren't many jobs that pay you to go on adventures with your furry friends!
I was very upset to say good bye to you all but hopefully I've made the right decision and its t...he start of further good things to come.
I'd like to wish you all the best of luck for the future.
Tom ~ WW
See More


Wright-Walkies will no longer be running services from the 24th of November 2017 as I have a fantastic opportunity to progress elsewhere in a new career.
I would like to thank everyone for their continued support of this page and my services and I wish you all the very best for the future.


Adorable snuggle bunnies


Jess assures me she hasn't been in the River…


Omg I forgot I had this video of Shadow... The cutest thing, ever! Probably.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h44LAqyO tU


Mountain Lion meets Sausage Dog, and it's just the cutest thing!!
Jasper & Shadow are great together. I can't wait for Jasper to reach full size mountain lion status. Will be such a massive difference 😂


Jasper is just too adorable, I can't wait to see what he looks like when he's fully grown! #mountainlion


Aren't these two just the cutest??


Another adorable puppy that I have the pleasure of looking after 😍
Cuteness overload!


I get to look after this adorable little GSD pup 😍


Enjoy the weekend people and furries 👍

More about Wright-Walkies

Wright-Walkies is located at Little Close, Eye, PE3 6 Peterborough