Yorkshire Smokefree

Monday: 08:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 20:00
Friday: 08:30 - 16:30
Saturday: 08:30 - 16:30
Sunday: -

About Yorkshire Smokefree

Yorkshire Smokefree provides expert NHS advice and support for anyone who wants to stop smoking. So when you're ready to quit, we're ready to help.

Yorkshire Smokefree Description

Yorkshire Smokefree provides expert NHS advice and support for anyone who wants to stop smoking. So when you're ready to quit, we're ready to help. Our friendly experts will help you find the best way to quit and provide support throughout your journey, so you're smoke-free in no time.

We offer a range of resources to suit your needs and ensure you're smoke-free as soon as possible.

We offer resources online at www. yorkshiresmokefree. nhs. uk, on the phone 0800 612 0011 / 0330 660 6611 or at one of our clinics around South and West Yorkshire.

We understand that everyone's reason to quite smoking is different, and we're not here to judge, just to help you.

Yorkshire Smokefree is run by South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. We invite you to give your feedback about your experience of using Yorkshire Smokefree. Feedback is important to us as it helps us to improve the services we offer. To offer feedback please email customer. servicesSWYT@nhs.net or call 0800 587 2108



From Nictoine Replacement Therapy presctiptions, to group sessions and 1-1 support, here at Yorkshire Smokefree we offer a range of services to help you quit for good 😁
So, what are you waiting for? Request a callback from one of our trained advisors today! 👇


Craving a cigarette this morning?
Why not gather up the kids and take the dog for a walk, stretch your legs and breathe in that lovely fresh air? The feeling will pass!


When you're out and about this weekend, try not to fall off the wagon.
Keep reminding yourself why you're doing this!


Children of smokers are up to four times more likely to get heart disease later in life ❤️
Do you think it's worth it?


Each time you burn a cigarette, over 7,000 chemicals are created, 69 of which are known to cause cancer.
From benzene, found in cement and gasoline, to arsenic, which is used in rat poison, there are so many chemicals in cigarettes that when found elsewhere, come with warning labels.
If you could see what you were putting into your body, would you stop?
... www.yorkshiresmokefree.nhs.uk
See More


Did you know...💭
Smokers with existing diabetes have a higher risk of developing serious health conditions, such as kidney & heart disease.
Quit right now with the help of Yorkshire Smokefree!
... www.yorkshiresmokefree.nhs.uk
See More


If you worked out how many cigarettes you've not smoked since you quit, we think you'd be amazed 😱


What do you think? Would you press the buzzer? 🚨


Increased popularity in vaping has not encouraged more teenagers to take up smoking tobacco cigarettes, a new study has found.


Did you know...💭
Scientists believe around half (54%) of all bowel cancers could be prevented by having a healthier lifestyle, and an estimated 7% of bowel cancer cases in the UK are linked to tobacco smoking.
Don't take the risk - quit now.


You've quit, so what happens next?
For many, when the initial feeling of achievement wears off, it can be hard to stay 100% smoke-free. These useful tips will help you stay right on track!
www.nhs.uk/smokefree/why-quit/quit-smokin g-tips


In a recent poll, you told us overwhelmingly that ALCOHOL increases your cravings for a cigarette.
How do you successfully combat this when you're out drinking?
Do you have any tips or tricks to share with others?


Whether you quit entirely now, slow down or even stop then start again, simply taking those first few steps is amazing!
Get in contact with us now for support:
☎️ 0800 612 0011 (FREE from landlines)... 📱 0330 660 1166 (FREE from most mobiles)
See More


The NHS has announced plans to ask all pregnant women to take a smoking test in an effort to reduce the number of stillbirths and will now routinely screen all pregnant women at 12 and 36 weeks.


Struggling with staying off the cigarettes today?
Remind yourself who you're quitting for! 🚭


Meet the advisor - Introducing Dan!
Dan has successfully helped 157 Sheffield people become smoke-free for good.
Thanks for all your hard work!


Wonder why your cold seems to last forever? Or why your wounds take ages to heal?
Not only does smoking cause cancer, heart and lung problems, but it can also weaken your immune system, too, making it harder for you to fight off illnesses.
The toxins and tar in cigarette smoke destroy antibodies in your blood, leaving you more vulnerable to infections and illnesses.
... Is it worth it?
See More


Whether you've been smoking for 5 or 50 years, it's never too late to make a difference to your health!
Quit today with the help of Yorkshire Smokefree 👍🏻
☎️ 0800 612 0011 (landlines) or 0330 660 1166 (most mobiles)... 🌎 www.yorkshiresmokefree.nhs.uk/pages/callb ack-request
See More


Public Health England has published new guidance on tackling ill health caused by smoking and drinking.
It aims to identify inpatients who may be offered interventions to help them stop smoking or to reduce the amount of alcohol they consume.
Find out more now!


where do I start . firstly thanks to the staff in Sheffield who helped me give up smoking. now my story is I was diagnosed just before Christmas 2016 with lung cancer. having smoked since I was 16 years old I'm now 62 years .as you can see I have smoked for 46 years .in January this year I was told that I could have a operation to remove a lobe of the left lung .this made my mind up to give up smoking

on route to one of my hospital appointments I approached the Yorkshire smokefree in Sheffield .and they suggested some ways to give up . so I tried and have given up now for 10 weeks now .THANKS TO YORKSHIRE SMOKEFREE


Well I am just coming up to 3 weeks smoke free after nearly 30 years of smoking. The help and telephone support I've had is absolutely amazing. It is a lot easier than I ever thought possible, it just shows not to try giving up until YOU want to and your ready. Thank you


Very friendly, professional and understanding people working there. I can definitely recommend. I've stopped, so you can as well!


Stopped smoking 11 week ago using champix couldn't have done it without the support at my cessation class the support and advice is great I'm doing ok apart from my mouth is watering all the time it is really annoying had anyone else had this


Loved it was on champix to start with was told that they might be side affects I never had any side affects with them after about six to eight weeks hkt forgetting to take them

Couple of weeks ago went out with a load of friends for a annual Saturday trip the last time I quit smoking this trip stared me again not this time sailed through it

The advice and encouragement I received from Yorkshire Smokefree was excellent I would recommend them to all and use them if your thinking of giving up


I'm on champex I'm smoke-free almost 3 weeks!

I didn't know that is something what can help so easy be free from cigarettes! I want to tell massive thx to smokefree team!


I'm just starting my second week of being smoke free, on patches and nicorette mints. Not craving at all and finding it so easy, I was on 10-15 menthol cigarettes a day, more on weekends and smoked for probably 26 years maybe more, you can do it if I can, the support is essential and they help you all the way x


I'm in the progress of stopping it's the

start of my first day I'm loving the inhalator it's a good start for me


I have done my first week smoke free cold turkey with support from Chris my stpp smoking advicer


Hi people. Smoked for 50 years, almost 50 a day. Been hypnotised twice, waste of money and time ( also load of Bol err rubbish) tried patches, champix and inhaler. Now been smoke free almost four weeks. A chance remark by Liam made all the difference. Keep going guys if I can do it you certainly will.!!!


Fantastic support I personally have telephone support every week along with the smoke free app which is also brilliant I've been stopped now for over three weeks just using e-cig but I've also been offered a 2nd nrt from Yorkshire smoke free should I need it

I'm doing really well but one thing I will say is that apart from the support and replacement therapy is that you personally have got to have the mind set to want to stop and stick to the reasons you chose to stop in the first place

Mine was to play football again and with that in mind I'm finding that having a goal is motivating me to keep going I'm 47 and been smoking since I was 13

Hope this helps other people

And lastly a big thank you to Yorkshire smokefree �


Fantastic been off cigs for 4 weeks on the 14th dec. feeling good :-)


Fajcenie velmy skodi ...cim skor z tim prestanete tim lebsie pre vas ! Usetrite si zdravie !


its a great service

More about Yorkshire Smokefree

Monday: 08:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 20:00
Friday: 08:30 - 16:30
Saturday: 08:30 - 16:30
Sunday: -