Yummy Tummies

About Yummy Tummies

Yummy Tummies is dedicated to helping new mums get their bodies back in shape, improve their confidence and boost their energy levels.



The never ending strive for perfection.
I was having a conversation with one of my one to one clients yesterday. She was talking about the concept of being perfect and having the perfect body.
The concept of the 'perfect body' (whatever the hell that is) is so pushed in the media that it becomes just unattainable for the normal person in the street.
... I mean, what is perfect?
How do you know what is perfect and how do you know you have reached there.
All I focus on with all of my clients, is to focus on getting a little bit better day by day.
Instead of constantly beating yourself up about where you are today. thinking about the improvement you have made since last week, the week before...
Back to my client I was talking to yesterday.
We did a mini re-assessment on her abdominals, pelvic floor and muscles around the pelvis. And when compared to where she started, she was 1000% better.
When we first started, she had no control of her pelvic floor. The reflective loop between her pelvic floor and deep abdominals was not working at all (I will explain that one in another email). She did not have the ability to activate, let alone feel her abdominals.
And now?
She has great control over her pelvic floor muscles.
She can actually feel her abs again.
She can activate her abs and get them working in the Mummy Movement Patterns.
But, is this perfect?
No, but she is making great progress and is heaps better than she was last week.
And you?
Where are you in your post baby body? Are you making progress? Are you better than you were last week.
I can pretty much say that I'm sure that you are.
All you need to do is to get a little bit better than last week. Don't aim for perfect, after all what the hell is prefect?
If you need any help with any of this, just ask.
We have set everything that you need to improve week by week over there.
Good luck with it all!
Lyndon 'not so perfect' Littlefair
Ps. If you need help with all things postnatal, why not download our Essential Mum Guide here... https://yummytummies.lpages.co/the-guide- 2018/
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Abdominal separation.
Do we really need to focus on this 100%?
Is this the be all of postnatal rehabilitation?
... What if I told you that there are lots of other factors which are more important.
Firstly the most important factor when determining whether your abs will 'go back together' after having a baby is...
...how close together they were in the first place.
Yes, not everyone's abs (the rectus abdominus) are completely together to start with. Everyone has a set degree of separation which is either together...or not.
The best way to do this is next time athletics is on the television, have a look at the female athletes. More specifically, have a look at their abs.
The first thing you will notice is that their abdominal wall is not all the same. Some have abs that perfect touch up against the other side.
And some actually have a degree of separation to start with. These are also women with no kids.
Next, have a look at the male athletes...shock, horror...same thing.
Everyone has a degree of no, some or lots of abdominal separation to start with. This is determined by genetics.
So in this postnatal phase, why are you focussing purely on getting your abs 'back together' when you probably have no idea what degree of separation there was to start with?
MMM, good question.
Yes, closing the gap is important if you have something that you can fit two or more fingers through. But the things that you should really be focusing on are:
- Does your abdominal wall have the strength to withstand inter and intra abdominal pressure?
- Do you have enough pelvic floor and deep abdominal control?
- Can you activate your pelvic floor muscles in all movements that you do on a daily basis (Mummy Movement Patterns)?
- Do you have enough pelvic floor control to not pee your pants when sneezing?
- Can you stabilise your pelvis enough to perform all of the activities that you want to do on a daily basis?
Do you see where I am coming from now?
Yes, decreasing the gap between your rectus abdominus is important, especially when decreasing the risk of hernias. However, there needs to be a big focus on improving overall function of the abdominals...
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Whenever I hear people talking about postnatal recovery, a lot of what they talk about is just surviving through the day. Or in most cases the night.
They think that recovery is just about being up and about and looking after the little one.
But what if someone was to tell you that postnatal recovery is not just about surviving.
... It is not just about getting through the day to get that first glass of wine into you.
It is more about thriving at this bloody tough time and getting yourself fit, strong and healthy enough to take on anything.
Postnatal recovery is not just about doing a few exercises to get your stomach flat or bring the separation back together. That is a topic for another post...
It is developing a strategy to boost those energy levels, exercise in the correct way that doesn't mess up your abdominals or pelvis and look at ways at prioritising and maximising your sleep even when you are getting very little.
What you are eating right now has a massive influence or how much energy you have. When you are knackered you will naturally reach for any sugar containing substance. Your body just needs something to 'pick you up'.
But by planning your meals and eating you can regulate these blood sugar levels and ward off those cravings...hard but doable ( if that is such a word).
Also, by increasing the quality of your sleep by having baths full of bath salts you will improve the quality of your sleep. Bath salts contain magnesium which naturally lowers cortisol levels ( the stress hormone). The evening is naturally a time when cortisol levels should be decreasing. Unfortunately the little one has other plans on this one and tends to cause yours to rise.
An interrupted sleep pattern also tends to mess up these levels of cortisol in your body. By giving your body a little assistance via a magnesium bath you may not increase the hours that you are sleeping, but you may improve the quality... So start to look at Postnatal Recovery as a whole lifestyle approach as everything you do, think and feel has an effect on your body. #postnatalrecovery
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Sometimes you just need to move those hips. Go for it “Your Majesty”!


Mm I wonder what I am having for dinner tonight? #purplekale it doesn’t look perfect and yes some little creatures have had a little munge on it but it is #homegrown and 100% #organic What are you having for dinner tonight?


Real exercise isn’t designed to be pretty or look pretty. It is designed to get the job done. This is not the prettiest photo of me and I didn’t take 5-10 to capture the best one. I took one mid way through a tough interval session on a @wattbike . Sweaty, out of breath and lucky you can’t smell the screen. So go out and get stuff done! Don’t try to post the perfect Instagram picture. Post real life!


I want to share with you a recent article that I did for Elvie, the pelvic floor trainer. This article talks about Mummy Movement Patterns that occur on a daily basis with all new mums. It also talks you through how to integrate your pelvic floor muscles into these movement patterns.
You can check it out over here: http://bit.ly/mommove


When starting to get your body back after having a baby, you should not be looking at how hard you can train. Or how much pain you can put your body through.
It is a time for rebuilding, re-establishing your connection with muscles that haven't worked for a while. Think about building these good foundations before starting to overload your body by doing too much too soon.
Take your time and do things properly. Don't trash your body.


Spring is just around the corner...I hope. Had enough of the cold and dark now. #bringonspring #please


Half term fun at 42nd Street. #42ndstreet @ 42nd Street


It has arrived.
The day that you have been waiting for is here.
No longer do you have to wonder what to do to get your body back in shape after having a baby.
... No longer do you have to worry if the exercise that you are doing is safe for your body.
No longer do you have to wonder if you are doing everything right to get your body back.
We have done the hard work for you.
We have included everything that you need to really create more energy, create more confidence and create the body that you once had.
Club Yummy Tummies leaves no stone unturned in its effort to help you in every way possible.
By looking at every aspect of the body and all of it's system within your body itself, we have created a training and lifestyle system which gets results.
But I'm sure that you have heard every sales spiel out there. We are not big into sales spiels here. We are just big into results.
Have a look at our website and read what others say about us.
From the mums who are getting the results they always wanted.
To the leading Obstetricians that recommend us on a daily basis.
Even Tatler thinks we are pretty good. (Bragging I know, but just a little bit proud)
So check it out: http://www.yummytummies.co.uk/club-yummy- tummies-membership
Because you signed up to these emails, these is a special bonus just for you waiting for you over at the website...
So what are you waiting for. Go on. Have a look...
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Tomorrow I am excited to launch Club Yummy Tummies. Club Yummy Tummies is an online Membership site for all mums to get back in shape safely and effectively.
It is the accumulation of 26 years of helping mums to reclaim their bodies and gain the confidence they once had.
... Too many times have I seen mums prescribed exercises and recovery protocol which was just not right for their bodies. Exercises and training routines that would hurt them and limit their recovery from the stress of having a baby.
Tomorrow I aim to change this.
Tomorrow I aim to have available to all new mums a safe, effective and holistic recovery system which will change their life for the positive.
Look out tomorrow at 9am...
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Never judge every day to your best day. Some days you just want to forget about. Some days you just want to end so that you can start afresh with a new one.
What sort of day are you having today?
Is it one that you would like to forget, or is it too early to tell.
... Yesterday was a crap day for me. Tired and grumpy by the end of the day. Today will be better. Today I will be productive, calm and happy... Well that is the plan anyway.
What sort of day are you having today?
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So just what is Yummy Tummies all about?


Oh The Pressure! https://t.co/ic9DONYacl


So why do so many people place undue stress on new mums to get back in shape asap after giving birth? https://t.co/D1feSXYW7y This is not the time to beat up the body. It is a time for healing and recovery. #newmums #healing #postnatalbody #health #stopthepressure


There is just too much pressure for new mums. So how do you cope with it all...https://t.co/D1feSXYW7y #postnatal #newmum #pressure #postbaby


Sometimes you just need a bit of this! Love it @tomfordintl tomford_perfume !! https://t.co/TVnO44RG6L


Health! You don’t realise how important it is until you don’t have it anymore. #health #stayhealthy


Yummy Tummies helped me regain my strength and stability quickly, safely and painlessly after the birth of my little girl 6 months ago. Out of all the trainers I spoke to, no one understands the physiology of pregnancy and birth as well as Lyndon does! As well as the demands and needs, both physically and mentally. He made the most efficient and effective routines for me to do in whatever few moments of spare time I have through out the day, all with very scientific rigour to minimise risk and maximise results. I went from very weak core and pelvic instability to being able to run and return to my prebirth fitness routine safely, and I'm sure I'll be even stronger than before soon enough. Most of all, he is just a pleasure to work with! Thank you for all your wisdom and support!! Highly recommend.

More about Yummy Tummies

Yummy Tummies is located at Old Park Lane, W1K 1LB London, United Kingdom