Zeenat Ahmed-Peto Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Zeenat Ahmed-Peto Cognitive Hypnotherapy

I am a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and I help people make their lives the best they can be. I teach relaxation & Hypnobirthing and work therapeutically with both adults and children. Get in touch today to achieve lasting change, easily in London and online.

Zeenat Ahmed-Peto Cognitive Hypnotherapy Description

Achieve lasting change, easily with Zeenat in Winchmore Hill, Enfield and on Skype and live the life you want.

I work with my clients in a quick, safe and effective way to help free from old habits, addictions and ways of thinking and behaving. I also help my clients get more of what they want out of life, helping them live the life they want.

I can help you with a variety of issues including anxiety, relationships, confidence, weight loss, stopping smoking, phobias, compulsions and pain control. I teach Hypnobirthing, run relaxation and meditation classes and work therapeutically with children.

I specialise in working with people with a chronic illness, auto-immune disease or chronic pain, who are ready to move forward and want to make the best of their lives.
My personal website is www. zeenatahmedpeto.com

The website of the clinic I work from is: http://winchmore-osteopaths. co. uk /

If you would like to find out how I can help you, please get in touch for an informal chat.



NATURE Today was the first time in a while that I haven't managed to spend anytime outside. Although I had an enjoyable and productive day, by the evening, I ended up with a banging headache. Too much screen time, driving in rush hour and not enough physical activity surely contributed to this.
Tomorrow I pledge to spend some time outside in nature for part of the day. The colours, especially the various greens, the smell of Lavender and Jasmine by the garden door and the lu...sh textures of plants cascading into each other in my garden set my senses alight.
Being outdoors in nature rebalances me; when I've been indoors for too long I yearn for the freedom of fresh air around my body. For me, relaxing in this beautiful weather is meditative and restorative. I know it is so important, yet I only remember that when I have missed it.
This headache is a signal for me: To pledge to spend some time outdoors, enjoying nature each day.
#getoutdoorseveryday #walkingmeditation #naturemeditation #backtonature #lovegardening #ilovemygarden #NLP #somatic #kinaesthetic #VAK #learningstyles #cognitivehypnotherapy #hypnotherapy #dailypractices #dailygratitude #dailyintentions #journalingprompts #healthyhabitsofmind #healthyliving #welllbeing #mothernature #thebeautyofnature
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I have been starting the day with The Gassho Prayer for a few months now, which is a simple and beautiful way to set out some intentions for the day ahead. It is part of Reiki healing which I studied with @katie_c_uk. There are many variations, but the one I say goes like this:
Just for today I will not worry... Just for today I will not anger Just for today I will be grateful Just for today I will work hard Just for today I will be kind to myself and every living thing
It is so much more manageable to do things 'just for today'. 👉How do you set your intentions for the day? #gasshoprayer #dailypractice #dailygratitude #journalingprompts #meditation #meditationcourse #cognitivehypnotherapy #hypnotherapy #nlp #nlpcoaching #NLP #Reiki #Reiki principles #healthyhabitsofmind #mentalwellbeing #feelinggrounded #innerpeace
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A LETTER to my younger self
If I could give my younger self some words of wisdom today, they would go something like this: * Keep up with your piano lessons * Don't worry so much about trying to impress friends * Be more gentle/less smothering with your pets... * Ask your teacher to explain long division again * Read the whole book... it makes it easier * Go to bed at a reasonable time - you need sleep to grow * Enjoy the time you spend with your mum and dad * Ask more questions * Stand up to bullies and realise that they are unhappy in themselves * Keep your old school books, drawings and diaries * Make the most of your free time * Enjoy meeting lots of different people * Take a few more risks * Get more involved in university life * Be your own person and speak your mind more often * Realise that you are beautiful * Know that you are loved * Understand that your parents really do want the best for you 👉 I challenge you to write a letter to your younger self. Please share your favourite piece of advice, I'd love to read it!
#innerchild #youngerself #cognitivehypnotherapy #hypnotherapy #nlp #nlpcoaching #skypehypnotherapy #lettertomyyoungerself #journalingprompts #selfdevelopment #perceptualpositionsnlp #reflectingonlifechoices
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Quite often the work I do with clients to help them overcome issues they are facing now, have their roots in childhood. It makes sense to me, that we we are now, is an accumulation of so many life experiences, circumstances and choices; filtered through our beliefs and values, seen through our eyes in the present.
Often a niggling feeling or even a strong belief which is holding us back, can be traced back to early experiences in life. By workin...g on the roots of a plant, changing the compost, adding nutrients, re-potting and changing position, as well as thinning out and removing dead leaves and flowers - you give the plant the best conditions in which to thrive. You might even find some seeds in the process.
#cognitivehypnotherapy #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapyenfield #skypehypnotherapy #nlpcoaching #nlp #innerchild #innerchildcomingout #innerchildtherapy #youngerself #healinginnerchild #therapyforloss #therapyforanxiety #mentalwellbeing #thequestinstitute #qchpa #evidencebasedtherapy #stressrelief
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CONSTRAINTS Succulents are amongst my favourite plants as I just love their simplicity. They are self-sufficient and beautiful, simple yet full of infinite possibilities.
Looking at this photo made me think of the phrase 'less is more'. I also thought of the times when I have had constraints - as opposed to possibilities and opportunities. These times have always made me more creative because I have had to create choices where I could not previously see them. The teacher in ...me knows that giving a child a challenge with a few constraints built in, pushes them to create their best work.
When you live with constraints, whatever they may be, seeing a new positive perspective can encourage you to try things you may not have otherwise considered, and to create new options and possibilities for yourself.
#cognitivehypnotherapy #hypnotherapyenfield #hypnotherapy #newperspectives #skypehypnotherapy #lifecoaching #perceptualpositionsnlp #nlpcoaching #nlp #livingwithchronicillness #chronicillnesses #autoimmunedisease #createyourlife #thequestinstitute #qchpa #succulents
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Fight - Flight - Freeze RESPONSE
Today I was reminded of something I know and understand very well. I am of those people who can seem cool on the outside, but inside my stress response is a well-oiled machine (my nearest and dearest know this side too btw)! Sometimes when I feel under pressure - time pressure in particular, I can almost feel my body flooding with adrenaline. My neck and shoulders tense up and I feel panicky. I now know how to combat this response very quickl...y - there is no immediate threat; I don't need to fight, flee or freeze - so I just take several long deep breaths... in through the nose, out through the mouth, with the in-breath longer than the out-breath. I count 7 on the in-breath, 11 on the out-breath and have a 1 second pause in between full cycles. Very quickly the comfort and relaxation response kicks in, and I am in control again. Today I was also able to lie down and stretch as well which really helped, and my son joined me for a cuddle, which added the love drug Oxytocin to the mix, speeding up the relaxation response! I teach tailored meditation courses in small groups and one to one so you can learn exactly what works for you.
#cognitivehypnotherapy #hypnotherapyforstress #meditationteacher #hypnotherapy #skypemeditation #skypehypnotherapy #meditationcourse #stressrelief #fightflightfreeze #combatstress #stressresponse
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INSIGHTS When I'm trying to work something out, especially when I don't already have a gut feeling about it, I need to think and ponder over it in a forced way. I almost say 'Okay, let's think about this.' Then I try out different options until I find a solution. If I can't find a solution, I sleep on it or come back to it later. Usually my gut will then back up my idea and I'll have my solution.
This is an important and useful skill in everyday life, but when it comes to lo...oking deeper within for insights, I find I have to wait for them to emerge when they are ready. Often I have to wait until I am in a relaxed enough state to receive and read those insights.This is one of the reasons I love holidays so much - the combination of relaxation, sleep, good food, family time and creating lovely happy memories together leaves me all the more open to insights.
