Year Here

About Year Here

Social innovation course in London. A year to test and build solutions to some of society's toughest problems.

Year Here Description

Social innovation course in London. A year to test and build solutions to some of society's toughest problems.



"England must launch the biggest council and social house building drive in its history to rescue millions of people from a future in dangerous, overcrowded or unsuitable homes, a cross-party commission has told the government."


Zahra Davidson was one of our first team members and the architect of Year Here's brand. She went on to found the brilliant Enrol Yourself.
Take a look at the video below and maybe 2019 is the year that you take the reins of your own learning.


It's not too late to add some more to your list...


Many of our politicians and journalists would have us believe the opposite but these are the facts.


Befriending programmes like North London Cares or Goodgym? New models of co-living? Intergenerational solutions like our own In Common? Robots?
There's widespread agreement that Britain faces a loneliness epidemic. How we solve it is up to us...


It ain't all bad.


Crowdbacker is your opportunity to support the newest crop of social ventures from Year Here - with connections, advice, social media love or cash money.
In case you haven't heard our big news yet, our compere on the evening will be TV personality George Lamb. We'll be announcing the ventures pitching this week, so watch this space!
Grab your ticket here 🎟 >>


Earlier this year we lost our friend Kevin Chang.
Tomorrow, at the graduation of our 2018 Fellows, we launch the Kevin Chang Award. As a Fellow on Year Here, Kevin was his own man: a computer engineer with a passion for art and design; a marxist; a wearer of exceptional shirts. These days, 'be yourself' is such an overused adage that it's been rendered meaningless but Kevin could not have been more himself if he tried. So, the Kevin Chang Award will be awarded to a Fellow who... demonstrates authentic leadership.
Authentic leadership demands deep self-awareness and the courage to stick to your own course. Staying authentic can be difficult in a world full of contradiction and division. For us, authentic leadership means being comfortable in your own skin and embracing your uniqueness, rather than relying on the validation of others; it means having clarity of purpose in every thing you do; and it means sticking to your principles even when the world pulls you in the opposite direction.
Kev might be gone but we're determined to make sure that his spirit is not forgotten. . 📸:
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Earlier this year we lost our friend Kevin Chang.
Tomorrow, at the graduation of our 2018 Fellows, we launch the Kevin Chang Award. As a Fellow on Year Here, Kevin was his own man: a computer engineer with a passion for art and design; a marxist; a wearer of exceptional shirts. These days, 'be yourself' is such an overused adage that it's been rendered meaningless but Kevin could not have been more himself if he tried. So, the Kevin Chang Award will be awarded to a Fellow who... demonstrates authentic leadership.
Authentic leadership demands deep self-awareness and the courage to stick to your own course. Staying authentic can be difficult in a world full of contradiction and division. For us, authentic leadership means being comfortable in your own skin and embracing your uniqueness, rather than relying on the validation of others; it means having clarity of purpose in every thing you do; and it means sticking to your principles even when the world pulls you in the opposite direction.
Kev might be gone but we're determined to make sure that his spirit is not forgotten.
📸: Benoît G.A. Photography
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Described as "a grassroots movement resisting the youth violence which has devastated the capital this year", the efficacy and importance of Cracked It is one thing that Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn agree on.


Remember what January feels like?
Brighten it up by helping birth a new raft of ventures aimed at putting a serious dent in inequality in Britain.
Crowdbacker // 15/1/18 // Liverpool Street, LDN // £10 donation.


Featuring our alumni Juta Shoes and long-time pals Toast Ale, get some Christmas gift inspiration without harming people + planet.


50 inspiring women in tech, featuring our own Mursal Hedayat. 😍😍😍


Build something that matters in 2019. Apply by midnight 2/12/18.


We've awarded half of our 2019 Fellowships.
But there's still time.
🕛 Sunday.


Congrats to our partners Orbit Housing (alongside Clarion Housing, Peabody and L&Q) for launching this new fund to boost social enterprise growth across the UK.
Early this year, Orbit commissioned us to explore why more social enterprises weren't accessing housing sector supply chains and the result – Supply Change – is now an independent social enterprise run by our alumni.


We've got a Year Here exclusive for you: the 24 hour challenge is back!
Get a hint of what's to come with a throwback to 2015's Breaking Bread.
Bringing together residents from Canary Wharf and Poplar, the last challenge was all about building bridges between seemingly disparate communities.


Having known Emmanuel for three years, we are over the moon that he's moved out of temporary housing and into his first flat.
In a YH venture collaboration, Emmanuel built up a housing deposit by volunteering with Fat Macy's – and he's now receiving 1:1 support from Settle to make a success of his new place.


“This is the world as it is. This is where you start.” – Saul Alinsky
Alinsky’s words speak to the heart of Year Here.
This film profiles four Londoners bearing the brunt of inequality in its varying manifestations.


Year Here are tenants here at Bootstrap and as well as delivering a thoughtful and thought provoking programme, they are also a great bunch of people to have here on Ashwin Street.


Way more than just a "course in social innovation" and so difficult to sum up. Yeah, I learned a lot about innovation and social change but most importantly, for me, I learned about the potential I have to lead change myself.


This is an amazing educational model that empowers changemakers to address social challenges for the greater good of the humanity


This course has been fantastic, I seriously recommend it to anyone interested in tackling inequality in the UK


There's no question that being a Year Here Fellow is one of the best experiences I've ever had. Incredible to have spent a year developing projects on the frontline and launching my own venture to address the social issues closest to my heart. The best bit: being able to do all that alongside some of the most warm, inspiring and supportive people - Year Here Fellows, staff and faculty - who I'm so lucky and proud to know.


So I may be a bit biased as I teach on this programme, but truly I think there is no training like it if you want to shake things up for the better in our unfair Isle.


One of the best opportunities and experiences I've ever been through. Every gleaming detail thought through and delivered with intention and impact, allowing the fellows to achieve things they never thought possible. An amazing leadership programme and personal development journey!


One of the best experiences I've ever had, Year Here gives you opportunities that you can't find anywhere else!


It’s hard to sum up Year Here with a one liner. There are so many different dimensions to it – and so many skills it squeezes out of you. If you aren’t satisfied with the job you’re doing (or that your friends are doing), have a think about it. I came to Year Here because I wanted to do something I’d care about doing, and I wanted to figure out what that could be. I did it, and I’m still doing it.


Interested in tackling inequality in the UK? Year Here provides you with the tools, network and insights that might just help you make a real difference.


Genuinely transformative experience with fantastic people


Exceptional programme made by exceptional people. Hands down one of the best things I’ve done.


An insightful, mind bending & overwhelmingly magical programme. Recommended in the highest regard.


An amazing opportunity to learn what you’re capable of doing - take on new challenges, meet an incredible network of people, and find out how to make a career out of making a difference


Absolutely loved every day of Year Here. I learn't so much about the social issues that are facing us in the UK and how I could contribute towards solving them. The best thing I ever did!


A thoughtful, compassionate, interested and game-changing organisation improving by the day, taking bright grads and instilling them with the tangible and intangible skills required to effect social change. Social placement, consultancy, incubator and bootcamp rolled into one blossoming community.

More about Year Here

Year Here is located at 18 London Lane, E8 3PR London, United Kingdom