
About Ya'Seen

Naats & Nasheeds, Singer / Songwriter / Producer / Faith Inspired Music



Salaams all.. hope you're all good and well Insha Allah. I'll be on 'Living the life' programme on Islam Channel (Sky 727) tomorrow 30th October at approx 7pm. This will be a live show and will be promoting the new and upcoming releases Insha Allah. Please tune in..


My late Father Ustadh Sufi Muhammed Yasin takes listeners on a journey by explaining the mystical & beloved name of the Prophet Muhammed (Salawatullah Wasalaamu Aley)
Recorded approximately in the late 80s, This is Part 1 of 3 sections.
Please share and read Al Fatiha for my beacon and teacher who was arguably the first Naat Khwaan to bless the United Kingdom. A true and genuine Aashiq Al Rasool. May Allah shower his abundant mercy on him.


In the zone, you gotta feel the vibes, not just imagine it.


La ilaha ilallah (Dhikr Sessions)
The Arabic phrase lā ilāha illā allāh is one of major pillars of the Muslim faith, Testifying to the oneness of God.
lā ilāha illā allāh (None has the right to be worshipped except God) has been recited approximately 100 times in this nasheed.
... Light on the tongue, heavy on the scales.
Download it here - https://soundcloud.com/saj…/la-ilaaha-i lallah-dhikr-sessions
Jzk khair for listening and please share.
See More


Asalaamu Aleykum. Here is a download link for part one of the qasida burdah.
#qasida #burda #sajjadyaseen #mawlaya
https://soundcloud.com/sajjadyaseen/qasid a-burda-muhammadiya


This is part one of the Qaseeda Muhammadiya written by the exceptional poet Imam Sharaf Ad-Din Al Busiri. Hope you like it.
#qasida #burda #sajjadyaseen #mawlaya


Asalaamu Aleykum everyone. This Nasheed is based around the character of Mustafa Muhammed (S) Hope you enjoy it.


Slms everyone. Here is the Nasheed 'Beautiful Smile'. A poem written and performed by me that describes the Khuluq and Khalaq (internal and external attributes) of Mustafa Muhammed (S). Please listen. Hope you enjoy!
#beautifulsmile #sajjadyaseen #anasheed #nasheed
Jzk Khair


You are the Sun, You are the Moon. You are light upon light.You are Gold and even more priceless. You are The Light Of Our hearts. #Yanabeesalaamaleyka #salawat #sajjadyaseen


Unplugged Live Azam Chisti Naat. Mujh Khata Kar Sa.

More about Ya'Seen