Today I realised that as I'm getting older, it's so lovely to feel more free, and to feel happy just being myself. #cognitivehypnotherapy #hypnotherapy #lifecoaching #qchpa #thequestinstitute #evidencebasedtherapy #innervoice #connectingtoyourself #deepinsights #knowthyself #solutionbasedtherapy #restoreandrecharge #holidaysaregoodforyoursoul
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MUSIC There is nothing in this world that can change my mood, or my state, like music. Hearing is the sense that works really well from when we're first born; the others take time to develop. It's the sense that continues to work while we're asleep (to keep us safe from harm) - which us why it's okay if you fall asleep, whilst listening to a hypnosis recording. Music changes the dynamics of a situation, provides a backdrop and adds so much feeling to different times and plac...es. I do like silence too; and I like quiet music as well as loud. If you're feeling a bit meh, no reason why, just not your normal self, try playing your favourite music and see if that lifts your spirits. It very rarely doesn't work for me. What song or style of music cheers you up every time?
#hypnotherapywinchmorehill #cognitivehypnotherapy #skypehypnotherapy #lifecoaching #musicfeedsmysoul #liftyourspirits #happymusic #nlp #myhappypplace #tidalplaylists
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It's Monday again. I often have the 'where did the time go?' feeling when my alarm goes off at the start of another busy week.
To help me reframe my time, I am going to think of 3 things I want to achieve by the end of this week, and I invite you to join me.
... They could be work-related, to do with your personal or family life or one of those niggly admin jobs that are boring, but need doing.
Imagine that it's already Friday and that you are reflecting on these three things that you are proud you achieved this week... thus turning your goals into something you have already done. This forward visualisation uses an 'as if' way of thinking - as if you have already achieved it. Your brain perceives the elation and relief you wil feel once those goals are achieved, and compels you to do them!
#nlpcoaching #nlpinaction #cognitivehypnotherapy #evidencebasedtherapy #visualisation #goalsetting #timemanagement #lifecoaching #startwiththeendinmind #visualiseyourgoals
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PAIN CONTROL On a recent flight, the pilot very kindly said that any child who wanted to visit the captain and see the flight deck was welcome to. This was as exciting for me as it was for my child - to see the many lights, switches, knobs and controls. Alongside the tech, I was pleased to see a very low-tech ring binder... something that's very easy for me to understand! It was a thrilling experience and my little one talked about it for hours afterwards. It put me in mind ...of a hypnotherapy #paincontrol technique. Just imagine a control centre - it could be something like the picture, or your own version and imagine that you have access to all of the switches you need to turn a pain up or down, or better still, off completely.
By utilising your brain's capacity to visualise, you can recreate experiences; you can make them better or worse. In most cases, we wish to make our experience better. I can help you learn to change, improve and reduce your experience of pain, by using your mind.
#hypnotherapy #cognitivehypnotherapy #hypnotherapyforpain #painrelief #paincontrol #chronicillnesses #chronicpain #autoimmunedisease #hypnobirthing #confidentchildbirth #thequestinstitute #qchpa #visualisation #hypnosisforpain
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I often read and hear about mindfulness nowadays in books, on television, from therapists and increasing from doctors. If you're not sure exactly what it is, I usually think of mindfulness as awareness - being aware of your surroundings, and how you are physically experiencing the world. If your thoughts are becoming increasingly negative, getting stronger or becoming overwhelming, practising mindfulness can help you. It can distract you in that very moment, and a...s you practise a little everyday, your brain develops new, healthier ways of processing those thoughts and feelings. Try it now: *Look around. What can you see that takes your mind off the problem? * What sounds can you hear which could distract you? *What can you feel physically which feels better? You can try moving your body around (this is brilliant at helping you break your state). *What can you taste or smell in this moment?
Focus on the sensory feedback which makes you feel better in that moment, while taking deep breaths.
By focusing on your senses, you force your brain into your body and out of your head... which can be very useful when you mind is anxious or overwhelmed.
Have you ever tried these techniques or do you practise regularly? I would love to hear your experiences of #mindfulness.
#sensoryawareness #beingmindfulandaware #cognitivehypnotherapy #talkingtherapy #evidencebasedtherapy #stressrelief #stressedandanxious #thequestinstitute #qchpa #hypnotherapyforanxiety #panicattacks #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation #meditationclass
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Relationships are all about how well one person communicates with another and how that person responds in return. By continuing to relate and respond between you, you form a relationship.
In his book 'Lovebirds' Trevor Silvester of The Quest Institute says that most people who break up, do so because they can no longer communicate well with each other and cannot get along; not because they don't care for each other anymore.
... If your relationship has lost direction, or it is not how it used to be, I can help you take a step back and work towards improving your communication and the quality of your relationship.
You can even influence other people directly by how you behave. So if you want to work on a relationship with someone who cannot or will not come to therapy sessions, you can still make huge changes by coming along yourself. By gaining a new perspective on your relationship, you can go back in, ready to make important changes and improvements.
#relationships #cognitivehypnotherapy #talkingtherapy #relationshiptherapy #thequestinstitute #qchpa #relationshipcoaching #fixmyrelationship #evidencebasedtherapy
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LISTENING to your body
Lots of people I speak to who manage a #chronicillness, whilst doing all of the other things they do, say that when they feel well, they are so excited, that they keep going and going... and forget to stop and take a break. After that, they could be lucky enough to get away with it, or could suffer the inevitable crash, with a flare-up of symptoms.
I work with clients to help them work out this fine balancing act; learning how much to push, and when to ...release. Sometimes, just acknowledging how much you need to modify your lifestyle is a first step. Building in rest-days during a holiday or responding to the signs of a flare, can prevent things going awry.
Today I am listening to my body and enjoying a long-awaited rest, pottering in the house, having completed a work-load marathon.
#selfcare #worklifebalance #restreviverejuvenate #psoriaticarthritis #pacingyourselfiskey #pacing #diseasemanagement #chronicillnesses #painmanagement #autoimmune #spoonie #thespoontheory #restdays #autoimmunedisease #flareupsymptoms
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JOURNALING I have recently spoken to a few clients about the benefits of writing down thoughts regularly, as a means to feel good rather than as an aide-memoir. They have told me how good it feels to get ideas onto paper; how some thoughts that come out are unexpected, and how people feel a sense of release by writing words on a page.
It feels like a while since I've had a regular practise like this to declutter my head and refocus. I made a start today and am looking forward... to embedding the habit during my holiday next week. Watch this space for insights!
#journal #journaling #streamofconsciousness #threegifts #reflectingongoals #bulletjournal #reflectingonlife #fiveminutesinthemorning #writingforpleasure #writingprompts #journalprompts #writinginspiration #writingtherapy
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PHOBIAS first session of the day is about helping a child with a phobia. Phobias are fears which are usually irrational, but despite that knowledge, they can become so strong that they become debilitating. Sometimes it is very clear where the phobia stems from, other times it is not so obvious. For most people the unconscious mind is responding to a stimulus, so it's hard to deal with the fear using conscious thinking.
The good news is phobias are also one of the simplest i...ssues to heal and recover from using hypnotherapy. Get in touch to find out how to recover from your fears and phobias.
#phobias #hypnotherapyforphobias ##hypnotherapyenfield #cognitivehypnotherapy #evidencebasedtherapy #olliecoaching #ollieandhissuperpowers #hypnotherapyforfears #fearsandphobias
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I am so happy to see that hypnotherapy is becoming more mainstream and accepted by some parts of the medical profession. Chronic pain is one of the many physical symptoms which can be treated and improved with Cognitive Hypnotherapy. I have worked with so many people who have learned to think their way to better health. This article has made me so happy! 😀 http://www.eadt.co.uk/…/suffolk-hospita l-to-offer-hypnother…


