Zen Washoku

Monday: 12:00 - 23:00
Tuesday: 12:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 23:00
Friday: 12:00 - 23:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 23:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 16:00

About Zen Washoku

ZEN Washoku is a Japanese restaurant. We do authentic Japanese food and provide the best service while service charge is completely absent on the bill.

Zen Washoku Description

ZEN Washoku is a Japanese restaurant. We do authentic Japanese food and provide the best service while service charge is completely absent on the bill.



Another chance to win your discount coupons!!!ūüŹ≥ÔłŹ‚ÄćūüĆąūüŹ≥ÔłŹ‚ÄćūüĆąūüŹ ≥ÔłŹ‚ÄćūüĆąūüŹ≥ÔłŹ‚ÄćūüĆąūüŹ≥ÔłŹ‚ÄćūüĆąū üŹ≥ÔłŹ‚ÄćūüĆąūüŹ≥ÔłŹ‚ÄćūüĆąūüŹ≥ÔłŹ‚ÄćūüĆ ąūüŹ≥ÔłŹ‚ÄćūüĆąūüŹ≥ÔłŹ‚ÄćūüĆą


3-year anniversary!! ťĀéŚéĽ„ĀģšłČŚĻīťĖď„ÄĀÁöÜśßė„ĀģŤĒ≠„Āß„ÄĀŤ™ †„ĀꜥüŤ¨Ě„Āó„Ā¶„Āä„āä„Āĺ„ĀôÔľĀ „Āď„āĆ„Āč„āČ„āāŚģú„Āó„ĀŹ„Āäť°ė„ĀĄÁĒ≥„Āóšł ä„Āí„Āĺ„ĀôÔľĀ


The winners in the game


Features of the marble-game challengers


ŤÜ≥ŚíĆť£üšłČŚĎ®ŚĻīŤ®ėŚŅĶ„ā≠„É£„É≥„Éö„Éľ„É ≥„Āģ„ĀäÁü•„āČ„Āõ ZEN Washoku 3-year Anniversary Campaign
„ÄÄ„ĀäÁģł„āíšĹŅ„Ā£„Āü„ā≤„Éľ„Ɇ„ĀęśąźŚäü„Ā ô„āč„Ā®„ÄĀŚČ≤ŚľēŚął„āí„Éó„ɨ„āľ„É≥„ÉąÔľĀ Win DISCOUNT COUPONS with your chopstick skills!!
... „ÄÄśó•śú¨„Āß„ĀĮ„ÄĀŤ™į„āā„ĀĆŚįŹ„Āē„ĀĄť†É„Ā ę„ĀäÁģł„ĀģšĹŅ„ĀĄśĖĻ„āíÁ∑īÁŅí„Āó„Āüšļč„ĀĆ „Āā„āč„Ā®śÄĚ„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„Äā„ĀäÁģł„āíšĹŅ„ĀÜ„ Āď„Ā®„ĀĮśó•śú¨„Āģť£üŚćď„Āę„Āä„ĀĄ„Ā¶„Ā®„Ā ¶„āāťá捶Ā„Ā™„Āď„Ā®„Āß„Āô„Äā„Āď„ĀģťĀ†„ĀĄ śĚĪ„ĀģŚõĹ„ĀģśĖáŚĆĖ„ā휹τÄÖ„ĀĮŤ™á„āä„Āęś ÄĚ„Ā£„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„Äā It is common knowledge that chopsticks play a very important role in Japanese dining culture. Our children are trained to use chopsticks at a very young age. East Asian populations take great pride in their ability to expertly manipulate their chopsticks!
„ÄÄ2018ŚĻīÔľĖśúąÔľĖśó•ÔľąśįīԾȄÄĀ„ĀäÁģł„ Āģ„ā≤„Éľ„Ɇ„Āę„ÉĀ„É£„ɨ„É≥„āł„Āó„Ā¶„ĀŅ„Ā ĺ„Āõ„āď„ĀčÔľü „Éę„Éľ„Éę„ĀĮ„Ā®„Ā¶„āāÁį°Śćė„Āß„Āô„ÄĀ10Áßí „ĀģťĖď„Āß„ĀäÁģł„āíšĹŅ„Ā£„Ā¶„Éď„ÉľÁéČ„āíŚ ô®„Āč„āČŚô®„Āł„Ā®Á߼Śčē„Āē„Āõ„āč„Ā†„ĀĎ„Ā ß„Āô„Äā‚ÄĽŚĹďŚļó„āĻ„āŅ„ÉÉ„Éē„ĀĮŤč¶śą¶„Āó „Āĺ„Āó„Āü‚ĶԾąÔľĺOÔľĺÔľČ
6th-Jun-2018, Wed., is the chance to put your chopstick skills to the test!
The rules are very simple ‚Äď retrieve as many glass marbles as you can from the water using your chopsticks. You only have 10 seconds for small marbles and 30 seconds for the big one!
10Áß횼•ŚÜÖ„ĀęŚįŹ„Éď„ÉľÁéČšłÄŚÄč„Āę„Ā§„Āć „ÄĀ20ÔľÖ„ā™„Éē„ĀģŚČ≤ŚľēŚął„āíŤīąŚĎą„Āó„Ā ĺ„ĀôÔľĀ 30Áß횼•ŚÜÖ„Āꌧ߄Éď„ÉľÁéČ„ā≤„ÉÉ„Éą„Āß„ÄĀ „Ā™„āď„Ā®50ÔľÖ„ā™„Éē„ĀģŚČ≤ŚľēŚął„āíŤīąŚĎ ąÔľĀ ONE small marble = ONE 20%-off coupon ONE big marble = ONE 50%-off coupon
ŚĻī„ĀꚳČļ¶ťôź„āä„Āģ„ā§„Éô„É≥„Éą„ÄĀŚ•ģ„Ā £„Ā¶„ĀĒŚŹāŚä†šłč„Āē„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āõ‚ÄľÔłé
*Conditions* - You will have to spend minimum £6.00 (each person) at ZEN Washoku. - One person can only have one chance to win.
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Á≤ĺťÄ≤śĖôÁźÜ„ā≠„É£„É≥„Éö„Éľ„É≥ÔľĀ Japanese Buddhist VEGAN CAMPAIGN!!! To celebrate Vesak (Buddha‚Äôs Birthday)we launch Shojin Ryori Campaign at the moment!! 30% OFF or more!!!
Shojin Ryori is Japanese Buddhist cuisine. It has to meet two main principles ‚ÄĒ- 1. No five pungent spices (onions, chives, garlics, and etc. 2. No animal ingredients! ... This promotion is available the whole of May (except weekend)
Shojin Shojin Shojin Shojin
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Mapo Doufu (Tofu)‚ÄĚ is a kind of well-known and popular Chinese dish in both England and Japan. Based on the recipe of Mapo Doufu, Japanese people also invented Mapo Nasu (aubergine) and Mapo Harusam√© (bean vermicelli). Ironically, 90% of Japanese people believe the latter two dishes are authentic Chinese food and very popular amongst most of Chinese communities. In fact, NO!! They may get disappointed if they discuss these two dishes with Chinese people because Chinese peopl...e totally have no idea about these two dishes... Anyhow, today we mixed Mapo Nasu and Mapo Harusam√© as our staff meal!! ***‚ÄĚMapo‚ÄĚ is pronounced as ‚ÄúMńĀbŇć‚ÄĚ in Japanese ***
šł≠ŤŹĮśĖôÁźÜ„ĀģťļĽŚ©ÜŤĪÜŤÖź„ĀĮ„ā§„āģ„É™„ā Ļ„āĄśó•śú¨„Āß„āā„āą„ĀŹÁü•„āČ„āĆ„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ „Āô^_^ śó•śú¨„Āß„ĀĮ„ÄĀťļĽŚ©ÜŤĆĄŚ≠ź„āĄťļĽŚ©Üśė•ťõ ®„ĀĆśīĺÁĒüśĖôÁźÜ„Āģ„āą„ĀÜ„Āęť£üŚćď„Āęšł¶ „Ā≥„Āĺ„Āô„Äā „Āď„ĀģśĖôÁźÜ„ĀĆśú¨ś†ľÁöĄ„Ā™šł≠ŤŹĮśĖôÁźÜ„Ā ®„Āó„Ā¶šł≠ŤŹĮŚúŹ„ĀßśôģŚŹä„Āó„Ā¶„ĀĄ„āč„Ā® „ÄĀśĀź„āČ„ĀŹ90%„ĀŹ„āČ„ĀĄ„Āģśó•śú¨šļļ„ĀĆś ÄĚ„Ā£„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„ÄāŚģü„ĀĮ„ÄĀťĀē„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Ā ôÔľĀ šł≠ŤŹĮŚúŹ„ĀģśĖĻ„Āę„Ā®„Ā£„Ā¶„ÄĀ„Āď„ĀģšļĆ„Ā §„ĀģśĖôÁźÜ„ĀĮšł≠ŤŹĮśĖôÁźÜ„Āß„ĀĮ„Āā„āä„Āĺ „Āõ„āďÔľĀ „Ā®„āä„Āā„Āą„Āö„ÄĀŤÜ≥ŚíĆť£üšĽäśó•„ĀģŤ≥Ą„Ā Ą„ĀĮťļĽŚ©Üśė•ťõ®„Ā®ťļĽŚ©ÜŤĆĄŚ≠ź„Āģ„Éü„ÉÉ „āĮ„āĻ„Āß„ÄĀ„āĻ„āŅ„ÉÉ„ÉēťĀĒ„ĀĆÁĺéŚĎ≥„Āó„ ĀŹť†ā„Āć„Āĺ„Āó„ĀüÔľĀ(^O^) #JapaneseFood #ZENWashoku #ŤÜ≥ŚíĆť£ü
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Mapo Doufu (Tofu)‚ÄĚ is a kind of well-known and popular Chinese dish in both England and Japan. Based on the recipe of Mapo Doufu, Japanese people also invented Mapo Nasu (aubergine) and Mapo Harusam√© (bean vermicelli). Ironically, 90% of Japanese people believe the latter two dishes are authentic Chinese food and very popular amongst most of Chinese communities. In fact, NO!! They may get disappointed if they discuss these two dishes with Chinese people because Chinese peopl...e totally have no idea about these two dishes... Anyhow, today we mixed Mapo Nasu and Mapo Harusam√© as our staff meal!! ***‚ÄĚMapo‚ÄĚ is pronounced as ‚ÄúMńĀbŇć‚ÄĚ in Japanese ***
šł≠ŤŹĮśĖôÁźÜ„ĀģťļĽŚ©ÜŤĪÜŤÖź„ĀĮ„ā§„āģ„É™„ā Ļ„āĄśó•śú¨„Āß„āā„āą„ĀŹÁü•„āČ„āĆ„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ „Āô^_^ śó•śú¨„Āß„ĀĮ„ÄĀťļĽŚ©ÜŤĆĄŚ≠ź„āĄťļĽŚ©Üśė•ťõ ®„ĀĆśīĺÁĒüśĖôÁźÜ„Āģ„āą„ĀÜ„Āęť£üŚćď„Āęšł¶ „Ā≥„Āĺ„Āô„Äā „Āď„ĀģśĖôÁźÜ„ĀĆśú¨ś†ľÁöĄ„Ā™šł≠ŤŹĮśĖôÁźÜ„Ā ®„Āó„Ā¶šł≠ŤŹĮŚúŹ„ĀßśôģŚŹä„Āó„Ā¶„ĀĄ„āč„Ā® „ÄĀśĀź„āČ„ĀŹ90%„ĀŹ„āČ„ĀĄ„Āģśó•śú¨šļļ„ĀĆś ÄĚ„Ā£„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„ÄāŚģü„ĀĮ„ÄĀťĀē„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Ā ôÔľĀ šł≠ŤŹĮŚúŹ„ĀģśĖĻ„Āę„Ā®„Ā£„Ā¶„ÄĀ„Āď„ĀģšļĆ„Ā §„ĀģśĖôÁźÜ„ĀĮšł≠ŤŹĮśĖôÁźÜ„Āß„ĀĮ„Āā„āä„Āĺ „Āõ„āďÔľĀ „Ā®„āä„Āā„Āą„Āö„ÄĀŤÜ≥ŚíĆť£üšĽäśó•„ĀģŤ≥Ą„Ā Ą„ĀĮťļĽŚ©Üśė•ťõ®„Ā®ťļĽŚ©ÜŤĆĄŚ≠ź„Āģ„Éü„ÉÉ „āĮ„āĻ„Āß„ÄĀ„āĻ„āŅ„ÉÉ„ÉēťĀĒ„ĀĆÁĺéŚĎ≥„Āó„ ĀŹť†ā„Āć„Āĺ„Āó„ĀüÔľĀ(^O^) #Japanese food #ZENWashoku #ŤÜ≥ŚíĆť£ü
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As a professional Japanese caterer, we not only make delicate sushi, but also delicate fruit salad! This is made by our new Japanese chef assistant Misako-san. śöĖ„Āč„ĀĄŚ≠£ÁĮÄ„āíŚĺÖ„Ā°ťĀ†„Āó„ĀŹśĄü„Āė„Ā ĺ„Āô„Ā≠„ÄĀ„Āď„Ā°„āČ„ĀĮ„Éē„Éę„Éľ„ÉĄ„ĀģÁõõ „ā䌟ą„āŹ„Āõ„Āß„ĀôūüėäśíģŚĹĪŚĺĆ„ĀĮ„āĻ„āŅ „ÉÉ„Éē„ĀĆÁĺéŚĎ≥„Āó„ĀŹť†ā„Āć„Āĺ„Āó„ĀüÔľĀū üćī


ZEN Washoku Cooking Class
- What you will be taught ÔĀģ Sushi * Mixing right ratio of vinegar to sushi rice properly... * Nigiri Different types of Nigiri, such as INARI bean curd parcel and GUNKANMAKI fleet 12 flavours, 3 vegetarians and 9 types of seafood. * Temaki (Hand Rolls) Vegetarian + Chicken Katsu
- Cost ÔĀģ It‚Äôs ¬£65 for a two-hour session, including all the ingredients.
- Enjoy your food! You can enjoy your sushi straightaway or take it home to share with your family or flatmates!! Bring your own containers if possible.
- Venue At ZEN Washoku Japanese restaurant: Unit 30, Nags Head Market, 22, Seven sisters road Holloway, London N7 6AG
- Date and time 28th/Nov/2017„ÄÄTuesday 16:00 - 18:00
- How to register? Please come to ZEN Washoku and put your name down. Please kindly pay the full amount when registering!
For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0772 376 8889 or follow us: www.facebook.com/zenwashoku
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Ś†īśČÄ ŤÜ≥ŚíĆť£ü„ĀģŚļóŤąó„Āߍ°Ć„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„ÄāUnit 30, Nags Head Market, 22, Seven sisters road Holloway, London N7 6AG
śó•śôā šļĆ„Äᚳ̳ɌĻīŚćĀšłÄśúąšļĆŚćĀŚÖęśó•ÔľąÁĀ ęÔľČ ŚćąŚĺĆŚõõśôā„Āč„āČŚÖ≠śôā„Āĺ„Āß
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As the owner of ZEN Washoku is brought up in Taiwan (Republic of China), the National Flag of Republic of China was hung up in this Japanese shop to celebrate the National Day, 10-Oct. (called Double-Ten Day. This date is actually celebrated in remembrance of the Chinese Revolution in 1911, the year the last Chinese Imperial regime was toppled. Unfortunately this National Day is no longer celebrated in Mainland China since the Communist Party established "People's Republic of... China" in 1949, which is also the year the democratic regime, Republic of China, completely moved to Taiwan island. This Double-Ten Day therefore remains celebrated in Taiwan every year. Ironically, in 1911, the Chinese Revolution, Taiwan was a part of Japanese territory until 1946, the year Japan was defeated in World War II and Taiwan was ceded back to China.
Anyhow, let bygones be bygones. History is history. The fact is, Nowadays there are 2 Chinas in the world; ##People's Republic of China - the communist regime in Mainland China. ##Republic of China - the democratic regime in Taiwan island.
šł≠ŤŹĮśįĎŚõĹ Ť™ēÁĒüśó•„Āä„āĀ„Āß„Ā®„ĀÜūüéČūüéä šłáś≠≥šłá„ÄÖś≠≥
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Ready for the day.


Just uploaded our new menu. Hope it will give you a better idea of our food. :) click on https://goo.gl/5KT8bA


Zen Washoku was basically the owner's one-man show. Now the restaurant is bigger, and he has to manage and make sure the same quality of food and service delivered by all staffs. It's truly a new adventure! :) Again, thanks to all our dearest friends and customers.


We have used up all the decorations we have for our new place ūüėĪ, still some improvements to be made to get nicer. ūü§Ē


We open till 23:00 on every Friday and Saturday. :)


Imo Katsu available on Friday. Fried sweet potatoes coated in Japanese bread crumbles


Heavy Saturday brunch is coming!


Ś§ßśĄõÔĹěÔĹ썶™ŚąáśļęśöĖԾƝ£üÁČ©ÁöĄśļęŚļ ¶ŚįĪŤÉĹŚĺěŤÄĀťóÜŚíĆŚ§•šľīśĄüŚŹóÁöĄŚąį„Äā You don‚Äôt actually need to go to central or somewhere touristy for having Japanese food in London. Here is the best!


great food and the ŤÄĀťóÜ is really ÁÜĪśÉÖÔľĀÔľĀÔľĀÔľĀ


Well worth a visit and then another and another.


We were on our way to a different restaurant only to find out it was closed, this turned out to be our lucky day as we checked Google maps and found ourselves directed here.

My partner and I arrived very hungry and ordered a Bento box each, the Kara-age was light and delicious and the least greasy I had ever tasted and my partners Teryiaki Salmon was great too.

At this point we thought the sushi set might have been a mistake but when it arrived it looked so appetizing that we wolfed it down.

Definitely some of, if not the, best sushi I have eaten in London.

We will definitely be returning and recommending Zen Washoku to our friends.


Superb food and lovely people.


One of my favorite places in London. Unique, authentic, great quality, great service and great taste! I've been going for over a year and the chef always treats me and my friends with care and familiarity, so we always want to come back.

I just tried the new menu and they have added amazing dishes such as my all-time favorite chicken karaage!

Go and try it for yourself if you get the chance!


Me and my partner found this place today by chance, while we were wondering around the market, and couldn¬īt resist to try the menu. It's a little cozy place full of details and the chef is very caharming. We tried the miso soup and sushi set and we loved it. The portions are very generous and the sushi was super fresh. For dessert we had the black sesame pudding and it was amazing. We'll definetly come back for more.


Just stumbled upon this place on a Saturday mooch around town. Amazingly fresh sushi, cute little restaurant and the staff are so friendly! Definitely coming here again


I've never eaten Japanese food like this place. This place is the best Japanese food place ever in my life!!!


I've just been here for the second time and will definitely DEFINITELY come back soon! Fantastic food - the Donburi was delicious with just the right egg consistency and Shu is super friendly. It clearly gets a lot of repeat business.


I've been coming to this place ever since I came across it, so that alone should tell you that this place has amazing food with affordable prices.


Hidden gem in North London. Do try their aubergine, agedashi tofu, chicken teriyaki and home made sesame pudding!




Delicious, fresh, authentic and amazing service. One of those real hidden little gems in London.


Best sushi in London! Humble, friendly owner and staff. The food is absolute perfection. I am so proud of Zen, they have been growing steadily from a 1 table small stall in a market to charming little restaurant and I feel so lucky to have discovered them! Everything here is made with skill and love!


Best sushi I have had in London so far, good atmosphere too. Had a great time and strongly recommend!


Amazing sushi from a really lovely chef, and for a great price.

I'm not sure what the 1 star review below is about to be honest, my nigiri set was incredible, and the soy sauce isn't even made there, it's the regular branded bottle you'll get anywhere. As for the lack of tuna, there are notices in a few areas of the restaurant saying that this is because there are no sustainable places left to buy tuna that they have found, so they won't be buying any in until they find one.

In any case, we'll be back soon for sure!


Nice, small, and informal ambient, super kind owner, great food, all hidden in the small Nag's head market...


My son Neo is a regular customer here and LOVES the Sushi. He is in no doubt that they make the best Sushi in North London!

More about Zen Washoku

Zen Washoku is located at Unit 30, Nags Head Market, 22, Seven Sisters Road, Holloway, N7 6 London, United Kingdom
Monday: 12:00 - 23:00
Tuesday: 12:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 23:00
Friday: 12:00 - 23:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 23:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 16:00