Your Nutritional Blueprint

Monday: 12:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 20:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Your Nutritional Blueprint

Everyone is increasingly bewildered by the simple question "what to eat for optimal health"
My goal is to help you create your own personalised nutrition profile.

Your Nutritional Blueprint Description

I am a nutrition coach.

Working with Precision Nutrition, the worlds largest private nutrition coaching company.

I am accredited to deliver their award winning nutrition and coaching programs.

Using habits and daily lessons, we create a blueprint for you to expand your current nutritional requirements guiding you through what works and what doesn't.

There is no quick fix, no magic pill or exercise routine HOWEVER there is a nutrition solution that will work for you.

I'll help you navigate the contradictions of modern nutrition.

Individual sessions plus 14-week and up to 12-month programs specifically tailored to delivery your ultimate health goal.

I have created a safe, secure place to learn about nutrition, improving eating behaviours and to meet others that have the same interests.



#justdoit✔️ 4.5k. @bandhtri #bandhtriathlon


Netflix and chill to this little beauty...
Check out “Explained” on Netflix i&trkid=(null)


How to eat for optimal health.
🥗 EAT. You know this one. Have dietary variety and balance:-
• Incorporate a variety of different foods (veg, fruit, meat, dairy and oily fish).... • Vary your carbohydrate, protein and fat sources • Avoid cutting out whole food groups
🏊‍♂️ MOVE. More more. It’s doesn’t have to be heroic effort. Just better. Be consistent. Use a tracker for motivation.
• Undertake a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise regularly to support healthy ageing, physical and mental health. Most importantly, choose a form of exercise that is enjoyable and easy to stick to!
MINDSET - why are you eating? Most of us eat to recognise any form of emotion. Stress, Joy, anger, loneliness. Learn when your body is truly hungry. Eat only when hungry.
💤 Sleep. Know that sleep plays a huge part in nutrition. Fighting that urge to get by on 6 hours because of your job or your kids is not beneficial for optimal health.
• Consistently get 7-9 hours sleep per night for adults to help with appetite control and metabolic health • Learn how to create a sleep ritual and get the benefit of those extra 💤
📆 Behaviours. Create positive behaviours that lead to your goal. Instead of cutting out foods you enjoy, teach yourself how to eat them in smaller portions and less often. Much easier to implement. You’ll feel the benefits much more quickly rather than punishing yourself to achieve a always changing goal.
Beware of current Government Guidelines! Many of the World’s government guidelines focus on ‘food groups’ rather than the importance of Calories and dietary adequacy. For instance, nutritious high fat foods such as cheese, olive oil and red meat are often grouped with processed foods that are high in refined sugars & fats, and considered ‘bad’ for you. This has lead to a misrepresentation of fat and can influence people’s decisions to choose low fat products which can often be higher in sugar and significantly less nutritious.
Pick a new habit and trial it for a week. Then practice another. Over time you can hugely improve your nutrition and lifestyle with out fad diets.
Give it a go. Let us know what you think.
if you need more examples please let us know.
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If you have more than a passing interest in sport, nutrition and professional cycling this makes a fantastic read.
Chris Froome and Team Sky share his data from the Giro specifically how they manipulated his diet to ensure he was losing weight at the exact right time to make a difference to his cycling without affecting his performance and recovery.
Fantastically precise and amazing to behold.
... Something for the rest of us to wonder in amazement. 122
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Proud to announce a new string to my bow and an additional service in our portfolio of weight loss support for clients.
I am now trained to use Harpenden skin-fold callipers as a way of accurately measuring body fat reduction.
The skinfold measurement test is one of the oldest and still most common methods of determining a person's body composition.
... Whilst we don’t recommend our clients get too bogged down in exact body fat percentages this test estimates by measuring skinfold thickness at specific locations on the body. The thickness of these folds is a measure of the fat under the skin, also called subcutaneous adipose tissue.
The best value technique on the market.
If your goal is fat-loss and would like an accurate set of readings to work with an hour session is all that is required to obtain the measurements.
Cheaper than a DEXA bodyscan and more accurate than a BodPod.
More motivating than measuring body weight on the scales and more comprehensive than simple tape measurements.
Now as an additional service at our Brighton and Hove clinic.
First 3 women and 3 men to contact me will receive theirs free of charge.
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Learning day with #macnutritionuni. Body composition analysis and how to tell a great anecdote with @martinnutrition.


Triathlon training week one of 12. #goals. #Bandhtriathlon.
Nice little midweek session.


Not a bad first days training. #bandhtriathlon @bandhtriathlon




12 week training plan starts now. Eek!! 🏊‍♂️🚴‍♂️⛹️‍♂️ 🥇
#triathlontraining #weightlossmotivation


Lush Quinoa, Brocoli and apple salad tonight to accompany some #keta #wildsalmon.
I was inspired by @dr_jenna_macciochi as I saw this on her story today and then spotted it by accident in @sainsburys.
Fantastic dinner with a full spectrum of macros, nutrients and flavours.
... It’s all about the balance baby!!
Recipe on this link…/Quinoa%2C%20P omegranate%20and%20a…
#caloriesincaloriesout #evidencebasedpractice
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For all my Brighton & Hove peeps, how about a raw Vegan pop-up at the Pelirocco with our friend Caroline Ospalla?? Please share...


Homemade Asian Fish Burgers from the Diabetic Muscle & Fitness cookbook for tea tonight.
So simple to make. Cod, red curry paste, spring onions and some corn flour and squeezed lime. Blended and moulded into a patty shape.
15 mins in the oven. Tasty burgers with some lovely green veggies.
... Recipe in their new book. Download their free taster e-book and it’s in there.
Nice and easy. Lime squeezy.
First one done. Will attempt more. a-lean-cookbook/
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BBC’s “The truth about carbs”.
Meh. And we wonder why the country is in turmoil if this is the rubbish they are pumping out on on prime time tv.
Avoid at all costs....
... TV shows featuring personality “Doctors” giving out nutrition information is getting beyond ridiculous. Almost dangerous...
At least Gillian McKeith wasn’t really a real doctor. These people the BBC are putting out there are supposed to be genuine.
Just wow. /episodes/player
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Fed up of your vegan friend telling you dairy is bad and thats its only good for fattening baby cows?
Bored of your "Whats the Health" pal telling you its evil, the cause of obesity and diabetes and we shouldn't consume it ever....
Well....Here's a paper just published online today...a meta-analysis showing higher dairy consumption is associated with lower risk of metabolic syndrome.
... Thats a good thing.
Total dairy food consumption was associated with lower risk of MetS components, such as hyperglycaemia, elevated blood pressure, hypertriacylglycerolaemia (too much fat in the blood) and low HDL- cholesterol.
A one-serving/d increment of milk was related to a 12 % lower risk of abdominal obesity, and a one-serving/d increment of yogurt was associated with a 16 % lower risk of hyperglycaemia.
Got milk? Get milk!!…/D18A251A57F 4651558BCD93ECEAFEC04
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If you see this article this week, skip past it. Utter BS. Sorry Guardian you’ve cherrry picked the wrong data for your “feature”.…/are-you-e ating-too-much-prote…


If you are, or know someone who is expecting and live in Brighton & Hove......please share....


Egg pizza.
Sliceable ✅ Yummy topping ✅ Healthy ✅✅... Low carb ✅✅✅ Low calorie ✅ Quick to make ✅✅✅
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On Tuesday and Thursdays I choose to Intermittent Fast for up to 18 hours.
I do this to help learn my hunger signals and give my digestion a break.
Is it worthwhile pursuit for weight-loss?
... Yes!!
Is it magic?
No matter what the ridiculous claims of some popular diet authors are.
What is Intermittent fasting?
IF is the process of fasting and having your daily food intake in a smaller window of time. There is no 'exact' time period for this, but popular methods include fasting for 16 hours a day and eating during the remaining 8. (This is my preferred method) . Personal preference and daily activities will dictate your own 'window'.
IF can help weight loss but only if it helps me to adhere to calorie restriction.
Ie if skipping breakfast helps me to reduce my calories then I WILL lose weight. I just have to be careful I don’t overeat to compensate skipping a meal. (Which can be all to easy)
Awareness - Mindfulness - Self Improvement.
Im using @ancientandbrave coffee and collagen blend to help boost my energy levels and concentration during my fast. I have it for breakfast with some milk and warmed butter to add in some calories. Helps to takes my mind of being hungry. You dont need butter or coconut oil or even MCT, but being diabetic it helps get my blood glucose levels down in the morning.
Have you ever tried Fasting?
Let us know your thoughts on how it worked (or didn't) for you!!
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The albatross trawler off to sea for another fishing trip. Watch out scallops!! They’ll be after you. Fascinated to know this boat might have been built in 1907 (according to the interwebz)


With James as your guide you can't go wrong following this programme, and if you do his simple but caring no nonsense approach will allow you to shed the guilt and blame and get right back on track. For anyone who feels overwhelmed by all the contradictory and complicated nutrition advice out there, this programme is going to make you feel very happy and motivated.


