Zero Gravity

About Zero Gravity

Determined to reach a top uni or help others get there? Join our community and get ready to defy gravity.



Can mentor schemes turn the tables and help state school students scale the ivory towers?
The Telegraph spoke to Sophie Conquest to find out!…/can-mento r-schemes-really-tu…/


Access Oxbridge is featured on the front page of the Yorkshire Post today, discussing how to transform the academic prospects of students in Yorkshire!


Access Oxbridge has engendered a peasants’ revolt according to The Telegraph... 🤔🕺


Listen to our interview with Stephen Nolan on BBC Radio 5Live last night, discussing how technology can transform life chances and how to reform the Oxbridge interview process (scroll to 53:30)! q


“The second one was terrible. We were discussing Mansfield Park and Othello and my mind went blank and the silence seemed to last for ever. The thing that helped keep me going was the fact that Access Oxbridge and Sophie had confidence that I could get in.”
Read about Abigail’s Oxbridge interview journey in The Times and The Sunday Times today, as she explains how Access Oxbridge helped successfully prepare her for the dreaded English unseen poetry interview!…/oxford-gra duate-joe-seddon-off…


Access Oxbridge has helped over 50 students from disadvantaged backgrounds receive offers from Oxford and Cambridge this year! 🚀🚀🚀
There are plenty of incredible articles being published this week - including in The Times and Daily Telegraph - featuring some of our inspiring success stories. Look out in particular for a great interview with the indefatigable Sophie Conquest about how she helped guide her talented mentee Abbie to become the first in her family to go to university, let alone Oxbridge!…/this-oxford-grad-h as-helped-50-disadva…


“There’s no easy way to solve these sorts of issues – a lot of these issues have been entrenched in an education system which has failed a lot earlier than the Oxbridge admissions stage. But that doesn’t mean that the people in charge at universities can abdicate responsibility for making things better and it’s one of the things that really disappointed me”


GREAT NEWS - at least 50 of our Access Oxbridge students have been invited to interview at Oxford and Cambridge next week 👏👏👏 This is only the beginning of our push to transform access to higher education - it all starts here!
Sign up today at


After some technical issues earlier in the week, we have now successfully launched our brand new online matching system!
If you are a mentor, you should have received an email containing your account details and a link to sign in to your Access Oxbridge account. You can then edit your mentor profile, including uploading a profile picture. Our mentees will then be able to view your profile and send you a direct message if they'd like to request your mentorship!
Login to your Access Oxbridge mentor account today at


Access Oxbridge has officially infiltrated Britain's public transport system! Next step: Britain's (publicly-funded) universities! -free-tutoring-…/…/


"Middle class kids and the people at the top – they know how the system works, they know the unofficial rules of the game and that’s a big problem because disadvantaged students don’t know the rules of the game."
Read our interview in The Tab!…/posh-kids-get-priv ate-tutoring-to-get-…


Oxbridge has some of the best student bursaries in the country.
Cambridge: ambridgebursary Oxford:…/und…/fees-and- funding/oxford-support…
... Never let anyone tell you that only the rich can afford to go to Oxbridge.
See More


Access Oxbridge is featured on Humans of Oxford University - check out our post!


Within the past week over 300 mentors have signed up to Access Oxbridge thanks to media coverage in the student press. Thank you to the Oxford and Cambridge community!


Every year Oxbridge offers more places to students from four Home Counties than the whole of Northern England put together.
Access Oxbridge founder Joe Seddon explains how he’s trying to change that in the today’s Yorkshire Post.…/joe-s eddon-oxbridge-s-ivo…


Want to find out how to access Oxbridge? We explain how disadvantaged students can use Freedom of Information requests to find out what they really need to know about Oxbridge admissions. cess-oxbridge-fre…/


Access Oxbridge is officially on the front page of the Cherwell!

More about Zero Gravity

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