Zimbabwe Educational Trust

About Zimbabwe Educational Trust

Supporting Zimbabwean communities to keep children in school and out of poverty (UK Charity No. 327519)

Zimbabwe Educational Trust Description

The Zimbabwe Educational Trust (ZET) was established in 1987 with the aim to improve vital access to education for children in Zimbabwe, particularly orphaned and other vulnerable children. Education offers the best opportunity for children to improve their standard of living and move out of poverty. ZET is a Leeds based charity which sends computers, books and other equipment to an educational centre in Zimbabwe and supports the Trinity Project Trust at a grass-roots level in Zimbabwe. The Trinity Project Trust aims to create an empowered community, free from property grabbing, HIV /AIDS, which respects the right of women and children. Established in 2008, their mission has been to provide free education and support on inheritance and child rights, the implementation of preventative HIV /AIDS programmes and the provision of education, training and support programmes for orphans and other vulnerable youths. ZET’s vision is zero tolerance to the violation of the child’s basic right to education and to unequal educational opportunities within Zimbabwe.

The work ZET does supports the UNESCO Education For All goal and several of the Millennium Development Goals, in particular:

To achieve universal primary education
To promote gender equality and empower women
To combat HIV /AIDS.

http://www. un.org/millenniumgoals /

Education for ALL
http://web. worldbank.org/WBSITE /EXTERNAL /TOPICS /EXTEDUCATION /0, , contentMDK: 20374062~menuPK: 540090~pagePK: 148956~piPK: 216618~theSitePK: 282386, 00. html

Our main supporters include; Leeds City Council, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, the Big Lottery, and the Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust.

More about Zimbabwe Educational Trust

Zimbabwe Educational Trust is located at Ebor Court, Skinner Street, Westgate, LS1 4ND Leeds
+44 0113 3731761