
About Xylitol

XYLEO www. myxylitol. co. uk is a distribution company of Xylitol. Xyleo has a wide variety of Xylitol products that everyone can choose from. From Mint or Fruit sweets, Xylitol Jams and even First in the World Lollipops for children with No Citric Acid.

Xylitol Description

Alternative name: Birch Sugar

Classification: Xylitol is a sugar alcohol and therefore classed as a natural sweetener.

Xylitol is recommended by dentist, medical doctors, periodontists, pediatricians, and many health organizations and health professionals worldwide as a sweetener for anyone concerned with dental health, upper respiratory health, and sugar consumption, in general.

Xylitol is also recommended sugar alternative for Kids

Why Use Xylitol?

Xylitol has a wide variety of uses and benefits, from improving the health of your teeth to maintaining upper respiratory health.

Teeth: as well as providing a non-damaging alternative to other sweeteners, xylitol is also believed to actively prevent tooth decay by helping teeth to re-mineralise.

Bones: research conducted on rats suggests that dietary xylitol can improve bone density, pointing to the possibility of its use to treat osteoporosis.

Infection: xylitol has been seen to increase the neutrophil activity - these are the white blood cells involved in fighting many bacteria. Xylitol chewing gum has been successfully used to treat ear infections, which is believed to be a result of anti-bacterial properties combined with the beneficial effects of regular chewing and swallowing.

Taste, Calories and Digestion

Weight for weight, Xylitol is just as sweet as sucrose (sugar) and has a very similar, though slightly menthol taste. However, it contains only two thirds of the calories. Only a small proportion is absorbed through the small intestine and converted to glucose in the liver. The slowness of absorption means that the majority moves down to the lower intestine, where it is metabolised by friendly bacteria into short-chain fatty acids. These are mostly returned to the liver for oxidation, providing energy. As a consequence, xylitol has a negligible or zero effect on blood glucose levels and has been widely used for many years in diabetic diets.


Xylitol was approved by the FDA (America's Food and Drug Administration) in 1963 for 'special dietary uses' and in 1986, recognized as a 'safe sweetener'. Xylitol is approved throughout Europe for various dietary, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic uses. It has also been approved by a variety of other organisations including the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Foods (MAFF) in 1994, at national level in more than 40 EU countries and in 1997 by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare.

It's Effective

Many large-scale clinical studies have shown it to have long-lasting dental benefits. Over 25 years of clinical testing confirms that xylitol is the best sweetener for teeth, which has led to official endorsements by dental associations in Finland, Norway, Sweden, England, Ireland, Estonia and the Netherlands of products containing high levels of this sweetener.

It's Natural

Xylitol is right here, inside, already. Our bodies produce from 5 to 10 grams every day from other food sources using established energy pathways. It is not a strange or artificial substance, but a natural, normal part of everyday metabolism. It is widely distributed throughout nature in small amounts, with some of the best sources are fruits, berries, mushrooms, lettuce, hardwoods, and corncobs.

As an additive, xylitol is most commonly used in chewing gum, but is also found in many dental and pharmaceutical products, some of which include xylitol for its medicinal properties. However, increasingly it is being used as a general sweetener for food and drink. As well as being used as an additive by manufacturers, it can be bought in large amounts in the same way as sucrose (sugar) and is being used domestically for baking or to sweeten food and drink.

Xylitol is Safe and Convenient

In the amounts clinically proven to provide amazing oral health benefits (less than 15 grams per day), it is safe for everyone, and can be conveniently delivered to your teeth via chewing gum, tablets, toothpaste, mouthwash, or even candy. You can implement your xylitol program anywhere, anytime. It fits right in with the most frantic schedules. If chewing is uncomfortable, xylitol mints or candies can also stimulate saliva, the natural tooth protector. You don't need to change your normal routine to make room for xylitol.

Xylitol is Enjoyable

Some health regimens require iron willpower, discipline, and commitment. But because it tastes so good it becomes automatic. Even children love it, so there is no need to constantly remind them to take it.

How to Use Xylitol

The key to getting the greatest benefit from xylitol is to use it consistently and often, so it stays in contact with your teeth, mouth and nasal passages. Look for products that use xylitol as the principal or only sweetener, and products that encourage chewing or sucking to keep it in contact with your teeth are best.

How much xylitol should I use?

Studies show that 4 to 5 daily appliations of xylitol per day are very effective. Many of the studies have shown that it is important that it be the major or only sweetener in the products because the addition of other sweeteners often reduces the effectiveness of xylitol.

How often should I use xylitol?

If used only occasionally or as little as just once a day, the results may NOT be as effective, regardless of the amount. Therefore it is best to use at least three, and preferably 5 times every day.

When should I use xylitol?

Use immediately after eating or snacking. If xylitol is the only sugar remaining in the mouth, most bacteria cannot metabolize it and will not be able to make the acids or biofilm that can attack teeth.

If you have more questions about how to use any of our products, please contact Us.

More about Xylitol

Xylitol is located at 11 The Sidings, Pier Road, E16 2FH London, United Kingdom
0207 4734510