I've been reviewing my business year and have lots to be proud of and grateful for. I'm also getting excited about the new products and services I'm launching in 2018!
Do you look back and reflect on your achievements at this time of year? Are you a person who sets goals at the start of a new year? I do both, and I look back at my goals every 6 weeks or so to see how I am doing with them. Being a very kinesthetic person, I tweak them, change them or dump them if they don't feel right. In that way they are more like guidelines than strict rules to stick to, but by thinking about them and writing them down, makes them much more achievable.


With Christmas around the corner, I am pleased to announce that I now have gift vouchers available. If you are struggling to find a gift for a loved one, or are looking for a treat for yourself, look no further!
My one to one meditation teaching session is suitable for beginners, or those with some experience of meditation. After taking a brief history, I will tailor the session to your needs. We meet at my clinic for a one and a half hour personalised session. After the session, you receive one of my meditation downloads and the accompanying PDF booklet so that you can practise at home.
Message me to find out more or to book. You can find out more over at www.zeenatahmedpeto.com


Zeenat is the best therapist I have ever known. Her soft calming voice and her amazing positivity make it a pleasure to have appointments with her. She has helped me make effective plans of what I need to do to make things better for myself. She has great insight and is full of helpful, practical strategies to get yourself back on track.


Zeenat helped me during a stressful time. I would highly recommend her as a fantastic and highly effective hypnotherapist.


I hugely recommend Zeenat, she is amazing, and her treatment helped me get through a very difficult time.

Recently i had to undergo a lot of medical treatment, I was very stressed and as soon as i went to hospital my blood pressure would shoot up.

Zeenat created a hypnotherapy download that I could listen too, this helped me to calm down and to get through my treatment without feeling stressed.

The nurses were amazed how I could sit and listen to my 10 min recording of Zeenat speaking and my blood pressure would drop to a normal level.

I know that without Zeenat's help i would not have been able to get through my treatment and make a good recovery.

I cannot recommend Zeenat enough and would recommend everyone try cognitive hypnotherapy to help with any issues they have.


Zeenat is the best therapist I have ever known. Her soft calming voice and her amazing positivity make it a pleasure to have appointments with her. She has helped me make effective plans of what I need to do to make things better for myself. She has great insight and is full of helpful, practical strategies to get yourself back on track.


Zeenat helped me during a stressful time. I would highly recommend her as a fantastic and highly effective hypnotherapist.


I hugely recommend Zeenat, she is amazing, and her treatment helped me get through a very difficult time.

Recently i had to undergo a lot of medical treatment, I was very stressed and as soon as i went to hospital my blood pressure would shoot up.

Zeenat created a hypnotherapy download that I could listen too, this helped me to calm down and to get through my treatment without feeling stressed.

The nurses were amazed how I could sit and listen to my 10 min recording of Zeenat speaking and my blood pressure would drop to a normal level.

I know that without Zeenat's help i would not have been able to get through my treatment and make a good recovery.

I cannot recommend Zeenat enough and would recommend everyone try cognitive hypnotherapy to help with any issues they have.


Zeenat is the best therapist I have ever known. Her soft calming voice and her amazing positivity make it a pleasure to have appointments with her. She has helped me make effective plans of what I need to do to make things better for myself. She has great insight and is full of helpful, practical strategies to get yourself back on track.


Zeenat helped me during a stressful time. I would highly recommend her as a fantastic and highly effective hypnotherapist.


I hugely recommend Zeenat, she is amazing, and her treatment helped me get through a very difficult time.

Recently i had to undergo a lot of medical treatment, I was very stressed and as soon as i went to hospital my blood pressure would shoot up.

Zeenat created a hypnotherapy download that I could listen too, this helped me to calm down and to get through my treatment without feeling stressed.

The nurses were amazed how I could sit and listen to my 10 min recording of Zeenat speaking and my blood pressure would drop to a normal level.

I know that without Zeenat's help i would not have been able to get through my treatment and make a good recovery.

I cannot recommend Zeenat enough and would recommend everyone try cognitive hypnotherapy to help with any issues they have.

More about Zeenat Ahmed-Peto Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Zeenat Ahmed-Peto Cognitive Hypnotherapy is located at 925 Green Lanes, N21 2PB London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -