
About Zahara.Fitness

Healthy living makes me so happy! Please feel free to post and share fitness and healthy food tips that can help others reach their clean living goals! X

Zahara.Fitness Description




My last spin class today! 😞 It was fully booked with me giving up my bike too!
I absolutely love teaching and doing spin - such an awesome form of cardio and stamina training, plus I know the class love squat intervals 😏
Thank you so much for all the support, sweat and giggles on a Sunday morning!
... Looking forward to postnatal training, spin, kettlebells and so much more at this space in the summer!!
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💜 BE UNASHAMEDLY HAPPY! 💜 Hello everyone! Pregnancy is teaching me a great deal about wellbeing, perspective and external influences! I know the majority of you lovely lot are of school/uni age, but pay attention, this will hopefully, still be useful! 🙄 Most common comments over the last 9 months: You look surprisingly well! You sure you should still be working out? It all goes out the window when the time comes anyway! Anything can happen...(usually said in a negative way). ...🤔 NOW, as much as this is my first pregnancy and I am in no way experienced when it comes to birth (!?), the above may be said in a meaningful way. However, the language society uses when we are faced with challenges or change can be wholly unhelpful. In fact, much of this is said in a 'mindless' way - people relay personal experiences and advice without thinking with perspective or wisdom. 💜 I don't mean to offend or come across in a righteous manner either, but all I want to say is this: MIND OVER MATTER. 👏 No matter what predicament you're in, no matter what anyone says or advises, you know your body, mind, limitations, likes and dislikes better than anyone. So trust your gut, whether it be to laugh 24/7, take time out to rest, cry, or simply be, just do what makes you happy. 🤩 A few tips: 🙏 Let go of unhelpful advice or comments and focus on your instinct. 🙏 Surround yourself with those who truly have your best interests at heart. 🙏 Be empathetic, kind and mindful of others. 🙏 Unashamedly cut out negativity. 🙏 Always hope and think the best for others 🙏 Prepare for all situations and be true to your ambitions, desires and goals: everything can work out and no matter what, YOU CAN be in control (mentally, emotionally and/or physically).
😊 Mindfulness has really changed my life and I highly encourage anyone who is still sceptical about it to give it ago, in fact your scepticism is a great reason to! 💜 Happy weekend, all! 💜
#mindfulness #pregnancy #happiness #empathy #positivethinking #control #allwillbewell🙏
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It’s been a whole year!! Thank you to everyone who has supported me with these classes! They’ve been so much fun, I’ve met the nicest and loveliest ladies and we have a great time every Monday! 😁😁😁


Thought for the week: stay away from the fridges (or drainers as @noorie_07 told me!) and surround yourself with radiators: those who ooze, warmth, smiles, laughs and sunshine on a rainy day!! Happy Sunday, everyone! Exciting news coming your way this week! Or, exciting and vain for me and just an unnecessary update for you 😂 #sunday #wellbeing #sunshine #friends #family #goodtimes


Today is #worldmentalhealthday and in the workplace and education, it’s really important to recognise that mental health does not just apply to those suffering from recognisable conditions and illnesses such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and so on. In fact, from young to old, suffering from a lack of confidence, vulnerabilities, worry and stress are often triggered by environmental and social factors. Over the past few years, I’ve learnt that the term ‘mental healt...h’ can very easily be generalised and for some of us, a bad day or a period of negativity may not necessarily require a formal intervention, rather it’s important that we are mindful of our own wellbeing and appreciate the practicalities of working and academic lives: 1. There will be times when your emails and workload are getting the better of you. When it starts to feel too much, or you recognise the overwhelming feelings of it, step away and work towards devising a routine to manage it. Ask a colleague, friend or manager for support and know it’s ok to admit feelings of stress. 2. Surround yourself with people you love, care for and who love and care for you too - in and out of work! We often let ourselves be judged and undermined in the workplace and those niggling feelings of colleagues or people who have said something to upset you (intentionally or not) can have long term effects. Take some time to acknowledge and accept how you are feeling and if you can either distance yourself from the cause of it or address it in a mindful manner. Then, remind yourself of the wonderful people who are always there to support you. After all, Human beings need social interaction! 3. You will always see and feel others are more successful, prosperous, settled, happy, wealthy and this can lead to a constant desire to want what others have, the comparison syndrome and a lack of appreciation of what you have in the present moment. Focus on yourself, know that not everyone’s vision of perfection (whatever that is) is the same and actually, the majority of us just want to live a comfortable and content life - aim for yours! Have a good day and be your kind of happy! 💛
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Let’s all JUMP into Monday with a new set of Kettlebell classes to get you feeling fit, healthy and, dare I say it, kick start the Xmas countdown on the 1st October at The Piggott School in Wargrave!!
Classes are fun, energetic, with a lovely group of ladies who come back for more every week!
I know it’s getting colder and a little darker now, but let’s try and leave work that little bit earlier, catch the earlier train and block out time in our calendars, to make time for o...urselves! It’s just as easy to fall into good habits again and I’m here to help!
We have ladies who have signed up for PT sessions, a marathon and who have said other exercise and health regimes are getting better from regular attendance - it’s all about consistency and fun, and I look forward to supporting your fitness journey too! 😁
Book now: and feel free to ask me any questions or to share this post with any lovely lady interested!
Look forward to seeing you there!
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It’s that time of the week again: time to book on to your weekly dose of Kettlebell fun!!! 😆
I’ll see you tomorrow night at 7.30pm - loving the start of the new routine this Sept!
Book on here:


Our Kettlebell classes for women kicked off to a great start last Monday! Join me and a lovely group of women to work hard, have fun and stay fit on a Monday evening at The Piggott School. I’d love to see you there!
You can book on here:


Starting a new set of classes, combining strength and cardio with kettlebells, join us on Monday September 3rd at 7.30pm, The Piggott School, Wargrave, for an awesome workout!
They say to never miss a Monday and here’s your chance to end a Monday feeling energetic, fit and fab for the week ahead!
... Classes are only £6 or £22 for the whole month! You can find more details on how to book here:
I look forward to seeing you there!
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Long post (and a bit of a rant) alert. Recently, several Instagrammers, bloggers, influencers, whatever you want to call them, have been posting about the problem with the word ‘diet’. According to the Oxford Dictionary the word, ‘diet’ means: The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats (noun). ... A special course of food to which a person restricts themselves, either to lose weight or for medical reasons (verb). Now, I’m not sure where their version or problem with the word diet originated, but according to these two definitions, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the word, concept or action. What’s wrong is the constant necessity to show the average individual, like me, that admirable food posts with a balance of protein, carbs and fats is somehow different to following a diet. It’s the same damn thing. Calling it ‘intuitive eating’, ‘mindful eating’ or ‘intelligent food choices’ etc etc is exactly the same thing as following a diet - it’s the food we eat. End of. I grew up in an age of Weight Watchers, low sugar, Atkins etc etc and I’ve tried all of them. All have their pros and cons and all depended on my lifestyle at the time. Before you listen or follow the advice of reputable health bloggers or even qualified doctors and nutritionists, just take a few moments to consider your lifestyle and whether the current trend or scientifically proven/recommended health choices are actually going to work for you. Because, if you’re anything like the 90% (there is no evidence for this stat, it’s a presumption)of normal human beings who don’t (and rightfully so) live their lives entirely through Instagram, and have everyday jobs and lives like me, ultimately, you may start your day with scrambled eggs and sourdough and end it with your grandma’s aloo-ghobi?! My words of advice? Do what works for you and don’t fall into the trap of needing to believe or ‘be’ the pictures you see on the ‘gram. They work for a few, but don’t need to work for everyone for you to be happy. End of rant. Well done for getting to the end. 😂 . . . #diet #dietplan #dietculture #blogger #wellbeing
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It’s been a LONG while since I’ve kept you all updated and done some heavy squats! It was so nice to catch up with @harry_tfnl after seeing my client this morning and as expected, he encouraged me to go heavy after a very long time! With Harry’s help, I managed 65kg after MONTHS! It’s nice to know that you never ‘lose’ it, you just have to keep trying! Sorry I’ve been MIA recently. I’ve, quite literally, been working my socks off, no time to post or even take pictures to pos...t, but you’ll be happy pleased to know (I hope), work is going well, I’ve started working with a great company and hoping to work with a few more schools too! 😬 My PT and tutoring client base is growing to the point where I’m finding it difficult to have a work-life balance (the irony!). Yet, as much as work is going well, I still have the urge to get a job for some security, routine and company! Who knows what the future holds, all I can say is to take each day as it comes, smile, spend ‘real time’ with family and friends and try your best to reflect on the good things - it’s what keeps us all going! Happy hump day, all! . . . #squats #tfnl #65kg #personaltraining #wellbeing #fitness #blogger #wellbeingconsultant #humpday #wednesday #dowhatmakesyouhappy
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Don’t forget to book on to Kettlercise for tomorrow! Lots of fun in the sun!
Book here:


Hi everyone! Join us on Monday for a brand new set of classes, new routine and new moves in Kettlercise: Rep Rage!
Over the summer, classes are £6 or you can book on for 6 weeks for only £30 - that’s just £5 a class!
7.30pm @ The Piggott School in Wargrave. See you there!
... Book here:
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I love teaching my Kettlercise classes!! Come and join us tomorrow for the last session of Prometheus! There are still a few spaces left, give it a try in time for the summer!
730pm at The Piggott School in Wargrave!
... See you there!! Xx
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Loads of fun in the sun today! Kettlebells, water and your 😎 are all you need! SMASHED IT!
Legs feeling a little jelly-like right about now?!


KETTLERCISE IS BACK ON MONDAY! Join me and a lovely group of women for a resistance and cardio based kettlebell workout! Last couple of weeks on PROMETHEUS and it most certainly works up a sweat!
Look forward to seeing you at 730pm on Monday at The Piggott School in Wargrave!
Book here:


Come and join us at The Piggott School for an awesome way to sweat out Monday. Still a few spaces left and the last couple of weeks of Prometheus before the launch of new classes over the summer! 😁
Book on here:


CHECKING OUT...! It’s been an exciting, overwhelming, opportunity and fear filled 6 months and I’ve managed to achieve more than I thought I ever could! However, whilst working pretty much 24/7, I’ve developed a constant need to be ‘switched on’. I’ve been told my favourite phrase is now ‘I don’t know’ as I’m constantly doing and not necessarily reflecting or matter how many journals, mindfulness or gym sessions we do, sometimes we just need a good old holiday?...! I’ll be switching off as much as I can, not posting or sharing very much if anything at all, because we all need to just enjoy the moment as opposed to thinking of the next best ‘shot’. I’m taking some of my work with me, but I won’t let it take up more than 10% of my days this week! Getting ready for holiday has most certainly been a challenge this time round: Working towards the launch of 2 websites; Finishing off proposals; Organising meetings and bookings; Working with my clients; And marking, so far, 200 exams...only just over 1000 or something to go?! I’m not sharing this to show you everything I do, it is to share reality: we all have exceptionally busy times along with some downtime. We all have days we want to work and days we just cannot be bothered. We all have days when we think, ‘is it all worth it?’ The reality is, we all work damn hard and therefore, take that that holiday, day off or moment for yourself from time to time. There is plenty of time to be successful, work and ‘do’. However, we often let our time ‘to be’ just escape. For once, I’m taking my own advice, zoning out and (trying to) shutting out all of the ‘noise’ we are constantly surrounded by.
Have a wonderful week and I’ll see you soon! 😁 . . . . #sunday #holiday #happy #relax #investinyourself #worklifebalance #wellbeing #practicewhatyoupreach #downtime
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STARTING AGAIN...! I remember when I managed to squat 75kg with @stubo_9 and @darylw123 and now I’m struggling at 45kg 😱 But, it’s ok! It’s been a mental first half of the year and of all people, I know I can do it again 😊. At the gym last night with loads of familiar faces including @harry_tfnl and @hayleyyyyxx which is always motivating! I’ll get there! . . An overwhelming and mental day of work ahead and I’ll probably be working on the plane tomorrow - but, it’s ok, becaus...e I’ll be somewhere hot and relaxing very, very soon!!! . . . #squats #legs #strongnotskinny #motivation #worklifebalance #workhardplayhard #gettingthere #healthy #personaltraining #happysaturday
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Zahara is very motivating, encouraging , inspiring and supportive. She gets the best out of every one. Love the kettlecise classes xxx

More about Zahara.Fitness

Zahara.Fitness is located at Wokingham, Reading and surrounding areas, England, Wokingham