This is a really simple, yet effective programme. Through the power of making tiny changes, over a number of weeks, you suddenly realise that you're making healthy nutrition choices as second nature. From something as simple as portion sizing, to the psychology behind why we make certain decisions with our food choices, this programme is informative, eye-opening and game-changing. James is a very supportive coach, always available to offer advice and tasty new recipes to try!


Nutritional Blueprint has changed the way I eat without setting lots of rules about what I eat. It isn't a diet, it is an educational system which makes you think about what, when and how you are eating. It will change your way of life for the long term rather than being a short term fix. I have only been following the programme for 9 weeks so far, but it has made a massive difference already. I highly recommend this programme if you want to change your relationship with food and to improve your health and lose weight.


James, Thanks so much for your support and guidance throughout the programme, I’ve lost more weight than I thought imaginable. I’m a busy individual (part of the reason that I was carrying a few too many pounds), therefore the format was ideal for me. I quickly got into the routine of listening to the quick and easy lessons on my way to work, which were a breeze as the longest lesson was 8 minutes from memory, and then read the transcript as a refresher when I got home. The weekly habits were intuitive, were not onerous and progressed at a steady pace. I must admit that I was expecting it to take over my life and that I would have to invest a huge amount of time that I don’t have, but how wrong was I! I was able to use each habit as a building block and had plenty of time to imbed each one before moving to the next. The regular calls and emails were really reassuring, and the additional advice regarding my diabetes was much appreciated. Not only have I lost a considerable amount of weight, but my blood sugars are dramatically lower to such an extent that I’m not required to see my diabetic nurse for another six months. Thanks again, who thought getting fit would actually be fun and rewarding! James Tayler


James and the Nutritional Blueprint Programme has transformed my life. Not only has the diet meant it has reduced my stomach problems but it has been a lifestyle change. I have noticed all the foods that change my mood, have been addicted too and it has revolutionised the way I think about foods and the internal reaction to my body.


I am thoroughly enjoying my 'lessons' and habits, the information is given to you in a simple, yet effective manor, on a daily basis, so you aren't overwhelmed, and it is very informative and so it sticks with you.

I really recommend this course to anyone looking to change their way of eating as opposed to being told what to eat and when (which seldom works in my opinion!)


Getting consistently good nutritious food into a family of 5 can be challenging particularly when you have to cater for fussy children, a particular training regime for one person and a FODMAPS diet for another! James showed me that with a bit of forward planning and some consistent habits you can get great results. All of my goals have felt achievable and realistic and I don't beat myself up any more so my relationship with food feels a lot easier and my energy levels are higher more often. Thank you!


Excellent service. Great information, and nicely supportive of my goals.


With James as your guide you can't go wrong following this programme, and if you do his simple but caring no nonsense approach will allow you to shed the guilt and blame and get right back on track. For anyone who feels overwhelmed by all the contradictory and complicated nutrition advice out there, this programme is going to make you feel very happy and motivated.


This is a really simple, yet effective programme. Through the power of making tiny changes, over a number of weeks, you suddenly realise that you're making healthy nutrition choices as second nature. From something as simple as portion sizing, to the psychology behind why we make certain decisions with our food choices, this programme is informative, eye-opening and game-changing. James is a very supportive coach, always available to offer advice and tasty new recipes to try!


Nutritional Blueprint has changed the way I eat without setting lots of rules about what I eat. It isn't a diet, it is an educational system which makes you think about what, when and how you are eating. It will change your way of life for the long term rather than being a short term fix. I have only been following the programme for 9 weeks so far, but it has made a massive difference already. I highly recommend this programme if you want to change your relationship with food and to improve your health and lose weight.


James, Thanks so much for your support and guidance throughout the programme, I’ve lost more weight than I thought imaginable. I’m a busy individual (part of the reason that I was carrying a few too many pounds), therefore the format was ideal for me. I quickly got into the routine of listening to the quick and easy lessons on my way to work, which were a breeze as the longest lesson was 8 minutes from memory, and then read the transcript as a refresher when I got home. The weekly habits were intuitive, were not onerous and progressed at a steady pace. I must admit that I was expecting it to take over my life and that I would have to invest a huge amount of time that I don’t have, but how wrong was I! I was able to use each habit as a building block and had plenty of time to imbed each one before moving to the next. The regular calls and emails were really reassuring, and the additional advice regarding my diabetes was much appreciated. Not only have I lost a considerable amount of weight, but my blood sugars are dramatically lower to such an extent that I’m not required to see my diabetic nurse for another six months. Thanks again, who thought getting fit would actually be fun and rewarding! James Tayler


James and the Nutritional Blueprint Programme has transformed my life. Not only has the diet meant it has reduced my stomach problems but it has been a lifestyle change. I have noticed all the foods that change my mood, have been addicted too and it has revolutionised the way I think about foods and the internal reaction to my body.


I am thoroughly enjoying my 'lessons' and habits, the information is given to you in a simple, yet effective manor, on a daily basis, so you aren't overwhelmed, and it is very informative and so it sticks with you.

I really recommend this course to anyone looking to change their way of eating as opposed to being told what to eat and when (which seldom works in my opinion!)


Getting consistently good nutritious food into a family of 5 can be challenging particularly when you have to cater for fussy children, a particular training regime for one person and a FODMAPS diet for another! James showed me that with a bit of forward planning and some consistent habits you can get great results. All of my goals have felt achievable and realistic and I don't beat myself up any more so my relationship with food feels a lot easier and my energy levels are higher more often. Thank you!


Excellent service. Great information, and nicely supportive of my goals.


With James as your guide you can't go wrong following this programme, and if you do his simple but caring no nonsense approach will allow you to shed the guilt and blame and get right back on track. For anyone who feels overwhelmed by all the contradictory and complicated nutrition advice out there, this programme is going to make you feel very happy and motivated.


This is a really simple, yet effective programme. Through the power of making tiny changes, over a number of weeks, you suddenly realise that you're making healthy nutrition choices as second nature. From something as simple as portion sizing, to the psychology behind why we make certain decisions with our food choices, this programme is informative, eye-opening and game-changing. James is a very supportive coach, always available to offer advice and tasty new recipes to try!


Nutritional Blueprint has changed the way I eat without setting lots of rules about what I eat. It isn't a diet, it is an educational system which makes you think about what, when and how you are eating. It will change your way of life for the long term rather than being a short term fix. I have only been following the programme for 9 weeks so far, but it has made a massive difference already. I highly recommend this programme if you want to change your relationship with food and to improve your health and lose weight.


James, Thanks so much for your support and guidance throughout the programme, I’ve lost more weight than I thought imaginable. I’m a busy individual (part of the reason that I was carrying a few too many pounds), therefore the format was ideal for me. I quickly got into the routine of listening to the quick and easy lessons on my way to work, which were a breeze as the longest lesson was 8 minutes from memory, and then read the transcript as a refresher when I got home. The weekly habits were intuitive, were not onerous and progressed at a steady pace. I must admit that I was expecting it to take over my life and that I would have to invest a huge amount of time that I don’t have, but how wrong was I! I was able to use each habit as a building block and had plenty of time to imbed each one before moving to the next. The regular calls and emails were really reassuring, and the additional advice regarding my diabetes was much appreciated. Not only have I lost a considerable amount of weight, but my blood sugars are dramatically lower to such an extent that I’m not required to see my diabetic nurse for another six months. Thanks again, who thought getting fit would actually be fun and rewarding! James Tayler


James and the Nutritional Blueprint Programme has transformed my life. Not only has the diet meant it has reduced my stomach problems but it has been a lifestyle change. I have noticed all the foods that change my mood, have been addicted too and it has revolutionised the way I think about foods and the internal reaction to my body.


I am thoroughly enjoying my 'lessons' and habits, the information is given to you in a simple, yet effective manor, on a daily basis, so you aren't overwhelmed, and it is very informative and so it sticks with you.

I really recommend this course to anyone looking to change their way of eating as opposed to being told what to eat and when (which seldom works in my opinion!)


Getting consistently good nutritious food into a family of 5 can be challenging particularly when you have to cater for fussy children, a particular training regime for one person and a FODMAPS diet for another! James showed me that with a bit of forward planning and some consistent habits you can get great results. All of my goals have felt achievable and realistic and I don't beat myself up any more so my relationship with food feels a lot easier and my energy levels are higher more often. Thank you!


Excellent service. Great information, and nicely supportive of my goals.

More about Your Nutritional Blueprint

Your Nutritional Blueprint is located at Selborne Road, Bn33al Hove
Monday: 12:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 20:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -